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/lit/ - Literature

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17453289 No.17453289 [Reply] [Original]

was it kino?

>> No.17453300

A thread died for this

>> No.17453301
File: 101 KB, 732x776, redditniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was it kino

>> No.17453311


>> No.17453333

>le soifuc meem

>> No.17453350

just like everything else, /lit/ liked it before it became popular

yeah its a decent read

>> No.17453359

explain nigger

>> No.17453416
File: 936 KB, 255x163, 1607636344120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so its true /lit/ likes actual pozz'd garbage. Back to reading Bearstien bears for us all then.

>> No.17453501

the entire book was basically the author self fellatiating his knowledge of 80s pop culture, if you're from that time or just like 80s nastolgia the book is probably tolerable, as someone that was born in the 90s I found the book to be very boring and didn't care for any of the references. Its very tropey, the premise is an interesting twist on the treasure hunt plotline but it isn't well executed in the slightest.

>> No.17453510

look at that leg

>> No.17453684

Pretty much this. The book runs almost entirely on all the pop culture references Cline makes throughout the novel. If you don’t know or don’t care about that type of stuff, you probably won’t find it very entertaining.

>> No.17453703

I knew nothing about the pop culture references and still enjoyed it nonetheless

>> No.17453732

I prefer the author's "poem" about porn for nerds.

>> No.17453736

>I could name all 151 pokemon (including Mew), I knew every adventure the Rugrats went on, every villian of the week in the original power rangers (originally Super Sentai), I could recite every spell in the Harry Potter books, I knew every time r/unexpectedgimli posted "any my axe!"
>I wasn't going to let anything get in my way

>> No.17453744

>just like everything else, /lit/ liked it before it became popular
Lying is a sin, anon.
Also it’s abhorrently bad, not decent. The kind of person who writes like pic related should have their hands broken to prevent anything more

>> No.17453751

I will dictate my next novel. You can't stop me.

>> No.17453761

this post post irony shit is uninteresting

stop it

>> No.17453764
File: 224 KB, 1200x725, D4D38665-9C19-4C8A-AB26-0138B0728B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17453835
File: 15 KB, 559x423, 8CC96779-16B0-4607-9D37-B4DF0F5E5864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that infodump
>those unnecessary parentheses
>the ridiculous amount of nerd jargon
>“Hey guys, wasn’t the 80’s COOOOOL?”

How the fuck did this get published? I’ve seen fanfiction with better writing than this. And do you have anything else to show? This is honestly kind of funny.

>> No.17453851


Well done

>> No.17453855
File: 392 KB, 2048x1444, E86A6D0C-136F-42AD-88EA-349858B8B00A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s plenty more

>> No.17453862


Lighthearted entertaining read. Bonus points if you’re from that era and are an overall gamerfag.

Do not read Ready Player Two

>> No.17453880


Daemon by Daniel Suarez is way better. It’s like RPO but rated R and it’s AR instead of VR. No gay 80s reference and the main character doesn’t simp over a chick. More rape and murder also.

>> No.17453892
File: 273 KB, 1058x1200, 28CCA6EC-655F-4857-8C5F-20C7CE87767A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, he’s a coomer

>> No.17453902


Dam Z you are the man!

>> No.17453912
File: 379 KB, 1080x1920, EDFE2461-94C3-4906-8A1C-EBF1CD91480E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More badass recognition of pop culture nerd crap, what a hunk.
Ernest Cline apologists are not welcome on /lit/, go back.

>> No.17453925


Not defending him. Rp2 sucked balls and armada was bad too. I’m just not going to jump on the /lit/ bandwagon and bash him for being a redditfag. I liked the story. Cal me a faggot whatever.

>> No.17453928
File: 22 KB, 279x445, CCEC6981-32E7-4391-8070-44D17F0B2564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the NEET written, right-wing version of it.

>> No.17453939
File: 286 KB, 220x142, 3AF6155A-D6CC-458A-AB62-B9C2D54F4855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real pussy slayer, this man.

>> No.17453972
File: 503 KB, 1252x1666, 5C74AFFC-87BE-4C47-B1A3-77E4E0D6EA6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is probably the most infamous segment of the book, this lasts several pages.
>Not defending him.
You describe the book as “a light-hearted and entertaining read” I’ll admit that it’s entertaining, but only in the way that Chris-Chan or the l33tstr33t boys are entertaining. It’s entertaining in that finding someone so lacking in self awareness and willing to publicly humiliate themselves is funny. Saying that the book is not garbage is defending it given how bad it is.
>I’m just not going to jump on the /lit/ bandwagon and bash him for being a redditfag.
Maybe you should jump on the having-a-modicum-of-taste bandwagon and hate him for being a pathetic cringy retard who writes abhorrently.
>I liked the story. Cal me a faggot whatever.
Faggot does not begin to describe the kind of person who likes this book.

>> No.17453975

yes, this and listening to leetstreat boys is the peak of 21st century enlightenment.

>> No.17454017
File: 31 KB, 461x196, 9954FB24-ED35-41BC-92CD-69FF7D49F82A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out theists, Ernest Cline is coming for you next.

>> No.17454028


>wahhh some redditfag is a successful published author and I post on /lit/ about how my taste is so refined.

Can you be a bigger stereotypical faggot?

>> No.17454052

>dude be nice to everyone who’s successful even if every person who isn’t mentally handicapped can see that their “art” is absolute dogshit
This attitude is that of a bigger faggot.
Why do you keep mentioning Reddit? It smells of insecure newfag, your obvious Redditspacing makes me think you’re trolling though.

>> No.17454057

Not him, but being published doesn’t free him from critique. After all, you don’t need to be a chef to know when food tastes off. In fact, being a published work should invite criticism, since it is a product people are buying and they should be free to share opinions on it so as to give potential buyers an idea about what’s in store should they make the purchase.

>> No.17454392

>How the fuck did this get published?
>“Hey guys, wasn’t the 80’s COOOOOL?”

>> No.17454506
File: 94 KB, 1019x659, armada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's his other book, "Armada"

>> No.17454510
File: 111 KB, 1019x759, armada2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17454532

This really is worse than fanfiction

>> No.17454565

not him either,
Its not a jelousy thing, its just as someone who was kinda into this shit which he quotes off, its extremely grading. its like he compiled all of the baseline pop-culture shit people liked but then took the most mind numbingly retarded absolute pile of nothing crap on it. its like he quotes shit just to say that he quoted it. he wouldnt bring up gundam because it was particularly pertinent or how someone who was actually into the fandom would talk, but he did it just so that he could namedrop gundam, You kinda get what im putting down? its like what a 5 year old tries to do to sound cool, being as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle.

>> No.17454687


I shill F Gardner all day and I still hate Ernest Cline. He just feels obnoxious. He looks obnoxious. His book is just a list of 80's references. It's bad, but not an endearing bad like F Gardner. F Gardner tried, Ernest Cline didn't. That's why I hate Ernest Cline. Also I hate the kind of people who like Ernest Cline. The kind of people who like F Gardner have a sophistication to them. They like shilling him more than they like his books. The kind of people who like Ernest Cline are mouth breathers. They actually like his books. The shilling isn't being done for fun. They like remembering some random 80's movie. They don't know the books they're shilling are bad. They can't even tell. In sum I hate Ernest Cline and I hate his books and I hate his fans and you should all read F Gardner (although I haven't yet).

>> No.17454950

>This is not a good time to be wasting our time.
Oh blech

>> No.17454984
File: 39 KB, 236x423, retardanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not a good time to be wasting our time

>> No.17455649

Does Cline actually have any talent apart from referencing pop culture? This is just.... ugh. I bet like half the anons here could write better shit than this.

>> No.17455788

this is hilarious

>> No.17455985
File: 99 KB, 831x1024, 1612142267696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me comfort in my writting skills, thank you for this

>> No.17457117

>I bet like half the anons here could write better shit than this.
The flash fiction and crit threads prove that this is true, the only writings I’ve seen on /lit/ as bad as Ernest Cline’s are schizoposts by ideologically deluded teenagers

>> No.17457165

>my own jaw dropped open like a castle drawbridge

>> No.17457223
File: 88 KB, 828x831, 1606244476595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17457232

No it was kniga and then they made kino

>> No.17457248
File: 110 KB, 960x540, 3FA22D37-525C-447A-85E9-88C5963C4AF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my own jaw dropped open like a castle drawbridge

>> No.17458230
