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File: 56 KB, 959x958, 1609440122527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17450662 No.17450662 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have any recommendations for books about Italian city states in the middle ages, and the kingdom of Italy's foundation?

>> No.17450680

Based Italian booba

>> No.17451015

About the fundation of the Kingdom of Italy speaking about novels I know Tomasi's Leopard and Confessioni di un Italiano by Pellico and in Eco's Prague Cimitery there is a section about it For Italian City states Dante writes a lot about them in his Commedia. Also, based Sofia poster

>> No.17451030
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>> No.17451037


>> No.17451050


>> No.17451055

why does every meme have these shitty attempts at an in-depth explanation now? whoever started this trend is a real cancer haver

>> No.17451110
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>> No.17451166

Actually the uploader just wants to shill his degenerate views on psychoanalysis, he only uses the memes to reel in clueless and defenceless zoomers. He doesn't make genuine attempts to explain memes.

>> No.17451169

aint it typical

>> No.17451178

If you take a look at his physiognomy, yes, actually. If you consider that he also shills David Reich, everything just makes perfect sense.
BTW >>17450662 fuck you retarded OP, your shitty thotbait pics have ruined this thread - as is expected.

>> No.17451188

I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to attract attention to my thread, but alas I attracted the wrong kind

>> No.17451200


>> No.17451207

Hit a nerve huh

>> No.17451209
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Unfortunately I do not fellow anon, I wish you the best on your search though. Hope your thread works out.

>> No.17451286

Carlo Ginzburg

>> No.17451301
File: 31 KB, 474x512, OIP.TbOZEJDdhZc4LMWo-mNEeAHaIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no tittymonster gf.

>> No.17451305

Gawd what a stack on her

>> No.17451352
File: 205 KB, 798x574, 1603432261057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Prince is a very common book on this topic, and Dante's Divine Comedy also deals with it. Besides that, you c- HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THOSE FUCKING TITS AWOOOOOOOOOGA

>> No.17451368

Real life succubus

>> No.17451520 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 575x620, DB4466AE-BD26-43C9-8982-BA82E954E422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.17451550

Literally everything Lauro Martines wrote.
My fucking guy.

>> No.17451566

pretty sure you can blame zizek for the pop culture exegesis thing

>> No.17451576

Zizek and the meme analysis guy are both based though

>> No.17451794

Burckhardt's History of Renaissance Italy is a good starting place

Najemy is a great writer on the Renaissance, Gene Brucker is also good on Florence

There's a history of the Medici by Colonel G.F. Young, good for narrative political drama of some of the central celebrities of Italian history

Schevill has a big history of Florence from start to finish, it's old but good

Frances Yates has good books on the Renaissance revival of platonism that was hugely influential

Norwich is good on Venice, also the authors Garrett and Madden are worth looking at for Venice

However if you want a general starting place for understanding the history of Italy in and after the Middle Ages, I would recommend you start with Henri Pirenne's books. They are all quite short and enjoyable, and they give the broad structures of Europe's social and economic history, with Italy obviously at the centre for much of it. His book Mohammed and Charlemagne might be a good starting point (although it does assume you know basic background, but you could get that from Youtube overviews if you wanted), and then his full economic history. I also recommend Cippola.

You could also read Braudel's famous The Mediterranean.

I recommend this guy's channel for following the major events of Italian and European history in the late medieval and early modern periods.

>> No.17451807

Also for basic overview:
>Western Roman Empire declines
>There is almost a counter-Byzantine kingdom in Italy around Theodoric and the Ostrogothic Kingdom centered in Ravenna, but it gets smashed and Italy becomes a chaotic mess
>the subsequent Lombard Kingdom is interesting but usually gets passed over, and it gets eclipsed by Charlemagne's conquests
>the Papacy for a long time is not very powerful, still subordinate to Byzantium and Emperor/Patriarch
>Papacy gradually grows and gets more ambitious
>same thing happens in France as Carolingian kingdom rises out of decrepit Merovingian kingdom
>Pirenne says: the central thing is that Europe is an economic backwater, disconnected from the former economic nexus of the Mediterranean (which even the late Roman West still enjoyed)
>Pirenne also says: the Gallic + especially the Italian West, at this point, are only loosely Christian, and probably still living in the degraded twilight of Roman culture/administrative sense (so it wasn't at all unexpected when Justinian tried to reconquer everything) - in short, the West still "feels" like a senile Roman world, not yet like a young MEDIEVAL world
>HRE/Papacy represent two new and slowly growing approaches to governing the West as a distinct entity, not a distant economic/cultural satellite of Byzantium
>slowly they grow and come into conflict (Investiture Controversy)
>new energies grow (warring noble culture, crusades, healthier economy/society)
>Italy still sleepy; a few towns learning to trade, especially Venice which is nominally a Byzantine protectorate but gets more and more ambitious
>massive economic revival in 13th century
>Holy Roman Empire / post-Charlemagne France / Papacy all competing "approaches" to how the West will be governed
>all of them claim/desire dominance over Italy
>Papacy bitchslaps HRE (Frederick II's ideal of a great Sicily-based kingdom fails), HRE becomes the famous decentralised mess most people know it as (through several centuries of sleepiness while the Habsburgs rise)
>France then bitchslaps Papacy though, asserting that the Popes will not be the chief authorities in Europe, but individual great monarchs (like Philip II Augustus) will - Avignon Papacy (Babylonian Captivity) happens
>the above + explosive economic recovery (for the first time since Rome: gold standard currency; Italian trade cities like Venice break away from Byzantium/Papacy/Empire more and more and become more ambitious) = the backdrop for Italy's rise between 1250-1500
>this 250yrs is when "Renaissance Italy," the famous Italy of world history, really occurs
>Florence emerges from sleepiness (it was there for a long time but didn't do much, like most Italian towns) for example
>Genoa, Milan, Pisa, Venice, Padua, others of course

>> No.17451819

>these city states are ambitious but isolated, so they need to play the game of rivalry
>this game means playing the Empire (which is still trying to get back in the game, but fails again) and the Papacy off against eachother (the famous Guelphs/Ghibellines conflict)
>everyone is involved in this, even cultural figures like Dante
>it also changes the social structures of the towns: from divided merchant oligarchies (pic related: bolognese towers, forts within the city where the nobles feuded with eachother), communes, etc. toward tyrannies (overthrowing shitty oligarchies) and self-conscious republics
>Italy getting rich = culture flourishing
>but also anarchy
>this is where you can read Burckhardt, about the great ambitious men, condottieri, who come into anarchic Italy and try to survive and thrive in this play of powers
>this is the background of the rise of the medici, the visconti, the sforza, etc.
>major wars between city leagues now
>papacy tries to become dominant in italy, fails
>venice tries to become dominant in italy, fails
>now it's about 1500: where is italy headed? is one tyrant/republic/pope/emperor going to dominate everything?
>nope, now spain and france are absolutist monarchies and they are going to turn divided italy into a place for proxy wars
>spain ultimately wins
>great medicis reduced to grand dukes of habsburg spain
>renaissance fizzles out
>italy kinda slumps back into dividedness and sleepiness again until the 19th century
>italian unification happens
>"now we have a state and we just need to create the nation to go with it!"
>italians all hate eachother and can't get along
>italian politics is just meaningless corrupt garbage, country is a backwards medieval collection of barely federated city states still
>mussolini tries to fix it
>hangs out with hitler too much
>declares war on random greeks for no reason
>loses war
>more corruption and pointless nothing for a few decades
>the year is 2021
>you are the new garibaldi-mazzini-d'annunzio-mussolini reading this post
>you must unite italy

>> No.17451861

>>Papacy bitchslaps HRE (Frederick II's ideal of a great Sicily-based kingdom fails), HRE becomes the famous decentralised mess most people know it as (through several centuries of sleepiness while the Habsburgs rise)
How did this happen, anon?

>> No.17451874

This guy is such a fucking midwit, god.

>> No.17451878

Truth hurts don't it

>> No.17451939

Basically there were different possible paths of development and centres of strength that the West could take but none of them were fully actual yet, they were fluid potentials, and one of those possibilities was a re-subordination of the decentralised HRE to a powerful emperor (not just a king but a hereditary emperor), who could "flip" the HRE from the decentralised meme we all know into an instrument with a purpose in the hands of the Emperor. But to do that the Emperor needed to be more than one petty prince among many, the state of affairs that had turned the imperial election into a joke in the first place and allowed its potential as a unified kingdom to become more fluid instead of more solid.

Frederick attempted to do that by leveraging an outside power base to be more than just a petty prince, thus to bring the HRE in line. Not only would this give him a massive kingdom to use as an instrument as I said, it would have established the meta principle whereby the rest of the West would be governed: the old imperial principle of One Emperor in the West. You can see how the papal principle is opposed to this, the pope wants there to be One Pope in Christendom, and for manageably divided kings/kingdoms to exist under him.

The popes successfully outmaneuvered Frederick even though he was brilliant and the neo-imperial version of European history never happened. But neither did the papal supremacy version of history, despite "martial popes" attempting to formalise crusades and church administration as a quasi-imperial form too. Instead, Gallicanism happened in France, the origins of the modern state system, absolutist monarchies, and ultimately nation-states. While the HRE and Papacy had been slapping each other in Italy and thinking this was the only metapolitical conflict, post-Carolingian France was in the background stitching itself back together and slapping down its own petty princes one by one, reabsorbing the decentralised elements back under the authority of the patient Kings in Paris. By the time the popes defeated the emperors, the French king was too powerful to be suppressed, and subsequent history is defined more by inter-kingdom conflict between these hugely powerful kings than by either metapolitical principles of Christian empire or neo-Roman empire.

The French reassertion was aided by really fortunate dynastic stability, extremely long term patience, and strategic victories over the more powerful breakaway duchies that were verging on becoming totally separate (culturally, linguistically, administratively) quasi-kingdoms, in the south. For example the Albigensian crusade was a Papacy-French Kingdom collaboration to smash a rival outside both of their respective systems (French king wanted to destroy rival mini-kingdom, Papacy wanted to use heresy policing to assert interventionist meta authority). But it benefited the French more, and the French then did to Papacy what Papacy did to HRE.

>> No.17452010

Also worth noting for further context that the English, which were effectively a French parallel kingdom themselves (Normans, culturally French, still in control of northern France/Normandy) then copied/paralleled the French innovation. While in the earlier middle ages things were more fluid and decentralised between these kindgoms and fiefdoms and so forth, like I said the French monarchy was extremely decentralised and could have simply become a formality, beginning in the 13th century the same "recovery" and centralisation (scare quotes because by no means inevitable) was mirrored/copied in England and elsewhere. This is the backdrop of the 100 Years War between England and France, which in a way is the new proto-state system trying to make sense of the more feudal, personal, familial relation-based system of the preceding era that still loomed over it.

The new states were defined by their need of an exchequer: a big fat purse for a king to be able to recruit and manage armies to fight these huge wars, basically. So there is a tendency toward centralisation, rationalisation, and administration. But you can see how this is itself a result of the raised ambitions and possibilities by the economic and social recovery of the 13th century, which Pirenne links to the recovery of gold currency in 1252 or so I forget exactly.

The Hundred Years War drove military regularisation and rationalisation as well as administrative rationalisation to make sure the exchequer was balanced and could afford all this shit, which drives taxation, abstraction and de-personalisation of connections between the political centre and the periphery since you need reliable tax collection and representation of how much money you potentially have etc.

Then the Habsburgs rise and you get the era of administratively complex absolutist kingdoms fighting eachother, massive influx of wealth and possibilities from discovery of new world etc.

Italy plays huge role in this because of Renaissance. ALL of these ideas after 1500 are infused with inspiration from Italian reestablishing of the ancient tradition. Almost all our modern editions of ancient Greek and Latin writings we have the Italians to thank for. They did 100 years of painstaking source criticism and critical editions.

>> No.17452067

>But it benefited the French more, and the French then did to Papacy what Papacy did to HRE.
But what did the Papacy do to the HRE? How did they "slap each other down" with the HRE? The Papacy lacks the manpower to directly fight the Holy Roman Empire so I am assuming some more covert type of conflict.
I am probably going to screenshot all of this shit btw. You look like you know your shit. Tell me a bit about yourself, please? I assume you at the very least study history as a discipline.

>> No.17452216

Oh you mean the specific events themselves? That's actually one of the most famous episodes in history and it comes down to lots of human level twists and turns, excommunications and crusades, broken promises to crusade, betrayals etc. It's not exactly covert but yes a lot of cajoling other powers in the HRE and rival kingdoms, who already have reasons for wanting to keep Frederick weak, to force him into tough spots. Excommunication was a big deal and Frederick only let it happen out of desperation. The pope had him in a bind by forcing him to crusade, he couldn't get out of it, and it was a way of keeping him safely away from the HRE (while it continued to fragment and the pope could conspire actively with the fragmenters). His decision to abandon the crusade was really a last resort I think.

I highly recommend reading/watching something full on it. Frederick was called Stupor Mundi, Wonder of the World, he was raised in an ecumenical court in Sicily where Arab and Jewish thinkers freely mingled with Christians and the ruler instinctively had to think on a scale bigger than feudal politics, about what good governance of diverse peoples actually meant. Some people have said he was an atheist etc. There is an incredible book about him by Ernst Kantorowicz.

Thank you for the compliment, to be honest I am just throwing out the mishmash of books and lectures I've consumed over the years so definitely not an expert. Don't screenshot it, just go read Pirenne and you could write 90% of it yourself tomorrow. I actually studied classics but it kinda bleeds over into late antiquity and the early middle ages.

Sorry to OP for filling the thread up with some off topic stuff, I just think it's way easier to understand the specifics if you know the broad frameworks, but it's so hard to find broad framework books these days.

>> No.17452266

This is witchcraft, straight up black magick.

>> No.17452290
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Italians and jews tend to have big booberinos

>> No.17452370

she looks like that girl from that first scene in V/H/S

>> No.17452652 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 474x624, 1612398831593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God. Imagine burying your face in those things while you're on top of her, pressing your manhood to the hilt inside of her as she firmly grips your testicles with her alabaster fingers and warmly whispers "dammi il tuo seme" into your ear.

>> No.17453401

Pepe's penis is bery thin

>> No.17453506
File: 73 KB, 950x800, E56FD8C7-A51A-4498-83F4-FDBC654C4F48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17454694

I love italian meatballs

>> No.17454989

the moment people do this to in-jokes (memes for oldfags), then you know the "medium" is done for

>> No.17455003

I Promessi Sposi is set roughly in that period. Incidentally the best book you’ll read all year.

>> No.17455884

Whats the girls name

>> No.17456588

Them’s some spicy meatballs.

>> No.17456677

sauce plz

>> No.17456816

IG Shiftymine

>> No.17456842
File: 104 KB, 410x598, 9ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-How many gallons!?

>> No.17458415
File: 95 KB, 575x620, 3F5D3023-BB9A-4883-9B8E-E50CBF309E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a tranny with fake tits anyways, no amount of janitors deleting my truth pills is gonna change that.

>> No.17458426

Venice A Maritime Republic

>> No.17458433 [DELETED] 

Oh no no no

>> No.17458487

Nah it's a real girl. She's got Crohn's with a colostomy bag, so her anus is probably clean as well.

>> No.17458605

The perspective of this picture is fucked

>> No.17458755


>> No.17460245
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>> No.17460424
File: 176 KB, 736x931, E04E73B7-41E3-45A1-86B1-8A0C4CA63769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17460459

yeah man everything's a tranny

>> No.17460520

I dunno man... I just went and looked her up, and the more I saw of her the more I couldn't unsee late-stage michael jackson with massive tits. The IG filters is doing weird things to her face.

>> No.17462097

what's her @?

>> No.17462121
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>> No.17462130
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>> No.17462141

Just bee urself bros

>> No.17462154

opinion discarded

>> No.17462248



>> No.17462268

shiftymine. its in one of the pics in this thread

>> No.17462649

i like a fucking booby who gives a fuck? cry about it.