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/lit/ - Literature

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17451179 No.17451179 [Reply] [Original]

i am leaving this website and never coming back. i am going to be free, and you should all join me

>> No.17451182

Not literature

>> No.17451230

See you tomorrow

>> No.17451728

seriously though, what exactly is the value of coming here? it seems like an utter waste of time, you would be much better off doing pretty much anything other than this. i find it incredibly depressing that there are people who can't even read because they (somehow) waste all of their time on this board.

>> No.17451742

Feeling the need to make a goodbye thread is a bad sign. You would simply leave if you intended to not return.

>> No.17451755

I rarely come here after I migrated to /biz/ and /v/ and my mental health has improved tenfold. I don’t know why it is, but I’m happy it’s working

>> No.17451761

we have no friends and need someone to talk to
what is so difficult to understand? yes, it is sad that we have to resort to this and it is not exactly optimal social interaction, but it's what we have

>> No.17451776

I tried and an year and an half later I'm back

>> No.17451818
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I'll take your road OP. GL.

>> No.17451822


>> No.17451825

I for one have learned a lot here.

>> No.17451832

damn I'm the opposite, /v/ is nothing but cancer in my experience

>> No.17451835

this. fourth semester at uni and haven´t made a single friend, feeling right about done with humiliating myself trying to fit in.

>> No.17451850

I find that I usually go somewhere mindlessly on my phone. I'd rather go here and think about books/be guilted into reading than reddit or twitter.

Twitter makes my life worse, /lit/ is probably a net positive for getting me back into reading

>> No.17451858

But you're going to miss out on so much!
>should I get an e-reader?
>books for this feel?
>what does /lit/ think of x?
>x is a midwit
>x is trash
>just xyz bro

>> No.17451860
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my study group of 7 people all went out drinking after an exam and didn't tell me about it. i had to see the pictures on facebook

>> No.17451965

The good threads can be comfy. I’m more of happy-go-lucky guy so hanging out here fucking devastates me because I can only nod in agreement to a lot of the sentiments shared here.

>> No.17452393

god i with that were me

>> No.17452413

based and free pilled

>> No.17452550
File: 15 KB, 405x371, 1579648303183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could leave here but i feel an almost extreme compulsion to be here which is rooted in a mixture of a need for social connection and some sort of moral duty regarding politics. I cant fucking pull myself away

>> No.17452563

>and some sort of moral duty regarding politics
hah, i know that feel. trust me dude you're better off shutting down the culture war videodrome and going back to basics. the internet is how THEY project this war into every body's minds 24/7 rent free. no more.

>> No.17452575

to add on to the social connection part, having a few friends isn't even good enough because i cant talk to them about literature or music or other cultural stuff I like, or anything that is socially taboo, so this place serves as a very specific social outlet

>> No.17452603

it does suck here which is why its important to make it better. clean it up. hang a fucking picture up. collaborate on a project. i think i mostly see it as a space for collaboration now.

>> No.17452617

it seems a whole lot to me like people just minding their own business is how thing got so bad in the first place

>> No.17452654

and go where for online discussion? twitter and r*ddit? no thanks

>> No.17452706

smart guy. you're right, it's everyone just minding their business that got us to where we are in the first place. but is the revolutionary potential of the internet a hill you want to die on in 2021? arab spring and 2016 flatly debunked that. there's nothing on the internet. just people who think memes and trending hashtags are winning a war

>> No.17452711

here, or nowhere. 4chan is one of the last places that hasn't been completely infested by niggers or cat sweaters.

>> No.17452779

10 years later Ideas i saw almost entirely limited to internet forums in 2010-2012 have now manifested into actual politics and laws in my country, and people who never cared about them before now basically enforce them through social pressure, all because of how the ideas proliferated culture via the internet, so I find it difficult to accept that its completely meaningless

>> No.17452908

you know you will be back one day

>> No.17452970

See you in a week.

>> No.17453069


>> No.17453185


>> No.17453898

This takes me back

>> No.17453905

You mean living this shit hole? It is not that hard once you get disgusted of it.

>> No.17453917

I'm probably sick of it, my idea was to destroy this place. But it is falling apart on its own and it is not like I don't have better things to do.

>> No.17453941

Anon, I...

>> No.17453970

Biz is the worst imo. Frequented alot during the crypto boom and these past weeks of course. I turn into a totally materialistic automaton trying to keep up, it just sucks

>> No.17453980

This is the world's biggest chatroom. That's why I'm here. I despise the like/dislike feature of more popular social media platforms, as well as the accounts, so here I am.

>> No.17453988

Chatrooms are better than this place, though. You can actually make a meaningful connection in a chatroom.

>> No.17454008
File: 164 KB, 512x512, dolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know of any chatrooms beyond Discord servers and smaller chans.

>Go to Reddit/FB/Twitter

>> No.17454045

Same here anon. But it gets even worse when you lurk /fa/ at the same time. Designer kills the soul.

>> No.17454096

we've all had this impulse before. there's nothing out there op. see you next week

>> No.17454114


>> No.17454149
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See you tomorrow
>have to take a break from reading
>no friends
>bored with vidya
>/pol/ is even worse
It's not that complicated. I also get loads of recs for which ebooks I should pirate, which is nice too.
And see you tomorrow too, sweetie.
They didn't like you. If this is your first time encountering something like this then remember the feeling and adapt yourself accordingly.
>need for social connection
This is big. I have only spoken to 3 people (all immediate family members) for about 8 months. I need the anonymous contact I get from /lit/, and I know other anons are even worse off than me.
>moral duty regarding politics
When I realized the depth and scale of unironic shilling operations on /pol/ I pulled out completely. I though it was just schizos going off about "slide threads" and "DA JOOZ SHILLN" but I came to realize the SAME kind of demoralization threads being posted daily (or multiple per day) with the same titles and same pictures by the same memeflags over several months. I don't post there anymore, just skim for current events.
This only works if you have a robust offline social life or you're okay with having no contact with anybody. Most people aren't in either of those situations.
I wish there was something kind of equivalent to a /lit/ discord hybrid. The layout of discord is good but the lack of anonymity is an issue. They usually end up being dens of tripfags.

>> No.17454152

unless you're an african with shit internet and frequent outages, you'll be back nigger

>> No.17454180

>I wish there was something kind of equivalent to a /lit/ discord hybrid.

judges-penitent.com. You can even be anonymous.

>> No.17454191

It's an impermanent chatroom. Not the same.

>> No.17454195

>impermanent chatroom

What does that mean?

>> No.17454383

What forum do we join you in anon?

>> No.17454507

Lol who the fuck are you to tell anyone on this board anything, get the fuck out.

>> No.17454765

no he's right though, I've seen the same twittercaps and headlines and scripted cloying shill syntax over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over on /pol/, on /tv/, on here, everywhere.

I refuse to believe this many people are just finding about x and posting about it this many times, there's definitely a concerted effort to feed the sense that a culture war is happening and to keep people spiraling down the vortex of negativity and demoralization. i've honestly never seen anything like it before, and it's what convinced me that there is no revolutionary potential on the internet anymore. it's over.

>> No.17454767


>> No.17454772

i’m there with you lad, been looking for one of these threads for awhile just as an excuse, godspeed. Also, anyone who hasn’t read the recognitions or JR should both leave forever and never leave for completely separate reasons

>> No.17454787

fair enough. i don't like anything that comes from here anymore.

>> No.17454790

>I migrated to /biz/ and /v/
shitty 15 year old detected.

>> No.17454801

>See you tomorrow
>And see you tomorrow too, sweetie.
What's the point of being this negative?

>> No.17454867

I feel you man. I've wasted hours of my life on twitter and reddit and probably haven't gotten a single meaningful experience from it, maybe a few good laughs at best. /lit/ makes me feel like shit sometimes but at least I've learned a good deal on here

>> No.17455380

how is this thread still up?

>> No.17455808
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See you tommorrow
I tried and lasted a week or two

>> No.17455898

See you in 3 days

>> No.17456608

It's a permanent chatroom. Do you mean it's not stand-alone? Because it is, it's just embedded in the site. http://judges-penitent.chatango.com

>> No.17456657

It’s a lot about personal temperament. I mostly use /smg/ because I think crypto investment is clearcut and nothing new comes out of it besides the handful of scamcoins every month.

Im above 20

>> No.17456950

ok gramps

>> No.17457143

>Migrated to /v/
>Got better
One must assume Sissyphus happy

>> No.17457547
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>What's the point of being this negative?
Are you new? People who make threads talking about how they're "leaving this website and never coming back" are exhibiting (You) getting behaviour that betrays how unready they are to actually leave. This is an anonymous site (fuck trippers) so nobody knows when you're here or not. There have probably been a dozen or more anons who I've spoken to over the years, perhaps several times, who killed themselves and never came back. I'm none the wiser. If someone was actually leaving they'd just go and never look back (which is incredibly rare). Why don't more people do this? Because this site, even with all its warts, is one of the last bastions of "the old" internet. It has numerous unique board cultures for all interests and it's not popular enough with normans (who is this """4chan""") to get swamped and subsumed by the dominant online culture (whatever that may be). People don't leave here because this is the last stop on the track unless they're leaving the communicative interactive parts of the internet for good.

>> No.17457554

> People don't leave here because this is the last stop on the track unless they're leaving the communicative interactive parts of the internet for good.
leaving 4chan is tantamount to leaving the internet as a "culture" these days. beyond that what's it good for? google searches and videos

>> No.17457558

For me it was /r9k/ -> /his/ -> /pol/ -> /lit/. /r9k/ and /pol/ were easily the worst of the lot.

>> No.17457563

>beyond that what's it good for? google searches and videos
Which is perfectly respectable but, like I said above, you need to have a concrete social life IRL if you want to leave everything else on the internet alone.

>> No.17457593

what's that aristotle quote about a man who is completely alone being either a beast or a god? seems to apply to kicking 4chan these days

>> No.17457696
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Some men are able to get there, but many aren't. To be truly comfortable ALONE you need to fight and win against your animal nature- your nature that drives you to seek protection in numbers by proxy of a wife, kids, friends, and community.

>> No.17457735

absolutely. I know the challenge, I just keep shying away from it, for just one more refresh, one more hit of dopamine. sooner or later it will end. maybe today?

>> No.17457738

See ya in a week anon, being more lube next time.

>> No.17457826

You're stuck in your comfort zone. Unless you're actually autistic, there's a big chance the reason you don't have the friends or girlfriends you want is entirely down to you. I've come to realize over the years that the introversion/extroversion spectrum is largely a big meme - personalities definitely differ, but the boundaries are extremely blurry. I'm a turbo-introvert, avoiding friends for months at a time, but the decision to enjoy myself and be sociable when out is one I've found I can easily make. All it takes is the will to step outside my "introvert" comfort zone.

>> No.17457833


>> No.17457839
File: 51 KB, 960x506, goodbye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its very stimulating
no one said you had to come here

>> No.17457894

You made this post yesterday

>> No.17458051
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Deleted every social media account over a year ago (Instagram, Facebook, twitter, discord) and stopped watching all mainstream news/media/entertainment. I knew that I wanted to detox myself from the fucking intellectual sludge that people subsist on today and /lit/ is my methadone.

>> No.17458116

What changes have you noticed without any social media? Are you more focused/have more energy? Do you sleep better?

>> No.17458141


>> No.17458220


>> No.17458224

>What changes have you noticed without any social media?
not him but i don't get anxiety anymore. no one can judge me if they forget i exist. when i had facebook i would always be anxious when my birthday came around because when everyone gets the notification that it is your birthday they remember you exist and i was worried people would think i am a loser based on how few happy birthday messages i got on my wall.

>> No.17458231

>/lit/ is my methadone.


i did the same as you... fb was years ago but IG and twitter more recently.

>> No.17458250
File: 45 KB, 772x337, b3a9c91ffdda5bf93d4adb4b03063b54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What changes have you noticed without any social media?
Time. It is absolutely tragic how much time people spend scrolling on their phones. I know with iphones you can check to see daily usage, which everyone should do. Even better, check the daily usage of your family/gf/friends/etc. On average people spend between 5-7 hours on their phone every day. Most of that time is scroooooling Instagram, twitter, reddit, etc. Bear in mind that this is not concerted and mentally stimulating in any way. It's completely mind-numbing flashing colours and, jiggling asses, and useless factoids. As for social media, I've just cut out all superfluous relationships in my life which was a great decision. Currently I only have regular contact (online or IRL) with a handful of people and it's great.
>"yea but you use 4chan"
It's a completely different dynamic with a computer. When I turn my computer on (about noon most days) I have time blocked off knowing that I'm going to waste it watching some YouTube or something, browsing and chatting on 4chan, playing some vidya, etc. That said, when I turn my computer off it's OFF. Unlike with a cellphone (which you can whip out of your pocket with no effort at all) I have to make a conscious decision to turn my computer back on (which I know not to do). This translates to me spending a lot more time doing "productive" things like reading, walking my dog, etc. The only things I use my phone for now are studying Chinese on duolingo and playing calm and comfy music via a Bluetooth speaker for when I'm reading or showering. I am far from being "cured" of my internet addiction, but at least I'm now conscious of the time I spend. I'm full NEET for a few more months so I'm not really even trying that hard.
>Are you more focused/have more energy?
I'd say that I funnel my energy elsewhere. Instead of reading mind-numbing arguments on twitter I'll read a kind of semi-academic book instead. I probably have the same amount of energy, I just spend it more wisely.
>Do you sleep better?
Absolutely. Before I go to bed I turn off my phone and put it in a dresser on the other side of my room. I don't touch it (or even think about it) until I want it for music or duolingo the next day.
>facebook birthday
This was one of the things that made me realize how cancerous social media is. People I don't speak to ever (and haven't for years) would post something on my page about how much they missed me and shit. My personal rule is that if we haven't spoken in 6+ months then that relationship has died. It's not a bad thing necessarily, but people should just let the past be the past. Facebook in particular is a crutch for people who just can't let go.

>> No.17458272

Agreed anon, just as soon as my thread dies (which shouldn't be too soon!).

>> No.17458279

/Lit/ was my university course in literature.

>> No.17458299

See you tomorrow.

>> No.17458306

I've taken several undergrad-level English courses and I can tell you that I've seen more informative /lit/ threads.

>> No.17458362

based and Newport pilled

seriously though, anything that involves endless scrolling should be removed from your phone. even if you keep all your social media accounts at least you'll have to consciously choose to go on your computer, login, and use it.

>> No.17458373

>leaving /lit/

>> No.17458879
File: 1023 KB, 261x165, tumblr_mfzla4hcdp1qm8ar2o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am leaving this website and never coming back. i am going to be free, and you should all join me


>> No.17458903

I feel this. It would be a lot easier to quit if I could actually talk about literature with someone.

>> No.17458912
File: 130 KB, 908x448, 1551006194230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no better place on the internet for free discussion

>> No.17459108


you just get banned from everywhere else for voicing an honest opinion

>> No.17459505

This is the last place where i feel like i can truly speak my mind. It's a shame i'm surrounded by retards, but freedom is worth the bitter price.

>> No.17460089

Whenever an online community allows unhindered free speech it always become right-wing and racist. I don't know if that's because every other political affiliation requires some level of censorship to survive or if right-wing racists are the most tolerant to dealing with shitflinging.

>> No.17461613

>thinking the image is an endorsement
this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.17461628

it's because it's the only place that right wing racists are able to be racist, and nobody else wants to listen to it because it's annoying and stupid, so they leave, so that only racist loonies remain.

>> No.17461667

GUYS nobody let this thread die. OP cannot leave this board until this thread dies, i know he's going to feel an obsessive compulsion to keep checking how his thread about leaving this board is doing and it feels good and he won't be able to escape from here he'se just going to keep refreshing the page over and over again

>> No.17461671

>that lack of arguments

>> No.17461694

I'm not making an argument, I'm just telling you you misinterpreted the image.

>> No.17461701

How is that image not an endorsement?

>> No.17461734

/b to /pol to /lit and this place is a lot better

>> No.17461746

did you read it?

>> No.17461750

>I wouldn't go there if I were you
That's the first test

>> No.17461757

Re-read the third paragraph. I can't believe people on a literature forum have such bad reading comprehension.

>> No.17461762

I don't see it, which line from the 3rd paragraph

>> No.17461788

>it's basically an ideological food fight
>the winner is usually the group that shouts the loudest
>... all mashing together to yell about how their opinion is correct
>on the one hand you've got [...], on the other hand you've got [blatant contradiction]
>There's no connection left unmade
wow sounds like a great place!

>> No.17461793

>if you don't know your shit, you WILL get torn apart in seconds
People are wrong all day no matter where you go. /pol/ provides a place where you can provide pushback.

When someone in your workplace talks bullshit about how great Israel is, can you provide a counter argument without throwing everything away?

>> No.17461810

I'm not making an argument about /pol/ (although it is a shithole), I'm just telling you what the post in that image is saying

>> No.17461818

You're telling me portions of what it's saying

>> No.17461821

the post is clearly anti-/pol/. The fact you don't realize that is a testament to your brainwashing.

>> No.17461829

>but you come to love it
I'm beginning to question your mental state

>> No.17461844

It's saying that as a bad thing. It's the "you're here forever" meme.
>And slowly you start to become one of them

>> No.17461851

>but you come to love it
>because it's so free
Oh noo

>> No.17461863

Lol I wish I couldn't believe you were this bad at reading, but it's unfortunately to be expected with /pol/tards -- in fact, the inability to critically process information is largely the reason they're drawn to /pol/ in the first place

>> No.17461873

fpbp. Seriously how is this thread still up.

>> No.17461899

Your inability to comprehend that simple image has me disregarding anything you say

>> No.17461916

lol tell me, how do you explain it in a positive light? "A bunch of white supremacists and the occasional republican/democrat engages in a shouting match to decide who's right. But oh godddd it's soooooo free, just like everyone says."

>> No.17461922

>A bunch of white supremacists and the occasional republican
Where else on the internet could they go to discuss their viewpoint?

>> No.17461952

nowhere. they can't on /pol/, either, because there's no discussion.

Anyway, this isn't about the merits (or lack thereof) of /pol/, it's just interpreting what the poster intended when posting. Regardless of whether you overall think the things in the post are good, the poster clearly intended it as a criticism of /pol/, not an endorsement.

>> No.17461963

Let's be honest, if anyone spends more than a few hours on 4chan each day, they've got something wrong with them, and just leaving isn't going to fix that

>> No.17461964

>they can't on /pol/, either, because there's no discussion
This is called cope.

>> No.17461979

I'm curious what value you see in engaging with white supremacists who refuse to accept factual evidence

>> No.17461984

How would you know what a white supremacist refuses to accept if they're not allowed to discuss their beliefs anywhere?

>> No.17461994
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Can't be free if I bump you to the first page

>> No.17461999

I don't care what a holocaust denier refuses to accept, same as I don't care why people believe in a flat earth or that we didn't land on the moon. Some things have such solid evidence that as soon as you say, "ok, so all the evidence is wrong", you sound like a moron and I don't really need to hear more.

>> No.17462006

fwiw I've discussed the holocaust on /pol/ before. It's super entertaining. There are literal recordings of himmler talking about the extermination camps, and people just refuse to acknowledge it. No refutation. No argument. Just ignore entirely.

>> No.17462011

>I don't care what a holocaust denier refuses to accept
But we were just talking about white supremacists. Now we can add holocaust skeptics to your list of people whose arguments you've never heard.
>white supremacists
>holocaust skeptics
>probably racists
>anybody who voted for Trump
>anybody who ever voted republican or 3rd party
I'm beginning to see why you don't like /pol/

>> No.17462013

>There are literal recordings of himmler talking about the extermination camps
No there aren't. And if you're talking about that K report, it says the exact opposite of what you're claiming

>> No.17462028

I voted for trump you retard
wow, why am I not surprised

>> No.17462031

this is what I'm referring to, btw https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posen_speeches

>> No.17462033

>I voted for trump you retard
lol you didn't but cute

>> No.17462055

>I mean the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish race.
Interesting choice of both words, I'm also at the mercy of whomever translated the words. I take it you've heard counter arguments to this speech before?

>> No.17462061

you're retarded
I did in 2016 and I regret it

>> No.17462064

>I did in 2016
You didn't but you can tell yourself that I believe you if you'd like

>> No.17462085

your inability to believe that someone could vote for trump but not be a holocaust denier makes you seem like more of a liberal than you seem to think I am

>> No.17462093

I think someone can absolutely vote for trump and not deny the holocaust. However throwing out that you voted for Trump unprompted is pointless, it does nothing for the argument and I don't believe it anyway

>> No.17462096

Not unprompted my bad, but I still don't believe it

>> No.17462111

>it does nothing for the argument
I'm not making an argument. Just trying to get you to reflect on how delusional you are and view literally everyone as a boogieman. I've read arguments by holocaust "revisionists". I've read refutations of them, too. I don't have all the details memorized because it's not necessary in normal life to have a defense of well-established history on the tip of your tongue.

>> No.17462123

>Just trying to get you to reflect on how delusional you are and view literally everyone as a boogieman
Reminder this began because you hated the fact that white supremacists have a single place on the internet they can go to discuss their beliefs. You can't see it because you're just one in a pattern, but you're very sterotypical