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17440464 No.17440464 [Reply] [Original]

You're imprisoned and scheduled to be executed in one month's time.

Which three books do you bring to prison?

>> No.17440552


>> No.17440559

something to tell me how to create prison alcohol tbqh

>> No.17440565

Toilet wine is easy to make. You'll want more reading material, like how to make a skeleton key out of soap.

>> No.17440616

Colouring books to pass the time

>> No.17440659

Porn magazines with anita blond and kendra lust to jerk off

>> No.17440720

Joseph and His Brothers
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Paradise Lost

>> No.17440723

The Bible (specifically the four gospels)
The Iliad or The Odyssey

>> No.17441401

hemingway’s collected short stories

>> No.17441419
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>bring three book to prison
>doesn't have the attention span to read
>get executed before finishing a single book

>> No.17441427

The Bible alone

>> No.17441612

The Bible
Divine Comedy
Preparation for Death (St Alphonsus Liguori)

>> No.17441730

Complete Works of Blake
Complete Works of Hopkins
Tao Te Ching

>> No.17441933

>St Alphonsus
Nice. I was considering Uniformity with God's Will.

>> No.17441939

The bible, god will get me out lol

>> No.17442098

The Bible
The Stranger
Das Kapital

>> No.17442111

Clifford the Big Red Dog, Blue's Clues, and Old Yeller.

>> No.17442118
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>Das Kapital
>Reading a jew talk about the labor theory of value before dying

>> No.17442119

Crime and Punishment
Leaves of Grass

>> No.17442130

The Bible
The Liturgy of the Hours for the current liturgical season
Confession: Its Fruitful Practice

>> No.17442142

easy - there is one correct answer and it is three false books with secret compartments

first one holding the finest lock-picking tools
the second holding incapacitating weaponry
the third holding a library card

I would waltz my way out of prison, hide in the library and read until someone thinks of finding me there - read all I can in the meantime

>> No.17442155

Gay reddit tier answer

>> No.17442176

I’ll bring one book.
>how to escape from prison and evade the law by Hugh Mungus

>> No.17442183

Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, and Ulysses

>> No.17442195
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>Not embracing the patrician experience of the death sentence

>> No.17442199

I'd bring 3 dildos of varying sizes

>> No.17442209

yeah as if reddit was the only one to have people who think and have some fun with a question you absolute horrid twat of a person

this kind of question gets asked once every second somewhere in the world, and if you have a ready answer for it, you deserve to be shot before the month expires - have some originality, or at least fun you dimwit

>> No.17442214

I've been wrongfully accused!
and I accept nothing from a corrupt government

>> No.17442221

think youd be that unfortunate to not even have a cell mate?

>> No.17442258

Cicero's On Duties
Seneca's moral letters
Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.17442270

Holy Bible.
Either Iliad/Odyssey/Oedipus at Colonus/Phaedo/Consolation of Philosophy.

>> No.17442480

Go back

>> No.17442729

The Bible
The Trial and Death of Socrates
Crime and Punishment

>> No.17442748

The Bible (KJV)
Don Quixote
The Road

>> No.17442788
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Boethius was executed by a rope which was attached round his head and tightened till his eyes bulged out.

>> No.17442806

The Bardo Thadol, The Trial and Death of Socrates, and Perfume

>> No.17442925
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also literally my diary desu & War and peace & pr0n.
think about things
and wank.

>> No.17442957

Just an assload of Schopenhauer

>> No.17443134

All based

The Bible (or at least Gospels)
5 Dialogues (or at least Apology, Crito, Phaedo)

Though this entire exercise seems slightly sinful and masturbatory. "If I had a death sentence I would read the Bible and great literature all day!" Well we all do have a death sentence.

>> No.17443139

absolutely based and Seneca-pilled

>> No.17443151

The Meditations
The Aeneid
and not really a book more of an essay but Julian's Hymn to the Mother of Gods

>> No.17443508

No books, no sleep, I'll meditate into delirium

>> No.17444399

that's just the most flashy version, probably not true

>> No.17444404

Anna Karenina
War & Peace
Collected Short Fiction of Leo Tolstoy

>> No.17444487

The Koran
Ibn Kathir exegesis of the Koran
Sahih Al Bukhari

>> No.17444508

Zhuang Zi

>> No.17444521

none, I just take the rosary and pray

>> No.17444556

Only one book: How to break out of a prison for dummies

>> No.17444581

Good choice

>> No.17445045

I'm a marxist but Capital would be the very last fucking thing I want to read on death row

>> No.17445064

I didn't agree with the reddit reply at first but now I do. Fuck off back there.

>> No.17445090

Fuck I can’t wait until social engineering wipes out christcuckery once and for all.

>> No.17445157

I take just gateless gate, read it and meditate for remaining time

>> No.17445184
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wendig moment.

>> No.17445236

An empty notebook
A dictionary
How to Write a Political Manifesto for Dummies

>> No.17445265

>I just love being a slave

>> No.17445361

guns germs and steel
origin of species
infinite jest

>> No.17445395

Three different translations of the Bible

>> No.17445412

In Search of Lost Time
French-English dictionary
My diary desu

>> No.17445588

Yes that’s literally the Christian attitude.

>> No.17445611

The good man, though a slave, is free; but the wicked man, though a king, is a slave; for he has not one master but, what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.

>> No.17445622

massive math textbook
a big empty notebook to write in

>> No.17445770

>the trial and death of socrates
>the consolation of philosophy
>the odyssey: a modern sequel

>> No.17445800

Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Vasistha

>> No.17446004

Scheduling an execution ahead of time is inhumane. If a prisoner is going to be executed he shouldn't know about it until that day. it's retarded to keep people around for literally no reason but gratifying the ego of judges, lawyers, and sanctimonious muh mandatory appeals faggots. If it isn't immediately clear that the state will execute someone they shouldn't be executed. What's hemhawing for years about it going to change? Let them die with dignity or not at all, ye cowards. Before execution they should be allowed to make a public statement no longer than 10 minutes and it must be recorded, transcribed, published unredacted and kept archived and available for viewing by the public at will with no commentary intended to color the reader's opinion of the statement or otherwise.

But anyway, there exists no just government on earth at the moment so ideally the power of execution should be in the hands of no bureacrat or judge or statesman. But this is all in the realm of should, that faraway place of human imagination and unfulfilled hope.

>> No.17447530

The Bible
The Trial and Death of Socrates
The Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.17448923

Found the jew!

>> No.17448941

Are you assuming the anon who went to prison is getting the axe?

>> No.17448943

the bible
48 laws of power
diary of anne frank

>> No.17448950

Isn’t 48 laws of power banned in almost every prison? At least in the US?

>> No.17450482

>last post in the catalog
>40 seconds away from being able to post
Will I make it? You'll only find out if it succeeds.

>> No.17450660

>In the future, all spheres will be hyper

>> No.17450692

a book, six words long, called Colt Revolver

>> No.17450996
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>believing the boring truth over the exciting lie
we're very different people.

>> No.17451028

tower of Babel fell once
the new one will leave an even better crater.

>> No.17451295

The Boethius, of course.
Aquinas Summa
Some porn thing? I don't know

>> No.17451307

>not writing your own manifesto

>> No.17451319

The second Tower of Babel fell when the Church stopped using Latin. (de facto, 1945, de jure 1963)

>> No.17451387

Augustine's Confessions
simple as

>> No.17451425


>> No.17452208

Hebrew Bible
Corpus Hermeticum

>> No.17452287

The Book of the New Sun
The Book of the Long Sun
The Book of the Short Sun

I'm a simple man

>> No.17452465
File: 2.44 MB, 2396x2800, Мученичество св.Екатерины (ок.1508) (Библиотека реформистской церкви в Будапеште).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Holy Bible
Gods and Fighting Men
Graves' The Greek Myths