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/lit/ - Literature

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17416259 No.17416259 [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/ approved economics books?

>> No.17416275
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The only one i can think of

>> No.17416369

-on liberty
-hegemony or survival
-media control

>> No.17416937

Chomsky isn’t an economist ffs

>> No.17416957
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anything by the chad

>> No.17416968

What a garbage field. Can anyone name a field that has produced more pseuds, frauds and hacks than economics?

>> No.17416975


>> No.17416997


>> No.17417013


Nope, economics is the king of dubious intellectuals. Other fields do not pretend to use mathematics while being akin to astrology

>> No.17417020

the lorax, economics is a psuedoscience

>> No.17417027

In philosophy they also use meaningless symbols and syntax in the form of words and sentences.

>> No.17417034
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at least in philosophy everyone agrees that logic is valid, while economists can't even agree on the extent to which math should be used in the field, or even at all

>> No.17417039
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>at least in philosophy everyone agrees that logic is valid

>> No.17417052

String theory

>> No.17417070

Damn, turns out modern academia is just endless garbage.

>> No.17417092
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>> No.17417108

>/lit/ approved
>never heard of them

>> No.17417116

My dad invented academia, so please delete your post before he sees it.

>> No.17417130
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>Moni is gay

>> No.17417140

Sounds like a you problem

>> No.17417393

Read Feder.

>> No.17417444

The Austrians

>> No.17417682

Start with the Greeks
>Hesiod - Works and Days
>Plato - Republic and Laws
>Xenophon - Oeconomicus
>Aristotle - Politics and Oeconomica
Continue with the Christians
>St. Augustine - City of God
>St. Thomas Aquinas - Political Writings
>Nicolas of Oresme - De Moneta
>Selected Writings of the Salamanca School authors
Resume with the Anglos
>John Locke - Economic Writings
>David Hume - Economic Essays
>Dugald Stewart - Lectures on Political Economy
>Jeremy Bentham - Economic Writings
>Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations
>Thomas Malthus - An Essay on the Principle of Population
>David Ricardo - Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
>James Mill - Economic Writings
>J.S. Mill - Principles of Political Economy
>William Stanley Jevons - Theory of Political Economy
>Alfred Marshall - Principles of Economics
End with the Frogs and Austrians
>Selected Writings of the Physiocrats
>Turgot - Complete Works
>Destutt de Tracy - A Treatise on Political Economy
>J.B. Say - Complete Works
>Bastiat - Complete Works
>Walras - Elements of Pure Economics
>Menger - Principles of Economics
>Bohm-Bawerk - Capital and Interest, Positive Theory of Capital, Karl Marx and the Close of his System
>von Wieser - Law of Power, Social Economics, Natural Value
>von Mises - Theory of Money and Credit, Economic Calculation in a Socialist Commonwealth, Socialism, Bureaucracy, Theory and History, Human Action
>Hayek - Money and Business Cycles, Pure Theory of Capital, Road to Serfdom, Constitution of Liberty, Law, Legislation and Liberty, Fatal Conceit
>Lachmann - Capital and its Structure

>> No.17417821

Incredibly based. You should make it into a chart anon. How did you decide on them?

>> No.17417828

Was good until I saw von Mises

>> No.17417831

>no keynes

>> No.17418049

>at least in philosophy everyone agrees that logic is valid
based retard

>> No.17418070

You need to read Othmar Spann and Sombart to see how cringe this list is

>> No.17418113
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you fucking IMBECILE

>> No.17418134
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>> No.17418136

more or less what I read when studying economics
wonder why...
back to /pol/ ->

>> No.17418144

>>Plato - Republic and Laws
You didn't read it

>> No.17418156

I will your Greek and Christian recommendations.
I also hope that you will grow out of your Austrian phase, they are the only ones who managed to produce worse economic theories than the communists.

>> No.17418200

>back to /pol/ ->
/pol/ is austrian mostly

>> No.17418205
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I'm not an economist and I don't care about real life implications of economic theories. If the entire world burns and collapses because of implementation of Austrian economic policies then so be it. I only care about endless speculation, armchair theorizing and insulting people who are worse read than I am in the economic canon and Austrian economics is perfect for that

>> No.17418228

Also if you're going to read Hesiod get the version with commentary for students of social sciences

>> No.17418289

I have to admit this is a chad mentality.
thank you, I will be sure to get that

>> No.17418313

kek economicsfags btfo.

>> No.17418357

Based and correct. Anon got wrekt

>> No.17418658
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>> No.17418664
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>> No.17418730
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>> No.17418898

nitzan and bichler's capital as power

>> No.17419392


>> No.17419826
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>> No.17420302
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>> No.17421536
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>Still believes in deficit spending, monetary "stimulus", and planned economics.

>> No.17422449

Chomsky's a linguist, not an economist

>> No.17423399

Everyone in the world does if you haven't noticed

>> No.17423478


>> No.17423631
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Redpill me on Milton.

>> No.17423804
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He triggers this type of subhumans so he must be based.

>> No.17423805


>> No.17423835

you can skip Keynes' books and read his disciples, but skipping Marx is just wrong. also, reading more than one (1) Austrian will destroy your brain completely. rampant praxeology and game theory bullshit is in part why economics is so trash as a field.

>> No.17423876

My brain is literally indestructible, normieboy.

>> No.17423903


39 leçons d'économie contemporaine. Despite the stupid name, it is written in dialogue forms and can probably be somewhat called literature.

>> No.17423930

>triggering central planner fags


>> No.17424533


>> No.17424787

very hiv positive

>> No.17425115

>Kicking away the ladder (Ha-Joon Chang)
>How Rich Countries Got Rich....... and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor (Reinert)
>Report on Manufactures (Alexander Hamilton)
>The National System of Political Economy (Friedrich List)
>The Entrepreneurial State (Mariana Mazzucato)

>> No.17425277

Shitty titles wouldn't even pollute my search history with them

>> No.17425293

The misbehaviour of markets by Benoît Mandlebrot

>> No.17425306

Wish i could have your confidence while spewing majestic bullshit, retard

>> No.17425311

Yeah, just keep on solidifying your confirmation bias. It's probably more solid than Hitler's bunker now.

>> No.17425491

austrian economics, that's it.

>> No.17425511

>City of god
Ah yes, the 1000 page book on Catholic theology and doesn't mention money. Very essential. For those who can't tell this is just:
>A bunch of irrelevant ancient writers
>Meme libertarians
Don't read any books that actual professional economists read, that's no way to learn economics. Just read angry polemics about how literally any government intervention turns a country into Nazi germany

>> No.17425515

>Marx threads everyday
Apparently not

>> No.17425537

City of God and political fragments of Summa Theologiae are necessary to understand the Salamanca School

>> No.17425608

>actual professional economists
>>>/biz/ monkey boy

>> No.17425668

Economic is inferior to accounting. While economists talk about their nonsense astrology economics theory that hides under the veil of mathematics, accounting actually solves problems based on the real world’s empirical data, not some unsound theories made by failed mathematicians.

>> No.17425830

How do you feel about a monetary system anon?

>> No.17426231

>solves problems based on the real world’s empirical data
I cannot fathom why you describe statistics as accounting. Probably because you don't have no understanding about economics or how wide the field actually is.

>> No.17426263
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Lit threads on economics are always a joy.

OP asks about books, but I think you should get a feel for what modern day economists actually do, then branch off to other schools. Read a pop intro (Undercover economist trilogy is pretty good). Read an intro microeconomics textbook (if you're not afraid of stats add in an intro econometrics textbook - you can try intro macro as well, but basic macro is very different from high level macro), then read the Journal of Economic Perspectives articles which sound interesting to you. These are free articles written by leaders of subfields on a basic level. You can try to start with these, some of them are really accessible. Then you can read history of economic thought (e.g. Worldly philosophers) to see the progress and remaining issues. These also provide reccs to some further reading. Then you can read intros to the heterodox schools (neoricardian, postkeynesian, austrian etc). Now you will understand what they're critizing.

Don't read pop antieconomics, it's usually stale ("economists are bad, but behavioural/new institutional/new keynesian (completely different from postkeynesian) are good. Let's have a revolution!" In reality each of those are incorporated into the field).

Currently economics is an overwhelmingly empirical field, the only social science that takes stats and causality seriously. It has the highest reproducibility rate amongst the social sciences (which is not a high bar, but still).

>> No.17426284

king of the pseods. tried to confusingly mangle positivism with rationalism, and yet managed to bamboozle most in the field

>> No.17426290

In your opinion of modern economist (20th century plus) who is the most competent?

>> No.17426304

I feel like he just didnt realize how shitty and greedy humans are after his shareholders ideal.

>> No.17426308

>still holds the neoclassical synthesis view on Keynes

>> No.17426315

Keynes is dogshit and just rubberbands us to recession after recession.

>> No.17426354
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The only book you need.

>> No.17426366

To have a good laugh?

>> No.17426400

Astoundingly ignorant; 180 degrees wrong. Why do you think Keynes came to be in the first place? Because free markets will cyclically bring us recessions.

>> No.17426406


>> No.17426443

Well it doesn't seem like that ever stopped

>> No.17426449

Exactly im already up to like 3 recession and im not even 30.

>> No.17426461

If you look at the last 10-20 ys of Nobel winners, you will see that they made contributions to an arcane area or subfield.

I think there are 2 relatively modern economics who made multiple important contributions: Paul Samuelson and Kenneth Arrow (look up Arrows impossibility theorem, it got large coverage outside economics). Do note that they can also be cringe, eg. Samuelson predicted that by now the Soviet Union will have a higher GDP than the US. And neither of them are beginner friendly.

>> No.17426886

Nobody is always 100% right.

My favorite is all the fags who waited till Milton was dead to talk shit about him. I can't wait for all the Sowell shittalk when he finally passes. Cowards.

>> No.17426987
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thanks for the good post anon

>> No.17427029

>OP asks about books, but I think you should get a feel for what modern day economists actually do
No you dumb faggot. /lit/ threads on economy are not about the boring useless shit you do. It's about reading and discussing canon writers, not your supervisor's lateset shitty article on how to suck cocks.

>> No.17427045

>on liberty
This isn't an econ text. If anything it's a defence of free speech.

>> No.17427102

This, I like Chomsky he has a lot of good takes but his groupies will bring him up any chance they get and treat his writing as scripture. Ironically if they’d actually read him they’d know not to do specifically that lol

>> No.17427108

Nah, he talks about the free market in there too.

>> No.17427151

Road to serfdom isn't even an economics book. Hayek just rants about how bad Nazis are. I was so disappointed when I actually read it. Avoid it unless you want a sermon on morality

>> No.17427181


>> No.17427199

It's about the perceived issues of (economic) central planning. Sure Hayek was a retard but he does talk a lot economy even if not in a rigorous way

>> No.17427592

That book sucked

>> No.17427614

This, say what you want about free market fags but socialism and central planning WILL ALWAYS FAIL

>> No.17427890


>> No.17427906

China has central planning

>> No.17427979

Gender studies

>> No.17428106

Based and protection pilled

>> No.17428130

> they think Keynes was right
I've got $700 I made overnight on GME that says you're fuckin wrong. Lmfao and Jpow said Wednesday low rates have nothing to do with irresponsible speculation.

All their success came when they dialed it back. Now Xi is fucking with it again. Only reason they're doing better than the west is the west votes only for comfort. Unfortunately we need 15-20 years of austerity to get our debt down and our 10 year back up.