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/lit/ - Literature

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17459506 No.17459506 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you are currently reading or planning to read. (Or, as I know some of you hopeless fools have probably done, bought without any intention of ever reading.)

>> No.17459589
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Good luck on The Dying Grass op! I love vollmann’s shorter stuff like Whores for Gloria, but i get filtered by historical fiction however fictionalized.

>> No.17459681
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Fuck trannies

>> No.17459737

there is nothing more egostatistical than posting your stacks in stack threads. why don't you just read the book rather than post a picture of your stack, watching the thread, waiting to get a (you) for that quick hit of happy chemicals.

>> No.17459782
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>> No.17459790
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>> No.17459798

hooboy someone is committed to being a virgin

>> No.17459810

A truly exceptional and persuasive post. Everyone take heed, this poster will single-handedly reform this board. After this thread dies, there will never be another Stack Thread or Shelf Thread or any other thread in which someone posts a picture of their books. The minds of everyone using this board have been irrevocably changed thanks to this great, thoughtful, and most importantly, steadfast anon. What is his end goal? We simply cannot question it, simply have faith and do as he says. Surely he has enough faith in himself to believe he isn’t just pissing in the ocean, he is truly accomplishing something here. I will remember this day forever, in which the reformation of this board began.

>> No.17459883
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Princeton Review sale books came in the mail

>> No.17459942

Actually some bitches I follow on Instagram

She be real weird


>> No.17459960


>> No.17459977

>can't spell Vollmann

>> No.17459998
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A little birdie told me that stack thread posters are definitely the kind to know how to get a goodreads gf, right?

>> No.17460007

Fuck you faggot

>> No.17460048

What’s wrong with Vollmann? Let’s hear it. Explain in moderate detail. I’m not asking too much.

>> No.17460102


>> No.17460628


>> No.17460643
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>> No.17460770
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I'm hoping to read all of this this year

>> No.17460794

>Yotsuba sandwiched between religionshit and Dostoevsky
Individually, nothing in your stack is cringe. Together it's terrible.

>> No.17460851
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I wasn't really planning on reading Dubliners this year but I saw it and Portrait together and just kind of figured I should go for it.

>> No.17461014

maybe hes learning japanese and take stick from ass

>> No.17461042

Read Dubliners at the end of last year and just bought that Portrait + Dubliners bundle edition a few weeks ago to read Portrait. Go ahead, they're great. Dubliners is a more enjoyable read imo.

>> No.17461969

You got the worst translations of Dosto

>> No.17462018

every translation is the worst translation

>> No.17462149

What exactly is Vollman's problem? Does his counting system start at 500?

>> No.17462182

potato anon

>> No.17462192
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Don't have my phone to take a pic but I'm reading Proust's In Search of Lost Time. I am currently 50% of the way through Swann's Way!

>> No.17462200

Good luck anon. I read Confessions & Crime and Punishment last month, highly recommend it.
My favorite book of the bible is Ecclesiastes, kino shit. I recommend starting with the Gospels if ur gonna read the whole bible.

>> No.17463683

He can't write.

>> No.17463949
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why yes I am an insufferable pseud, how did you know?

>> No.17464131
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>bought without any intention of ever reading.
I just bought these.

>> No.17464143

undergrad detected

>> No.17464197

you're not wrong

>> No.17464778

this is in direct contradiction with the other complaint that he writes too much

>> No.17466189
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>Industrial Society and Its Future
>The Old Farmer's 2021 Almanac

>> No.17466300
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>> No.17466639
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>> No.17466703

Nice to see Moore's masterpiece in this thread!

>> No.17466726

>48 Laws of power

>> No.17466727

Right, and if you need a how to, you're in the wrong thread.

>> No.17466765

>posting other peoples’ stacks
What is the point

>> No.17466768

Why are you laughing?

>> No.17466863

Only fags read vollmann.

>> No.17466891

i'm assuming that's her and she wanted to flex on anon for calling her a virgin. not going to go to the instagram account and verify, because reasons.

>> No.17466930
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What do you think?

>> No.17466957
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>> No.17467012

the diarrhea stained pages really tie the whole composition together

>> No.17467043

Mind giving a front cover picture of that edition of The Recognitions?

>> No.17467278

Most of that list is good desu, but Bryan Caplan is one of the dumbest authors I've read and the fact that he has a tenured job is one of the greatest testaments to how lucrative it is to be a Koch shill.

>> No.17467290
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>> No.17467388

Uh oh retard alert

>> No.17467402

jesus wtf dude

>> No.17467424

Is this a new pic? Seems a lil diff lol

>> No.17467429

Why is everyone responding to this post?

>> No.17467455

>no monster energy can featured prominently
nearly a perfect post.

>> No.17467472
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very based sir

>> No.17467479

>absolute dicklet take
Ngl I come here to find diamonds in the rough. Not everyone is seeking dopamine (you) hits whenever they share.

>> No.17467492
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>> No.17467673
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>> No.17467852

The Monk is great, hope you enjoy it.

>> No.17467872

I'm looking forward to it, I'm going to read it next.

>> No.17468115
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I'm reading eumeswil right now and before that it's mostly been harder philosophy stuff so I'm taking a break and reading some lighter fiction and poetry.

>> No.17468221

>reads a lot of right-wing stuff
>also reads weaponized lies by the jew levitin who thinks pizzagate was a lie and that epstien did nothing wrong

>> No.17469171


>> No.17469172

I've got the magus on my "too-read" collection as well. have fun anon

>> No.17469186

Don't listen to these faggots. Great version of TBK

>> No.17469270
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>> No.17469351
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Wait....... when we do stack threads... are these all the books you guys own? Or just a small portion of them?

>> No.17469441

Cool meme picture :)

>> No.17469769

The only thing worse is a person who types
In a post. Perhaps youd be more comfortable at reddit with the other faggots?

>> No.17469875

I can picture this person perfectly.

>> No.17469918
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Hemingway's books in english are pricey in my shithole country desu.

>> No.17470094

People like you should be deported from your presumably democratic country.

>> No.17470466

it is kind of cringe book desu. But not the worst thing to read imo.

>> No.17470519

Nathanael West rules. I also recommend The Iceman Cometh. Just as good if not better than Long Day’s

>> No.17470520


Damn, that's a fuckton of Occult, Pagan, Jungian-Esque reading right there. Where'd the hell did you find all of this?

>> No.17470545

How is the translation? Hemingway is simple but I imagine it would be hard to really translate his style and control of english into spanish.

>> No.17470723

Wow, you got the worst version