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17436013 No.17436013 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ drug thread

>> No.17436023

Is boi pussy a drug?

>> No.17436061


>> No.17436106

Drugs distort thought. Writing is thought, distilled.

>> No.17436115

They help people escape mental boundaries and restrictions, opening new paths of thought. Does not apply to bussy.

>> No.17436124

>Implying Plato and Aristotle don't owe their philosophy to all that twink ass they slammed

>> No.17436136

Can u name all of them, specifically middle left

>> No.17436141

what drugs did Junger use?

>> No.17436153

Well there's also a theory that they took part in a lengthy drug ceremony that contained ergot fungus (which contains LSD)
William James, Freud, Oscar Wilde, Ernst Junger, Aldous Huxley, William Burroughs, Bukowski, Terrance Mckenna, Nick Land
He did LSD with Albert Hoffman on several occasions

>> No.17436159

Freud, Huxley and uhhhh... Ted Kaczynski?
>t. not OP
Yeah bro, Plato and Aristotle were TOTALLY SMASHING twink bussy. Bet they had half of the Greek femboys cumming themselves silly lol, like... you know... gay sex bro hahahaha.

>> No.17436163

anglocope detected, huxley was a fag and placing him on the same level as junger is nonsense

>> No.17436176

What did bukowski use?

>> No.17436181

Obviously you don't know much about Huxley.

>> No.17436190

LSD was particularly special for Junger, though he did other compounds like Mescaline
This is just a chart of literary figures that did drugs. There were many others I could have swapped with but the basis with which people were added had to do with their immediate resonance in my head. I could have used Schopenhauer, Foucault, Satre, and more.
Alcohol my dude

>> No.17436192

>TOTALLY SMASHING twink boipussi
I mean... they were. Are you disputing that?

>> No.17436218

Ah another pair of figures has just registered in my mind, D&G for weed.

>> No.17436220

>LSD was particularly special for Junger, though he did other compounds like Mescaline
I know he started off with Mescaline and then eventually tried out LSD too.
Omg bro... what grindr pickup lines do you think they used? It must've been so funny lol, I can imagine Plato messaging a little qt twink "I know all about the theory of forms, but I'd much rather get some practice with your form". And then he sends an emoji! LOL xD

>> No.17436227
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You type like a woman

>> No.17436231

No homie, I am making fun of faggots - in other words, I am making fun of (You).

>> No.17436241
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>> No.17436258

Those balls are out of center.

>> No.17436283
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>> No.17436284

>On May 4, 1953, the celebrated British novelist and essayist Aldous Huxley took mescaline for the first time, when he was living in California.
>Huxley was no stranger to the occult for he had written The Devils in Loudon, a fact-based study of demonic possession in 17th ce France, and dedicated decades to studying Christian and Eastern mysticism.
>In The Doors of Perception (1954) he gives a sober and respectful account of his hallucinogenic experience, which would inspire the Beat generation and Jim Morrison, who named his rock band after this book.
>He explains how someone under the influence of such drugs are intensely vulnerable to the will of others. Perhaps these writings is what contributed to the CIA's plan to program people, as it is called in behavioral psychology, to do, forget, and confess things without them knowing. There is plenty of evidence how they used youth culture through music and the Hollywood film business to calibrate, so to speak, the youth of America into certain patterns of thinking, as a way to test out their findings on a mass scale or in the more clinical way via the MK ULTRA project with unwitting individuals, either from their own military or civilian population.

>> No.17436299

Damn. Also, Huxley took LSD on his deathbed. There's no doubt that hallucinogens can be used deviantly, but their potential for good is unmatched.

>> No.17436300

>Nick Land
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17436341

Refer to >>17436190
Also Nick Land is based.

>> No.17436362

Nick Land is hypercringe >>17434841

>> No.17436371

Yeah, ayahuasca is used to cure heroin addicts and artists use them to see beyond the veil, so to speak. On the other hand, you can use hallucinogenic substances to make Manchurian candidates or zombie schizos.

>> No.17436385
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You're a clown

>> No.17436393

>why yes i consider that bukowski drugged himself with alcohol because i'm a stupid american who enjoys joe rogan
Stupid retarded westerners considering alcohol is a drug kys

>> No.17436397

He used his very limited talent and the degeneracy of the United states to forge a career.

>> No.17436416

Okay retard, tell me what a drug is (and not in the colloquial sense).

>> No.17436561

>>>17436393 (You)
>Okay retard, tell me what a drug is (and not in the colloquial sense).
You can't put alcohol in the same category as cocaine, LSD and mescaline. Are you a progeria victim or how the fuck are you missing the common sense.
By your retarded mindset 60% of the writers were drug addicts and 90% of the eastern europe has been confronting with junkies populations for hundreds of years.
Stop regurgitating everything you read on the internet, lower your hybris and you some critical thinking from time to time you paralympic american ape.

>> No.17436668

huxley got high on cucumber?

>> No.17436785

Yeah, that’s why there’s different categories of drugs, it’s still a drug

>> No.17436841

mescaline, it comes from a cactus

>> No.17436899

Bukowski also used Mescaline and experimented with other drugs through women in the LA culture that he fucked

>> No.17436941

A drug, without going on google, is an external substance that effects your brain chemistry and affects your conscious experience. Nicotine is a drug (focuses on norepinephrine and dopamine). Caffeine is a drug (stimulates the central nervous system and affects mood). Weed is a drug (do we REALLY need an explanation there). Your definition of 'drug' is entirely unfounded and detached scientifically.
Did not know that. Cool guy.

>> No.17437044

>He used his very limited talent and the degeneracy of the United states to forge a career.

>> No.17437331

try and see

>> No.17437408
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show me the way

>> No.17437419

>he’s never free based cucumber

>> No.17437828

>Your definition of 'drug' is entirely unfounded and detached scientifically.
Nigger man

>> No.17437855

I hate to be a shill for le science shit, but excluding alcohol as a drug for its less comparable effects in contrast to the other hard stuff only reveals your ignorance.

>> No.17437938

>>>17437828 (You)
>I hate to be a shill for le science shit, but excluding alcohol as a drug for its less comparable effects in contrast to the other hard stuff only reveals your ignorance.
I get your point. You might be right but i'm not convinced. My bias comes from the fact that i'm living in a part of the world where hundreds of millions of people drink alcohol heavily while at the same time fulfilling their responsabilities. Also westerners are usually dumb as fuck especially as of lately.
My main issue is puting alcohol in the same category as cocaine and heroin. OP put bukowski near to freud and i believe only a functionally disabled english native speaker would do that.

>> No.17437996

Gotcha. In my mind, drugs induce altered states of consciousness. I'm interested in how the thought process is altered in such states, especially as it translates in writing. Alcohol might not be as intense, as the effects are subtle, but it nevertheless brings into being a part of oneself often suppressed while sober. Under the influence, one's inhibitions are lowered, and 'the edges are softened' so to speak. I often find that when I drink alcohol, my mental participation with the external world is turned down a notch. Now, if I did something like a psychedelic or amphetamine, the experience would be completely incomparable (some drugs are more powerful than others, but that doesn't exclude weaker substances like nicotine from the category altogether). I understand where you're coming from, but I think of drugs from a more technical point of view.

>> No.17439373

Middle left is Ernst Jünger.
I recommend reading his book "Approaches: Drugs And Ecstatic Intoxication"