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File: 119 KB, 860x1024, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17431951 No.17431951 [Reply] [Original]

Does his support of Nazism weaken his thought?

>> No.17431956
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it strengthens it

>> No.17431984

no, not really but he's not a perfect philosopher by any stretch if that's what you impelled you to ask this question

>> No.17433356

No not really, at worst you can notice a naive sort of nostalgic sentiment for a pre-industrial golden age that can seem self-defeating considering the Nazi's tried and failed to do something similar. But the analysis underlining that sentiment is often still useful.

>> No.17433385

No. What kind of logic is that?

>> No.17433389
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Not really, but it exposes him for the egoistical ingrate asshole he was.
The weakness of his thoughts came from repudiating his master's project and turning it into a fucking mockery.

>> No.17433407

>the Nazi's tried and failed to do something similar.
not really. Natsoc was all about industry and consumer society.

>> No.17433617

His thought is nazism. His philosophy is inseperable from his politics. His philosophy is inherently nazi.

>> No.17433677
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>His philosophy is inherently nazi.

>> No.17433712

They never attempted to do that but it's why he decided to support the Nazi party. He later regretted it, calling it "the worst mistake of his life" but likely still held the same views, just realized the Nazis never had any intention of countering modernity. Similar to how Evola disowned the Fascists for not going far enough.

>> No.17433730

him and Witty are based like that

>> No.17433734

I wouldn't know, I refuse to read nazis, so I suppose it weakens him in that sense.

>> No.17433763

It is. His nazism is apparent in the "existential" part of his philosophy, all about authenticity and resoluteness and the earth and the dwelling and being-towards-death

>> No.17433791

how so

>> No.17433793

No it wasnt

>> No.17433801

Holy dumbass

>> No.17433807

I'd say he is the man who understood nazism more deeply.

>> No.17433837

>concepts like Authenticity, Care, Fallenness, and Das Man are somehow compatible with an authoritarian identarian idealogy that relies on herd morality and a heightening of the they self.
Ok retard.

>> No.17433897
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>> No.17433946

No, it bolsters it.

>> No.17433949
