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/lit/ - Literature

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17452968 No.17452968 [Reply] [Original]

Was Hemingway cringe? I was told he was a Chad.

>> No.17452986

Hemingway is right, but you can't handle the truth.

Having a macho, chauvinistic leader rule over you is like getting cucked

>> No.17452992

Fascism is the gayest political ideology possible

>> No.17452998


>> No.17453073

he's right and chadpilled as fuck.

>> No.17453076
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you didnt suspect anything when he literally supported communists in spanish civil war?

>> No.17453088

But as we all know, writing is just lying, not matter how hard you try its all just a lie. So that must mean facism is the truth? What was Hemmingway trying to say?

>> No.17453100

Fuck off back to /pol/ please.

>> No.17453122

I thought /lit/ and /pol/ were friends.

>> No.17453136
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>he thinks we like /pol/

>> No.17453173
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>> No.17453191

>I believe that all the people who stand to profit by a war and who help provoke it should be shot on the first day it starts by accredited representatives of the loyal citizens of their country who will fight it.

Unfathomably based

>> No.17453207
File: 103 KB, 1280x912, 1611710101435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buddy, he was chad beyond belief.

>> No.17453209

projecting much?

>> No.17453211
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>> No.17453252

Literally a massive faggot

>> No.17453256
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>tfw no Ernest Hemingway best pal to help me with my self-doubt

>> No.17453281

They keep coming here and they need to go back. /lit/ is one of the most left wing boards on this site.

>> No.17453342

>>tfw no Ernest Hemingway best pal to help me with my self-doubt

You have his stories, like Big Two-Hearted River, The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber, and the many life lessons in The Old Man and the Sea.

>> No.17453357

Uh, no, sweaty

>> No.17453457

>Didn't actually serve in WWI, drove a little ambulance instead
>Wounded after literally a month and then went home
>Girlfriend cucks him with a real soldier
>Tries to start fights with people who would beat the shit out of him
>Calls them cowards when they refuse for not wanting to kill him
>Didn't actually fight in Spain either, just wrote propaganda for the nun-rapers
>Spent WWII in the safe company of senior officers
>Fell in love with every woman who gave him a second glance, like an adolescent boy
>Got fat in middle age because he wasn't actually doing anything
>Cheered on Castro's revolution despite it ruining him
>Committed suicide like a coward

Like most overtly masculine authors, Hemingway actually suffered from a debilitating lack of masculinity. It was this contrast between his self-image and the knowledge of his own failings that made his writing the way it was.

>> No.17453540

Projecting images of gay sex into your mind, faggot!

>> No.17453557

not to mention he was a rat working with communist regime (very eagerly)

>> No.17453572

he wasn't a communist himself though

>> No.17453616

>Like most overtly masculine authors, Hemingway actually suffered from a debilitating lack of masculinity. It was this contrast between his self-image and the knowledge of his own failings that made his writing the way it was.
I agree with this interpretation. He reeks of overcompensation. What are some writers who are truly masculine?

>> No.17453649
File: 38 KB, 720x189, Screenshot_2021-02-03 The Thrilling Mind of Wallace Stevens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one does it for me

>> No.17453650

Hemingway was a literally cucked closet case drunk who an heroed.

>> No.17453795

Fascism, from the Italian 'Fascimo,' from the Latin 'fasces,' meaning sticks bundled together, referring to how sticks are individually weak but strong when they come together.
In short, fascism is literally faggotry. You can point to a fascist and say "this is a faggot" and be literally correct.

>> No.17453966

Ernst Junger is the only (modern) one who is the real deal, in my admittedly limited experience. Theodore Roosevelt was obviously not primarily an author but he was a bona fide gigachad madman. There were a lot of guys who served admirably in the World Wars and returned to have literary or academic careers, but beware of any with short records of service or who were not in the infantry. Among the premoderns, Aeschylos was a war hero and veteran of Marathon, Salamis, and Plataea, Xenophon was a gigachad, there must be many more but those two immediately spring to mind.
Mishima is the most characteristic example of the Hemingway type, but I don't think overcompensation is precisely the right word, it comes from a genuine struggle with self image, a bookish nature, and modernity's denial of opportunities for masculine heroism.

>> No.17453973
File: 35 KB, 450x250, +_b8156c31a2ad2f0b8ab5f2042fde10a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the problem is the fascists can't stand different opinions so they cried until all the lefties left pol, so when you spend all your free time there it's a bit of a shock when you go somewhere else

>> No.17453974

Hemmingway is the biggest fucking fraud in lit history. He didnt even fight in that fucking war.

>> No.17454522

what a self congratulatory asshole
If I were him I would want to end it too

>> No.17454566


>> No.17454590

No simile needed. It is getting cucked.

>> No.17454701

Hemingway was a writer of novels and stories, some of which were good. Everything else is /pol/ or century-old trivial gossip.

>> No.17454708

This is one of the only boards that consistently holds anarchist and left wing views anymore desu

>> No.17454715

I really like Hemingway's writing style even if he was an almost comically machismo obsessed liar/blowhard

>> No.17454795

Less cucked than having a limp dick Jew globalist rule over you

>> No.17454940

Best post by far.

>> No.17455696
