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/lit/ - Literature

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1741391 No.1741391 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of sikhism? seems like a pretty bro tier religion:

you can eat whatever you want, and meat is usually "jhatka" meaning decapitated in one stroke to reduce to animal's suffering

there is no heaven or hell, but instead sihkism focuses on union with god while living

you should carry a small sword to defend yourself

there is no priest class

superstitions are frowned upon and all things related to spirituality should serve a practical purpose

while homosexuality is generally discouraged by the majority, the Guru Granth Sahib (holy book) doesn't say anything about it and some progressive sikhs don't give a shit about gays

really the only shitty things I can see are a) the demographic, b) god isn't real*, and c) intoxication is forbidden, but this is because the gurus say that you should have a clear mind at all times

*this is not meant to be a subtle troll shitstorm or whatever faggotry you can manage to cook up, I'm genuinely interested about what /lit/ thinks of this religion. any good sikh authors/thinkers?

most of this info I gleaned from wikipedia so feel free to correct my idiocy if I royally fucked anything up

>> No.1741401


>> No.1741409

sure thing bro, sorry for interrupting your tripfag threads

this thread is /lit/ related because I also requested suggestions of sikh authors/thinkers, and am hoping for a discussion of these things

>> No.1741417

sikhs are awesome. always found their religion fascinating. i went to a multicultural school that was predominantly asian, and quite a few were sikhs. this might be down to my experiences, but i've noticed sikhs seem to be more tolerant of our customs than muslims do.

>> No.1741425

The town where I live has the largest gathering of Sikh's outside India.

We are having a fuckhuge temple being built which I'll probably check out once it is finished. You didn't mention the ceremonial stuff that they have to do though, ie carrying little daggers with them at all times.

>> No.1741430

from what I've read sikhs are nothing like muslims and have many times been at war with muslims

the kirpan (sword) worn by Amritdhari is a symbol for the fight against religious oppression and sikhs are obligated those in need even in the threat of physical danger

they wear turbans and combat underwear and white knight random people on the street, it's like they're really dungeons and dragons paladins!

>> No.1741434

I mentioned the kirpan, some sikhs (probably not in the states) apparently carried full-sized ones

>> No.1741440

Points of belief
1) One Source
One God is the Creator of the Universe
2) Equality
All human beings are equal
People of all religions and races are welcome in Sikh Gurdwaras
Women have equal status with men in religious services and ceremonies
3) Human Life Precious Above Other Life
The human life is supreme and it is through this life that we can achieve oneness with God's will.
Finding God in this life and living by his commands helps us to attain God's mercy.
4) Defending Against Injustice
Sikhs are a peace loving people and stand for Truth and Justice
Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, "It is right to use force as a last resort when all other peaceful means fail."

>> No.1741441

Can't you read? Op asked for recommendations of sikh authors, nobody wants to hear the story of your life.
Ignore those faggots, op. Here you go:

>> No.1741444

what has your experience with sikhs been like? have you randomly chatted them up in your town?

>> No.1741448

I think a little light discussion is fine, no?
Calm down a little I'm sure OP looked there already. Its not a topic I've seen posted here before.

>> No.1741452

actually I want this to be a thread about sikhism as well as its authors and it is you, sir, who is the faggot

it's fascinating to me because sikhs seem really laid back and might be the only religion not based on cruel bronze age traditions, it's like buddhism but with god, and no pacifist + vegetarian bullshit

>> No.1741456

Well, my old landlord was a Sikh and he and his family lived next door. We used to have barbeques and shit. They weren't THAT strict with their religion and drank alcohol and shit but they older people in their family kept to all the traditions.
Like most first/second generation immigrant families they work hard, keep to themselves and integrate parts of both societies.

>> No.1741462

There's a reason why this topic was not posted here before: because it doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.1741466
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>The Kirpan is a short dagger which symbolizes a Sikh's duty to come to the defence of those in peril. All baptised Sikhs should wear a short form of Kirpan (approx. 6" to 9" long) on their body at all times as a defensive side-arm, just as a police officer is expected to wear a public-defensive weapon when on duty. Its use is only allowed in the act of self-defense and the protection of others. It stands for bravery and protecting the weak and innocent.

>> No.1741473

Yep. Because threads asking for books on a certain subject don't belong on the literature board. Yep.

>> No.1741470

I'm guessing this is the same guy.
Where SHOULD this be posted? I've seen loads of philosophy based threads here and this is no different.
Until moot makes a philosophy board it can stay here.

>> No.1741475
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If I had a nickel for every time /lit/ was on topic, I'd be in debt.

>> No.1741485

sikhism is cool, but whats the point of joining a religion because you agree with it? Pretty ass-backwards. When it comes to eastern religions it goes

1. sikhism
2. hinduism
99. buddhism.

>> No.1741490

Why else join a religion?
Also, Hinduism is horrible. It has the caste system, right?

>> No.1741493

>intoxication is forbidden
i got that far and had to stop. this religion sounds pretty cool but i like getting bombed too much to quit.

>> No.1741494

>while homosexuality is generally discouraged by the majority, the Guru Granth Sahib (holy book) doesn't say anything about it and some progressive sikhs don't give a shit about gays

this is good enough for you?

>> No.1741500

Modern day Sikhism seems pretty bro, but you have to remember the incredibly violent history of the Sikhs.

>> No.1741501
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>whats the point of joining a religion because you agree with it?

so... people should only join religions they disagree with? I'm a strong atheist and it would take some pretty hardcore shit, like angels shooting lava out of their dicks while refuting descartes, to get me to believe in god. I made this thread because I'm interesting in Sikhism, but not because I'm interested in converting to it.


>implying hindu > buddhism

pic related

>> No.1741502
File: 31 KB, 363x310, bender_laugh_moar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sikhism is pretty cool, but Hinduism better than Buddhism? I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.1741510

actually no, I'm more flaming than your faggot ass and sikhism stresses the importance of family and procreation

like I said, it's interesting, but I wouldn't ever convert

I've only read a little bit but it seems like muslims are mostly the one who started the shit in the first place, then the sikhs were like AW HELL NAH and fought them until peace was restored and then went back to meditating

>> No.1741508

You're not "philosophizing", you're just discussing the social aspects of a religion. That's no /lit/, /soc/ is the board you're looking.

Yea, sure. Where are the book posts you're mentioning?

>> No.1741514

They had a struggle for justice and fought for it.
You'd do the same if your way of life was being threatened.
Also, every religion has had its bloody history. Look at the crusades for Christianity or the shit thats going on now for Islam.

>> No.1741516

>One side was bad, so the other side must be good!
I take it you're American, then.

>> No.1741519
File: 60 KB, 500x500, neverelax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here you haraam kike

>> No.1741522

prove me wrong bro

>> No.1741535


>> No.1741543

Never heard of it, What's that book about?

>> No.1741592

sikhism is just gay bullshit that they invented when they thought the religions around them were a bit too annoying (baha'i is basically the same nonsense). today it's fucking stupid, you can just be an atheist, or even more novel, not care. so sikhism is retarded in the current context. at least other religions pretend to be insane as self-justification.

>> No.1741642
File: 20 KB, 277x434, sikhwithkirpan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay bullshit
>you can just be an atheist




>> No.1741660



>> No.1741669

>you shouldn't cut your hair because it's a gift from god
>I have a receding hairline that looks like shit
>my beard is patchy and ugly yellow so I shave it
>if I didn't shave my head I'd look ridiculous


>> No.1741671
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>> No.1741673


>hair styles
>>>/fa/ or >>>/soc/

>> No.1741686

welp this thread was shit as per usual, thanks /lit/

I'll be back in a few hours and if this puppy is still the usual trolling then I will delete

if I had a picture of a disappointed sikh elder, I'd post it

>> No.1741696

It's so sad: plenty of posts and just one fulfilling op's request for literary material.
Stay classy, /lit/.

>> No.1741702

>It has the caste system, right?
The caste system is illegal in modern India. Most of them look back on it like an American would look at slavery.

>> No.1741715


that's >>>/soc/ for sure

>> No.1741716


>> No.1741717

Or maybe >>>/int/

>> No.1741724

I made one post responding to a guy's question. Get over it, nerd.

>> No.1742279

As a marcist i applaud Sikhism for basically grasping intuitively a lot of the things that later generations would work out scientifically, for the role of Sikhs in the liberations struggle against the British Empire and for the progressive role Sikhs have taken for example during the miners strike in 1984. Its basically proto-socialism with swords.

>> No.1742285
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>while homosexuality is generally discouraged by the majority, the Guru Granth Sahib (holy book) doesn't say anything about it and some progressive sikhs don't give a shit about gays

Faggot religion

>> No.1742286
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>> No.1742292


>Superstition is frowned upon

hahahahahaha oh wow

>> No.1742311

Look at your Keyboard, c is right beside x, I'm typing in the dark, big whoop.