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File: 104 KB, 1024x768, quran-vs-bible-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17444157 No.17444157 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict? Which one is better?

>> No.17444159


>> No.17444166


>> No.17444170

These, but unironically.

>> No.17444195
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>> No.17444201

i actually read both recently, for secular reasons.

the bible is fantastic as literature. there's a lot there. epic narratives and beautiful poetry.

the koran is not. it's 400 pages that really is about 100 pages repeated over and over again. there is no wisdom to offer, just a repetitious call to submit. islam means submit after all. by the time I finished it I felt like I had read a training manual for slaves.

>> No.17444215

>training manual for slaves.
based desu

>> No.17444303
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Quran literally censored their own stories, so they fit their own stories. Like doesn`t a muslim feel betrayed when they read about abraham in the old testament/torah knowing that it was based on this but has a completly different version of abraham than they have?

I would take the bible any day

>> No.17444314

>6ft tall and abusive
Very based

>> No.17444326

If muzzies didn't circumsise I'd be a muslim right now

>> No.17444330

This. The Qu'ran is incredibly dry and a religious book has never been more obvious the work of a swindler besides maybe The Book of Mormon and Dianetics.

>> No.17444337

indeed, the koran is so clearly the schizoid diary of muhammad as he tries to recount the handful of bible stories his jewish teacher showed him. it would have been very hard to convince someone this was the one true religion without holding a blade to their neck.

>> No.17444356

you probably didn't read it with secondary sources which is why 90% of the meanings escaped you except the obvious "submit to Allah or you will burn in hell and do not associate partners with him." There is so much more to the book although that is the main theme.

>> No.17444374

>There is so much more to the book
there isn't that much more.
obey and submit=gardens graced with flowing streams
disobey and falter=burning pits for the disbelievers
ole Mo tries to rephrase that as many times as he can in between the 12th abridged recounting of Joseph in Egypt

>> No.17444378

the abrahamic version is superior. no bullshit, just tawhid. The bible has so much random shit in it that doesnt add to anything.

>> No.17444413

The repetition actually serves a purpose since the Quran attests to it being "made easy for remembrance".

>> No.17444419

>Jewish fanfiction
>Regurgitated jewish fanfiction

>> No.17444420

i appreciate that. but I was only ever reading the koran as literature, and it falls quite short of the mark set by the bible.

>> No.17444666
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The thing is, is that the Koran is spiritually and philosophically inaccessible for the secular, non-Muslim reader. It places the reader in shackles, not giving them any room for wild interpretations or free thought concerning its narratives and messages. Whereas with the Bible, you have the entire western/European civilization on its shoulders, and you have free reign to interpret the text as you wish, with psychologists even studying it for behavioral science in recent decades. The Bible is the quintessential novel for anybody who wants to understand western thought and morality. Whereas with the Koran, you lose a lot of its narratives by simply translating it. And even if you understood the Arabic, you’d have to browse through multiple layers of exegesises or tafsir in Arabic to understand the Quran on a basic level.

They are just incomparable. Yeah, as a literary novel it doesn’t resonate, but that’s not its reason for being. It constantly tells the reader that it was sent only as a guidance specifically to people who believe, not to people who disbelieve. Once you agree with it on its most important concepts, you are able to further enjoy and appreciate many of its various natures and concepts. If you don’t, then you will be lost and bored as you go through it. That’s why the Koran says that Allah casts a veil on those who are in contact with the Quran and vehemently disbelieve in Him and His messenger.

>> No.17444668


>> No.17444675

>dude just turn off your brain

>> No.17444721
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>>dude just turn off your brain

>> No.17444726

Is the quran a gnostic text?

>> No.17444742
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So you’re saying it was like the Star Wars sequels of its time?

>> No.17444750
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So I can't understand it if I'm not already a Muslim and I can't understand it even if I speak fluent Arabic, reading it in its original, intended form but you're still gonna try to shove it down my throat and execute me if I refuse?

>> No.17444777

>And even if you understood the Arabic, you’d have to browse through multiple layers of exegesises or tafsir in Arabic to understand the Quran on a basic level.
Seems a bit of a folly for God to have put his final and everlasting word in language inaccessible to most humans, and then damning them as a result.

>> No.17444788

both are the best in their own way

>> No.17444804
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Those digits

>> No.17444809

>It's true but you will never know, you just have to trust those of us who can read it.

>> No.17444918

holy shit.

>> No.17445070
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The Bible contains some of the greatest spiritual writings from all of history, I'd say the gospels are the greatest. The quran is boring and repetitive.

>> No.17445271

It isn’t inaccessible; the primary message of the Quran is crystal clear. If you don’t accept even that, then the more deeper elements of the text that you’d get from Arabic wouldn’t help you anyway.

>> No.17445307
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Before: "Hmm, what is this Quran book everyone is talking about, let me check"

After: "Ashadu anna la illaha illallaha wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasullallah".

The fate of any intellectual.

>> No.17445336

You could have chosen any of the other guys from the traditionalist school other than Guenon or that faggot Schuon

>> No.17445363
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Depends. If you like trad wives, heroism and spirituality the Quran. If you like jewish modernist psy-ops the Bible.

>> No.17445373
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Okay, let me choose the Traditionalist with one of the best Quran translations and commentary. Sayyed Hossein Nasr. Time to read, anon!

>> No.17445380

Bible is a quran for pussies too afraid to become terrorists

>> No.17445401

unironic answer as a muslim, the stories in the bible are more detailed and interesting, but I like the flow and repetition of the qur'an desu
circumcision isn't obligatory, at least not if you recognise the hadiths are bullshit (it isn't in the qur'an), but it is a barbaric practise I agree with you

>> No.17445417

>bible warns about false prophets and Satan disguising himself as an angel of light and the way to tell if a prophetic spirit is from God is whether or not it recognizes Jesus as the Son of God and anyone who rejects the Son has neither the Son nor the Father and God's kingdom is not of this world
>500 years later, Islam


>> No.17445419

no, but it shows clear influence from gnosticism. the story about jesus bringing clay birds to life is from a gnostic infancy gospel for example

>> No.17445436

aren't most of the traditionalists heavily into both sufism and vedanta? that's what makes them so based

>> No.17445444
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>read the copes bro

>> No.17445458

literally every religion has some "future prophets are bullshit" line to futureproof itself. Deuteronomy says no true prophet shall add to nor take away from the law, yet jesus shows up and starts quoting from deuteronomy (not that verse of course!) while adding to and taking away from the law! womp womp, the jews had a built in false prophet trap too. Don't worry so do the muslims! muhammad is the seal of the prophets. no more prophets!

>> No.17445462

It's really a never ending chain of copes. You point something out, "read this cope bro", you point something out in that, "read this other cope bro". I think they assume somewhere down the chain of reading the copes you'll absorb it, and not develop a distaste for it in general.

>> No.17445463

Yes, it is retard. The Quran literally tells people to read the hadith. What do you think "Sunni" means?

>> No.17445475

indeed, religion's solution to skepticism is to read about it until you've deluded yourself. regularly you'll have people on /lit/ defend the bible by saying "read augustine bro" or "read aquinas bro". it's such a laugh.

>> No.17445515
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>followers praise him every hour of the day
>forced to give to charity
>continued 1300 years old conservative values
>Made by Satan

>followers barely go to church 1 time a week
>hedonists annd g*y
>secularism and modernism
>Not from Satan

>> No.17445521
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the ahmadis view the "seal of the prophets" as an affirmation of the previous ones (i.e. a stamp of approval) and not as a termination
>What do you think "Sunni" means?

>> No.17445526

I've been trying to do this but I can't believe. It's hard, I cant brainwash myself into being a christian

>> No.17445532

the niqab is so pretty, I really want to wear one

>> No.17445554

same. i'd love to be religious, they seem happy and fulfilled. but I just don't believe it and never will. unless Jesus comes down from the clouds and cockslaps me

>> No.17445572
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Nice try Imam Tawhidi, go larp somewhere else.
Try Islam, it's more of a spiritual experience.
Convert (or die anyway)
Sounds like your average Redditheist.

>> No.17445587

did your wife pick those sheets out?

>> No.17445596

>Imam Tawhidi
hey now, I hate that guy as much as anyone else
I'm already muslim you fucking larper lol

>> No.17445600

Jesus didn't add to or take away from the Law. He fulfilled it.

>> No.17445603

well I guess in that case all the jews must have got on board! wait

>> No.17445605

>another muslim who likes ted k
based tho I have to give you that

>> No.17445629

Which one
Quranism is the biggest larp ever. "Hey, lets just ignore that Quranic verse that tells us to follow the hadiths and just not pray, not do ramadan, not do anything Islam teaches us, because we are lazy and modern and just want a reason to not be conservative devout people.
Islam is literally the most compitable religion for neo-ludditism and traditionalism in general. If you truely would like to avoid transhumanism, advanced technology and so on - worldwide Islam would be your best solution imo. Anarchism is just a chaotic solution and fascism is pro-technology and even pro-transhumanism.

>> No.17445634

>Which one
heh, you're alright muzzie

>> No.17445680

That just sounds like Mormons who say to know the Book of Mormon is true you have to just constantly pray over and over until God tells you it is

>> No.17445683
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you're talking to the same person if that wasn't clear. I'm already muslim and primitivist, and want to wear the niqab. but only a traditionalist in the unity of religions sense
and I'm not a qur'ani, I just don't believe every hadith lmao

>> No.17445688

>Try Islam, it's more of a spiritual experience
If I pick the wrong one, I'm going to burn in hell. How can you be sure which is right? I don't want to burn

>> No.17445692

Better. I've read some of his commentary but I should finish it.
Most of them are outright Sufis, whatever other traditions they may have been interested in. Not that they held beliefs typical to orthodox Sufism.

>> No.17445697

You fucking idiot.
You fucking imbecile.
You absolute blithering moron.
It says in the fucking book it's real.

>> No.17445704

how do religotards reconcile the fact that if they were born in a different country they'd believe something totally different?

>> No.17445712

They point to the incredibly small number of converts they have as proof it's possible.

>> No.17445713

>followers praise him every hour of the day
You don't have the Father. You reject the Son, who is like the Father.
>forced to give to charity
Being forced to give to charity isn't charity, but rather mere tithing, which should me the bare minimum one gives, the rest counted as charity.
>continued 1300 years old conservative values
The Pharisees who crucified Christ did so in the name of 4,000 year old conservative values. Your values are worthless if you value that which isn't valuable and despise that which is most valuable.
>Made by Satan

>followers barely go to church 1 time a week
I admit my church attendance isn't even that because my denomination isn't present in the country where I live, but I do go to mainline churches occasionally. The mass apostasy into nihilism that has stricken the west is a calamity that I would not wish on the Muslim world even if your religion is false. Please understand that I weep for the fate of my people.
>hedonists annd g*y
This is part of God's chastisement for the mass apostasy, giving people over to reprobate minds. I guarantee you, my church excommunicates adulterers and homosexuals and sternly disciplines fornicators.
>secularism and modernism
Again, this is nothing to gloat over as it isn't something I would wish on your people, but trust me please when I say that my church and I keep the faith and keep away from the world. Christians are not the society they live in, but rather more like salt in food. The descent of formerly Christian societies into barbarism is surly something you don't celebrate. You must be aware that the fervor of Islam has gone through its own phases of waxing and waning historically. I believe that the west is heading for a stiff correction and will return to Christ someday.
>Not from Satan
Christianity is from God and even Muhammed stated that.

>> No.17445715

>this book says a thing therefore it's definitely true
the absolute state of abrahamcucks
by studying other religions instead of mindlessly sticking to the one you were raised in

>> No.17445718

shame we have no real statistics on muslim religiosity since they aren't allowed to leave the faith.

>> No.17445726

The Christian Church superseded the Hebrew people as the Chosen People of God, yes. Anyone who rejected Jesus and remained in the ways of Pharisaism ceased to be spiritually an Israelite.

>> No.17445739

By pointing out the fact that if you were born in a different country you'd believe something totally different.

>> No.17445743

the christian hijacking of judaism truly is the greatest heist in history

>> No.17445744

>regularly you'll have people on /lit/ defend the bible by saying "read augustine bro" or "read aquinas bro". it's such a laugh.
>random anon asks a question that has been asked countless times before and replied by Catholic intelligentsia more than once
>you’ll find all the answers you’re looking for in these books, you’ll also find answers to other questions you’ll probably have in the future (because you’re not the first one to come up with this shit), go ahead and read that, we’re on /lit/ after all, books are cool

>> No.17445753

Do you believe in Sahih hadiths? Circumcision is an authentic tradition. What do you mean niqab. Are you one of these Shia Trans Niqabis from Twitter?
Pascal's wager is the first step. Picking the right religion is the second step. If we remove all the jewish religions Islam is left. So Islam it is and it will bring you heaven on earth and heaven after earth.
Rene Guenon was born in France. Memes aside, Islam has the most western converts, even 2 anti-Islamic politicians in my country converted to Islam.

>> No.17445756

the worst part is the gentiles didn't win out entirely, orthodox christianity is still too judaised for my liking. some of the gnostics were based tho

>> No.17445757

>Catholic intelligentsia
i see this as a badge of honor as much as Batman comic expert would be

>> No.17445758

>Which one is better?
The one that is a verbatim message from God, of course, the Qur’an

>> No.17445771

>Do you believe in Sahih hadiths?
no. circumcision is male genital mutilation
>What do you mean niqab. Are you one of these Shia Trans Niqabis from Twitter?
is that a thing? I don't use twitter, otherwise guilty as charged though

>> No.17445778

>If we remove all the jewish religions Islam is left.
Islam is semetic, and therefore has deeply Jewish roots. If you're discounting Christianity with this quantifier, then Islam has to go too.

>> No.17445784

Fascinating to see a Muslim woman on 4chan. Don't see those every day, no offence.

>> No.17445790

>Fascinating to see a Muslim woman on 4chan. Don't see those every day, no offence.
I don't want to spoil your fun, but they're larping as a woman.

>> No.17445792

>If we remove all the jewish religions Islam
Is Islam not an Abrahamic religion as well?

>> No.17445796

uh thanks, I've been posting here since 2013, /polgbt/ gang

>> No.17445798

>You don't have the Father. You reject the Son, who is like the Father.
Trinity belongs to /x/, not here
Okay, so you're not a muslim, idc about your sissy hypno muslim domination fetish.

>> No.17445802

If so, I am disappointed but not surprised.

>> No.17445806

>If we remove all the jewish religions Islam is left.
koran is a "let me copy your homework" version of the bible dude

>> No.17445808

Islam says that in the end times the trees and stones will tell the muslims where the jews are hiding, so they can be slaughtered. Lets not forget that christcucks are willing to die for Israel.

>> No.17445811

Crazy, I've been here since 2013.

>> No.17445817
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>> No.17445819

Since 2013 and you can't spot mentally ill larpers?

>> No.17445822

Pharisaism and Christianity were two rival sects of Hebraic religion among about a dozen, and they all disagreed fundamentally in doctrines. There's even other religions descended from the different tribes of Israel, and even Hagar and Ishmael (Muhammed's tribe practiced that form of monotheism since we're on the subject). You're calling Pharisaism, one of Christianity's numerous siblings, Christianity's parent. That's anachronistic.

>> No.17445824
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>Islam says that in the end times the trees and stones will tell the muslims where the jews are hiding
Kek based

>> No.17445825

>Islam says that in the end times the trees and stones will tell the muslims where the jews are hiding, so they can be slaughtered.
This is what makes Islam so funny from an outside perspective - They're Jew larpers who hate Jews. They even cut their penises in imitation of Jews and curse them in the next breath.

>> No.17445828

>comparing the very thinkers who shaped most of western thought with a comic book
I can’t find the upvote button here, why don’t you go the fuck back?

>> No.17445831

pharisees are from the Hasmonean period bro

>> No.17445833

It is Jews who have gone astray. Islam is the primordial tradition

>> No.17445835

Arabs are descended from Shem, yes, but Muhammed's tribe was descended from Ishmael, not Israel or Judah. Islam was obviously influenced by Judaism, though.

>> No.17445838

>Lets not forget that christcucks are willing to die for Israel.
Killing Jews is based and one of the things that draws me to Islam, but haven't Christians been killing Jews for longer? I feel like loving Jews is just a post WWII thing.

>> No.17445842

jews failed to uphold the covenant multiple times. fuck em

>> No.17445844

oh no not the thinkers. now who will tell me what happens to my "soul"!?

>> No.17445845

christians and muslims who practice m/fgm confuse me. it's literally a form of human sacrifice

>> No.17445847

It's because we embrace the first form of Judaism which eventually led to Talmudism for the Jews.

>> No.17445851

I'm a Christian and I'm not a Zionist. I'm a Supercessionist. Christian Zionism and all that malarkey is only a thing in America because some denominations got duped by the bogus Scofield Reference Bible, and it's creepy and wrong.

>> No.17445855

It is a Jewish perversion of the faith for Christianity IMO, I can't speak for why Muslims do it

>> No.17445856
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>> No.17445860

At least you're honest with your Jewry.

>> No.17445866

I think all modern christians are like this except Orthodox Christians. Protestant thing perhaps.
You probably got more jewry. Even if you're atheist, because then you're closer to the ethnic jews (capitalists/bolshewiks).

>> No.17445878

>I can't speak for why Muslims do it
the custom existed in africa and the mideast before islam, it was however ported into the religion and spread to SE asia by muslim conquerers. it's literally jahiliyya tho
this but unironically, s e e t h e harder merchant

>> No.17445882

And Christianity didn't split from Pharisees. Jesus vehemently repudiated their doctrines, like when He denounced the doctrine of the Oral Torah (i.e. the Talmud). The only Apostle who was definitely a Pharisee before conversion was Paul and he wasn't even an Apostle during Christ's ministry. Other Apostles belonged to different sects, like Zealots, etc.

>> No.17445897

>You probably got more jewry.
Than believing in a semetic religion? Yeah nice cope you've got there.

>> No.17445908
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>tfw you don't want to go to hell but there are too many religions to pick from.
Guide me please Lord

>> No.17445927

Fascists used to be communists (see Mussolini and Hitler) but then made fascism as they didn't agree with it, but fascism still is anti-capitalism but is still anti-communist and in fact the biggest threat to communism.
>You, the liberal-conservative: You fascists are still communists!!!!!
Islam is the most unifying, spiritual and philosophically strong religion. Just one God, not three like Christianity. Tawhid.

>> No.17445931

>I think all modern christians are like this except Orthodox Christians. Protestant thing perhaps.
Yeah, it's just a US Protestant thing. In American the TV plays infomercials asking poor American redneck Christians to give money to wealthy scam charities in Israel with pictures of poor old starving Jewish people. The Americans cough it up, thinking they're giving charity to God's Chosen People, and then these groups turn around and use the money to buy bullets to shoot Palestinians. And then there's all the trillions of tax dollars and military adventurism... I've got to stop thinking about it now. I'm getting angry.

>> No.17445942

There's only one God in Christianity. Believing the three Persons of the Trinity are three separate Gods is a heresy that gets you excommunicated from Christianity.

>> No.17445943

Nice copes, Jewhammad.

>> No.17445944

It's probably intensified by the fact that the US is hijacked by Jews since post WW2. We muslims have degenerates like these too as Saudi-Arabia and UAE, but these are mostly the governments - not the people themselves.

>> No.17445961

Christians rejecting the trinity is quiet rare. Orthodox Christianity without the trinity would basically be Islam lol (still more liberal ofcourse).

>> No.17445965

Trinity is not even biblical. It’s a retcon introduced centuries later. Tawhid is the truth

>> No.17445967

O wait, read it wrong. You still believe the trinity but think it's 1 God. Trinity is a meme.

>> No.17445984

After World War II, the propaganda techniques the Allies and the Nazis developed were employed against the western people by the advertising agencies and intelligence agencies (same thing), the ranks of which were staffed with ex-military and ex-Nazis now promoting the new world order. Then the Soviets went to work on the westerners to soften up their societies for a war. The western people have been psy-oped to oblivion and back by different interests and that explains the hysterical insanity that has totally engulfed western culture since the 1960s.

>> No.17446007

You misunderstand me. If you reject the Trinity, you aren't a Christian. Tritheism is not Christianity.

The Trinity has Biblical support whether you accept it or not. The Trinitarian formula is found in the baptismal pronouncement found in The Didache, which was written in the late 1st century (a few decades after the Crucifixion).

Trinity is one God in three Persons.

>> No.17446013

>The Trinitarian formula is found in the baptismal pronouncement found in The Didache, which was written in the late 1st century
That’s not the Bible.
>Trinity is one God in three Persons.
1 = 3!! Christian ‘intelligence’ in action. You are a polytheist

>> No.17446016
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>> No.17446022

the trinity is a heritage from ancient kemetic and indian spirituality. still not monothiesm (unless we're talking about shaktism or something), but not a new invention either

>> No.17446026

>God in three persons
You really thought "ah, that makes sense" after writing this and posting this to me?

>> No.17446030

Hey, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that sometimes people really are as they say to be.

>> No.17446040

>ancient kemetic and indian spirituality. still not monothiesm (unless we're talking about shaktism or something), but not a new invention either
Sounds satanic

>> No.17446059

this desu, someone help

>> No.17446090
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the npc meme is real

>> No.17446099

Buddhism: schizo
Hinduism: schizo
Shintoism: schizo
Judaism: cringe

Why should you consider between "too many religions". It's either Christianity or Islam, realistically.

>> No.17446107

>It's either Christianity or Islam
That's still a big decision to make considering the wrong one will send you to hell for eternity

>> No.17446114

The Didache predates parts of the New Testament and was probably written by some of the Apostles themselves.

You can deny the Trinity all you want, but your Muhammed said that Christians are People of the Book and not pagans, so you're disobeying your Muhammed by calling me a polytheist. I don't care if you follow your instructions from Muhammed or not in how to treat me, and you can call me a polytheist all you want anyway because I know it isn't true, but you should know how I regard you from my perspective. You've rejected the Son. According to Jesus, that means you've rejected the Father as well. And you teach a Gospel other than the one Jesus gave the Apostles. You falsely call me a pagan against the teachings of your own religon, but I don't think you even have one God. You're heathens to me.

>> No.17446127

So I rejected God X by rejecting God Y?

Jesus is a prophet.

>> No.17446163

Not sure I understand your argument

>> No.17446186
File: 1.81 MB, 335x237, cat tipper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can deny the Trinity all you want, but your Muhammed said that Christians are People of the Book and not pagans, so you're disobeying your Muhammed by calling me a polytheist. I don't care if you follow your instructions from Muhammed or not in how to treat me, and you can call me a polytheist all you want anyway because I know it isn't true, but you should know how I regard you from my perspective. You've rejected the Son. According to Jesus, that means you've rejected the Father as well. And you teach a Gospel other than the one Jesus gave the Apostles. You falsely call me a pagan against the teachings of your own religon, but I don't think you even have one God. You're heathens to me.

>> No.17446206
File: 18 KB, 297x203, jpii kissing a koran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer the left.
>t. john paul ii

>> No.17446213

The Qur’an still calls you out for engaging in the worst of sins, associating partners with Allah. Cope more, crosscuck

>> No.17446268

>the bible is fantastic as literature
it absolutely is not
All the stories suck. Nothing barely ever happens besides people "knowing" and "begetting" shit.

>> No.17446314

>All the stories suck

>> No.17446447

Muhammed classified Christians as monotheists even though he had a dim misunderstanding of the Trinity (inaccurately stating in the Koran that Mary was the third Person rather than the Holy Spirit). I often see Muslims disagreeing with Muhammed by calling Christians polytheist. What's it called when a Muslim disagrees with Muhammed on a matter of religion? Is there some Arabic word for that?

There's a worse sin (the one unforgivable sin), but no one here can be accused of having committed it. Not unless your Beast from the Earth showed up this morning and started stamping your foreheads and it hasn't made the news yet.

>> No.17446448

>he got filtered by the genealogies
many such cases

>> No.17446452

>he thinks the beast hasn't arrived
>he thinks it would make the news
oh no no no

>> No.17446456

bro you know the bible is bad when shitty fucking capecomics can make better stories

>> No.17446460

judges and samuel are worthy of any capeshit movie

>> No.17446479

>marvel is better than the bible
how gay are you?

>> No.17446496

Both are shit
Read the Tripitaka

>> No.17446500

As someone who read both bible doesn't repeat itself often. Quran is bible for idiots. It contradicts itself a lot. Muhammad more sacred then god Muhammad talks to talking donkey. Muhammad and Aisha is interesting. You pedos would like that

>> No.17446518

Try satans bible

>> No.17446545

I don't read Semitic nigger bullshit.