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1742424 No.1742424 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write a suicide note? What are the do's and don't's?

>> No.1742427

Make is super cryptic and put some hidden messages in for the lulz.

>> No.1742432

Don't: Write a suicide note
Do: Kill yourself
in b4 link to 1950 page suicide note

>> No.1742434

if ur gonna kill urself, put urself in a small bathroom with 2 charcoal grills and sit there with a note on u, like the guy from boston

>> No.1742439

Don't blame it on anyone, they'll just get depressed as hell. In fact, make it a point to say that it is nobody's fault but your own.

I'm in the process of writing mine. Got up to around 150 pages so far, but not like that societal criticism that that one guy wrote. Just personal stuff. Puttin that bitch on the desk, right next to my will and final manuscript. Gonna go out like DFW (RIP).

>> No.1742440

Write "You did this to me" in jizz. Make sure suicide and jizz-note are in someone else's house, preferably your mother's.

>> No.1742445

Well you don't leave behind a suicide note for insurance reasons, there is a chance your family won't get money because of it. So don't be a dick. or this...for shits and giggles


>> No.1742449

I'm not hanging myself, if I fuck up I don't want to choke to death. I'm going to take a bunch of aspirin and sit upside down in my bath tub, then slit my throat.

>> No.1742450

Generally, people don't write a 1950 page text before committing suicide. Suicide notes are generally more practical, discussing how one's property and responsibilities should be distributed. So if you are going for realism in fiction, make the suicide note discuss things like who gets the character's autographed baseball, and who the character wants to take care of his houseplants.

>> No.1742454

I'd personally recommend this:
Go skydiving. Twice.

The first time you need to be attached to an instructor, so you can't kill yourself. The second time, though, you're free to not open your parachute.

>> No.1742458

When I used to be suicidal I wanted to make people feel bad. That was WHY I wanted to kill myself.

Is that weird? I bet thats weird.

>> No.1742466

Guy you're respong to here.
I don't know your situation, I just wanted to make it clear to family and friends and such that nobody is at fault here. I'm not killing myself out of pain or sorrow or anything, but just plain fucking boredom. I've done all there is to do. I've seen the world, I've fought in a war, I've published a book, I've painted a house. No hope for starting a family, though.

>> No.1742467

No that makes sense, but the problem with that is that its just a little immature. The problem is that what other people think of you is just so unimportant, become a nihilist.

>> No.1742469

>painted a house
Fucking Beaner.

>> No.1742472

You know what I mean, I painted a picture of a house.

And for OP: Reconsider. I'd feel like shit if you took my advice.

>> No.1742474

Find connection with another person, then. Families are superficial ways of creating attachments by popping out condition-drones.

>> No.1742475

I'm not suicidal anymore but if anything I'm more depressed.

I was suicidal because I was lonely and I felt like everybody hated me. I was like 16.
I'm still lonely as fuck now at 18 but I don't feel like everyone hates me anymore.

I'm still killing myself if I've not found love by the time I'm 20 years, 7 months and 27 days mind you.

>> No.1742492

You sound... dramatic.

>> No.1742505


I was referencing The Smiths with the end bit.

>> No.1742514

killing myself will just save everyone the trouble of watching me fail fantastically at doing anything else

ive wasted everyones time and money and the world will be a better place when im dead

theres nothing special about living and procreating. there's already too many people on this planet, no one is going to miss me.

i wasnt going to accomplish anything anyway, trust me on that

goodbye /lit/. goodbye world.

>> No.1742523

The world doesn't need you, but the world won't be any better without you, either.

>> No.1742531

Write a book first, and be hailed as a tragic loss of talent. Or is that just a childish fantasy of mine?

>> No.1742534

The world is indifferent to your existence.

>> No.1742535

Specifically mention how your father raped you with savage abandon when you were a kid, and how your mother whipped your bare flesh with the buckled end of a belt and quoted passages from the Old Testament whenever you came home with a less than satisfactory report card.

>> No.1742929
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Make it a long note written over at least a ten year period.

>> No.1742934

I dont actualy think anyone, not even your parents will care.
A suicide note should be quick and precise like
"Fuck you"

not an autobiography that will take them untill december to find out why their son offed himself.

>> No.1742936

>I'm not going to choke to death
>I'm going to slit my throat, see.

>> No.1742950

I think you should make it well Lovecraftian. Just allude to all sorts of shit beyond the realm of human perception and blah blah blah eldritch this unnameable that.

but I hope you don't kill yourself!

>> No.1742958

You sound pretty melodramatic & uninteresting. Every white privileged teenager wants to kill themselves. Hormones, y'see. If you killed yourself now, I would barely skim your suicide note, because I'm sure it would be filled to the brim with shitty cliches with a stupid, made-up reason as the crowning cherry on your shit sundae.

You might as well live, at least so that you can write a more inspired suicide note later.

>> No.1742962


Kill yourself and you'll be even more mediocre than you already are, OP.

>> No.1742965

This might come as a surprise to a Marxist asshat like you whose daddy paid for their liberal arts degree, but white people can have real problems too.

>> No.1742970

>white people can have real problems too.

This guy is so right. Like yesterday, I went to Starbucks and the line was like FIVE DAMN PEOPLE LONG. Ughhhhhhhhh. Whatever. So I wait the long-ass time until I can order and then when I get there, the barrista gives me a look, like I'm bothering her. Ugh.

My life sucks.

>> No.1742978

I wrote one when I was an angsty teen about three months ago, and it was in this vein: [lol]

I know a lot of you will wonder why I did this. I don't wish for there to be any ambiguity here, and it is very important to me that you understand. Do not write this off as another misguided teenager.

James Clarke made me do this. He pretended to be my friend while turning on me at every opportunity. I let him in, and he abused his power over me. It was subtle, never in great shows of anger or bullying, just a slow wearing down over the years.
James Clarke, this is your fault.
Do not let the blame escape him. I have though about this for years, and he is solely to blame. This is not a chemical imbalance. I am not a product of a poor upbringing.
I need you to not sully my memory by not blaming James Clarke. I cannot stress enough how much of the blame is his. James Clarke. I need him to feel the guilt for every day that I am dead. Comfort him, yes, but never let him forget what he did to me.
And so on. It wasn't James Clarke's fault at all, but he was an asshole and I wanted my death to have impact.

>> No.1742991

The best note is the historical note.

Go kill a bunch of religionisticals and become immortal.

>> No.1742998


>> No.1743051

I respect peoples wish to die. I know that sounds goulish but I went through many self destructive phases in my youth because I wanted to die and was guilted into not ending it properly. It had to be accidental, even if I had been doing something stupid when it happened.
How much I hated my own existance was irrelevant to those around me, my Father and Mother who hardly noticed I existed other than to make sure I was eating or breathing wanted me to be alive for the purpose of being alive, grandchildren probably. My brothers and sisters who would never speak to me in public for fear of ridicule needed me to exist as an affirmation that they were not like me. Boosting their own terrible self esteem.
I wrote a couple suicide notes, crumpled them up and left them in wastebaskets. Four of which I found opened and stacked neatly in my closet years later, which explained my parents reaction to my attempt to join the military a few years earlier.

I decided in the end it was better to live out of spite, I still had things I wanted to do so I'm going about living my life the way I see fit, I don't care what others think about it, and if something I do makes someone angry I just ask them what the fuck they intend to do about it. Also it is quite easy to live life as a gay man now, even if your parents and family are bible thumping morons who believe the earth is 6000 years old.
Much less miserable after I decided to live life for myself. I do, however, understand the need to perish.

>> No.1743065

You are aware that there are white people being discriminated against and in poverty not only in america but the entire world right?
Most are disregarded as white trash and lumped in with those whites who commit crimes and sell drugs. Sound familiar?
Many have poor educations outside the ghetto of a city. Some counties have populations so low that schools recieve no funding from property taxes at all and have to accept donations from townspeople to have school supplies. These areas are also 90-99% caucasion.

Perhaps you were attempting to be humorous, but you can't dismiss anothers suffering because you percieve them having an easier life than you have.

>> No.1743081

how about you jump off a bridge into moving traffic

imagine landing in some mom's minivan face first

those fucking kids, man, they'll be telling that story forever

>> No.1743086

What he also could do:

Tie snares around your arms, legs, face and the rest of the body with fishing rope, then, tie the other end to the bridge. Jump.

Enjoy Slice and Dice meatparts rain upon selected car.

Addon: Have a bucket of pig intestines fall down with you to make it hard for CSI to identify your parts.

>> No.1743093
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♥ i love you again ^^

>> No.1743121


I don't respect ppl's wish to die because people are irrational, make bad decisions, and have little will power and direction in life.

unless you are a paralyzed and the victim of daily rape, or you are shitting yourself daily because you have terminal cancer....there isn't much reason to kill yourself--most things can be overcome and pass with time

>> No.1743124

Why just limit yourself to a note?
What about a suicide painting, comic or movie? The world has moved on since the last century. You could make a webpage or tweet the events live. Try to gain an open mind before dying!

>> No.1743130

You doing it right, wrongly.

>> No.1743157
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>> No.1743167
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>> No.1743254
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I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet.

>> No.1743261

Impressive indeed. Sound a little like


But they would notice the wire still being there and being bloody and they will eventually notice the hands being glued to the head as well.

>> No.1743267


Yeah, but hopefully the first impression is a lasting one.
I wonder if anyone has actually successfuly done it.

>> No.1743419

Almost 50 posts and no one has called OP a faggot. It's like I'm not even on 4chan anymore.

Also, OP is a faggot.

>> No.1743599

I was always fond of the method where you strap explosives to your body, jump off of a tall building and then set off the explosion in mid-air.

Or the one where you dress up as Aquaman and then drown yourself in the river.