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17441955 No.17441955 [Reply] [Original]

In Uncle Ted's manifesto, what do you suppose he's referring to when he mentions "real goals"? For context, he categorizes a lot of the things we do in industrial society as invented goals we make up for ourselves as our physical needs are trivial to take care of. Hobbies, which if deprived of, we could go without fall into this category.

"Real goals", however, are referred to but not explicitly spelled out in his manifesto. I assume he might be referring to things such as starting a family or maybe building your own self-sufficient farm stead, but this is never made explicitly clear.

>> No.17441972

uncle ted's problems is you can't really reverse the process of history, the best you can do is alleviate the suffering of current society and combine elements from the past into today's context. So if you got rid of the industrial base of society somehow it would just be rebuilt immediately by surviving engineers and scientists.

Ted was also a guy from the 90's and "real needs" are becoming more serious as neoliberal society takes its toll and makes things like employment, housing, healthcare, transportation, and general security challenging ignoring the rampant advanced in technology.

>> No.17442053

True, I am an engineer and I think about how to rebuild society the event of civilization collapse. "real needs" will get taken care of, according to uncle ted. UBI would resolve the immediate problem of physical needs - along of a host of other programs industrial society will provide to keep the system working.

The "real goals" he mentions are still vague to me. I can only imagine they are things which one doesn't do in an industrial society.

>> No.17442067

I dunno but Adorno has an interesting essay on leisure/work and authentic human activity in The Culture Industry, I think it's the essay around page 180

Also Marx's concept of labour which you can read about in Kolakowski's Main Currents

Not a Marxist, just find that the metaphysical ones have interesting pre- and post-technique/technology views of human "activity" (labour, striving, autopoeisis)

>> No.17442084

I asked him this and he sent me a letter.
If you want I can post it here.

>> No.17442094

If this isn't a joke, I would like to see it.

>> No.17442105

Patchy! What are you doing with that pizza?

>> No.17442113

Obviously fucking post it anon

>> No.17442115
File: 2.67 MB, 3024x3024, letterofted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sent me this.

>> No.17442125

the utter disrespect on display here

>> No.17442141
File: 130 KB, 1200x1151, 1608154861295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything for Uncle Ted, I'm almost benching one plate.

>> No.17442245

cope, you're not gonna make it

>> No.17442302
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Funnily enough I stopped using social media, porn, and other forms of "degeneracy" before reading his manifesto, for completely unrelated reasons.

>> No.17442374

But you haven't abondoned one of the biggest forms of degeneracy, so this is irrelevant.

>> No.17442385

Anyway, the real goal of life is to convert to Islam, go to a traditionalist islamic society, marry an underage woman and make 10 childrens to grow up in your homestead farm and raise them to be warriors for anti-Israeli militias. Otherwise ngmi.

>> No.17442407
File: 19 KB, 242x208, good buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose there's no other way to become a true anarcho-primitivist other than to do what an autist that gets upset by pictures of cartoons on /lit/ says.

>> No.17442410

Lol the Arabs didn't even manage to beat Israel, why convert to their religion?

>> No.17442489

When will the US defeat the Israelis that are undermining their country's people and economy? If you don't think the western world are an equal as big victims as Palestine, then you're naive.

>> No.17442502

Isn't autism highly represented in the anime community? These shallow degenerated meaningless cartoons that promote feminization, pornography and other cringe are just keeping you on the internet and technology way longer. Ted would laugh at you. Check your mail btw.

>> No.17442534 [DELETED] 


>"real needs" will get taken care of, according to uncle ted. UBI would resolve the immediate problem of physical needs

So Uncle Ted seems to not understand that something as simple as UBI would have to be fought tooth and nail for let alone actual serious change like healthcare, a lot of "real needs" in a capitalist economy aren't taken care of because the prime operator is profit, not use value. It doesn't actually matter how much technology progresses if the lower classes of society have no institutional power.. Something like UBI is not actually going to float in on its own thing I believe.

A lot of this upcoming technology could be used for good purposes. So 3D printing could easily solve homelessness forever in an economy where things are created for use and the creation of shelter is a easy as the click of button, but any technology as I described will be used in a for-profit economy to increase the power of the ruling class rather than eliminating scarcity.

>> No.17442552


>"real needs" will get taken care of, according to uncle ted. UBI would resolve the immediate problem of physical needs

So Uncle Ted seems to not understand that something as simple as UBI would have to be fought tooth and nail for let alone actual serious change like healthcare, a lot of "real needs" in a capitalist economy aren't taken care of because the prime operator is profit, not use value. It doesn't actually matter how much technology progresses if the lower classes of society have no institutional power.. Something like UBI is not actually going to float in on its own thing I believe.

A lot of this upcoming technology could be used for good purposes. So 3D printing could easily solve homelessness forever in an economy where things are created for use and the creation of shelter is a easy as the click of a button, but any kinda technology as I earlier previously described will be used in a for-profit economy to increase the power of the ruling class rather than eliminating scarcity.

>> No.17442666

Yes, however, I would argue that as it becomes more difficult for consumers to buy things they don't need. UBI will become greatly entertained as a solution to many contemporary problems. It will benefit the system to have a continuous flux of money running through it, even if that flow of value is largely artificial. This enables the ruling classes of society to placate the neo-serfdom class of UBI beneficiaries, all the while they get to continue the flow of cash through the economic system. The ground work for this has already been laid with modern monetary policy, where printing money is a feature of the monetary system.

This isn't really on par with well critiqued political theory, but I've seen the predicting power dystopian science fiction setting seem to have. In judge dredge, they describe a society with 85% unemployment rates due to a lack of need for human labor. This unemployed class of people lives on welfare, yet they still participate in the economy by consuming goods.

>> No.17442706
File: 22 KB, 374x358, 1611692127832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not read his manifesto? He clearly states in paragraph 78 that anime can be used to rekindle man's connection to nature as he draws the comparison of the the simplified iconigraphic nature of anime to naturalistic caveman paintings. He only specifically warns about watching moe shit.

>> No.17442735

>Yes, however, I would argue that as it becomes more difficult for consumers to buy things they don't need. UBI will become greatly entertained as a solution to many contemporary problems. It will benefit the system to have a continuous flux of money running through it, even if that flow of value is largely artificial. This enables the ruling classes of society to placate the neo-serfdom class of UBI beneficiaries, all the while they get to continue the flow of cash through the economic system. The ground work for this has already been laid with modern monetary policy, where printing money is a feature of the monetary system.

I mean with all the violence going on they should actually try and do it soon but I think a lot of them eat their own bullshit and think there's no problems at all in today's society and are completely aliennated to the public.

>> No.17442747

Did you not read the parts about the "power process"?

>> No.17442796

Yes, but I thought that was his framework for describing what freedom really is. To distinguish between the freedom to participate in the system vs the real freedom of doing whatever you actually want.

>> No.17442808

Oh, don't get me wrong - it'll be slow and drawn out. I'd give it at least twenty more years before you start seeing serious attempts at implementation.

>> No.17443012

Ah yes, I remember when Ted said "The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, thus we must cope with an anti-social lifestyle based on pedophilic Japanese drawings."

>> No.17443030

>be me
>be Gypo
>corona virus lockdowns are beginning
>pack/tribes of local gypsies all purchase leather jackets, machetes, some purchasing guns
>as a group create stashes of supplies

Man we would be 100% fine, we were absolutely ready even just with the fear of the lockdowns, I’m sure if something extreme happened we would be a pretty safe community. We were ready to become raiders. Kek

>> No.17443072

Ah yes, just your average day in London.

>> No.17443211

I thought it was to convert to Mormonism.

>> No.17443261

99% of Anprims are larpers as evidenced by the fact that if they were serious about their beliefs they would start living in woods like Varg and Uncle Ted. Then again they probably intuitively understand that the modern lifestyle is superior to getting eaten by lions in Africa.

>> No.17443313

when ted talks about 'real goals' he means like when he was a kid and the world felt real and his goals felt tangible and clear-cut. it's a childish illusion, fueled by his own ineptitude to deal with the fundamentally deceptive nature of existence. man doesn't know that his goals are futile and kind of fake because that would be too depressive for most

any goal that moves you forward is sufficiently real. you can do autistic models on it and measure "actual effects" in term of how much money you'll make or whatever but goals are ultimately just nice things on the horizon, very subjective and personal stuff

>> No.17443391

Thank you, I felt as though him comparing invented goals with some idealized concept of "real goals" was a cope out for his ideology.