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thinker 3x3 thread

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>> No.17413882

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>> No.17413886
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Can't imagine many anons will appreciate my chart lol.
I think your picks are alright but Ted really doesn't have anything going for him that Heidegger, Ellul, Mumford, or Crary don't give in a more thorough manner. Who is the guy on the middle left?

>> No.17413920
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Eh I always post this list but I’ll bump with it anyways.

>> No.17413930

I can imagine how most of those figures influence you, but I've always wondered how Husserl and Merleau-Ponty have influenced you.

>> No.17413939
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>> No.17413947

My least favorite of the major Japanese writers, God No Longer Human is a nothing book.

>> No.17413977

They’re actually some of the heaviest influences, Husserl’s phenomenology and his epoche are basically the basic method I begin all of my contemplations with, I follow his outline in Cartesian meditations to basically the letter before I begin contemplating and dissecting any topic. Ponty’s ideas about the nature of flesh, perception and their relationship to the eidetic structures is where he comes in most heavily. But for me Reading Husserl was like reading much of the hard mystical literature described in purely non mystical and heavily logical terms. I’ve said before that I hate vagueness in mysticism and occultism and I’ve always hated that but after reading Husserl I could no longer stand vagueness. I feel the only reason he’s not read more often is he’s not really aesthetic but if analyzed he’s placing the transcendental ego as the heart of Hegel’s ontology, this plus his radical skepticism and his means beyond skepticism, his analysis of meaning and so forth is all just exceptional.

Let me dig up a poem and essay I wrote connecting lovecraftian and Husserlian themes. I wrote this after being so disappointed by graham Harman’s book trying to connect them since his interpretation of Husserl was so terrible. Figured I’d put my money where my mouth is and make a poem to fuse em.

The poem

“Bent and torn and twisted, Monsters melancholy

I have no purpose here, I do not belong here

Everything is now clear, i dwell in the great fear

Light only reveals dark, striving and rest are Folly

Linji or Plotinus, Even patanjali

My illusions are gone, everything disappears

Emptiness is not rest, hidden forbidden spheres

Flesh mangled to cover, hollow hole of Eli

My soul was like a star, dark is the inmost part

A spirit of the air, now bound to the dark Sea

Lost what was never had, Anguish is being Free

No I and no thou remain, the Sphere is apparent

Sit but do not forget, The Void is your own Heart

Birth or upon your death, Hidden light Aberrant

Look upon the aberrant Light, the light of the void, it is not black and it is not white, it does not full but it drains and pulls. Look upon the aberrant light and your Face becomes its mask.”

the analysis.

“Bent and torn and twisted, “

The relative nature of phenomena data when recognized that ones conceptual nature of it, is in fact a bent and turn and molded data point forced to fit into a conceptual categorization model. This phenomenal being is bent by the very act of cognition as cognition forces the creation of a transparent eidetic framework.

“Monsters melancholy”

Monster=any data point of phenomena which has been integrated into a conceptual framework or model


“drowning his spirit in a vast lake of melancholy, on the surface of which floated, like grotesque derelicts, trivial episodes of his existence, ridiculously unimportant incidents” – huysman


>> No.17413982
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Bless Me, Apollo
Christopher Ramirez
King Reidlieff

>> No.17413985

Melancholy is the emotional perception of emptiness (particularly related to memory but not always ) or lack or the gap within being, the lack of meaning, lack of context, of importance flows together and this lack of meaning and context creates a foam, this foam is the experience of melancholy.

Therefore melancholy is the phenomenal perception on the level of emotional impressions of the emptiness at the heart of being.

I have no purpose here, I do not belong here

No purpose=no meaning, the Datapoints of pure being do not contain any correspondence to conceptual categories, no designations. I do not belong here=this is the clue to the space in which our poem is taking place.

We are in a space where there is melancholic void impressions, where being is warped by gaps of knowledge, where “I” the empirical ego does not go to under any normative circumstance. What then is this place?

Within relative phenomenal being, any experiential object cannot be grasped in fullness, eidetic reduction and analysis of it as a real existent object both fail at the inexhaustible nature of any normative piece of phenomena.

If I analyze a chair or some table, I can only ever look into its depths based on my particular data relating to it, not even the other side of it, nor its interior or its vast transformations throughout time, by this the very act of phenomenal interaction with any object gives you conceptual model based knowledge of it, but this conceptual model based knowledge by its nature cannot ever be complete or total of any relative piece of information. This paradoxically causes you to by the act of conceptualization and cognition to both gain knowledge but also open yourself up to a vast hole of unknowability and ignorance, a impenetrable depth in which you are forever outside of. To gain Knowledge then is to drink from the waters of greater ignorance.

Everything is now clear, i dwell in the great fear

Everything is now clear= everything has become transparent in the metzinger sense, in which all has become invisible to conscious analysis; the apparent nature of objects creates self-reflective unfolding bottomless pit within every single thing.

I dwell in the great Fear= the empirical ego dwells in the place of great fear=great realization, this is identification of this unknowable depth of any object with the very depths of the unknowable aspects of the father.

Light only reveals dark, striving and rest are Folly

Imagine for a moment you were in a infinite sphere of darkness, you could not tell how vast the darkness surrounding you is if you dwelled in it without any light, but if you had a light to illuminate the surrounding area before you, you would see wide stretches of darkness surrounding you, by the addition of more light, even greater surrounding darkness would reveal itself continually. Darkness is the nature of relative being and nature, light is our conception of being and nature. Cont

>> No.17413997

By the addition of the light of consciousness, darkness actually expands not retracts.
Striving=the fiery method of gaining knowledge, this is folly because it only results in addition to darkness/lack.

Rest= this is the watery method of removing conceptual systems and allowing yourself to dwell in peace in nature, this is also folly since the result is simply darkness, the only benefit is that perception of darkness is reduced but real darkness remains if not greatly increases in this method of relaxed unknowing.

>Linji or Plotinus, Even patanjali

Linji being an adept of the watery (zen), Plotinus being an adept of the fiery way (active contemplative Platonism ) patanjali’s method is even considered inferior, his method primarily being stilling phenomena by relaxation while guiding focused consciousness to try to penetrate The stilled darkness. Even this only reveals more darkness.

My illusions are gone, everything disappears

My illusions are gone=ones own conceptual models are “gone” which is to say, are the nature of tagatha, thus gone, United with Sunyata for they by the emptiness and pits of absurd being which fill them, are no longer truly being or knowledge or the inverse but paradoxical contradiction.

Everything disappears=the experience of the total conceptual framework unveiling its lack by the impression of the hidden pits of being which are beyond total-conceptual knowledge. These pits are “the Absurd” and the experience of the Absurd is the conceptual category of brushing up against these pits, these phenomenal spheres of annihilation of conception.

Emptiness is not rest, hidden forbidden spheres

Emptiness is not rest, hidden forbidden spheres= the emptiness of hamartia, the lack in being, is not the experience of non-being or Nondual Sunyata, it is truly the experience of the obscurity of anything within any sphere of perception which we hold. The hidden and forbidden interior sphere of any phenomenal object in normative experience.

Flesh mangled to cover, hollow hole of Eli

Flesh=the meeting ground/cross section wherein ones subjective identity and locus of perception both test, the part of phenomena which is Nondual to our conceptual framework and center in space. This very emptiness mangles(mutilates, divides, rips apart, separates viciously) the meeting ground, causing the very being of man to have holes and flaws within its nature. The Flesh as the point between the darkness of phenomenal being and the light of conception forces the very heart, soul, mind and light of man to be covered in Holes and obscurity, man cannot find completion in itself due to the very nature of flesh being mangled in order to try to fill the

Hollow hole of Eli=the emptiness in man being truly the place where the relationship with God belongs, but more specifically God as Eli(my god, the personal relationship with the great other of binah/shakti)


>> No.17414005

this lack of the completely alien divine other, the lack of the internal light, which is to say, the light of consciousness not being able to self reflect upon itself, is the root of the problem. If the light of consciousness were truly able to reflect upon itself like a mirror without any filth obscuring the reflection, the hole of otherness would be filled with the light of conscious mind and conceptual being.

The following section reveals the mystical method by which one may overcome the problem.

My soul was like a star, dark is the inmost part

My soul was like a star=the soul is the psyche the intellectual part of the self. Star=a self complete unit which by its marriage with itself chemically evolves and changes and self sustains itself to produce ever more light.

Dark is the inmost part= the gap in the interior is apparent, self alchemical marriage is not possible with the darkness of alien absurdity saturating man.

A spirit of the air, now bound to the dark Sea

A spirit of the air=the higher part of the self, the sulphuric spirit which is identical to the transcendental Ego (not the empirical ego)

Now bound to the dark sea=hidden in the darkness of the clouds of unknowing.

Lost what was never had, Anguish is being Free

Lost what was never had=the act of cognitive grasping causing you to love total knowledge of any object, without you ever having had the totality of any knowledge.

Anguish is being free=the anguish of ennui, the boredom of the vast emptiness, is the fiery fact that it is utterly free and not bound to any specific meanings or conceptual categories
No I and no thou remain, the Sphere is apparent
No I and no thou remain, the sphere is apparent=the key to making the absurd pit of being at the heart of phenomena become revealed, the destruction of subject and object distinctions is the first key
Sit but do not forget, The Void is your own Heart
Sit but do not forget= the second key is in this destruction of subject and object, do not dissolve your empirical subjective ego into Nonduality with the object, but rather
The void is your own heart= destroy the duality by identifying your own empirical ego and the object as one as your very identity, but this is the key, identity the absurdity, the alien unknowable relative phenomenal data as identical to your own paradoxical non-subject non-object identity.
The paradoxical empirical ego that has destroyed itself by devouring the object has created a perfect mirror of the transcendental ego, the final mirror has been created and all that remains is for the light to be reflected boundlessly in it, but the light must be the alien absurd knowledge-zones, the absurd pits which are normally hidden. This is done by actively identifying your empirical ego (which you know perfectly) with the Absurd alien depths.(which is utterly known to your manner of being) this synthesis resolves the problem by union of opposites
Birth or upon your death, Hidden light Aberrant

>> No.17414012

Birth or upon your death=the perception of phenomena or the making unknown or phenomena are now equalized, they reveal

Hidden light aberrant=the knowledge nature, the heart of The phenomenal which is hidden and pervades all relative experience.

Look upon the aberrant Light, the light of the void, it is not black and it is not white, it does not full but it drains and pulls. Look upon the aberrant light and your Face becomes its mask.

Look upon the aberrant Light= contemplate the empirical ego as Nondual to the absurd depth.

the light of the void=knowledge of ignorance

it is not black and it is not white=it is neither object nor subject.

it does not full but it drains and pulls.= it aberrant light does not fill you with anything, but drains the emptiness of its emptiness, pulls being into its own hole of lack.

Look upon the aberrant light and your Face becomes its mask.= your face, your existence in the center of perception, becomes the very idol or manifestation of the alien depths of being.

And that’s enough ranting, but yeah I’m sure you can see how much of my thought is contaminated with Husserlian methodology.

>> No.17414031
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I do not have a 3x3 anymore.

ffs, take your meds.

>> No.17414145

Who's the guy on the bottom left?

>> No.17414159
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This anon understands aesthetics. The Nietzsche picture is kino.

>> No.17414168

>Deleuze in every chart
What is it about Deleuze that attracts so many pseuds?

>> No.17414177

Post your chart then feg

>> No.17414179
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I only include the artist because he appeals to my aesthetic sensibilities and that constitutes a thinker to me. Not that I believe in pagan larp, but the man is a technical genius and his weird "paleo-futurist" style appeals to me as an anthropologist.

>> No.17414187

It's an important book to me, I read Dazai back when I was much younger and remember it as being probably much better than he actually is, anon. =(

J. G. Ballard


Why are you being like that? Deleuze is very much related to most of the thinkers in the charts that have him. I don't see it as a pseud thing, you can kinda see why people placed him in these charts.

>> No.17414198

Lasch should be beaten to death. Postmodernism was shit but even people like Jameson were not as disgusting as Lasch.

>> No.17414205

why are you hating on lasch, who hurt you?

>> No.17414209

>likes Ballard, one of the greatest novelists of his era
>also likes Dazai
I admit I can't meme on you too hard as I like Murakami for the same reason you like Dazai, though I do think Murakami is actually good regardless of my nostalgia.

>> No.17414214

Not him but anyone who was influenced by Memery George is retarded

>> No.17414220
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very disheartening

>> No.17414224

I live to be the antithesis of that one dude that posts Henry George everywhere

>> No.17414227

Because he is a philosopher for pseuds, like Hegel.

Lasch sucks; guenon sucks.

>> No.17414229

>Memery George

>> No.17414234

I like his ontological thought on difference.

>> No.17414235

>I don't see it as a pseud thing
If you take the time out of your day to compile a bunch of your favourite authors into a 3x3 square, you're most likely a pseud. The same puerile behaviour can be seen across /a/ and /mu/.

>> No.17414246

I agree it's a bit of a pseud thing, however I was bored. Even filling it with nine thinkers is too much, who knows nine authors seriously? I'm not taking it too seriously anyway, anon, shame you can't seem to do the same thing. Hope you have a good night

>> No.17414264


>> No.17414265

not even a perennialist, but guenon does make some fair points about how metaphysics shouldn't be in the realm of philosophy and that the world is very west-centered
I'll continue to fight for lasch, culture of narcissism was great, I think you guys are just fucking with me
you didn't even look at his art did you anon?

>> No.17414279

>I'll continue to fight for lasch, culture of narcissism was great, I think you guys are just fucking with me
You wish. Even frankfurt jews did it better 30-40 years before Lasch --and jews sucks philosophically.

>> No.17414301

>Hope you have a good night
You too anon. Nice chart regardless.

>> No.17414306

Henry George

>> No.17414316

He's just based

>> No.17414333

>and jews sucks philosophically
Spinoza is amazing, and Salomon Maimon, Emmanuel Levinas, Martin Buber, and Leo Strauss are pretty good.

>> No.17414343

>jewish 3rips
Spinoza rocks, but he is not a jew; Levinas sucks and he is totally a jew and an antispinozist --literally an antispinozist philosopher.

>> No.17414352

I didn't say I agree with them, just that they're good philosophers. Spinoza was a Jew even if he got excommunicated.

>> No.17414441
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>> No.17414480

You're probably right and I should probably read Ellul but I haven't got around it it.
center left is Terence McKenna. Mostly psychedelic hippy shit but he also had a form of proto-accelerationism in what he called "The Transcendental Object at the End of Time", and a lot of stuff on hermeticism, shamanism, Jung, etc.
Good takes on Gnosticism, beginnings of uniting gnostic/buddhist/platonist thought into one system.

>> No.17414502

Ellul is a more enjoyable read as well imo, hope you enjoy reading him.
>he also had a form of proto-accelerationism in what he called "The Transcendental Object at the End of Time", and a lot of stuff on hermeticism, shamanism, Jung, etc.
Sounds interesting but anything with mysticism and Jung together makes me wary.

>> No.17414697

>beginnings of uniting gnostic/buddhist/platonist thought into one system.
More on this? Sounds interesting

>> No.17414716

Dangerously based and bot pilled.

>> No.17415151

his lectures on hermeticism are interesting

>> No.17415986


>> No.17416413
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>> No.17417224
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>> No.17417235

I wanted to ask you something but you only post during American hours I think.
How do you support fascism if you also see free thought as a religious process? Fascism is against free thinking so it'd inhibit your religious goals.

>> No.17417563


>> No.17417680
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>> No.17417791
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I'm very inspired by the French decadents and my only big regret is that I've read all of these guys in English, I'm slowly learning French and plan on getting through Fleurs du Mal with my dual language edition again. As for Guenon, I can't say I identify with a lot of what he has to say but his I really enjoy his writing style.

My next reads in regards to this list is De Nerval(recced by this guy>>17413920) and Wilfred Owen because I was recommended Owen with Trakl long ago and I really love trakl.

>> No.17417894
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>> No.17417906
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>> No.17417925
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>> No.17417932
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>> No.17418046

trakl is based

>> No.17418467

Big D energy
Big D with one big and one small ball (Guenon)

Why do you people suddenly have taste?

>> No.17418483

>guenon is small d but evola isn't

>> No.17418492

No, Evola is micropenis.

>> No.17418509

Well you should have said so dumdum

>> No.17418513

> How do you support fascism if you also see free thought as a religious process? Fascism is against free thinking so it'd inhibit your religious goals.

Various misconceptions here, I’ll explain the misconceptions, my thought processes and explain how a few of the key thinker might agree with my understanding.

First, you say “Free” Thought, what is meant by free thought? This must be tied to freedom, freedom of Will but in this sense it is likely you mean arbitrarity of Will, That will which remains suspended in universality and has no particular manifestation as a will that has been willed is no will whatsoever, that which is rational is actual and vice versa and will that is not Actualized is not will but rather potential for Will. In this regard Freedom that is purely suspended in arbitrarity is not freedom whatsoever. See Hegel’s philosophy of right for this entire argument, my conception of freedom and Will is Hegelian(among others) in nature. So first things firs, with this in mind the concept of being allowed to do or act however you wish is divided from Will and genuine Freedom, so what is the meaning of Freedom? Hegel Cites Goethe and so shall I, Goethe discusses in his confession of the beautiful soul, that genuine beauty and freedom is not obedience to your desire nor is it any particular option or potential of options, rather Freedom is actual and active, this actual and active freedom is acting and living in accordance with the aspects and properties of your inmost soul, your inmost being. This is Dasein truly and the heart of the care structure which formulates the texture of ones Authentic Dasein. By this I mean to say, Genuine freedom is impossible without first the attaining of self knowledge and then after self knowledge is attained one can live in freedom only by living in absolute obedience to those qualities and aspects which pervade his being. Spinoza speaks of this same concept and calls it acquiescentia, a kind of resting within your own qualities is the highest freedom. Was going to link an essay on spinoza’s conception but seems those have now been put under a paywall, shame, anyways.


>> No.17418523

This is genuine freedom and the spiritual usage of imagination and contemplation is impossible without this. So I disagree with the normative conception of freedom in the first place, now I fully agree all thought and aesthetic consumption is a psycho-spiritual process which causes changes in the quality and character of the individual, but these are not always positive.

You can go down horrible mental paths, consume horrible ideas and aesthetics which will infect your care structure, your desires, your manner of thought and even if these are in line with your manner of being, we must consider the affects this has on the broader community and their spiritual and temporal welfare. Now fascism is not against thinking, nor is it against art or innovation. It was for radical progression of technology and a maximization of energy and force on a aesthetic level, but this force is and always is directed towards specific aims, ideals and virtues.

When I speak of fascism I do not mean a generic authoritarian or racist model, I am speaking precisely of the ideas of the Hegelian philosopher Giovanni gentile who’s ideas are largely just an intensification and elaboration and elucidation of the doctrines of Hegel (which is why I do not place Gentile upon my list) Gentile agrees fully with the will and freedom conception of Hegel, however taking from hegel, gentile argues that Ego is that which harmonizes the unity of being with the multiplicity of experience.

The true fascist project is the application of this nature of the ego upon society, upon all humans, by taking the multiplicity of human experiences, all humans, and harmonizing them within the constructed spiritual identity/ego of the State and the harmony of the nation. This does not dissolve the individual will or ego, rather this is modeled off of the Christian conception of the body of God as containing human members which fulfill each other, I as a baudrillardian and a Christian believe the culture, the simulacra performs this synthesis and in some nations this fusion is gross and blatantly visible (China, Singapore) whereas in other nations it is invisible but still very existent (USA, Sweden, Germany, etc, existing via economic and social pressures ) and as I am a Christian, I believe in the book of revelation when it speaks of Babylon, the conjunction of economic and social forces which conjoins the members of the nations and causes them to obey in harmony until the end time, thus on a religious level i believe the political structure must become this state for the apocalypse to occur.


>> No.17418531

This synthesis of state is a question of rational progression, and when I am considering politics I do not consider individual worth or value nor even my own preferences, my calculation is consequentialist and third-person egoist wherein the primary Ego being considered is that ego called the state, and the consequences are according to my ethics and virtues, if you’re truly interested in that here’s an essay on the basis of my ethics in my analysis of being and phenomena.


To summarize it, it assumes you’ve read my phenomenological analysis and begins with the most universal aspects of being, then the most particular aspects of being are more good. So matter/being is Good, being-animal/Alive is superior, living-as-individual is superior to that, and superior to this is individual-as-cell-of-society, thus the primary being and highest Good and that creature who’s welfare I consider most highly is the society-creature’s longevity and maximization of ITS knowledge both material and spiritual. If an animal has a cancerous limb it is logical to cut it off to save the creature, so also I believe if the well-being of the society/culture was dependent on my own and the annihilation of my own ethnicity, that culture has no choice but to enact such as that would be the highest good it could do, maximizing its own long term being. Logically I would also react for my own self preservation against such.

Now let me explain my differences or unity points with those 16 thinkers on the issue, Linji the Patriarch of Rinzai zen would beat and shout at his students for wrong thought and wrong answers, he would surely not be against the directing of mental energy and force, and while he is not listed, William Blake argues the energy of hell, which is desire, freedom of thought and so forth must be married with heaven, which is reason, law, order, structure. Los and Urizen must be balanced in the body of Albion(and I am and have always been a lover of Urizen)


>> No.17418548

The thought of Hegel already agrees, Meinong’s ontology other than his object theory would fit with the general phenomenology of the likes of Bretano and would see discussions of freedom and so forth as not in the domain of his inquiries but he would encourage the study of religious and mystical literature when possible, we know this from records.

Agrippa believed in true spiritual hierarchies and in accordance with Iamblichus believed thought and spiritual and material interaction with those things on the lower aspects of the spiritual hierarchy caused spiritual decay whereas contemplation and interaction with more holy and virtuous things lifted up the soul, same goes to Iamblichus.

Boehme would largely agree with this and the Hegelian argument and would speak of the necessary harmonization of the essential elements of the spiritual life, imagination, contemplation and so forth in accordance with the trinity as manifested as sulphur, mercury and salt and through the rulerships of the hierarchy of planets which reflect the laws and principles that the will of God manifested through itself.

John Dee would agree with the above. Abhinavagupta doesn’t see salvation as needed and doesn’t see in his Nondual beliefs a difference between good, bad, ignorant and wise, imprisonment and freedom and so forth. Practically he would recommend much study, literal worship of the guru and avoidance of all things which are against the various traditions primary core mysteries, virtues and values.

Abulafia was a mystical Jew, I do not need to explain why halacha is essential and his thought runs on the same vein of mental theurgy as the above mystics. Ge Hong Believes in a literal heavenly bureaucracy and believed maximization of quality and length in life is strict obedience to this bureaucracy by both the government and in ones daily life, believing in his own idiosyncratic mixture of Confucianism with esoteric ritualistic Taoism and Legalism, he is in fact known for his perfect synthesis of these three competing ideologies into one coherent form of authoritarian mysticism.

Kenneth grant and Bertiaux are uncaring about others and will gladly if given the chance sacrifice other human life’s and mental and physical health and well-being if it meant they grew in knowledge according to their writings, more practically speaking their sole concern is their own experimentation and theorization than anything else.


>> No.17418556

Thus the oddballs out would be deleuze and ponty, I disagree largely with their political takes, save for the fact that I accept and embrace the fascist elements of capital that deleuze sees and believes in, I agree quite a bit with his ideas on desire, will and difference. But the nature of the sephiroth reconcile the difference between rhizomatic and arboreal ontological structures. In any case even ponty would argue freedom only arises out of engagement and action within the life-world.

So to summarize, my conception of freedom and good and ethics is different as is my goals and agenda, they are however largely coherent with the major influences I hold. I am a Lover of Urizen through and Through.

>> No.17418577

Oh forgot to mention Joseph ben Abraham Gikatilla, the student of Abraham Abulafia. Again, major Jewish mystic. Lover of Law, order and structure, he’s where most people draw their primary sephirothic structure and the origin of the major divine name correspondences most people use. His sha’are Orah is fantastic. Point being he obviously isn’t against authoritarian law.

>> No.17418903

I've read up this this point and don't plan on reading your takes on those 16 thinkers but i've added you on Discord when you posted it on here like a week ago(you may have seen me) in the hopes of getting some of your thought on poetry i've been writing although i've been busy lately so I'll see to it soon and I'll read this bit on your ethics too

>> No.17419004

Sure, if you have any poetry you want to discuss post them here or in another thread, I’m always willing to give critique or discuss the themes If they’re in my wheelhouse. Or if you prefer it, dm me them and I’ll read them there and reply there if you do not feel like posting them here.

>> No.17420352

Names please?

>> No.17420375

Lautreamont Artaud Rimbaud
Kafka Baudelaire Trakle
Leopardi Schopenhauer Guenon

>> No.17420456
File: 955 KB, 673x706, thinkers2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is actually a better representation for me

>> No.17420487

>nikolai fedorov
>bruce chatwin
>St. Seraphim of Sarov

>> No.17420507


>> No.17421214
File: 1008 KB, 3191x3264, Influences on my thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm almost impressed by how bad all of these 3x3s are. Why not drop the meme thinkers and read some actually relevant thinkers?

>> No.17421279

>apostate to Islam
>Dominican theologian


>> No.17421300

Guenon isn't on there because of his religion

>> No.17421332
File: 70 KB, 535x652, 1594749467655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destiny is so intelligent that he wasn't even able to finish his degree. In Music

>> No.17421354
File: 419 KB, 800x800, 1588348636641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17421366

Nothing wrong with the top row

>> No.17421409

I've learned more from Destiny that I have in 2 years of 4chan. Destiny is literally like a textbook course. I have a surface level but deep enough to understand knowledge on philosophy, politics, economics, and a bunch of other shit. He literally has 3 hour discussions with philosophy professors about metaethics. The most I learn on this website is the name of obscure reactionary philosophers. What would be a better use of my time?

>> No.17421416

Where is this copy pasta from?

>> No.17421515

thread a few weeks back where OP got flamed for claiming that destiny was a serious thinker. probably bait, but it was funny