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1744379 No.1744379 [Reply] [Original]

When I read the story of these characters, I feel like I am reading about my own life.

Brett Easton Ellis is a genius in how he captures experiences I am all too familiar with. I could relate to Less Than Zero. I could relate to American Psycho. It is like these books portray every moment of angst and emptiness in my life and show them back to me in a mirror.

Brett Easton Ellis is amazing. I feel like he knows how I think.

>> No.1744416

>I can relate to BEE characters

how edgy of you OP

>> No.1744424

>Brett Easton Ellis is amazing. I feel like he knows how I think.

I can only imagine how vapid and careless you are.

>> No.1744433

i only saw the movie american psycho but i feel like i know how you mean

patrick bateman has to put up with the same shit every day that i do and it makes me want to kill people the same way he does

>> No.1744453

That's the thing about his novels. They capture a part of the human spirit and a part of the human experience that most people just don't want to look at.

>> No.1744460

>implying someone who is like a BEE character would acknowledge their emptiness

That's why they're listed under Fiction kiddo.

>> No.1744518


I didn't see the characters as empty, though. It was more like everything and everyone around them was a void and they were faking emptiness to fit in. That's what I could relate to.

>> No.1744544


no way dude, did you really pick up on any tension between characters' thoughts and actions?

b.e.e. characters are just a bunch of paramecia floating around the petri dish sucking up benzodiazepines and excreting ennui

>> No.1744551


>no way dude, did you really pick up on any tension between characters' thoughts and actions?

Yeah, I kind of did. There was a lot of loathing. The characters only accepted each other because they felt like they had to, but they all sort of recognize that they're surrounded by losers and morons.

>> No.1744576

I had a Psychology teacher once who showed the class American Psycho one day and kept talking about how he could relate to it.

Our final project for that class was to compare something in our own lives to that movie lol. And we had to die it in to a mental disorder of our choice.

>> No.1744583
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the only good thing to come out of ellis is the american psycho movie

all his books, even american psycho, suck dick and are basically BAWWW RICH ATTRACTIVE WHITE LIBERALS AND THEIR PROBLEMS

so instead of being mature by taking his money and moving away from the bullshit, bateman gets butthurt and kills people (or rather, ellis projects his juvenile fantasy of solving his problems by killing people in the book)

the sad part is that the books aren't written ironically. ellis actually believes "the yuppie psyche" is worth investigating

also, bret easton ellis's twitter is the most puerile batch of bullshit I have ever read on the internet, and this is coming from a guy who spent his first year of 4chan on /b/

the dude's how old? like 50? and he types like some gay college hipster with vapid comments about the tv show glee and how the people who give him work are shitheads

fuck this guy and the fiction he writes

>> No.1744593


Yet this guy spawned a whole generation of writers with similar ideas. Like Donna Tartt. She wouldn't even have a fucking career if it weren't for Brett Easton Ellis. I think it's because they used to be fuck buddies in college or something.

>> No.1744595

Jesus. The only thing more insufferable than BEE's works are his fans.

>> No.1744597

I liked Less Than Zero, except for the last twenty pages of it.

>> No.1744598
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>some other shit writer copied him
>his career is now validated

>> No.1744600


Fucking Chuck Palahniuk's writing is hugely inspired by Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.1744604


>Donna Tartt

>Shit writer

Are you an idiot?

>> No.1744606
File: 106 KB, 800x879, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doesn't surprise me at all

>> No.1744608

enthralling saga, jarl

>> No.1744612

Less Than Zero is a great novel.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1744743

OP, have you read Lunar Park yet?