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17444772 No.17444772 [Reply] [Original]

I am extremely envious of people who unironically believe in God. The amount of mental well being that must give you is unimaginable. I don't want to be a nihilist. I don't want to think of myself and other people as walking meat. Please help me.
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uEbgNLXuQw

>> No.17444778

>Books that will healp me believe in God
oh bros please healp me

>> No.17444789

Prayer will help you believe in God, if books haven't helped until now.
Ask for faith. tell him to transform your heart of stone in one of flesh, ask for His Spirit.

>> No.17445052

This anon is right. Pray even if you don't believe. But since you asked for books, Mere Christianity by CS Lewis and The Practice of the Prescence of God by Brother Laurence

>> No.17445076
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Read the book of matthew KJV, twice, it cures depression and teaches you how to pray

>> No.17445121

Take a whole lot of shrooms

>> No.17445244
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I've considered this, I just don't know how to procure them. I've heard from several places that shrooms (among other psychedelics) can fucking rape your mind and leave you a completely different person, which is interesting and exciting. I'd take the chance if I could "see" God or aliens or something profound and life-changing.

>> No.17445284

Drugs are a trick, they are a lie. They promise you one thing, and at first seem to deliver. But in actuality they stealthily destroy every thing worthwhile in life, leaving you with ashes.

>> No.17445287

Magic mushrooms are not an addictive drug and won't ruin your life lmao. What are you talking about, mate??

>> No.17445288

The Bible and nothing else.

>> No.17445300
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ive heard of more than one story where mushroom xp turns bad

>> No.17445309

Pray. Don't waste time reading Aristotle and Aquinas because it's not going to change your mind if you're skeptical and don't already accept their entire philosophical systems. And don't do drugs.

>> No.17445324
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Schizos say DMT gives you access ancestral knowledge and lets you speak to God/interdimensional beings beyond comprehension. It is an alluring prospect.

>> No.17445342

>I've heard from several places that shrooms (among other psychedelics) can fucking rape your mind and leave you a completely different person, which is interesting and exciting. I'd take the chance if I could "see" God or aliens or something profound and life-changing.

Stay away from it. It's like playing Russian roulette. It's just not a healthy way to approach the spiritual life. Indeed, with psychedelics, one risks opening the door to all kinds of spirits, including the kind who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

If you're the OP, >>17444789 and >>17445052 have given you good advice.

Do not neglect to pray. I would suggest on your knees, in the privacy of your room. No one need know of this. Ask God for His help -- ask for the gift of faith, even if you're not sure you believe in God. If the thought occurs, offer God something - you will sense what to offer - promise or make a vow with respect to this thing, in exchange for God revealing Himself to you.

I am thinking of something along the lines of a promise Alec Guinness once made, as described in his autobiography, a book called Blessings in Disguise. G's child was very ill. G, indifferent to religion, found himself making, in silent prayer, a highly conditional and very minimal promise: If my child gets better, I will put no obstacle between him and the Catholic Church.

Well, a few years later, after he had almost but not quite forgotten his promise, G was put to the test in a rather surprising way. And soon enough he found himself a convert to the Catholic faith.

In you're case, who knows. It might be a promise to keep holy the sabbath, or to stop looking at pornography. As I say, if God leads you in this way, you will probably have a certain sense of how to approach the matter.

Another book you might find help: McDowell, More than a Carpenter, which lays out the case for belief in the Resurrection, for which there is more evidence than you probably suspect. It is not a masterpiece of style, but it makes out a powerful and well-reasoned case.

>> No.17445386

Just because you think that doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.17445424
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Pic related helped me quite a bit.

>> No.17445497

The Bible
Romans 10:17
>So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

>> No.17445519

Anon, please believe me. It's an alluring lie.

>> No.17445570
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The most powerful spiritual experience I ever had, that made me drop to my knees and cry very hard, was experienced while stone cold sober. Mushrooms are fun and usually lead to beautiful experiences, but OP doesn't need them or any book to meet God

He needs to pray and meditate. You can't force a spiritual experience to occur, but you can go out and play on God's highway so you have a chance of getting hit by God's truck

>> No.17445716

>The most powerful spiritual experience I ever had, that made me drop to my knees and cry very hard, was experienced while stone cold sober

>> No.17445879
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Excuse my bad handwriting. I was gifted this journal last month and didn't intend to share any of the contents

>> No.17446343

"Be still and know that I am God"

>> No.17446374
File: 477 KB, 946x961, BF605466-1726-431D-A1ED-B85F3A152561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets you speak to God/interdimensional beings beyond comprehension
They’re demons. You would have to be utterly retarded to trust anything pic related tells you

>> No.17446375

idk maybe he has something interesting to say

>> No.17446406

>The Divine Reality