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17436701 No.17436701 [Reply] [Original]

When did you outgrown fiction in general and realized that reading fiction is a waste of time and change to become a non fiction master race?

>> No.17436707
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friendly remember that these people think that they're the master race.

>> No.17436737

Yeah, the fiction readers truly thinks that reading some old man's book about "muh life suffering and reflection" make someone smart or more interesting, but, alas, it doesn't not, just make one's blind to the realities of world, or only can view it trough the lens of someone old schmuck.

>> No.17436751

I don't see the point in non-fiction, honestly. What's the point? It's just things that happened.

>> No.17436753

Non-fiction readers are more delusional than fiction readers

>> No.17436771

Non-fiction is still mostly fiction, and the worst form of escapism. Fiction doesn't lie.

>> No.17436778

It’s the opposite for me. I outgrew non-fiction.

>> No.17436780

non-fiction is just a matter of years away from becoming fiction.

>> No.17436802

What's the point reading fiction? It's just some dude imaginations, at least non fiction is about the real world, something that I can truly learn and apply on the world, not just imaginative masturbation.

>> No.17436813
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>> No.17436819

by this logic, what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.17436823

Don't lie to yourself

>> No.17436834

Answer the question. You've presented an absolute where fiction is "pointless" and it's only worthwhile to read things you can learn from and apply practically. So, what are you doing here ?

>> No.17436840

Poetry is the final stage

>> No.17436845

I like non fiction stories by the anons here, cope more fiction pleb.

>> No.17436860

When did you lost it bro?

>> No.17436862

I can tell you're young. You'll appreciate fiction more as you're older and can relate better to the experiences of the characters. When you do you'll come to find that fiction in fact contains much truth and wisdom.

>> No.17436874

Bitch I'm 34, i read plenty of fiction to know about that, i realized that true wisdom come to living in the real world and not through fiction book

>> No.17436882

nonfiction only readers feel like there must be some productivity or practical usage of their time, even though sometimes you can learn far more from fiction

>> No.17436892

>i realized that true wisdom come to living in the real world and not through fiction book
This website is brimming with people that lack self-awareness. Maybe you didn't glean as much wisdom from that fiction as you thought.

>> No.17436896

There is more fiction in Hegel than in Cervantes.

>> No.17436902

> limiting your options
If I'm interested in a book, I'll read it. Simple as.

>> No.17436906

Reading fiction is fun. That’s why I do it.

>> No.17436919

I mean DQ was designed to blur the line between fiction and nonfiction so good example.

>> No.17436921
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Bro, just live, all your fiction book that you read is just a form is escaping something, just drop the fiction books writing by some druggy depressed dude and go on to live bro, you got one fucking shoot at life to just try to learn "wisdom" from some depressed skank, just live bros just live

>> No.17436922
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>> No.17436952

What the hell constitutes "living" to you? Because it's winter, a pandemic, and I'm a cripple so my options are naturally pretty limited. I also don't understand why reading non-fiction jives with a relaxed carefree lifestyle but reading fiction doesn't. I don't understand why you would have presented an absolute this extreme in the first place. "Fiction is pointless." It's insanity. No wise person would ever suggest something like that.

>> No.17436974

If you go through your life eschewing fiction because reasons that's a shame and you're depriving yourself of positive experiences.

>> No.17436981



>> No.17436992
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>> No.17437002
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Whatever makes you feel superior, bro. It's not like people stop doing things they like because someone else doesn't like it as much.

>> No.17437029
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Your senses can, and often are incorrect. Whatever you believe to be true will be disproven or annihilated within the next 500 years. To toil for the high regard of a public that scorns justice and fidelity is to lower yourself to the highest pedestal.
If your purpose is to read nonfiction then do it, but don't do it to try to trick yourself into thinking it'll give you control over anything after you're dead and at best a name echoed by historians nobody listens to.

>> No.17437043

DQ is spanish rationalism against anglo idealism

>> No.17437053

They are whole different beasts on their own, anon.

>> No.17437068

Obsessed with anglos. Everyday is a sad day for spics.

>> No.17437088
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The highest point in non-fiction literature right here folks

>> No.17437089

>run on sentence
ESL opinion discarded.

>> No.17437235
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>When did you outgrown fiction in general and realized that reading fiction is a waste of time and change to become a non fiction master race?
Literally never. History and Philosophy is a complete waste of fucking time. You will learn more about human nature reading Shakespeare then you ever will reading about pointless Greek trivia or trying to evaluate Hegel's inane senseless loudmouthed babble.

>> No.17437246

Hegel is pretty clear, bro. Sounds like you just got filtered.

>> No.17437258
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>> No.17437264

history is all made up propaganda

>> No.17437265

>Hegel is pretty clear, bro.
He's clearly a fucking idiot, yes.

>> No.17437276

>history is a complete waste of time
I recommend The Conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar.
It's a bit of a tough read, but incredibly interesting. And plus it's about 15-30% propoganda so there's enough embellishment to keep the fiction reader interested.
It's a first-person view if one of the highest-functioning control freaks of all time

>> No.17437285

I would not say that, but the way we utilize history is done for the sake of insincere didacticism. Its utility is found primarily in emotional manipulation and establishing political narratives.

>> No.17437292

>thinking everyone and their mother doesn't know the Romans by now

>> No.17437297
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>> No.17437306
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I have skilled that book to every real person I know, and they all ignore me

>> No.17437309
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But then I went back and forth after realizing I owed nothing to time.
Read what’s good, read what’s edifying, enjoy.

>> No.17437333

I can tell you probably talk more about the Romans then your friends care to admit.

>> No.17437341

What gave it away, the part where I said they ignored me? I did it for about two months, now I don't share any of my hobbies and they pretend I'm closed-off and shy.

>> No.17437379

Try to listen to their interests every once in a while, they might be frustrated conversations can end up very one-sided with you.

>> No.17437380

The distinction between fiction and non fiction doesn't actually exist outside of them being mere classifications of appearance, since fiction is represented through our interaction with the medium and its prior non-history of experience, and thus actualizes itself when we engage with it - becoming history, but only in some strange hindsighted way. Thus, the idea exists and is integrated into reality each time it is read, it turns into brain activity, it turns into experience, and it is above all experience. So, you might as well read 'non-fiction' which deals with the before, during, and after the fact. 'Fiction' is just roundabout masturbation, and if you don't truly enjoy it, there is no point reading it. If it offers something more, it becomes 'non-fiction'. What we call fiction most of all bears with it a dogmatic nicety and adherence to construction. It is read through to reach a conclusive point, at which the particular story ends. This is simply not the case with non fiction. I would finally make the final point in saying Poetry deserves the title of true fiction, true art. Whereas fiction is almost always a failed attempt at conveying a message that could be conveyed with just as much beauty, decision, direction and prose through non fiction.

>> No.17437397

The distinction is then really only choosing to read 'good' books. Shakespeare is more or less historical.

>> No.17437410

A few months ago, but I'm still gonna close out Pynchon (basically nonfiction) and layer in some classics for perspective

>> No.17437436

I read both, you niggers
Learn from me

>> No.17437449

Who the fuck are you to give advice over the internet after two fucking posts. I'm fine with my friends, I just don't tell them about interests I know I don't share with them anymore

>> No.17438432
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Mason & Dixon

>> No.17438847

Whenever I read nonfiction, I have this annoying thought in the back of my head that what I'm reading is inaccurate and will soon be considered outdated. It seems like you can't read a single historical, scientific, anthropological, etc. book without a bunch of other books and articles saying it's wrong. How the hell am I supposed to know if what I'm reading is correct if I have a wide variety of interests and can't devote a lifetime to a single subject? Book reviews are even worse.

>> No.17438852

>read nonfiction
>everything is the same but you know some trivia no one else cares about but you

>> No.17439500

Friendly reminder that philosophy is also fiction.

>> No.17440126

Stopped reading non-fiction when i turned 20 thanks for asking

>> No.17440328

it's okay to be wrong; don't let it stop you from getting information about a subject. if you're wrong, someone will know why you're wrong and you may get corrected. there may also be several interpretations, with none being definitive, so it's a matter of weighing the options and deciding for yourself.

>> No.17440347

think about how this ( >>17440328 ) applies to a specific field you might be familiar with. maybe a humanities. historiography, for example, is rife with contradictions, opposing interpretations, and ways of interpretations, but you still get an adequate picture of the events. and usually most facts aren't debated, so what's usually up for debate is relatively minor points. you still retain an overall accurate picture of what happened.

>> No.17440349

I'm 32. L let you know when I stop being unironically enriched by great fiction.

>> No.17440350

post feet

>> No.17440361

>he doesn’t know that the majority of so-called “”non-fiction”” is fiction too

>> No.17440410

This board is filled with philistines. If you weren't such a brainlet you would understand that western literature is rich in philosophical themes and that aesthetic pleasure is a worthwhile pursuit in itself. Pretty much every philosopher was well educated on the western literary canon.