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17429039 No.17429039 [Reply] [Original]

Be Kant
>absolute (1.57 m) manlet
>believed in a 'Categorical Imperative', no exceptions.
>liked to be swaddled like a babby, and preferred a man to do it, so no lass would clock his stiffened shaft.
>would've lost to Spinoza in a Spider death battle. (Spinoza pbuh, had a prized collection of fighting spiders. Kant had a shitty house spider that he hated)
>Died a "weak and feeble" old bastard
Kant BTFO'd

>> No.17429077

>(Spinoza pbuh, had a prized collection of fighting spiders. Kant had a shitty house spider that he hated)
was it common back then to have spiders as pets? were they exotic spiders like tarantulas?

>> No.17429094

My dude, Spinoza used to pit house spiders against each other in a battle to the death. Where, as the legend goes, he would be highly amused and would laugh maniacally. Doubtful Kant had any past time as based as that.

>> No.17429097
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>According to Colerus, an early biographer, Spinoza liked to amuse himself by transferring a spider he had caught into a rival spider’s web, pitting them against each other in mortal combat. Another variation was throwing a fly or two into the mix. These insect battles reportedly made Spinoza roar with laughter. He also enjoyed examining his insect finds under a microscope.
Based! (PBUH)

>> No.17429143

Bless you fellow Spinozian. Spinoza dismantled the concept of 'free will' whilst simultaneously proving that all knowledge and understanding derives from the substance. Absolutely based and redpilled.

>> No.17429153

Currently the best thread on /lit/, with this a close second >>17428780

>> No.17429247
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>> No.17429349
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>would've lost to Spinoza in a Spider death battle. (Spinoza pbuh, had a prized collection of fighting spiders. Kant had a shitty house spider that he hated)
my sides

>> No.17429382

>Kant had a shitty house spider that he hated
>hating on spiderbros
What was his problem?

>> No.17429398

what a fukcing autist

>> No.17429403

>Spinoza pbuh, had a prized collection of fighting spiders.
What the fuck, is this true? He really was the king of autism.

>> No.17429462

why do you think he's shilled so much on /lit/? Spinoza (pbuh) is definitely /ourguy/

>> No.17429475

philosophy tube guy said kant is a racist

>> No.17429489


>> No.17429499

>philosophy tube guy
umm, sweetie, it’s philosophy tube gal now.

>> No.17429504

I thought he was after reading ethica but spider fights confirms it.

>> No.17429539
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>> No.17429594

You joke but this would be grounds for a suicide.
And they insist they're perfectly normal.

>> No.17429624

Yeah, those retards are dumb but let’s keep this thread on the topic of Spinozemon battles rather than mentally ill e-celebs. Do you think he had bracketed tournaments testing numerous spiders?

>> No.17429721

I wonder if he let some of them retire with honors if they had defeated a certain number of modes.

>> No.17430135

I would guess that he probably just kept going with them until they died

>> No.17431204

>>would've lost to Spinoza in a Spider death battle. (Spinoza pbuh, had a prized collection of fighting spiders. Kant had a shitty house spider that he hated)
wtf I unironically love spinoza now

>> No.17431260

>(Spinoza pbuh, had a prized collection of fighting spiders.
Why are jews so evil bros?

>> No.17431469
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>fighting spiders

Wrong on both accounts, sonny.

>> No.17431471

If he had been taught mewing he never would have been motivated to write a word.

>> No.17431479

If only these autistic philosophers left the house and went to the gym instead of mentally masturbating all day

>> No.17431510
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Even in his philosophy, so against the judeo-christian poisoning of the rational spirit, you can still see the semitic disdain for animals and the idea that man should rule as he wishes upon them. It is only with Schopenhauer that we were given a philosophical basis for universal compassion.

>> No.17431515

Philosophers were weak sad little bitches, who would have thought it.

>> No.17431559

Lol bruh his concept of nature dismantles this semitic criticism. He believed in the natural power of intelligence, and thus animals fall below humans

>> No.17431589

What or who are you talking about?

>> No.17431617

Spinoza, it wasn't religious piety that influenced that hierarchical structure. You misinterpreted him

>> No.17431671

From his metaphysical framework, universal compassion is a natural consequence, and him not doing that is because of his jewish upbringing. Whatever mental gymnastic he utilised is not important. Don't get me wrong, Spinoza is one of my favourite philosophers, but his thought was to a degree influencer by semitism

>> No.17431742

I'm pretty sure he was relating universal compassion directly with mental capacity, and the interplay between the levels of empathy inherently instilled in humans. The division between man and animal doesn't strictly have to be dismissed due to his semetic background. These divisions can exist without that, and from where the original throught sprouted from is beside the point

>> No.17432021
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>> No.17432425

He might have had a particularly shitty spider, an unlikeable one.

>> No.17432441

lel that is what I used to do as a kid. entire balcony was filled with spiders I would feed or pit against other spiders

>> No.17432796

Based, verily peace be upon him

>> No.17434013

Bumping this masterpiece of a thread

>> No.17434050
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Someone please post the story of some anon training spiders in hist attic

>> No.17434243
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>> No.17434342


>> No.17434377

I must admit, I too have fed spiders by placing flies into their webs.
Occasionally I have been able to capture a big fat bluebottle, turn it into a nugget by removing its wings and legs, and feed it to a spider a quarter of its size, by placing it in the spider's web (one which a bluebottle would usually be able to break free from had it still had wings and legs).
You know how some scummy youtubers have filmed themselves giving fat wads of cash to homeless people so they can inflate their ego over helping the person?
That's basically the mentality I have, I like thinking about how the spider reacts when it discovers it has so much food.

>> No.17434410

Nice. I used to stun mosquitoes with a slap (without killing them), pluck their wings before they recovered, and throw them in spider webs or ant hills. I loved watching them struggle against impossible odds. Ants were particularly ruthless, as they would pull and tear the mosquito apart from its legs as if it were a rack.

>> No.17435382

>Spinoza was a literal bugman
No wonder he turned atheist

>> No.17435447

That’s textbook autism right there.

>> No.17436342

sad when you place your mind in theirs. so many fights to the death are bearable if there's hope of release.

my mother loves spiders, keeps random ones as 'pets' freeroaming the house, and cries when they die.

>> No.17436399

Nothing says he didn't pet the victors free, this anon was just speculating. Personally I'd presume he would have let free/kept the victorious arachnids as a systematic choice.

>> No.17436448
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Here's some source for the spider battles.
(Be warned, the author is at redditor levels of leftie shilling)

>> No.17437578

>my mother loves spiders, keeps random ones as 'pets' freeroaming the house, and cries when they die.
She sounds sweet