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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 257 KB, 750x1624, 82CDD780-BC08-4415-B8AF-71E5E587FE5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17418667 No.17418667 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of rupi kaur’s new poem?

>> No.17418673

i hate women

>> No.17418698

nothing in particular

>> No.17418700

Damn bro... it’s so deep... really makes you think...

>> No.17418713

anxiety is wondering what will happen after you jump of the building and your head cracks open

>> No.17418734

perfect marriage of form of content. the way the words slip off onto each line.

>> No.17418746

women should not have permission to read or write

>> No.17418753

i actually had to check if its real because it's so absurdly basic

>> No.17418757
File: 56 KB, 900x900, 1509478707641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17418767

i hate this fat, bald retard
i also hate anthony fantano
why are all fat, bald men retarded?

>> No.17418775
File: 102 KB, 747x739, joe rogan5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17418783

short and misshapen

>> No.17418787

Based rogan

>> No.17418786

>20 year old picture

>> No.17418798

Something about him doesnt look right but i'm now sure what

>> No.17418802

total shit

>> No.17418805

He’s like 5’5 but says he’s 5’8

>> No.17418808

he's misproportioned from steroids

>> No.17418818

>breathe being caught in your chest
is this some abstract form of english that im not aware of or is plain wrong?

>> No.17418857
File: 409 KB, 410x816, 1493576863606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instagram description of the "poem" has more imagery than the "poem" itself
Does she feel anxious because literally everyone knows she's a hack?

>> No.17418864

she's too rich and famous to feel anxiety, she's just experiencing ennui and translating it into the terms her therapist uses.

>> No.17418886

that was just a statement

>> No.17418887

Idk but anxiety is fake

>> No.17418891
File: 412 KB, 1024x843, rupi kaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was a satire of a rupi kaur poem at first

>> No.17418955

all women should be shot on sight
they should all have their skins peeled off of their infernal bodies
salt water should be poured down their once-covered backs
nails should be driven through their fingers and toes
i'd love to see the top of a woman's skull lying on the pavement without an owner
i'd love to just walk home one day and stumble upon a shard of bone and scalp and hair
i'd think, "golly, some whore must have gotten what was coming to her"
i'd smile and kick it along as i walked, as if it were a stone or a tin can
maybe i'd look for the rest of the body, but if the world were filled with more people like me, i'd know that it would be a fruitless search: the body would be buried deep under the muck of a swamp, or reduced to nothing more than ash
a careless mistake, maybe - leaving a shard of a woman's skull un-punished
but if killing and torturing women were as commonplace as i'd like it to be, i'd be able to forgive everyday mistakes like that (as i'd be able to, say, forgive someone stepping on my shoe by mistake)
alas, we don't live in such a world
all i can do is sigh...

>> No.17418985

Anxiety feels like i'm holding a fart
Inside of my ass
And it could be a shit and
Slip any second

>> No.17418999

hey women are just beginning to start their history, remember that.

Now if it remains basic shit like this after 1000-2000 years we should be worried.

>> No.17419009

anon if women are so retarded they can be oppressed by men for all of history until just now then..... wellllll.... maybe they're biologically inferior....

>> No.17419055

I like the little doodle that goes with it. Like a shity shel Silverstein

>> No.17419085

I'm impressed she's able to con so many people.

>> No.17419341

Damn, is she ESL?

>> No.17420380


>> No.17420524
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, joegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HGH abuse has made his gut look ridiculous, he sucks in a lot to hide it.

>> No.17420556

Your version is superior, anon.

>> No.17420585

The basic bitch
She fell from the building
The bitch is a stain on the sidewalk

>> No.17420594

It gives me the confidence to know my shit could be published

>> No.17420758
File: 15 KB, 1148x1123, rupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is better desu

>> No.17420818

What do you mean "just beginning" you fucking retard? You think not a single woman wrote poetry (or whatever garbage this shit in the OP is) before rupee kaur?

>> No.17421061

Based post.

>> No.17421073

There are plenty of female poets who are much better than rupi kaur.

>> No.17421259
File: 329 KB, 1005x1008, 1587755616013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true they've just been (((liberated)))

>> No.17421880

Il duce phenotype

>> No.17421891

Based poet

>> No.17423769

Can /lit/ give a better poem for describing stress?

>> No.17423776


>> No.17423793

i bet most people here can write better than a 10 year old, so yeah

>> No.17423797

It doesn't even rhyme

>> No.17423798

She does have nice feet tho