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/lit/ - Literature

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17446476 No.17446476 [Reply] [Original]

any /lit/ like that Holodeck room in star trek next generation? Just almost perfect VR, why even live when you can fuck asian puss and use a replicator to have infinite steaks and live through any adventure
what is the endgame for technology /lit/?

>> No.17446499

It's been a while since I read it but I remember The City and The Stars by Clarke having something like this

>> No.17446592

oh shit I'm already reading another Arthur Clarke book, good tip anon
may your tummy be filled with butterflies and not semen

>> No.17446781

your incel desires aside i too really like vr fiction

in most fiction dealing with digital humans, singularity, etc it's often implied but not delved into much. just like in >>17446499, it's just a few pages of vr
'metamorphosis of prime intellect' has a decent amount of leisure and sports vr, but from the pov of someone who views pain as being the only real thing in such a world
some other with ample vr: diaspora, accelerando, permutation city
however it's not leisure vr like what you're looking for

>> No.17448451

bump for op