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/lit/ - Literature

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17413543 No.17413543 [Reply] [Original]

Post your guilty pleasure.

>> No.17414619

I like watching muscle dudes naked sometimes.
Has to be in an appropriate aesthetic setting, the right level of muscularity.
It's my little treat.

>> No.17415676
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Instead of reading for pleasure I read the Greeks. I'm at Aristotle now. The guilty pleasure is the feeling of superiority towards Rowling readers.

>> No.17415723

I read all the Drizzt books in the first series about 12 years ago. Always planned on reading more Dungeons and Dragons novels but have never got around to it.

>> No.17415749 [DELETED] 

locked room mysteries, they're never satifying either, but i still read that garbage

>> No.17415773
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Good taste

>> No.17415887

I have no friends and no one who cares what i do; therefore i have no guilty pleasures.

>> No.17415992
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In the last 10 years i've fapped almost only with them. The alchemy between the text/story and voice acting is magical.
Btw pic is my favorite chara.

>> No.17416002

>that bulge

>> No.17416011

>guilty pleasure.
in other words, you're so weak willed and have decided that by admitting you engage in vices that somehow its not so bad as a cope

>> No.17416034

Into the abyss the batty man fell, the pitch dense darkness---forever to dwell.

>> No.17416079

What's so great about the greeks anyway?

>> No.17416119

Some underage faggot discussing Naruto online?

>> No.17416651
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>> No.17416698

Anything by Terry Goodkind. I still chuckle when I think of justifying a mass killing because those killed had ‘a hatred for moral clarity’. Just for his lolcow potential, his death was a literary loss

>> No.17417064
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>> No.17417188


Can someone tell me about this meme?

>> No.17417198

I feel no guilt about my pleasure

>> No.17417226


>> No.17417257
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>> No.17417320

The books were written by an anon from here. They’re batshit insane and being advertised here. There’s also a lot of comma issues which had lead to it’s meme status. They’re pretty good, just incredibly strange and obviously unedited ( I only read Call of the Arcade and Crocodile)

>> No.17417362

Comfy and easy short reads, turn your brain off and enjoy like a movie

>> No.17417367


>> No.17417369
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Fuck I dropped this

>> No.17418406

no guilty pleasures

>> No.17418643

That's how i got into reading as a kid
Based OP

>> No.17420184
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Ah, Socratic questioning. Very well, my friend, I shall give you an answer. They are one of the sources of Western civilisation (three pilars of European civilisation are Greek philosophy, Roman law and Judeo-Christian religion). Despite that they are not read that often, many people prefer to read more modern derived works. Some of the books are more challanging (you will find many Greek words that you have to remember), some are less, but overall they are quite fun.

>> No.17420205

i dont have guilty pleasures with reading because its something that actually takes effort so im not putting effort into bookd that i think are bad my guilty pleasure is all the time i spend online

>> No.17420373

Yeah, you're a brainlet and a pseud.

>> No.17420433

John le Carre

>> No.17420447
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>> No.17420490

I sometimes read random light novels translated by random people online. They're usually shit but it's a comfy way to kill an hour or two.

>> No.17420506
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Miss this motherfucker

>> No.17420521

my main association with him is the documentary he made about euthanization.


>> No.17420769

I ready "womens lit" like Barbera Pym.

>> No.17422383
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Destroyermen by Taylor Anderson

A series about a US Navy ship that got transported to an alternate reality

>> No.17422506

Most of them literally just read exactly like a novelization of somebody's D&D campaign. They're fine for what they are, and I suppose they're some of the most popular successors of the classic pulp tradition, though I can't speak to their current quality since I haven't read any written past 2010. I assume the new ones have added in a bunch of anachronistic woke elements like the game has.

>> No.17422834
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I'm really getting into the m/m fantasy beast genre. Its hard to admit to anyone.

>> No.17422978

any light novels

>> No.17423139

t bh light novels are pretty bad even my genre fiction standards

>> No.17423165

This board.

>> No.17423220

Would anyone unironically recommend?

>> No.17423253

As long as you don't hurt anyone, don't feel guilt for having pleasure anon. You'll end up a poltard or something, depriving yourself of enjoying your short life.

>> No.17423287
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I read Parasite by Darcy Coates, which from what I understand is her only sci-fi horror novel; the rest being gothic horror. I love anything that resembles the setup of The Thing, Alien, Event Horizon, Dead Space, etc., so I breezed through it in about a day and loved every minute. It was even divided into different perspectives of people like characters in a spooky video game.