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17443516 No.17443516 [Reply] [Original]

>Vanity.- Vanity is the fear of appearing original: it is thus a lack of pride, but not necessarily a lack of originality.

>Self-enjoyment in vanity.- The vain man wants not so much to predominate as to feel himself predominant; that is why he disdains no means of self-deception and self-outwitting. What he treasures is not the opinion of others but his own opinion of their opinion.

>Vanity enriches.- How poor the human spirit would be without vanity! But for this reason it resembles a well-stocked and continually restocked department store that entices customers of every kind: they can find almost anything, have almost anything, provided they bring with them the valid coin (admiration).

>Skin of the soul.- Just as the bones, flesh, intestines and blood vessels are enclosed in a skin that makes the sight of man endurable, so the agitations and passions of the soul are enveloped in vanity: it is the skin of the soul.

>To him who denies his vanity.- He who denies he possesses vanity usually possesses it in so brutal a form he instinctively shuts his eyes to it so as not to be obliged to despise himself.

What do you think of his takes on vanity /lit/?

>> No.17443529

He's a boring faggot and the world would be a much better place if he had never been born.

>> No.17443538

And you are?

>> No.17443547

Are you?

>> No.17443626

No cheese

>> No.17443697

can we have 1 fucking thread without Nietzsche ad hominem?

>> No.17443709

I mean, if ad homs belong anywhere it's on a Nietzsche thread.
Nietzsche was an egregious blockhead, by the way

>> No.17443805

you mean Evola threads

>> No.17443848

does evola makes liberal use of ad homs too
not that I would be surprised

>> No.17443856

>does evola makes liberal use of ad homs too
Yeah, no one in this board takes Evola seriously besides like 1 or 2 underage posters

>> No.17443873

The Wolf takes off its sheep clothing and sees it is a wolf.

>> No.17443906

Nietzsche wants not so much to predominate as to feel himself predominant; that is why he disdains no means of self-deception and self-outwitting. What Nietzsche treasures is not the opinion of others but his own opinion of their opinion.

>> No.17443918

Nietzsche, who denies he possesses vanity, usually possesses it in so brutal a form he instinctively shuts his eyes to it so as not to be obliged to despise himself.

>> No.17443919

cant blame a nigga for following what he wrote

>> No.17443974


>> No.17444017

Nietzsche was from the beginning, essentially and fundamentally, Nietzsche's nausea and disgust with Nietzsche, merely concealed behind, masked by, dressed up as, faith in "another" or "better" Nietzsche.

>> No.17444032

How poor Nietzsche would be without vanity! But for this reason Nietzsche resembles a well-stocked and continually restocked department store that entices customers of every kind: they can find almost anything, have almost anything, provided they bring with them the valid coin (admiration).

>> No.17444050

Nietzsche is the fear of appearing original: Nietzsche is thus a lack of pride, but not necessarily a lack of Nietzsche.

>> No.17444070

what is this cringe

>> No.17444095


>> No.17444128

Just as the bones, flesh, intestines and blood vessels are enclosed in a skin that makes the sight of Nietzsche endurable, so the agitations and passions of the soul are enveloped in vanity: it is the skin of Nietzsche.

>> No.17444243

>Nietzsche ad hominem?


>> No.17444290

Yeah im leaving this board

>> No.17444316


>> No.17444351

I think he's not really describing vanity. Vanity is truly concerned with other people's perceptions; it values the opinion of others and never imagines to counterfeit this by having an opinion of someone else's opinion, since it is too wrapped up in other people's opinions.

In reality, Nietzsche is describing a person who is completely sane in their self-centredness, and does everything to please himself. This form of vanity is only a man's self-ownership of his own good and bad qualities.

>> No.17444379

Good point

>> No.17445583

Filtered by Nietzsche lmao

>> No.17446238

Holy fag

>> No.17446356


>> No.17446632

>Let humility be the virtue of those that have none — Lichtenberg
“What he treasures is not the opinion of others but his own opinion of their opinion.” This is key. There is only equality among peers, ones whom have mastered (themselves, or distinguished over and above others)

>Vanity.- Vanity is the fear of appearing [unsophisticated/primitive]

>> No.17446661

It’s people (or one person) insecure about their masculinity and who can’t comprehend the idea that you can appreciate a philosophical genius and brilliant psychologist without fully agreeing with them on everything. They’re secretly insecure that Nietzsche, even though he had terrible flaws, was a much greater genius and far more influential than they will ever be.

>> No.17446861

I don't think he even grasps the colloquial meaning of vanity. What the fuck is this self indulgent shit? I can't be convinced his use of the term is internally consistent. What is one supposed to gain from this passage?

>> No.17447106

>Ecce Homo
>chapter titles like "why I am so clever"

>> No.17447468


>> No.17447477

>>Vanity.- Vanity is the fear of appearing [unsophisticated/primitive]

How does one stop being vain without being arrogant? Is it even possible?

>> No.17447496
File: 158 KB, 690x900, Richard Wagner painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then came the Students' Association. The League of Virtue was founded. All so fantastic that no human being could grasp it. But I did. Now it is me no one grasps: I am the most German being, I am the German spirit. Question the incomparable magic of my works, compare them with the rest: and you can, for the present, say no differently than that - it is German. But what is this German? It must be something wonderful, mustn't it, for it is humanly finer than all else? - Oh heavens! It should have a soil, this German! I should be able to find my people! What a glorious people it ought to become. But to this people only could I belong. -
- Richard Wagner diary

>> No.17447677


>> No.17447901

Absolutely poor take and filtered for the greater good.

>> No.17448141


>> No.17448205

By being open to the possibility of coming off as unsophisticated/primitive. Think of people who are like this irl. They’re rather based.

>> No.17448239


>> No.17448293

>They’re rather based.
Yeah I agree with you but society always treats narcissists as something bad
I guess I've just been jewed my entire life into thinking this way but I always end up looking up at those people
(when I mean narcissist I mean the absence of comparison and having high esteem for oneself, not thinking of others as lower people)

>> No.17448295

How and why?

>> No.17448395

That's the exact opposite of narcissism. The narcissist creates a delusional false self to cope with his inability to accept his true self. That's why they keep people around who validate their false image and hate people who remind them in some way of who they actually are.
>when I mean narcissist I mean the absence of comparison and having high esteem for oneself
This is not narcissism. What we're talking about here is two virtues: confidence and humility. The confidence to show your true self even if it's unsophisticated and primitive, and the humility to be perfectly ok with being seen as such.
It's not the end of the world and people like you more when you are authentic like this.
>Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

>> No.17448411

lmao. They all work.

>> No.17448437

Hawthorne worded the solution better than I ever could:
>“Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!”

>> No.17448444

I think they seem on point, although a better translation probably exists. It also seems like they triggered the insecurity of a lot of posters judging by the shit flinging in the thread.

>> No.17448452
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>It also seems like they triggered the insecurity of a lot of posters judging by the shit flinging in the thread.

exactly lmao, I love how Nietzsche always makes people seethe

>> No.17448453

>Skin of the soul.- Just as the bones, flesh, intestines and blood vessels are enclosed in a skin that makes the sight of man endurable, so the agitations and passions of the soul are enveloped in vanity: it is the skin of the soul.
Reminds me of this quote
>“Nothing, indeed, is more revolting to English feelings than the spectacle of a human being obtruding on our notice his moral ulcers or scars, and tearing away that decent drapery”
Thomas De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

>> No.17448484

But is there not one who could make Nietzsche seethe?

>> No.17448520

This is probably pretty close to how he formulated almost any passage. It's why he was so good at psychologizing. It takes brutal honesty to be a good psychologist.

>> No.17448521

this nigga spittin' fax

>> No.17448528

This, if anything I love Nietzsche because he makes midwits screech.

>> No.17448535
File: 101 KB, 980x510, midwitmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is always right

>> No.17448593

The other day some bitch on instagram posted a story with a Bertrand Russel quote that said that stupid people have confidence and smart people must bear the weight of living in doubt and deliberation

I immediately tought of this image lmao

>> No.17448601

>The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.

Bertrand is such a fucking cuck

>> No.17448630

Isn't he saying that intelligent people should be more confident, (here) though?

>> No.17448639

you could assume that, but if you go look at 90% of what Bertrand said throughout his life its pretty easy to assume he's just seething

>> No.17449046


>> No.17449069

I agree, but *here* I mean it's pretty hard to interpret in respect to his views most of the time. It seems exactly to me that he is calling intelligent people being full of doubt as a trouble.

>> No.17449450

>>Self-enjoyment in vanity.- The vain man wants not so much to predominate as to feel himself predominant; that is why he disdains no means of self-deception and self-outwitting. What he treasures is not the opinion of others but his own opinion of their opinion.

Thats actually a really based take
Now I want to read him again kek

>> No.17449787

>implying there's anything wrong with being extraverted.

>> No.17450031


>> No.17450287


>> No.17450604

Has he inspired you to commit the crime of the century, you edgelord homosexual?

>> No.17450657

Seethe, Marxtranny.

>> No.17450817

You will never reach racist nirvana

>> No.17451432


>> No.17452248

Im rereading BG&E and I forgot how good it was

>> No.17452340

Neetchfags are so weak.

>> No.17453675


>> No.17454018

Was it autism?

>> No.17455208

But Nietzsche was a midwit and sourcefaggot

>> No.17455214

Only because his intuitions told him so.

>> No.17455241

sounds like he listens to Red Scare

>> No.17455591


>> No.17455976


>> No.17456024

>Or do you perhaps see or smell in this the doctrine of Communism? Are you so foolish or so wicked as to declare that the necessary redemption of the race of man from the grossest, most immoral enslavement to base materialism is the same as putting into practice that most absurd and senseless doctrine, Communism? Will you not see that in this doctrine of a mathematically equal division of property and earnings un unthinking attempt has been made to solve the problem? But will you therefore also decry the problem itself as absurd and nonsensical? Beware! The result of thirty-three years of peace shows you human society today in such a state of ruin and pauperism that by the end of this year you will see around you the ghastly figures of pale famine! Take care before it is too late! Do not give alms, but recognise the right, the human right bestowed by God, or you may live to see the day when nature, violated and mocked, will rise in brutal vengeance. Then her wild cry of victory might well herald that Communism; and if it last for only the briefest time, because it is impossible that its principles should prevail, yet this brief rule would suffice to destroy perhaps for a long all the achievements of a civilisation two thousand years old. Do you think I am threatening you? No, I am warning you!

Why was Wagner so based? How did he predict the effects of Communism so accurately? Given, he is doing it from the 19th century standpoint of dealing with Communism's original claims, rather than in respect to it being a positive ill in itself.

>> No.17456756

vanity is based

>> No.17457971

Nietzsche is too easy to bully.