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17443107 No.17443107 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post writers you're surprised they're not cancelled yet

>> No.17443220

There's a weird contradiction where celebrities only seem to get cancelled when their doing awful shit is some big revelation. When someone is kind of a piece of shit and it's no real secret nobody rallies against their misdeeds because it comes with the territory. Like I love William S Burroughs for example but he was a terrible human being. Considering his career basically started out with him manslaughtering his wife, whatever else came out sort of paled in comparison.
I'm astonished someone like Andy Dick is only now sort of getting reviled for his conduct, for years nobody was shocked by what how he'd routinely act because it was just generally accepted to the point of normalization that when he has a couple drinks he's probably gonna grope someone.
There's always gonna be a greater concentration of outrage towards people who lived otherwise decent lives who have some awful moment brought into the public eye because it's the feeling of a secret having been uncovered that sensationalizes the act, not the severity of the act, within certain limits obviously.

>> No.17443275

the "pure" one falling committed a sacrilege against the the institution he represented, he makes "purity" inaccessible because of his fall, hence his ritual killing (ie cancelling) must be committed by the most and the most violently possible so peace can be restored