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/lit/ - Literature

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17428039 No.17428039 [Reply] [Original]

Reading is a pointless exercise that mirrors the worthless experience of entertainement, the only value attained from it is a changed manner of which the reader views his surroundings -- sadly, these surroundings usually are the ones of a life focussed on repeated fixation on frivolties such as philosophy, history, poetry and other activities, spent not within the act of experiencing life itself in the first place; literature only distances man further from the arms of mother nature, and gradually curses him with roots grown in concrete, in favor of earth and a blocked view of text, instead of a horizon he can enter and interact with.

>> No.17428050

brainlet take.

>> No.17428066

Write an argument, otherwise, cope.

>> No.17428071

If you’re tired of getting filtered just give up and become a modern day liberal and bring up Marx and Foucault anytime you have a debate with someone. Perfect for people like you who don’t read.

>> No.17428077

Again, write an argument if youre such a smart cookie

>> No.17428079

No, enjoy being a brainlet. Quit reading and start living. That is the Chad move. Enjoy yourself, it is not like I care about you or anyone who listens to such bullshit.

>> No.17428093

I listen to audiobooks so I don’t apply

>> No.17428094

lol, sorry I offended you, are you crying?

>> No.17428102

>hes so smart that he gets emotional and is unable to form a rational argument to showcase why OP is wrong

>> No.17428111

read better books, books have changed my actions

>> No.17428113
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Why even post when you wont say anything substantive?

>> No.17428117

haha, im not complaining, I'm criticizing people who build their life around reading

>> No.17428155

And I also acknowledge this in my post, I think you didnt fully understand my point anyways.

>> No.17428166

i stopped after the first statement

>> No.17428170

You are not baiting me into doing your homework, and underages shouldn't be here.

>> No.17428171


>> No.17428188

U can read without being pallid, gluttonous, bookworm. You’re not really challenging anyone except eggheads.

>> No.17428192

Whats your routine like?

>> No.17428222

This, for example the faerie queene by Edmund Spenser

>> No.17428231 [DELETED] 

>underages shouldnt be here

>> No.17428256

You can reach every conclusion you gain from literature independantly

>> No.17428337

>and underages shouldnt be here
get off 4chan then

>> No.17428356

I'm not, and I read books, anon. There are always those retarded posts "why read this? why read that?" Just fucking do your research. I'm not spoon feeding retards.

>> No.17428377

I'm not asking anything, nor do I care for your worthless opinion, I read too, youre not special, yet I believe this, I made this statement and if you disagree, good for you, I dont really care.

>> No.17428401


>> No.17428403
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Implying that actually living life offers more worthwhile experiences.

>> No.17428433

It is just the same old shit, anon. The same fucking shit, regurgitated over and over again. Not even about me, more about the state of this board. Anons are retarded, they keep rambling about the same stupid shit without getting any further into it (you would know how bad this is if you had read about it). There is no substance in that, anon. I'm probably expecting too much out of anons.

>> No.17428434

Everything you classify as "not life" is just a distilled interpretation of it

>> No.17428445
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yeah but what is your point?

>> No.17428472

I completely understand and that is alright, I personally would really enjoy sharing more arguments attached to this point as a whole, but the point itself is just part of a larger pattern that developed on this board, trust me when I say I get what you mean, but see myself as someone holding different beliefs than what you mostly associate with posts like these, because I have different intentions, I'd recommend just chatting with some students (if youre still in college), but in general, expecting from 4chan what you think of it on surface compared to things you have genuine interest in.

>> No.17428498

And I'll be somewhat nice with you and say that only 'experiencing' and getting inside a book is one way of reading. Books allow you to pry inside the author's head, anon. There is no other mean to do that outside of it. You could be a therapist or something, but other than that, the best you can get are books.

>> No.17428502

Find what you enjoy in imitations of life, in life itself, because you long for the reality of those experiences, not romantizations of them, even the smallest true form of what you enjoy in literature, is best experienced, its better to have real dialogues than to read about them, because there will come a day, where youre re-reading something you once really enjoyed and you will realize that you really long for a deeper lying experience associated with what youre reading (non-fiction included), a practical one.

>> No.17428507

*no other mean, considering that most authors are dead,

>> No.17428559

There is no need for animosity here, its just the baseline attitude of 4chan; literature is in my opinion, often a substitute for an immaterial exchange in real life, in what way can a conversation with a good friend not mirror a dialogue of plato? The value of a book is honestly only that thoughts had before you exist in a documented form, on which you can build an even more nuanced thought, which, oddly, is supposed to be what a father provides for you, he experiences life, learns about it/through it, and then passes it on to you, with which you then continue this process, which is an experience even richer, because you can interact with this thought and challenge it directly, develop it and improve it.

>> No.17428569

my point is, that a substitute of life usually fills the absence of something real.

>> No.17428579

The act of experience is subjective and the pleasures to be sought and found in philosophy can easily bring as much pleasure and pain as they do in OP's evident practical reality.
In fact, without them, we would not have a self to operate. For it is the awareness of a future that splits man from beast and this aspect of the self is what can easily take to mean themselves at all.

>> No.17428581

KEK anon, how many friends do you have? Do you unironically got plenty of friends willing to talk about such things for an entire day? That is the point of books too, they tend to be always available. You'll know when you get older, but friends get married, get to do something else on life and tend to move on.

>> No.17428606

And are your friends that bright? People are just regular people, anon. Great people usually do a great deal of effort to get to their books.

>> No.17428608

>implying man is superior to beast
subjectivity in man is built on objectivity

>> No.17428618

"something real" seems to in short supply these days

>> No.17428619

I think youre just projecting abandonment issues

>> No.17428627

If you see everybody as 'just people' you will never meet these kinds of people, because then theyll blend in with the others, how do you know you arent just another 'just people' type person?

>> No.17428634

And you should do something about it instead of coping with reading

>> No.17428647

Because I tried that in college? Most students don't give a shit about anything that isn't related to their courses.

>> No.17428655
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It's clear you consider yourself some sort of poetic philosopher--you choose to communicate this soi-disant 'wisdom' through the written word. You didn't, for example, effect your wisdom by planting a tree, staring longingly into the reflection of a sunset in your lover's eyes, by doing a fucking interpretive dance in a meadow. You yourself clearly value the power of the written word to enrich lived experience, change another's habits etc, or you wouldn't be trying to do it through your fatuous creative writing class philosophical blurb. Now please do wank off a goat or whatever will help you find some consistency within yourself.

>> No.17428658

There were TWO guys, and that was it. I unironically miss them sometimes.

>> No.17428665

I prefer fantasy over reality actually. Life is awfully dreary and I find myself needing to escape it as often as life permits.

>> No.17428672

>actually implying that man is superior to beast insofar as thinking of the future is concerned, whereas, for instance, a whale is by far the superior beast in terms of mass repeated into the animal kingdom ad infinitum.

Epimethean thinkers will always come second to the Promethean thinker.

>> No.17428677

Its rarely the fault of others, there are a lot of people in college and only one you, you are always the common denominator and rarely do things like this happen because youre 'just too smart' or whatever excuse you deluded yourself with

>> No.17428684

No, anon. People feel like talking about other shit. I'm not incorporating fucking Socrates and annoying the shit out of everyone. You take hints, some people feel like just chilling and not thinking about anything.

>> No.17428686

Not really, I just spent most of my teen years with philosophy and now do agriculture, and like agriculture more.

>> No.17428690

Sounds like a coping process

>> No.17428695

youre a pretentious faggot

>> No.17428701

Its obviously your fault that youre associated with these 'people' but im not here to give you life advice, I just know what worked for me.

>> No.17428727

and youre not supposed to talk to normies about shit like this retard, you shouldve found some decent humanity students or something

>> No.17428731

you sound like an insufferable homo

>> No.17428747

>now please wank off a goat
XD random you really owned me there

>> No.17428756
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Your continued engagement in debate just confirms the point: you value the written word to convey, persuade, glorify, whatever. If you really believe what you say go out and hoe a few rows, otherwise you're wasting your life on frivolities which makes you no better than those to whom you (imagine you) condescend. Or maybe there's time for both, which also refutes your point.

>> No.17428771

So you replied with your meek little 'not really I just' bullshit..., seethed some more, thought about it, and this is what you came back with? You're falling apart, lad.

>> No.17428779

>Sounds like a coping process
It is. a coping process is literally all we have, irrespective of what form it takes.

>> No.17428809

I guess I was wrong not to say that I dont mean "all reading is bad" but thats beyond the point, I do this, maybe, every 2 weeks and if you view a statement, barely a critique, which is not even directed at people I view as different from me, not even speaking of below me, is not even the point of my post in the first place, I do enjoy a debate, I dont think I said I didnt, but I have them more often IRL than I do on /lit/

>> No.17428823

Hey, if that makes you happy, I got better things to invest my energy into, which was my point in the first place.

>> No.17428825

I have only banged one man in the ass and his name was Mandy at a Thai hotel.

>> No.17428862
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You do you

>> No.17428872
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Right on.

>> No.17428878


>> No.17428892

KEK anon, I used to study Physics. And it is better to just get a book about it.

>> No.17428898

I dont think you'd regret losing weight, tubby.

>> No.17428910

didnt say study it, said find students who care about this stuff to talk to.

>> No.17428963

yeah but I might regret abstaining from all those pork sausages.

>> No.17428984
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>> No.17429015

This thread is not substantive

>> No.17429017

Still, you are implying that most people are as insightful as great authors. This is stupid, anon. Books are all about getting near a great mind, and it is not like you can find those anywhere.

>> No.17429036

They are not supposed to take the role of somebody passing down wisdom, thats supposed to be you dad, anon

>> No.17429051
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Your mom is not substantive

>> No.17429054

and I said this previously, just saying that there are people who you can talk to about stuff like this

>> No.17429062

Dads aren't supposed to know everything, anon. That is not how it works, and realizing this is part of growing up.

>> No.17429067

Realizing that they probably did their best is also part of maturing.

>> No.17429084

Dads are supposed to know as much as you should, you build on their knowledge, hence the rebellion phase in the teenage years, its challenging the beliefs passed down

>> No.17429095

No, they aren't. Have you ever been near a kid? They have almost endless curiosity, I don't know what life you have been living, anon. But you are talking shit or pretending to be a retard.

>> No.17429107 [DELETED] 

Yeah, youre supposed to know a certain amount of that

>> No.17429111 [DELETED] 

Fathers are teachers.

>> No.17429130

Fathers are teachers, mothers are caregivers, why else are all these questions directed towards the father?

>> No.17429156

I don't think he's pretending

>> No.17429159

They don't have women teaching at schools in the US?

>> No.17429162

I think youre a brainlet who never took a second to think about this

>> No.17429163

If you're right, you're wrong. So you will need a better post.

>> No.17429172


>> No.17429202

deep down, you know being a jawlet is worse than being a brainlet.

>> No.17429213

Yes, I do inject GH. How could you tell?

>> No.17429239
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>> No.17429255

so what, I do both faggot

>> No.17429263

Thats good, I didnt say all reading is bad, seems like you didnt really read the thread

>> No.17429281

Wow this is so deep, thank you for completely changing my outlook on life. Wanna come over and fuck my wife?

>> No.17429300
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haha sex so funny sex sex boobs ass boobies

>> No.17430445


>> No.17431737

True only working for mister Shekelstein is a worthy endeavour

>> No.17431750

Why do you assume those who read spend excessive attention on "philosophy, history, poetry and other activities"
When im not reading im doing drugs and climbing trees

>> No.17431780
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There you go OP.

>> No.17431885
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"MuH Reading is pointless, here's why:"
>expresses this thought in writing
>expects you to read it

Pathetic, the actual state of /lit/

>> No.17431906

>Write an argument.
One needs to have a healthy balance of books and life-experience. So you're right in a sense.
>‘WHY, William, on that old grey stone,
>Thus for the length of half a day,
>Why, William, sit you thus alone,
.And dream your time away?

>‘Where are your books?—that light bequeathed
>To Beings else forlorn and blind!
>Up! up! and drink the spirit breathed
>From dead men to their kind.

>‘You look round on your Mother Earth,
>As if she for no purpose bore you;
>As if you were her first-born birth,
>And none had lived before you!’

>One morning thus, by Esthwaite lake,
>When life was sweet, I knew not why,
>To me my good friend Matthew spake,
>And thus I made reply:

>‘The eye—it cannot choose but see;
>We cannot bid the ear be still;
>Our bodies feel, where’er they be,
>Against, or with our will.

>‘Nor less I deem that there are Powers
>Which of themselves our minds impress;
>That we can feed this mind of ours
>In a wise passiveness.

>‘Think you, ’mid all this mighty sum
>Of things for ever speaking,
>That nothing of itself will come,
>But we must still be seeking?

>‘—Then ask not wherefore, here, alone,
>Conversing as I may,
>I sit upon this old grey stone,
>And dream my time away.’

>> No.17431934

What an incredibly pointless THREAD, though. Have your precepts, man, that's fine, but you can't make a thread on 4chan and then say that someone reading a book is pointless.

>> No.17432068

shut up fag

>> No.17432087

this thread is pure 4chan
>everyone keeps replying

>> No.17432101

why is everyone so obsessed with fucking foucault holy shit

>> No.17432128

Why would liberals bring up Marx?

>> No.17432171


>> No.17432185

All literature does is change ones world view? Really? Is that all. Well then it must be a waste of time.

>> No.17432709
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MFW everybodies counter-argument is seething

>> No.17432858

If you bring a thimble to a river, one drink won’t suffice