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17426259 No.17426259 [Reply] [Original]

My soulmate broke up with me. Is it ever possible to channel this energy into great literature or should I just give up?

>> No.17426270
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They’re probably not your soulmate if they broke up with you.

>> No.17426279

Soulmates are a meme.

>> No.17426294

Does anybody have that image showing the decline of the hi im a slut poetry girl? Not exactly related to this thread but I need it.

>> No.17426310
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>tfw broke up with my soulmate before she broke up with me, while we were still going well
Pro gamer move

>> No.17426313

It is impossible that the person was your soul mate then.You can't experience a break-up with a soul mate. It kinda automatically strips them of the title. Meaning that the real one is still out there to be sought and found.

>> No.17426314

I want to see this too

>> No.17426325

Dunno, you’ll just have to write and see what happens.

>> No.17426363

I know the one you're talking about but I don't have it.

>> No.17426620

There are other girls out there, anon. It may seem like it was meant to be and she was perfect but you can find someone else. Give yourself time to grieve for the end of the relationship but after that, get back up.

>> No.17426635

I dont want any other girl. I don't want to feel like this at all. I just want to die.

>> No.17426675

give me daughterwife simulation right NOW

>> No.17426690

Hang in there, anon. Why did you break up?

Don't fuck your daughter you degenerate swine. Kill yourself.

>> No.17426711

it's not degenerate if I'll only do it when she starts having her period, then it's for the sake of procreation

>> No.17426719

It's still degenerate because you'd create botched babies and you're taking advantage of your own daughter. You're supposed to protect her. Kill yourself. Your probably already want to, right?

>> No.17426774

>you'd create botched babies
the risk of deformities as a result of incest is greatly over-exaggerated in people's minds
>you're taking advantage of your own daughter. You're supposed to protect her.
no, I'd only be doing it out of love and I'd never abandon her
is your idea of "protecting" letting her loose on a world filled with sociopaths and scumbags likely to take advantage of her?
feminism has destroyed the ability of fathers to protect their daughters, now the pendulum has to swing the other way

>> No.17426794

You should seriously consider killing yourself.

>> No.17426921

Read The Cocktail Party by TS Eliot

>> No.17426931

read Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami

>> No.17426941


that's not a soulmate, bro. The fact that she broke up with you shows that she doesn't think the same way as you do. so it's a one sided feeling. she is NOT your soulmate.

also, read "men without women" by murakami

>> No.17426962

>Go To Therapy, the play
I don't think so

>> No.17427059

And if all that is meaningless, I want to be cured
Of a craving for something I cannot find And of the shame of never finding it.

If that’s what you took from it, I guess. The psychiatrist is just a plot device in the story lifted from a play by Euripides. I doubt Eliot was a big fan of psychiatry in reality.