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17426387 No.17426387 [Reply] [Original]

think about him, does he deserve to die?

>> No.17426398

We all deserve to die. You might think I mean that as a negative thing, but dying is somewhat beautiful and i wouldn't wish immortality on my worst enemy.

>> No.17426401

>thinking The Fault in Our Stars isn't a classic because he got called a fag on tumblr

pseud detected

>> No.17426402

Don't we all?

>> No.17426405


>> No.17426414

you will never be a heterosexual

>> No.17426431

Seethe, cope and dilate

>> No.17426532

he deserves a strict dominatrix making him live in chastity and fucking black bulls in front of him to let him luck the semen off her overflowing pussy until he manages to write something good.
but no, he doesn't deserve death, let's not be irrational.

>> No.17426564

>think about him

>> No.17426782

"Hello? John Green! The best-selling author of The Fault in Our Stars! You want to build a black ethnostate? In the middle of Antarctica? And call it Infraborea? Well, count me in!"

>> No.17426854

Without life, there can be no death and vice versa. "Deserve" doesn't come to play into it, unless you delusionally believe that you have authority over who lives and who doesn't, in which case you also believe that you are real and not an idea of your own making.

>> No.17427145

Hank however is ultra based and deserves to absorb the energy this virgin stole from him

>> No.17428368

based quentinposter

>> No.17428395



>> No.17428554

Romans chapter 6 says yes, but there is hope through Jesus Christ.

>> No.17428572
File: 289 KB, 496x426, 947DC79A-43A4-4531-A443-104F2D4E61A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s yet to be refuted

>> No.17428578

Why is his face always so close to the camera
Like holy crap

>> No.17428589

its to groom his young female audience

>> No.17428601

The dude is just an autist with the right timing to be famous, I feel bad for him.

>> No.17428639

huh? that metaphor doesnt even work with the topic. . .

>> No.17428654

>he eats cereal that 48 different men have ejaculated in

>> No.17430015

I can only imagine what kind of things I could create with a forehead like that, and he squanders it. Do you think his appearance reflects and, perhaps creates, his virtues /lit/? How about his intellect? His computational ability, his rigor?

>> No.17430034


>> No.17430164

Isn't he the guy who said your wife f*cking other men was the same as eating different flavors of cereal? We don't need to deal with him, God Himself will punish him for that nonsense.

>> No.17430170

Oh yeah, there it is. It's so disgusting how he objectifies women. Women are not bowls of cereal. Women are human.

>> No.17430177

>romance, love, and intimacy are weird things to care about
This guy has no soul. He's just mad his wife swallowed other dudes' cum and he's coping hard.

>> No.17430323

He's right but his execution was abysmal and cucky in nature

>> No.17430375

it's trash

>> No.17430396
File: 378 KB, 891x894, 1586741138316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17431384

In a more civilized time he would be stoned to death.

>> No.17431658

The only good video he ever made

>> No.17432912

Lmao came to this thread to see this. Thank you anon.

>> No.17433292

Living is a far harsher punishment than simply dying.

>> No.17433300

You will never be a wignat :C

>> No.17433332

Personally I don't want a bowl of cereal that 48 other men have stuck their dick into.

>> No.17433359

Not really.

Like it or not women are the ones who choose when sex happens. Most guys would love to get laid whenever they want but they have to find a woman who is willing to sleep with them. On the other hand, for the majority of women, they just need to show up anywhere and they will be propositioned for sex.

When the person choosing has zero discernment with the person she sleeps with.... well that says a lot about that person. However, when someone is picked a lot for something it means the a valuable.

For example: in school when you would pick teams for kick ball. If one captain completely picked at random the team would suck and they would be an awful team captain. An example for men is the NFL Draft. You have 32 teams who all want the same player so their value rises to the first pick and most teams would give up a lot of value to get that player.

That is the sexual dating market women are the choosers and men are the product in the vast majority of cases. If a woman goes out and sleeps with 100 guys before she is 20 it says A LOT about her judgement and inability to defer satisfaction. If a guy sleeps with 100 girls before he is 20 he is probably as rich as Elon Musk and built like a Greek god.

>> No.17434111


>> No.17434140

The greatest thing about this image is how everyone immediately argues through his absurd framework of cereal, instead of recognizing the entire cereal analogy as stupid