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17410853 No.17410853 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.17410874

“Can’t we just not think about such things.” She said matter of factly. “What is it with you and this need to always know? Can’t imagine your knowing helps settle things anymore than to guess.”

“That’s just it, though! You can’t imagine how my unsettledness bleeds into it all.”

*indistinct muffling*

“Not so sure I have ever been satisfied with these small moments. There, this teasing reminder is and it creeps up with me becoming dauntlessly petrified - struck with loneliness at my separate existence; that to others I am just dust in their wind. How entirely subjected I feel to this external process. You don’t feel important. Not even to your self. At some point you become next to nothing.”

>> No.17410900

I live next door to a 53 year old mentally ill man. He used to have a room mate but he was arrested because he was using meth, went crazy and tried to assault my neighbour with a hammer. I told him this would happen, as the roommate was both an imbecile, as well as a habitual heavy drug and alcohol user and as a result had the brain damage that comes with it. I can hear him next door, he is coughing every few minutes because he is smoking the dried resin from his many plastic bongs to get high because he cannot manage his welfare pension more than a day or two after he gets it every two weeks and has been broke for a few days now. I am considering murdering him because no one in the world would care or be negatively affected by it, and I’ve always wanted to take a life.

>> No.17410937

You sound like a really insufferable wiener that's going to be on a shitty crime time show down the line. If you do, you'll be caught a week after the body is found.

>> No.17410950

Oh definitely I’m like the guy who had a fake anxiety attack on camera. I’m no criminal mastermind, I’d absolutely get caught. I’m not trying to be a tough guy or edgy or anything I just kind of reflected on the bizarre anger I felt when I hear him coughing and smelt the disgusting resin smoke.

>> No.17410966

Im still waiting for the right moment to act, to risk, to live... Yet that moment still not here... It could come after i passed away...

>> No.17411297

Something clicked in my mind and all my tfw no qt anime gf thoughts disappeared. Idk, I still like my animus but now I can’t see it as more than entertainment, it feels nonsensical to fantasize about now.

>> No.17411357

You grew up.

>> No.17411430 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17411668 [DELETED] 

colony of the informal american empire here
it's true

>> No.17411811

I always thought that the idea of "cultural appropriation" is fake and gay, but the more I think about it the more it kind of makes sense. But obviously taking inspiration from other cultures isnt a bad thing and there are times when its done very respectfully and tastefully but also times where its not, and what separates these? And the conclusion that I came to is that cultural appropriation is only bad when you use it as a crotch for being uncreative, for example there are a lot of wigger rappers that come off as being really cringe and distasteful, but then there is someone like yung lean, who being from Sweden, was much more disconnected from any rap culture or tradition than an American wigger, but when he took up rap he shaped it in his own way, and created rap from a perspective that it hadnt really seen before. Its all just a matter of doing it tastefully really, no wonder wogs get mad at stoners wearing dreads or music festival goers wearing those native American things, those are simply crass and distasteful.
The response I used to have to hearing anything about cultural appropriation would be to say something like, "well maybe they should stop appropriating white culture if they dislike it so much". But this response is stupid because it goes both ways and a lot of the time when non whites adopt white culture they do it really annoyingly, think of the pretentious high caste Indian who comes to England and starts speaking like a faggot. Westernization can happen tastefully and I think Japan is an example of a culture that did this.

>> No.17412200

I'm nostalgic for the nostalgia I felt 10 years ago

>> No.17412608

today is birthday
spent time with family
I feel like I don't know them

>> No.17412618 [DELETED] 

now u see the light my friend, now consider "global warming" in the same manner

>> No.17413929

nothings on my mind and I hate it, I cant be bothered to think about anything

>> No.17414152

I wish i'd have mental illness which increases creativity but instead i have an unproductive depression.

>> No.17414165

I give up. I hate everything, and everyone. Nothing I do works and every time I try to improve I give up or fail. I'm tired of faking my personality to get girls/friends. It works but it's not worth it. Slaving away for other people infuriates me and pretending to be happy for family relationships is torture. I failed at life, please just leave me alone. When I talk to people about this they just say "you need to improve yourself, make changes, put effort in". Changing your personality and opinions to make people like you is fucking gay and seeing other people do that is infuriating, because everyone fuckign does it. I don't want to put in effort for a life that I barely enjoy while watching others just live life and pound puss and go to work without hating themselves with minimal effort. It's not worth it. I wish I could go about life without questioning "why, what is the meaning of this?" every 2 seconds. Some people aren't supposed to make it I guess

>> No.17414212

Im so tired. I cant see to go anywhere. Im so close but every step stretches my path even furthet. I gotta keep my head up and keep on working

>> No.17414311

What does it mean for a person to be shallow?

>> No.17414413

A person without ability to introspect and have a critical thought.

>> No.17414446

is it weird to ask out your barber?
She was so damn cute

>> No.17414496

sensible take, glad you also reached this conclusion friend

>> No.17414503

Do you feel it is possible for someone to be socially/shallow but intellectualy deep?

>> No.17414542

I scraped my shins to the point of bleeding doing deadlifts today and the self loathing is back.
How is it possible to be kind or even fair to yourself when poking the introspective ball of the self is just an exercise in seeing only things worthy of shame and contempt?

>> No.17414640

niggas gonna nig

>> No.17414803

Well, most restaurants are closed. I don't feel like eating pizza or pasta or any of that. I wanted some Venezuelan or Mexican, some of which are open, but out of reach, and it's late and rainy (when it should be snowing... how depressing. A winter with three snowstorms where the snow melted the next day.)
I'll just drink PBR for dinner. It's a liquid entree with a side of excessive pissing and liver damage. The dessert is liver failure.
As if I'm gonna cook up, literally: rice, broccoli...and that'd be it. No spices. I have a can of tuna, but ick! Maybe add an egg? No. I'd rather not eat. I usually do a poor man's combo of rice, veggies, chicken, beans and cheese, but I work too late to hit the grocery store. Like I'm missing much anyway. Fuck I am an insanely frugal peasant. Anything to not be broke.
It's become the norm for people to ask me if I'm okay. Usually twice a day at work. I'm upbeat at times, but when I'm down I'm Eeyore. I'm Eeyore but physically fit. Fitness means nothing.
I've been trying for a month now to pull myself out of this hole. This hole of what? Idk, manic depression? Oh that term's no longer in popular use. Bipolar II? That's just a term that means you match up with certain symptoms, or better, characteristics, literally by checking off answers on a questionaire to see how you score (you often don't need to even take a questionaire). Same works for depression, ADHD, Borderline, etc. It's all a sham and a word game that helps pharmaceutical companies keep and expand their enterprise. So no wonder the DSM is getting bigger. Pretty soon, jaywalking will be a mental disorder. People will be given Lorazapan to stop jaywalking, to heal themselves of their "error", their "mental disorder."
Pfft! Fuck all that. I look at my life and I see that I'm the most likely outcome of the life I've lived. I'm exactly as I should be, because of my life. There's no 'disorder' other than the natural chaos, disorder, of Being. Bad luck. Misfortune.
And to try to mask that up with medication? Eh, you can put gauge over your scars but it won't heal them.
So I don't take meds. I do self medicate. Alcohol. That's literally it; no other recreational drug use. I only drink at night. Sometimes, lately, on my days off I'd go on lonesome benders. I stopped doing that because I think it added to how bad I feel. It fucked with my physiology, making my body weep at the intake and return to 'normalcy' was very taxing on how I process feelings, leading into side effects after I regained my usual schedule.
I hit a new low a couple weeks ago. Without giving direct detail...I'll say I was surprised. Have you ever seen a parrot in distress? They pluck their feathers out, harming themselves to feel relief from the frustration of their being. A new low.
I'm certainly 'better', but only by decimals, and altogether I'm just kicking my feet at this life that is beating on me like I'm a slaughterhouse cow.

>> No.17414810

It amazes me how my problems are the toughest problems. It often feels selfish: introspecting to come to a conclusion about myself. I figure out myself anew everyday. It's all so boring and torturous. It's as though I can't shovel to the foundation of myself and be sturdy there, build from there; or, I build everyday and am exhausted from the weather ruining my sense of self.
Meanwhile, any issue someone else has is like a fun and meaningful boardgame to me. I solve their problem, or moreso hint at certain moves that should be taken in order to alleviate their problem.
It leaves me in that state of, well, that Neitzsche quote, which I'll paraphrase: 'Here we are in shackles. I have the keys to your locks. And because I have the keys to your locks, you suppose I have the keys to mine?"
I start to gag at the reality of hanging oneself. It's just another unpleasant feeling. Okay, so it's a burst of pain and then relief? Is death a relief? Do the dead answers questions? If the dead answer questions, they only do so symbolically, in dreams, in occurrences strange and unavoidable. As much as I'd like to kill myself to leave this place, there's a fear of 'staying' after death that makes it all seem too much of a gamble.
While being a conscious entity on earth, at least I'm surrounded by people who 'know' that's just what we are. And at least, if I do keep on living until my natural death not taken by my own hands, I'm aware of the vast possibilities of that death, though they're given to mystery.
Suicide is the easy way out? It seems a bit more daunting than that. You kill yourself then you're dead. You're dead...but what are the dead? Inanimate. No longer moving. Thinking. Feeling. Seeing. Hearing. Smelling. So that ends but does it end? When scratching nails at that surface, too many questions are raised, and too many questions have no answers.
That's why I joined the US Military. And you should too! Find a recruiting office near you!

>> No.17414811

There’s a part of me that refuses to die.
But deep down I know there never was anything, and there never will be anything.

>> No.17414823

I can't believe she left me because I like Dolca instant coffee

>> No.17414854

Fingers hurt unfortunately

>> No.17414881 [DELETED] 
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>the truly remarkable thing is not that one can believe in america, climate change, science, or an eternal matriarch; but that one can believe one is limited; too thee; physical

>> No.17414961
File: 185 KB, 351x352, senko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been invited to hang out with an old female friend of mine, it's been quite a long time since I've gone anywhere. It'll be entertaining at the very least.

>> No.17415238

Philosophy and religion are the hammer with which our brain is tenderized. Their only purpose is to prepare us for frying: when it comes to cooking, the Hammer of Deep Investigation is put aside. What do I understand by cooking and frying? A wordless decision: whether you look at the world with happy or with unhappy eyes. "Good or bad, everyone is redeemed," is one of those hot frying pans for which a lot of meat is hammered. When someone talks about fundamental issues, you can hear the fat sizzle behind the hammer blows. "The Buddha says this, the Buddha said that," wham wham wham – and inbetween the blows: "Rejoice".

>> No.17415308

Not knowing your family is easy to remedy. Your family not knowing you is where things get difficult.

>> No.17415321

My diary is basically vent on paper. Its so cringy.

>> No.17415325

That is probably an introvert. Introverts often come off as social shallow/inept because they have no interest in small talk and platitudes, they would rather just have an actual conversation.

>> No.17415435
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As above, so below; like the dove, like the pillow.

Winter is when God is closest to His children, ushering in universal celebration, and the following hibernation, with a blanket of grace.

To live in the true North...


>> No.17415453


>> No.17415516

There are two alternatives, one which is good and the other which is bad, and you have to decide which is more likely to be the good

>> No.17415525

Hegel laid out the fundamental laws of dialectical thought and Marx put it in the context of the economic question. In every dialectical analysis, the main contradiction that arises is a conflict between two corresponding extremes where the tensions and contradictions must be resolved, which then creates a new whole leading to progressive change.

>> No.17415737

Dreadlocks have Celtic roots. A lot of White people in the US have Irish/Scottish ancestry. Would they be appropriating in this case?

>> No.17415834
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they say it was an accident but u have to wonder if it was a 41 percent situation

>> No.17415897

I wonder why it is that Nietzsche attracts Bipolars. Maybe its because our destiny is hyperboreal.

>> No.17415940

What a strange turn of events! I think that Americans tendency to act is one of our better traits.

>> No.17415971

>I can hear him next door, he is coughing every few minutes
I'm a peaceful guy but this would drive me nuts too. But you sound less pissed off and more curious about killing someone.

>> No.17415979 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 677x604, Screenshot 2021-01-30 at 13.55.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to break it to you anon but the American Empire is collapsing and people in Europe hate America more and more every day.

>> No.17416019 [DELETED] 
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i am sad that there will never be a rightwing party in my lifetime that i'd ever be a part of
i thought conservatives were bad, but these magapede trumpanzees are animals that need to be put down
and there are the ebin moldbug/nick land "monarchists//fascists" and the retarded libertarians
being a rightwinger is suffering
at least i'll always have crippling alcoholism by my side

>> No.17416026

You think?

>> No.17416041 [DELETED] 

>actually existing conservatives are all idiots but real conservatism has never been tried!

u sound like a marxist

>> No.17416060

>Sophie died at 4 a.m. on 30 January 2021 at her home in Athens, Greece following an accident.[3] According to her U.K. label, Transgressive, the artist slipped and fell when climbing to watch the full moon.[46]
...yep, 41

>> No.17416066

He's probably just mentally ill anon, read the whole post.

>> No.17416068 [DELETED] 

i don't believe in conservatism at all, it's some toxic, cancerous garbage
they make a big deal about social issues just so they can accept them a decade later
yeah, american conservatism doesn't even exist, but i wouldn't support it even if it did
in general all of this trying to mix rightwing thought which should be republican with muh workers rights and muh populism is just disgusting
trump is the greatest threat to rightwing thought in america, worse than having a marxist as president

>> No.17416073

let me guess
>t. triggered trumpanzee

>> No.17416084 [DELETED] 

american conservatism is really just liberalism but 15-20 years behind
in a few years they'll be screaming trans rights because the new pedosexuals hate trannies or something
nothing would surprise me at this point

>> No.17416087

Great video desu

>> No.17416097
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I just want to honor the Lord and be the best man I can be.

>> No.17416107 [DELETED] 

it is nothing but a scam to empower corporations even more than they already are, done through fearmongering of cultural norms that republican leaders will embrace anyway because most republicans are degenerate faggots that are no doubt more repugnant than your average twitter tranny
you can't spend your entire life lying about who you are, about all your values, and consciously fucking over the entire population without being a complete fucking piece of shit

>> No.17416132 [DELETED] 

>claims to be rightwing
>whines about corporations like a bernie bro


>> No.17416167 [DELETED] 

Not that I don't agree with you anon but did you have to use a R*ddit screencap to prove it

>> No.17416174

>>>/pol/ stop shitting this thread subhumans

>> No.17416179 [DELETED] 

>don't want corporations running america
>must be a bernie bro
imagine being this much of a cocksucker, dog
no i don't have a problem with corporations per se (obviously they can work within reason) but the corporate conglomerates that exist today are clearly corrupt and have no business existing in any self-respecting country, especially one that says it values capitalism and industrious individualism
give me one argument why something as large, powerful, and influential as amazon should be allowed to exist

>> No.17416200 [DELETED] 

it's a write what's on your mind thread, nerd

>> No.17416215

You already wrote what's on your mind, take political debates elsewhere.

>> No.17416217 [DELETED] 

>crying about amazon
did u get this upset when walmart was rolling small businesses and hollowing out rural downtowns all across flyover country? or you just hate amazon because they banned some racist book you like which is also not available at walmart?

>> No.17416222 [DELETED] 

>stuff i don't agree with is off topic
let us talk about the glory of the soviet union instead, praise stalin! is that more to your liking comrade?

>> No.17416246

Well, there I was, alone in this good forsaken establishment. Georgie went home an hour ago, so I got the entire rest of the bottle for myself. It was my favorite spirit, sadly I had forgotten its name. I only remembered that it was entirely chemically produced to save on production cost. It still was the same as the original, it had same turquoise glare and the same taste, it even burned in the very same exact way as the original. It is in almost in every way just like its template, a perfect copy. And among the countless other copies and originals, I forgot its name. I couldn't remember what is was, but I remembered that I liked it.

>> No.17416260 [DELETED] 

you could've replied to the post but instead you're a schizo start's started talking about walmart as if i'd somehow excuse them? am i supposed to sit down and list every single corporation i disapprove of because you're too autistic to figure out i chose the most popular one to make a point?
also, importantly, there's more to amazon than just the commercial aspect, they literally provide services to our security agencies
and more importantly, amazon is A SCAM
amazon was not a profitable company (and i'm not sure it is even now apart from certain areas) and the only reason it could exist is because people kept dumping money into it
and the reason they kept dumping money into it because amazon held the promise of basically taking out any other competitor and establishing a monopoly
if you don't think that's behavior that is psychotic and should've been shut down by the government immediately, i don't know what is
we have gone from a system where corporations existed by making profit to one where they exist by taking rent
it is not that they offer better services to you so that you buy from them exclusively
and it's not that they hold a monopoly over a particular product so they can squeeze you
it's that they take complete control of the market as amazon does to the point that amazon is the actual market

>> No.17416287 [DELETED] 

these are literally all leftist talking points. rightwing people are so stupid they've actually become marxist.

>> No.17416318 [DELETED] 

>amazon is not profitable
yahoo finance says they earned 34 dollars per share last quarter
>they don't offer better services they just hold a monopoly
you don't order from barnes and noble, walmart and target instead of amazon not because those places are more expensive with slower shipping but because amazon is a rent seeking monopoly? ok

>> No.17416323 [DELETED] 

you're not going to groom anyone into becoming a marxist

>> No.17416337 [DELETED] 

you already are a marxist, read the crap you wrote

>> No.17416345

Maybe this is naive but I feel the GME HOLD phenomenon is very representative of the original American spirit. We stuck it to the man by using his own rules against him. Chaos from where you least expect it. Things like this tell me that ultimately our country will be fine, come what may.

>> No.17416359 [DELETED] 

Whats ironic is that I think Marxism is being subsumed by the NeoLiberal agenda rather than the reverse. Marxists just make good shock troops.

>> No.17416374 [DELETED] 

>leftist talking points
oh yes being against a marketplace controlled by a single company means you are in favor of communist now
fucking kill yourself shill
>yahoo finance says they earned 34 dollars per share last quarter
yet again you intentionally ignore what i stated
i don't know what amazon's earnings are now but what i do know with certainty is that they made no profit for the first decade
the only reason it existed was expand
not much different from netflix's strategy of operating at a loss to invade enough homes until it becomes profitable
>you don't order from barnes and noble, walmart and target instead of amazon not because those places are more expensive with slower shipping but because amazon is a rent seeking monopoly?
it is a rent seeking monopoly by definition, the fact that it offers better services depending on what's being sold in no way changes that
the question is what the cost is for those services being better
if a restaurant is giving you meals that cost half-price for 10 years until every other restaurant in town runs out of business, just so they can buy their spaces and then ramp up the prices when they have complete control, you probably should've stuck to the normal restaurant
unless you're a globalist shill i'm not sure how you're in support of a corporation destroying local businesses and trying to take total dominance of the market at the expense of both workers and consumers?

>> No.17416376

just wait until the gme shares tank and bunch of doofuses are stuck holding the bag, the narrative will go back to the standard "equity markets bad" plebeian beliefs

>> No.17416379

Ya but it was fun while it lasted!

>> No.17416388 [DELETED] 

what do i care about "local businesses"?

>> No.17416395

That's who we are as a nation, a nation of go-getters and retards. Always optimistic. I think we'll come out of this stronger

>> No.17416404 [DELETED] 

Fuck you. So you just want Walmart and Amazon? Or let me guess, some centrally planned distribution center, commisar?

>> No.17416412 [DELETED] 

pretty much this
the revolutionary rhetoric of marxism is being used by the neolibs to achieve their own ends
that's why the most popular marxists online have one message
>vote for biden and the dnc
even the ones that are supposedly anti-dnc say vote for republicans for accelerationist purposes or whatever the fuck, lol, they have zero strategy or real aims
as pathetic as these "monarchists" who can't stop talking about the decadence of society but then worship trump and want the trumps to become the american royal family, a bunch of fucking inbred ugly monkeys with the tastes of dogshit

>> No.17416418

come out of what? the market cap of gamestop is 25 billion which is irrelevant to everyone except small hedgefunds and poor people on reddit. if warren buffet wanted to invest in gme, he'd have to buy the whole thing and even then it wouldn't be big enough to move the needle on berkshire shares.

>> No.17416420 [DELETED] 

because that gives the citizenry more autonomy and generally better conditions, and because it avoids there being any international corporation powerful enough to blackmail the american government as a whole and extract favors
what the fuck do you care about if not the betterment of your town and those you love?

>> No.17416425 [DELETED] 

He's a Communist, he doesnt love anybody.

>> No.17416441 [DELETED] 

>your own town
you mean your little town that consists of a mcdonalds, a walmart, and a sunoco station? oh how my heart bleeds. i live in the city, not a town.

>> No.17416596

ur missing my point

>> No.17416636 [DELETED] 

it doesn't matter if it's a town or a city, you just choose not to respond to anything and keep making bullshit answers that are non-sequiturs
you could live in a metropolis or a hut in the village, the point is to fight for your interests and not to let anyone else hold an inordinate amount of power over you
>you mean your little town that consists of a mcdonalds, a walmart, and a sunoco station?
most of those towns used to have their own stores before they were invaded by foreign capital

>> No.17416643 [DELETED] 

>my interests
my interests are getting every day low prices and free shipping, not putting some local small businesses owner's kid through college, also cities are filled with small businesses aka "bodegas" and they are all dirty and overpriced

>> No.17416659
File: 235 KB, 590x505, Screenshot 2021-01-30 at 15.36.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon it's just a hype bandwagon that is already sabotaged by the elites. America cannot recover in the next few decades because most of the elites are deeply corrupt.

>> No.17416674 [DELETED] 

>my interests are getting every day low prices and free shipping
what a depressing life you have

>> No.17416675

the posts on lit are objectively worse during european hours

>> No.17416688

your interests are overpaying for essential goods so that some local business owner can buy a bmw? wow what a fulfilling life you lead

>> No.17416706 [DELETED] 

>my interests are getting every day low prices and free shipping
that's such a psychotic view that i don't even know what to say
so the cost of how you get to the low prices and free shipping doesn't matter? it doesn't matter if it makes the country worse?
i also don't know why low prices would matter if you aren't a poorfag
technically we should aim for standards of living where basic goods would not put any financial strain on you
>not putting some local small businesses owner's kid through college
this is just pure projection and delusion, unrelated to anything we're saying
i would rather have a store in my town run by a local than a corporation, you know why?
because the chances are that even if it's more expensive, that guy is going to be spending that money at other places in town, including my own establishment
that is literally how a healthy economy works
what you get instead with corporations is foreign capital that's paying shit wages to the locals that are poor as fuck, extracting all that they can in profit, and then spending that money in already wealthy foreign states like california
>also cities are filled with small businesses aka "bodegas" and they are all dirty and overpriced
so because the one time you went outside you went to a shitty small store, that means we must support complete evaporation of small businesses and give it all up to an international megacorp?
you are so retarded that it's incredible
btw what happens when the handful of megacorps that control everything decide you're an undesirable and stop refusing you service?

>> No.17416714

you're hopeless and i don't consider you a human

>> No.17416720 [DELETED] 

he doesn't care anon, he's a literal soulless parasite consumer

>> No.17416732 [DELETED] 

>that's such a psychotic view that i don't even know what to say
>so the cost of how you get to the low prices and free shipping doesn't matter? it doesn't matter if it makes the country worse?
>i also don't know why low prices would matter if you aren't a poorfag
>technically we should aim for standards of living where basic goods would not put any financial strain on you

see dude, you are a communist whether you know it or not. sorry, i'm not under any obligation to overpay for goods and services.

>> No.17416746 [DELETED] 

>if you don't shop at local businesses you are a parasitical consoomer
imagine typting this

>> No.17416770 [DELETED] 

>local business owner that was used to extracting rent from local populace now has to face competition
there's definitely some soulless parasites around but maybe not who you think

>> No.17416781 [DELETED] 

i mean, i would understand if he felt that way if he was like super poor, being poor isn't easy, but i would expect him to understand that a better life is not only possible but was a reality 70-60 years ago
>see dude, you are a communist whether you know it or not
no, i'm not, none of these things are communist
america used to be anti-big corporations, pro local business/government, and very much for workers rights and strong unions
you just throw the word communist around without any fucking meaning
if anything, let's be real, you are closer to a communist, because you're basically saying nothing matters but the more shit you get for free (or close to free by being cheaper)
>i'm not under any obligation to overpay for goods and services
but everyone else should be obligated to become bugmen enslaved by a few megacorps?

>> No.17416792 [DELETED] 

>face competition
a proper competition would be between two people on the same playing field
you offering cheaper prices and services is meaningless if the only reason you can do that is because you aren't even seeking profit, but just trying to run everyone else into the ground
that is economic sabotage

>> No.17416808

This thread is significantly worse than usual because of the idiots above this post.

>> No.17416816 [DELETED] 

>america used to be anti-big corporations, pro local business/government, and very much for workers rights and strong unions
america used to have huge plantations filled with millions of slaves, what the fuck are you talking about. you just spend the whole thread sucking off petite bourgeois merchants, and now you're talking about labor history but you get it completely wrong considering america was only "pro labor" for a few decades between roosevelt and kennedy.

>> No.17416827 [DELETED] 

ok so what are you going to do, pass a law that says a business has to be profitable in the first quarter of operations or it's illegal? gee, i wonder if interfering in the market like that might have any unintended consequences

>> No.17416834 [DELETED] 

>america used to have huge plantations filled with millions of slaves
in the 20th century?
>what the fuck are you talking about
i am talking about how life used to be before reagonomics and nixon selling america to china
>you just spend the whole thread sucking off petite bourgeois merchants
i am not a communist, i support people that make the economy stronger and lead to better standards of living
>and now you're talking about labor history but you get it completely wrong considering america was only "pro labor" for a few decades between roosevelt and kennedy.
but that is exactly what you're opposed to

>> No.17416841 [DELETED] 

i am sure people who specialize in dealing with monopolies and study this kind of behavior for years probably have a better idea of how to implement a system that would raise alarms and lead to investigation and closure that doesn't rely on your idiotic reductio ad absurdum
you aren't even open to it in the first place, so why pretend you are giving thought to how it would be achieved?

>> No.17416857 [DELETED] 

>but that is exactly what you're opposed to
when did i say i was opposed to unions? how many "small businesses" are union shops by the way?
>claims to be conservative but fail to mention clinton signing nafta and approving china's entry into the wto
you're not very good at this

>> No.17416880 [DELETED] 

>i am sure people who specialize in dealing with monopolies and study this kind of behavior for years probably have a better idea of how to implement a system
yeah, they did, it's called anti-trust law and true rent seekers like at&t getting broken up, companies with a half dozen direct competitors like amazon, however, do not

>> No.17416892
File: 61 KB, 750x701, 1605959865075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some context, I wrote this bit when I was still a freshman, (so 15/16 if you forgive the poor writing) in HS. I journal periodically, and was reading through some past entries; the mind has been jogging since then. The writing is shit, but the sentiment is there.

>But, my dream was about this girl I started to notice in English class. She sits directly to the right of me, and probably has a massive crush on me. Really kind of cute, brown hair, relatively pale skin, very distinguished features In the dream, that I barely remember, context tells me she was a GF or something. It's getting difficult to remember because this dream ended well over 12 hours ago. But what I do remember, is walking with her, and she holds onto my waist with one hand, and and kind of uses me as a crutch to help her move, because I remember feeling the weight of her person, but then I moved my hand into the same position by her waist ( if that makes any sense ). Then she stars wholesomely laughing, in response to what had just happened, and we continued to walk while carrying each other’s weight. But this is when it happens, I start feeling super happy, like drugs, kind of happy.

>I just have this amazing feeling rush over me as I hold this girl’s, knowing she loves me as much as I love her, as I could feel the warm, smooth, and soft pale skin, and then the dream ends. I wake up, and for a split second of ignorant bliss, I think to myself, that I cannot wait to go see my wonderful girlfriend, and feel that again, I could not wait to hug her, and pick her up and hold her close, and see and feel her love for me.
Reality then kicked in, and I realized I had no girlfriend, and had no one to hold, and those feelings were just artificially produced in a dream. That rush just evaporated, leaving a depressed shell of what once was. I could feel the oppressed and ignored pit, drain and feel as raw as a new wound.

That dream messed me up for a good few days after that.

>> No.17416895 [DELETED] 

>when did i say i was opposed to unions?
you just said that what you care about is getting everything for cheap and as close to free as possible
of course that you are against unions, because if workers at these places had got unionized they would be paid higher wages, in which case it's doubtful that you'd be getting your super-cheap amazon delivery
>>claims to be conservative but fail to mention clinton signing nafta and approving china's entry into the wto
not once in this entire thread did i claim to be conservative, in fact i stated time and time again that i despise conservatism
i consider myself a rightwinger, but not a conservative by any means
as for your clearly triggered response to not mentioning clinton, it's the same as before when you had a meltdown about me not mentioning walmart, it's pretty clear from EVERYTHING i've said thus far that i disapprove of everything that came after, be that bush, clinton, bush, obama, or trump

>> No.17416915 [DELETED] 

>yeah, they did, it's called anti-trust law and true rent seekers like at&t getting broken up
except those anti-trust laws aren't as stringent as they should be an corruption on the federal level keeps companies from amazon from behind held responsible
>companies with a half dozen direct competitors like amazon, however, do not
lol, like fucking who? or are you going to tell me that because you can order a book from a local shop and one can amazon that that's a "direct competitor?"
fucking please
this is the sort of disingenuous trash that allows for loopholes in anti-trust laws that will never get fixed

>> No.17416920 [DELETED] 

>rightwinger but not conservative
what the fuck does that even mean? a rightwinger who isn't conservative is a neolib but you clearly long for some sort of communism

>> No.17416932 [DELETED] 

>what the fuck does that even mean?
it means i'm opposed to communism and democracy
>a rightwinger who isn't conservative is a neolib but you clearly long for some sort of communism
maybe in your small mind
also notice how you never respond to anything when you're outed as a shill

>> No.17416933
File: 17 KB, 792x174, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make more threads so my other threads die ~.~

>> No.17416948 [DELETED] 

sounds like you have some completely incoherent ideology or something so vile that you are embarrassed to even state it, either way, you lose

>> No.17416972 [DELETED] 

i stated it pretty clearly, while you went on the whole thread embarrassingly yourself by ignoring every time your arguments got destroyed and only calling the other person a communist
a fucktard that spends his free time defending jeff bezos' empire

>> No.17416992 [DELETED] 

>being this resentful about an internet retailer

>> No.17417016 [DELETED] 


>> No.17417083

how do I cope with mediocrity?

>> No.17417088

become a leftist or some kind of trad larp moron

>> No.17417106

they have done nothing of significance

>> No.17417114

that's the point

>> No.17417131 [DELETED] 

I’m annoyed to no end by well off young people who nevertheless larp as oppressed members of the working class. I used to be one myself but I realized how insane I was being.
>that friend who whines about having 30k low interest student loan debt on a 90k salary
>that friend who’s been working from home with no financial difficulty for the past year but insists he deserves a larger stimulus check
>that friend who refuses to invest because “the stock market is for rich people” while easily being in the 90th income percentile for his age

More than anything I’m annoyed because they don’t do anything to fix the problems they claim to care about. They’re not proles, so they closest thing to a “revolution” they can do is slumming it at the local protest, and because they refuse to use their economic power (which would shatter the illusion) they end up doing nothing at all.

>> No.17417138

Super smart guy here AMA

>> No.17417145 [DELETED] 

>30k low interest student loan debt
no one should have any student debt. thats still a garbage deal

>> No.17417147 [DELETED] 

>They’re not proles
Do they own the means of production? Didn't think so, so they are.

>> No.17417161

what's on your mind?

>> No.17417167

Obscene thoughts

>> No.17417173 [DELETED] 

>student loan debt
oh god i have a friend like that, she spends all her disposable income traveling the world, and then bitches about still owing student loans, and expects a bailout from democrats. then she gives me shit for not being well travelled while also being resentful that i paid off my loans. no self awareness. oh and the interest on student loans, which is already low af, is tax deductible so you you're not even really paying it if you actually take an hour to optimize your tax filing

>> No.17417176 [DELETED] 

they probably do own some of the means of production through their 401ks and/or pension funds, thats why these marxist categories from the first couple decades of capitalism are useless

>> No.17417179 [DELETED] 

>she gives me shit for not being well travelled
Tell her Socrates never travelled either. That'll shut her whore mouth up.

>> No.17417181 [DELETED] 

i tell her mao never left china

>> No.17417189 [DELETED] 

That's not owning shit lol.
>thats why these marxist categories from the first couple decades of capitalism are useless
Because neoliberals tricked you about what it means to own something?

>> No.17417232 [DELETED] 

most of the public companies in the s&p 500 are majority held by institutional investors aka pension funds, index funds, mutual funds. jeff bezos owns only 5% of amazon. the days of somebody like engel's dad putting on a tophat and personally owning a factory are long gone dude.

>> No.17417259 [DELETED] 

zoomers literally can't stop thinking about burger politics

>> No.17417262 [DELETED] 

If you don't have your own business, don't hire people, etc, you're still a prole. Having a bunch of shares in some company that doesn't give a shit what you think doesn't make you an owner of the means of production. It's about how you earn your livelihood.

>> No.17417273 [DELETED] 

>retirement fund is literally how you earn your livelihood after you retire

ok yes exactly

>> No.17417276 [DELETED] 

What about the rest of your life?

>> No.17417287 [DELETED] 

that's the point dumbass, people may spend part of their life working for salary and part of their life living off dividends, also many people own investment properties that they collect rent on while simultaneously working a salaried job, again these simplified marxist definitions are silly

>> No.17417297 [DELETED] 

>many people own investment properties that they collect rent
These are obviousuly not proles dummy. But your friend who wage-slaves every day and has a holiday once in a while is still a prole.

>> No.17417319 [DELETED] 

wait, so now you're telling me the people that own investments and properties while still working aren't proles after all? make up your mind son get your story straight

>> No.17417340 [DELETED] 

If they own properties and charge rents, they aren't. If they participate in the standard American pension system where some of your salary goes into 401k so you have some money when you're old, you are. Marx did say that the material conditions change, but the distinction is still existential and decides whether your entire livelihood depends on being fired by your boss tomorrow or actually owning means of produciton to make money without depending on your employer.

People like you who use "middle class" to mean "bourgeoisie" are just watering down the distinction and contributing to creating internal class struggle.

>> No.17417363 [DELETED] 

but someone who has 20 years of wages invested in amazon stock probably isn't going to be receptive to "bezosman bad!" narratives that call for the seizure of amazon property by the state which is why communism is dead

>> No.17417397 [DELETED] 

The American idea is self-hating. To revolt against America in the free world is to be American.

>> No.17417402 [DELETED] 

Communism was dead on arrival, but that doesn't mean people should arbitrarily hijack Marx's project and terminology to further strenghten neoliberal cancer.

>> No.17417416 [DELETED] 

The American idea is not self-hating. America is under foreign occupation. It's not a revolt against America, it's a revolt against an occupying force that control the entire Western world.

>> No.17417438 [DELETED] 

i think marx's terminology should be retired since bourgeois vs. proletarian makes less and less sense as capital becomes more and more democratized

>> No.17417483 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 988x663, Screenshot 2021-01-30 at 17.40.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it shouldn't because most people still don't own any means of production and it's what unites us. If you saw the GameStop event, people joined from all over the world and all parts of the internet because the hate that wagies have against the elites transcends borders and ideologies just like Marx said. The power of this distinction is that it harnesses a natural source of unity that worked then and continues to work now. When people start attacking a random wage-earner for being "bourgeoise" because they have a smartphone and goes to starbucks, they just fail to realise that living standards changed but the distinction remained. There just aren't that many factory workers anymore in developed countries, but wealth inequality is only increasing.

>> No.17417638

>essay word limit is 1800
>professor says we won't get penalized if we're above/below 100 words
>submit essay
>it's exactly 1900 words
>"Please stick to the word limit!"
>lose 5 points

am I missing something here? the fuck

>> No.17417664 [DELETED] 

>workers speculate with their surplus cash on stock options
>this is somehow a repudiation of capitalism


>> No.17417710 [DELETED] 

You cannot have a nation if everything is privatized and rendered a commodity. A nation must reserve and preserve untouchable ideals and principles. America is not under foreign occupation, it is being devoured by the tendency for hyper-concentrated capital to subsume the state.

>> No.17417717 [DELETED] 

Replied to the wrong post, meant for

>> No.17417727 [DELETED] 

literally everything that is happening in america right now has already happened before, worse. whether it's robber barons and inequality, or radical extremists marching around starting trouble, this is nothing we haven't seen before. america is essentially "anti-fragile".

>> No.17417733
File: 117 KB, 800x1060, e6be86d23edb8c7afd1c5503f88b69d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take me back bros...

>> No.17417813 [DELETED] 

American principles are fine--they worked for centuries now. The problem is that American leaders are anti-American and hate Americans.

>> No.17417819
File: 430 KB, 892x787, awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by the expectation of infinite new beginnings, which is a noble cause for one whose soul still sleeps
Wow. A constant pursuit of re-invention is what awakens our spirituality... I've never thought about it this way but you're totally right
>It's encouraging that a man is unquestionably able to make life better through conscious effort, not simply through creation, but more-gloriously through shifting his frame of mind
Then what remains is motivating that conscious effort!

>> No.17417826 [DELETED] 

>Tell me anon... What is communism?

>> No.17417955
File: 491 KB, 928x1192, living deliberately.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went to the woods to learn and experience its spirituality
>I did not want to live my entire life having missed such an important thing
If you live your whole life without "roughing it" then yeah you haven't fully lived, I agree
>I wanted to understand nature thoroughly, but it seems most men have no such desire
Yeah a lot of people are focused on overcoming hardship and enjoying what's immediately available, rather than considering the whole of it and the available alternatives. I think people are largely disconnected from their spirituality, having so rarely experienced something spiritually thrilling

>> No.17417957

need jobs recommendations similar to codemonkey

>> No.17418087

I long for days long gone
Days in which I don't belong

Lives that could never be mine
Something gone forever

I long for girls in dresses
But never a dress unfurls.

>> No.17418270
File: 514 KB, 919x921, national effort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the country and its national infrastructure is a bureaucratic mess of solutions without problems, and the work required to develop and maintain those things leads the people involved with it astray from their spirituality
>instead we should all live simple lives and elevate our spirituality
There's a sense of thrill to large-scale developments like the telegraph and railroad infrastructure. You mentioned before that mankind is uniquely able to create- they expend that effort on what is most-easily conceptualized. You're right that it's all a vain and spiritless endeavor, but the pursuit itself is enjoyable, even if it's at the expense of mankind's spirituality. The pale hope seems to be that solutions can be found that will someday allow men to focus on spirituality, but you and I both think that the "solutions" instead catch men in the cogs of the machine, thereby destroying their connections with nature and spirituality.

Sadly, even in spacious America I think it'd be incredibly difficult to find each household the room to homestead in the way you describe it. It seems that without colonizing the stars, mankind will only expand on each man's sovereignty, stealing their space and freedom in the process. This can only go so far until mankind breaks its respect of sovereignty and culls the weak to make room and hardship once again.

>> No.17418319
File: 1.76 MB, 1598x982, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Died moon gazing in Athens Greece
Admit it /lit/, you are jealous

>> No.17418327 [DELETED] 

It's a bit different now, but history is not predictable.
No, they are just the just the employees and slaves of global capital and its inexorable pull.

There's a great scene from the classic movie Network which illustrates this powerfully. Basically a news anchor goes off the rails and gets brought in to meet with the corporation's CEO who drops a truth bomb on him. Worth a watch.

>You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen, and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and A T & T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state -- Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable by-laws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale! It has been since man crawled out of the slime.


>> No.17418328

The 41% thing is heavily misleading. First of all that's suicide attempts, not suicides. Secondly the rates are lowered significantly if they have support from friends and family

>> No.17418342

I don't get off to thiccness anymore. I like petite. I wonder if I lost test or I refined taste.

>> No.17418352 [DELETED] 

i would go full laventriy beria on white nationalists

>> No.17418376
File: 807 KB, 2012x1252, 1608402523710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To free yourself from sin is hard, to pry yourself from temptation is harder.

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

>> No.17418381 [DELETED] 

We should put Trumpers in the concentration campus they use for immigrant children

>> No.17418433 [DELETED] 

Did you miss the memo that left and right are now teaming up to destroy Wall Street?

>> No.17418440 [DELETED] 

I am not a communist. I am a neoliberal globalist humanist.

>> No.17418450 [DELETED] 

Tankie faggots deserve the same rope.

>> No.17418456

I care too much about what people think about me even though I rarely talk to people. I have told lies to try and protect my image because I care about it so much for some reason.

When I tell myself to stop telling lies I never do because I don’t want the people I lied to to find out I lied to them in the first place.

>> No.17418530 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 680x494, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no inexorable pull. It's just corruption and incompetent people due to large inheritance. Actually I'm not sure what's your argument cause not sure which of the posters are you. What's your view on the current status and the future of America?

>> No.17418609
File: 595 KB, 917x1304, reconnect to reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion, and prejudice, and tradition, abs delusion, and appearance, that alluvion which covers the globe, through Paris and London, through New York and Boston and Concord, through church and state, through poetry and philosophy and religion, till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call REALITY, and say, This is, and no mistake; and then begin, having a "point d'appui", below freshet and frost and fire, a place where you might found a wall or a state, or set up a lamp-post safely, or perhaps a gauge, not a Nilometer, but a Realometer, that future ages might know how deep a freshet of shams and appearances have gathered from time to time."
I love this so much
>"Be it life or death, we crave only reality."
It shouldn't be surprising then that people are unhappy nowadays, as we live and breathe a highly artificial society

>> No.17418644 [DELETED] 

The only thing a person should be proud to call yourself is spiritual. Everything you describe strays humanity further from its soul.

>> No.17418651 [DELETED] 

>call yourself
*call himself or herself

>> No.17418661 [DELETED] 

I don't believe in that magic paranormal horseshit. I believe in what I can see and observe directly. Spirituality is a cope for losers. I am about the here and now what we can see.

>> No.17418726 [DELETED] 


>> No.17418737

If you kill yourself you will meet Jebus faster. I will gladly help you.

>> No.17418755 [DELETED] 

Spirituality is a person's connection to their soul, for which a religion may manifest. Your proclaimed pursuits only make the quality of life worse for everyone, including yourself, by engaging you in work which has no meaningful effect.

>> No.17418758

Spiritualism is a deep experience. It's not magic or paranormal or religious. It's something you may understand when you mature.

>> No.17418831

You either add me or you let me lurk and shitpost in peace
Don't make try to friendzone you again

>> No.17418835 [DELETED] 

I have no use for delusions and druggie nonsense.

>> No.17418879 [DELETED] 

That's not how it works anon there's no escaping it. It's biologically wired that there are things in you that are outside of the scope of reason. Delusions are the other way around.

>> No.17418899
File: 56 KB, 825x523, fe6x81ef4vpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay communigger, here you go

>> No.17418907

communism unironically has a better future than nazism or fascism

>> No.17418913

but it's never been tried

>> No.17418914

Only because you have the Jewish oligarchs on your side that are importing mystery meat mutts to undermine racial homogeneity and the white race. National Socialism is lurking in the hearts of every white patriot, and we are just waiting for the right moment to strike. The days of the reds are numbered.

>> No.17419174

Pride before the fall, communigger fuck

>> No.17419198

save some meth for your sister wife cletus

>> No.17419326

Get better insults, communigger fuck

>> No.17420468

I just came so very close to shitting myself. when I finally made it to the bowl it felt like I shat a fat eggplant. amazing how much a sphnicter can stretch. I feel completely exhausted, this was a real ordeal. I walked about 5 miles. starting at around mile 2 I was negotiating with myself whether it was acceptable to shit in a bush or not. ididn't want to wipe with snow, that was probably the main reason I kept going. I almost went once, I was gonna go down by a little stream by the path, maybe shit into the water, but as I went down I saw that I would be visible so I went on. By the end I was stopping every 50 meters or so to just clench my butt (maybe to give my sphincter a rest? physiological question). Now thank God all I have to do is rest.

>> No.17420474

your insults are terrible. you're not even using real words

>> No.17420501

>Too scared and had to wait 2+ hours to come up with a feeble comeback
You're not even worth this (You)

>> No.17420976


>> No.17421027

>just tacks on nigger to communist over and over

A 12 year old can do better than this mate.

>> No.17421379

Boring boomerliving.....better to be celibate, spend your youth in maximum energy schizo-rage—uncompromising devotion to physical and or intellectual pursuits, then pull a Mishima before you become senile. Die a Saint, not a boomer

>> No.17422064
File: 19 KB, 480x476, 1608712999229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst one of these threads I've seen. Leftshits and /pol/dancers are slap-fighting over ideologies they barely understand. Read more and talk less, zoomers.

>> No.17422160
File: 86 KB, 960x720, frostflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I want to feel the warmth of the women, I've gotten to the point where we were about to do something and just spilled my spaghetti and folded although I got her to take the blame. I just don't understand the dynamic behind it, how people move from kissing to fucking, I've kissed someone but never made out. I don't get it and my inability to convert my swindles over a women to some sex has just crushed my wanting to try anymore. I'm becoming more and more anti-social I have not seen my friends in some years and made some new mutual friends that I'm scared to see them in person. Idk what to do man, covid although giving me so much time has actually killed my motivation, sure so much time but I don't even go outside and work out, I hardly go out. I am damaging my brain badly with this lifestyle and I don't know how to fix it.

>> No.17422451

Every time I start a book, I stop reading it 1/3 - 2/3 of the way through. Well, for non-fiction at least. Too often I feel like, "Sure you're right I agree" and there's no point in finishing once you get the gist of the author's message. I enjoy learning about the world but I won't have misgivings that my knowledge of things will have a huge impact, or that I need to remember the supporting evidence for X after I've decided the argument makes sense, and I'd rather just roll with the conclusion. It varies per author though. Some will sum up the entire book's message in the intro, and my urge to stop once I get what he's at is pretty high, while fiction always demands you to finish by necessity I think. It's my laziness talking, but those are my excuses anyway

>> No.17422467

I think i might have covid.. any advice?

>> No.17422487

Take Vitamins C & D plus some Zinc

>> No.17422554

Yeah I feel you man. Back in the day I had no problem kissing my girlfriend, but for some reason I just couldn't take things further and move on to sex. It just felt inappropriate, as if what I was doing wasn't really supposed to lead to sex. At one point I got really frustrated and decided that fuck it, I was just going to grab her breasts, and it actually worked. Once I've overcame that mental barrier things became much more natural.

>> No.17422631 [DELETED] 

The faggot mod warned me for posting my opinion in the BLOGGING containment thread. Go fuck yourself pissant.

>> No.17422732

Don't talk about politics here stupid

>> No.17422754 [DELETED] 

uh-oh, watch out! it's the mod's pet!

>> No.17422755

i was gonna say they should make a politics board but then i remembered that absolute shitshow of a board is supposed to be the politics board, ugh

>> No.17422890

I want to write something deep and detailed yet nothing is on my mind.

>> No.17422930
File: 507 KB, 1000x1500, 1610478851650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in high school I took a french class and one of my grandma was french. So she would call me and talk to me for hours with me and my father. She would ask me what we were doing in class and all. I already knew french from home so that class was a walk in the park. She was a passionate reader and had rooms after rooms in her house filled with books. She would send me one by the mail after speaking to her on the phone and then when she would call again she would ask me to summarise the book to her. So since I didnt read the book I would start improvising and invent the plot and say a lot of inventions. She would laugh and she sounded amused. Back in the day I had a feeling she knew I was making it up but now in hindsight I perfectly know she knew that I didn't read the books.
I feel a bit bad tho guys. Now I love reading and I would of love talking to her about french litterature. And also I lied to her about reading what she would send me. Yes it was innocent but still maybe she thought those books were good and helpful for my young spirit to grow. What would I do to find what she use to send me and I would read them to honor her and pardoned my lying sins.

>> No.17423038

Is learning history a waste of time? To me it just comes off as worthless socialization to express your deep trivia knowledge that does not nor will ever matter. Even fiction has a more intrinsic value because at least that's an accepted lie.

>> No.17423059 [DELETED] 

just use tuxler vpn

t. evading a permaban right now

>> No.17423267 [DELETED] 


>> No.17423281

This was a comfy read, Godspeed anon.

>> No.17423289

Having a good understanding of history helps you understand how people work and the patterns of society far better. Knowing how a country came to be what it is also helps to understand how it is now.

>> No.17423323

I just endlessly scroll 4chan and look for a new information hoping to find THAT.

>> No.17423377

Knowing history is the absolute most essential first step to start understanding anything of this world

>> No.17423381

>Having a good understanding of history helps you understand how people work
Absolutely doesn't. You should seek art for this purpose.
>and the patterns of society far better.
Debatable but ultimately trivial.

>> No.17423387

Nigga you don't even know history what the fuck do you know about the benefits of it?

>> No.17423390

The one thing you will understand from history is that there is nothing to understand, so in that manner I suppose you are right, it IS an important first step.

>> No.17423396

You're a pseud and probably underage

>> No.17423401

Even with a girl i supposedly love, who loves me deeply, who's not hollow and who knows me well, even then i feel an emptiness inside, i still lust for more, more beauty when there is beauty in front of me, i still feel this deep longing for a fantasy that's been sitting in the back of my mind for years, i find myself at midnight, staring at the ceiling, thinking of what could have been, and then i feel the instantaneous regret of ever feeling such way, of having such a hollow heart

>> No.17423404

just get someone prettier

>> No.17423412

>Nigga you don't even know history
I did not say this.
>what the fuck do you know about the benefits of it?
Like I said, socialization.
And you my friend, are projecting.

>> No.17423416

History is far more honest than art is

>> No.17423427

> no value in knowing history
You're an idiot if you believe this. The value is almost self evident. It's like you're saying "no point in learning math, it's just for social credit to show off"

>> No.17423429

all who study history are just students of fantasy, because that's what it is, mere fantasy, to escape the petty life of present

>> No.17423450

Refuted by Aristotle.
>You're an idiot if you believe this. The value is almost self evident.
I don't even disagree with you that history does have a seemingly "self-evident" quality to it, the problem is that said quality can only appeal to confirmation biases you hold within yourself since the subject is fundamentally an ivory tower full of obfuscations with no "clear" narrative.

>> No.17423470

Ok, anons. Which Shakespeare play should I go for next? I've read/watched Coriolanus, Anthony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Hamlet.

>> No.17423479

My favorite ones so far are Julius Caesar and Hamlet.

>> No.17423501

You're such a disgusting person. You asked a question feigning naivety and when people tried to answer to you, you started acting with arrogance. Your insincerity disgusts me deeply.

>> No.17423519

*tips fedora*

>> No.17423657

Why do friendships sometimes just spontaneously flatline? I was friends with a guy and we talked nearly every day for about 5 years and then a couple of months ago we both stopped. Tried to talk a few times since but it goes nowhere. I have had this happen before, this is just the most recent example of how you can be friends with someone for a long time and almost overnight, without any conflict, or major change, it just doesn't work anymore.

>> No.17423785

I reconnected with an old crush after many years. We got along well and she openly expressed her willingness to enter a relationship with me. I was enthusiastic but I realised long term, our relationship is perhaps untenable. We come from different cultures and she is irreligious and I am not. My family is important to me and my mother and sister outright said they do not approve of her so after a lot of mental anguish, I decided to let her go. I don't know if I love her but it's been so hard. Of course I could get over my future orientated thinking and just enjoy the moment but we are 24 and perhaps it's not time for purely aesthetic love anymore. I think there is a difference between entering a relationship with marriage being a distant but entirely possible one and one where that option is very onerous. I think she would take me back since we ended on good terms I think...but I still maintain it would be too selfish of me.

>> No.17423790

Maybe they got a girlfriend or a new job or a new friend or something changed for you but you didn't realise. Lots of things happened in the past months.

>> No.17423796

>Of course I could get over my future orientated thinking
Cringe. You have to get over your zoomer mentality of sacrificing your principles for a girl. You're a man, you can marry even after 35 and you'll still be fine. Find the right woman not some libtard whore.

>> No.17423806
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I have developed a multi step plan in order to get a slavic gf, hopefully a trad virgin one, if not I also have more backup plans

Plan A: Teach english in russia near rostov, I would also take the one hour bus ride to ukraine often and approach women there

Plan B: Im applying for a russian scholarship that pays for your school, housing, and meals in russia, you just need some money for clothes

Plan C: If for some reason I can get a physical teaching english job, which is possible because the virus, I would get one online, save then move, salary for both is 1k a month

Plan D: This is the code red/nuclear option, join the russian or Ukrainian military, you get citizenship after some time in both, specifically the navy/sailor looks good

Plan E: Lets say I spent xyz years in russia and cant find an actual good girl, then I would convert to islam, go to chechnya and find one there

Im obsessed with slavic women, such plans are much much more detailed but these are the basic summaries, if im being honest im the most confident in the TEFL job
>inb4 just date a russian girl in america
They arent actual russians, they may be ethnically slavic, but they have the personaliry of the dogshit american women

>> No.17423810

She's not a "libtard whore". Just differences in cultural background and religion.

>> No.17423814

> Plan D: This is the code red/nuclear option, join the russian or Ukrainian military, you get citizenship after some time in both, specifically the navy/sailor looks good

> Plan E: Lets say I spent xyz years in russia and cant find an actual good girl, then I would convert to islam, go to chechnya and find one there

KEK anon, wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.17423827

you can visit Ukraine without joining the military, get a gf and move her out
why all the military hustle?

>> No.17423843

Why do you let your desire for women control your life like this? Some men are just slaves to their sexuality.

>> No.17423875

>slavic gf
>a trad virgin one
Pick one.
>convert to islam, go to chechnya and find one there
You'll be lucky to leave with your head on your shoulders.

>> No.17423884

After finally having a gf (who turned out to be very selfish and manipulative), I've realised that I genuinely just don't care for what women have to offer. Physically, sex and intimacy are nice, but I honestly don't care for the social dimensions of "having a girlfriend". I'll meet a chick, feel some attraction, but after talking to her a bit, just lose all interest before things get off the ground.

>> No.17423916

Oh im only 20, dont have the money to pay for a flight or live there, teaching english i get free accommodation, as for ukranian military specifically, you get citizenship after 1 year, but your likely to be fighting in the war against the russians, I would use the citizenship to just get a job and live there after my year is done,

>> No.17423922

Oh also america is cringe, ive always wanted to get out if this shithole

>> No.17423924

Meh, i can just get a 16-18 year old one, im only 20, groom her to be tra

As for chechnya Im arabic so although I dont look exactly like them, I can easily larp as a muslim

>> No.17423971

He's a human let him be for fucks sake. Grow some character. Buy ear pads or get good earn more money and get out of that shitty apartment, loser.

>> No.17423978

Taming of the Shrew if you liked them better because jokes, Lear if you liked them because tragic figure, Macbeth if because politicking and death.

>> No.17424056

americans are fucking retards and deserve all they get
can't wait for you to get obliterated by some slav whore that won't even fuck you, idiot

>> No.17424085

Read crime and punishment

>> No.17424198

Belphégor by Arthur Bernède is like a Scooby-Doo cartoon in written form, only there are two dogs and they are everything but friendly.

>> No.17424318

I kinda want to read infinite jest but im an esl so a lot of stuff would be lost on me

>> No.17425142

nothing in my mind

>> No.17425211
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"The dead" swore me of women forever. If you didn't find your beloved early on and it so happened that you were hers as well, you will never experience the genuine feeling of loving and being loved.

>> No.17425219

I know right? Is this what buddhism is about? Hilarious.

>> No.17425235

Leavis stresses energy as a chief quality in his great novelists. ‘They are all distinguished by a vital capacity for experience’ (p. 17), he says; and he speaks more than once of the ‘energy of vision’ (pp. 29, 232) that relates Conrad to Dickens.

However admirable the pursuit of beauty of form and style, an addiction to art too often masks an inner hollowness of human significance, Leavis feels, citing Flaubert, George Moore (pp. 16-17), and much of the late James. Similarly, Joyce’s ‘elaborate analogical structure[s]’ represent a ‘dead end’ (p. 36), for they too signify an intensity of art for art’s sake, and not for life’s sake. For Leavis the noblest art deals with the stuff of human experience; the truly great writer creates a vision of life; and the energy of his vision is a moral energy. The art of the great novelist is distinguished by a ‘marked moral intensity’ (p. 17). Evidently life in Ulysses is at the mercy of art.


>> No.17425571
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>> No.17425791

At the risk of sounding edgy or cliché, I feel my life to be so confused and murky living in the modern world. Nothing makes sense, hunches lead one billion diverging directions or else dead ends, convictions and principle see all but impossible, and I still have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing here.

>> No.17425795

it'll get better when u grow up bro

>> No.17425860

I’m 28. It’s only gotten more confusing.

>> No.17425871

Ancient Greeks separated life in periods of 7 years. As it happens, 28-35 is the period in which you settle down and answer these questions for yourself.

>> No.17425918

>and answer these questions for yourself.
not that anon but is introspection the only way to find these answers?

>> No.17425943
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You gotta find out what works for you.

>> No.17425965

But i have no idea what could work.. eh maybe im too stupid for this..

>> No.17425976

Settling down sounds more like resigning to the status quo than discovery of anything.

>> No.17426034

Philosophy Tube is trans. Pretty wild isn't it?

>> No.17426095
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Last night I dreamed that I had a sort of date with my oneitis from eight years ago. It was nice while it lasted and god did it feel like shit to wake up from that.
Anyway, I'm not doing anything lately and have barely any drive. I'm thinking about picking up a book on my shelf, something philosophical / spiritual. Either The Sickness Unto Death, which I've been meaning to read to completion for a while now, or have another try at the Bible, or the Upanishads, I don't really know.
I should go back to my appartment in a couple of days, so right now I don't have anything at hand.

>> No.17426155

>I. That inward mistress part of man if it be in its own true natural temper, is towards all worldly chances and events ever so disposed and affected, that it will easily turn and apply itself to that which may be, and is within its own power to compass, when that cannot be which at first it intended. For it never doth absolutely addict and apply itself to any one object, but whatsoever it is that it doth now intend and prosecute, it doth prosecute it with exception and reservation; so that whatsoever it is that falls out contrary to its first intentions, even that afterwards it makes its proper object. Even as the fire when it prevails upon those things that are in his way; by which things indeed a little fire would have been quenched, but a great fire doth soon turn to its own nature, and so consume whatsoever comes in his way: yea by those very things it is made greater and greater.

>I have no idea what he meant by this

>> No.17426775

Not the same guy but I've read Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth by Shakespeare.
I liked Kurosawa's Ran and I know it's based on King Lear so maybe I should look into it but I also have some interest in the Tempest, mainly because I heard somewhere that it's a rather odd one among Shakespeare's because of some meta narrative linked with mysticism.
I don't know if I'm making much sense on the Tempest but I'm only saying what I remember reading about it. Also if it's a tragedy, then maybe I'll make it my next Shakespeare read.

>> No.17426783

having a crisis of confidence lately. i've been working on something that's pretty experimental, but it feels experimental in the wrong way. it seems bad, like bad writing. but that's partially the point. i've never read anything like it, and from there one of two fundamental assumptions can be made:
>what i've written is unique and genuinely new
>what i've written is so incredibly commonplace and neophytic that it has no novelty to anyone but me
and i don't know which is which. there are some very real criticisms that can be laid upon me. i know this because i make some of the best ones myself -- the hate you can only muster up for yourself. at the same time, there are bits and pieces interspersed throughout the utter fucking nonsense which i think are some of my best work.

this is kind of the part where you sack up and have some confidence, right? because i'll be goddamned if i don't, on some level, love what i'm writing and believe in it.

writing is fucking painful. i guess that's how it lets you know you give a shit.

>> No.17426824

Not really. At least not anymore. It’s sad and repulsive but not quite surprising.

>> No.17426875

just post an excerpt then you'll know for sure. if it's good then it's good, if it's not then move on rather than regret.

>> No.17427133

i have. the responses i got were more confused than hostile, which is nice. "why would you do this?" or "i actually kind of like it," which probably approaches the highest praise i could expect. like i said though, crisis of confidence. i'm aware on some level that i'm being a little bitch and begging for validation, but that's a part of me i can't really control. the irony is that i don't actually accept any validation. i hate how messy and human i am, but the alternative isn't all that great either.

>> No.17427260

I can’t be the only one who perceives a huge drop off of good and interesting authors after WW2 and a near free fall some time around the early 2000s. Is this just my perception or does anyone else agree?

Who are your favorite post-WW2 authors (must have been born after 1945)?

>> No.17427629


>> No.17427704

can you post something again, here? you've got me curious what it's like

>> No.17427764
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>> No.17427903

I think my mom is slowly figuring out that I more or less don't think I learned anything worth knowing from her as a child, and that I've found I have to spend my early adulthood re-schooling me because in a lot of ways she never raised me, that I basically think she's a satanist without a culture. That I am actively searching for ways to live that will make it so that my family will not be like the one she failed to raise, that she is not a role-model, that I do not believe in whatever it is she believes in, that she instilled nothing of value in me. And I think that makes her very sad, which feels somewhat unnecessary to me, I don't think I really care that way. She brought up a weird thing from my childhood kind of out of nowhere, trying to highlight it as some moment where she taught me something, and I remember that moment but I firmly remember not having understood shit about what she was trying to say. It was some saying she had throughout my childhood which literally never made any sense to me at all. I was talking to her about what teachings I'm reading now, and she brought it up like she had something meaningful to add, and I got really uncomfortable because the only reason I can think of for her to bring that up would be for her to sort of air the idea that she would have added anything to my moral upbringing, and I really don't think she did, I think she was a confused satanist, and so I just kind of placated her because I was uncomfortable and wanted to say something that would stop her from going down that route in the conversation. But thinking about it now, if that was how she felt, that must be a bottomless sorrow in her. That's just sad as hell. I literally started studying moral philosophy and theology because I realized that my parents had given my absolutely nothing that was going to help me in the face of real problems, so if that is what she thinks, she is right. I think I have to come up with a good lie if it comes up again, there's no need to make her sad.

>> No.17427927

these two go well together

>> No.17428004

I want to go live abroad. I would probably use ESL teaching as a means to do this. I haven’t done it yet because I’m unsure and self conscious for some reason. It’s another thing I would feel better about if I had done it when I was younger.

>> No.17428092
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I've Pavlovian conditioned myself to associate Dragalia Lost with the odor of workout equipment because I always play it in between sets of benching.

>> No.17428143

I wanted to thank all of you for being closest thing to a friend to me. I have decided that I will kill myself.
Cheers, EWR

>> No.17428191

you may not see any way in which things can turn around for you, but you have to realize that that is a symptom, it is almost like a halucination you get from being depressed. I bet it seems objectively true right now, but it is not. your only job is to make it until you can go to bed. you can go one day. do that enough times and it will turn around, I promise.

>> No.17428263

>read the greeks
>they talk about fucking twinks

>> No.17428277

Realized I made a big mistake majoring in English Literature. I was publishing 2-3 stories a year before I hit my junior year, and now that I'm stuck in analysis/critique classes to hell and back, everything that I write is going through 100 filters and I'm finding it impossible to be creative. I think I'm falling into the academia trap.

>> No.17428282

>Is learning history a waste of time?
The Fukuyamites who run this world certainly want us to think so. The first step towards cancelling history as a concept is to discredit it as a field of study.

>> No.17428428

yeah dude

>> No.17428529

you asked how to cope, the only non-coping route is to become exceptional

>> No.17428553

I can't bring myself to write. I once wrote 140k book and deleted it in a rage as I realised how bad it was and I can't go back and do it again. I don't want money (though that'd be nice) or fame, I just want to know I did something on this earth.

>> No.17428568

ideology is a ghost that possesses the individual and turns them into a subject that it can mold for its own ends. the ideology is a spirit, a spook that possesses and perverts the ego

>> No.17428609

Once Hegel starts to make sense, you unlock a whole new plane of thinking.

>> No.17428631

Are you one of those Christian larpers?

>> No.17428643

t. Max

>> No.17428721
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I read so much yet I hardly get any books finished. I used to read multiple books at the same time and that was the reason why; however now I'm better at having one main book, and yet I still only finish a book once every month or so. I think I'm still spending too much time online, reading too many articles & browsing FB and 4channel instead of focusing on my current book.
I still have one book on the backburner I need to quickly finish as well.

>> No.17428762

Why is it that proponents of universal subjectivity almost always seem to be secular moral dogmatists? Subjectivity doesn't entail anything specifically, so they can do this. However, subjectivity doesn't logically entail secular progression, in fact is entails nothing, so anyone can do anything. Of course, they would agree, but as soon as something happens against their favor, instead of fighting back, they use the faulty emotional argument of logic and ethics and eventually resort to name calling. As in, it is only in the perceived absence of objective morality that they are able to establish a 'counter point' morality. Is this what they call slave morality, manifest? And why do the most scathing voices of this idea - they guys that can dump and essay about (I'm not trying to engage in a left/right argument) left-leaning ethics - seem to be effeminate males who are likely to be on the autism spectrum? I know I'm right. But I want a second opinion.

>> No.17428786

Farewell brother. Hope you can go out in peace.

>> No.17428793

What's some good books to become a quasi-intellectual? A faux-intelligentsia so to speak?

>> No.17428812

As above, so below. What you reap is what you sow. What you give comes back three-fold. As above, so below.

>> No.17428817
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>> No.17428820

All the existentialists & post-modernists. All of them.

>> No.17428842

I could just be coping but I feel like its just another move in the game. The great mass of people is always the worst possible thing for the world.

>> No.17428846

Why would that make me - for want of a better term - a poser?

>> No.17428868

It's fucked. It's all fucked. I open my eyes and look again. Yep, still fucked.

The numbers, see, I went to school for this shit, and what did it get me? Nobody teaches you what to do when it's all fucked. You can't just turn a number that big into a number the size I need. Grab a knife and pare it down and it's still too big. It's fucked.

I grab the screen. It's fucked. I go to the window. It's fucked. I throw the screen at the window. It's—it bounces off and falls to the carpet with barely any damage done to either. I can't even blow off steam like this. It's all just so too fucking fucked. Weak and low T. This is why I ended up in this bullshit line of work. Fell into thinking I can just use my mind without ever working on my body. Fucking retarded. When you're a weak piece of shit like me you can't even embrace your inner ape when it inevitably all goes to shit. Intellectual work is bullshit. It's all just undermen coping that they're not overmen, inventing new and estrogen-soaked ways to destroy each other. Want to commit murder and get away with it? Throw a man's finances into ruin. Spread rumors and get him banned from everywhere he relies on. Slowly pick away at everything in his life, ripping him into pieces. It's disgusting. It's so... female. We've castrated ourselves and found greater potential for shameful cruelty than ever before. Ask any real man whether he'd rather get his skull caved in or work in an office. You know what answer you'll get. As for me, I'd still rather be living this life, even as I'm being murdered in slow motion. If I was a real man, maybe I'd at least have the strength to off myself already.

>> No.17429093

It wouldn't, hating the existentialists is just currently en vogue on /lit/ and among other super serious philosopher types

>> No.17429101

That's still a lot of attempts/

>> No.17429114

>that I basically think she's a satanist without a culture
What exactly do you mean by this?

>> No.17429224

Does any of you feel like you're full of potential, finally living, but that it will take a long time to achieve your ideal self? I'm young and there's still so much to go through. It's a kind of existencial anxiety. Sometimes it's hard to bare the daily struggle until victory. Amor fati, I guess.

>> No.17429250

Yeah I feel that way, more or less. It might be better to say that I feel like my time has potential, and that each day is approaching the maximum more often that it was for me a couple months ago. All of those things that you must go through won't bring you to an ultimate victory though, because what would you do then? What if you achieved full potential? I think you'd look more like a copy of a person and not a real one because in a sense potential is never final.

>> No.17429260

I'd read a novel written like this. You sound like a maniac code monkey tired of society. Pretty good, anon.

>> No.17429298

i got a semi

>> No.17429308

there will always be a higher shelf

>> No.17429309

Good take. Maybe that's the reason rich and successful people end up drowned in drugs or suicided. I have a friend whose life plan is to finish his novel and kill himself right after. He plans on live streaming him hanging himself or going into a shooting spree. His justification is that his book is his only purpose in life and the final act is a way to gather attention to it. He compares it to a son and the sacrifices parents do for its sake. He clearly thinks only about the end and not the journey until there - and that, as you said, is what makes us real humans.

>> No.17429336

>The Fukuyamites
Thats a weird way to say jews

>> No.17429366

Anything by Foucault.

>> No.17429452

Thats fucking bleak but I can't say I haven't felt something similar before. I thought the only way to ensure a meaningful life was a totalizing fulfilling death. I won't go into the specifics, but you can easily guess that it was of course a suicidal plan, but pushed back until I had done everything I could to make sure this death would play out exactly as I intended. Then I realized that everything that would lead up to the event was somehow more meaningless, because I was looking at the whole thing as a function of something else, as being subservient to some end. Don't live towards a finale, because you'll find all the lights have long been turned off and you'll be acting in the dark.

>> No.17430647

/wwoym/ is just the /lit/ version of /r9k/'s /vent/.
/ / /

>> No.17430786

My twitter got suspended ... Parody account

Can't have any fun in this world

>> No.17430818

Buy a macbook. It just werks

>> No.17430886

Too tired to get out of the bed and too awake to go to sleep

>> No.17430909

Wish I still had my old incest erotica. It's the best thing I wrote

For real?

>> No.17430957
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“Art is meaningless,” says Baudrillard. He explains that “There is a mutual annulment of art and reality. Before, they used to potentialize each other, now they cancel each other out.” Distinction between reality and fiction becomes blurred. Image becomes real. Simulation colonizes the mind. The foundation is built on ideological dispositif exerting power to promote the capitalist hegemony. Capitalism is maintained by images, simulation, and held together by situations. Thus, an abundance of situations concerning capitalist narrative may be revealed. Debord uses the term ‘spectacle’ to denote a capitalist totality. Creating situations and images to break the illusion is the way to challenge the submersion. Once we achieve the freedom to think we have to think clearly. After achieving clarity, an idea of ourselves are no longer trapped in an idea of capitalism. If one examines semioticist dematerialism, one is faced with a choice: either reject the capitalist paradigm of discourse or conclude that the most potent weapon of the poet is deconstruction, accelerationism, and situationism.

Land, Debord, Baudrillard, Zizek infused and influenced solutions. All explanations emphasize the moment of truth. Each approach is correct in its own way. I believe these interpretations have worthy critiques. We have to abandon the fantasy of the ideal future. Future is occupied by artifacts. It is assumed that our abilities to abandon the fantasy of the future will be available once we develop our ability to utilize weapons against the occupying power. Extend the maximum of our capacities to create situation before capitulation. This will give us the possibility to make a economy for our own sake, to open a possibility for socialization, to coopt capitalist culture and creative powers. The danger is that in our social ecology we're born into a reality in which this class is no longer oriented only towards capital but hegemonical dominance. We're in crisis, isolated, atomized as we have been subjected to by capital. This crisis can no longer be acted against via the instrument of the institutions of old. We must accelerate them to their knees and break the fourth wall, the lull with the absurd and dissonance, manipulate the images, institutions, narratives, apparatuses, and situations holding together the capitalists rule.

>> No.17431014

I can't for the life of me remember when and why I downloaded The Mystery of Orcival by Gaboriau.
I see it happened on Thursday and it's been sitting in my "downloaded" folder since then... might as well read it.

>> No.17431060

Space has been a preoccupation of philosophy since its beginnings. From a from a political point of view, this question essentially relates to the territory and the territoriality. Now, if the philosophers, from Plato to Gilles Deleuze, have looked at the territory, they have left in the shadows an equally immediate constituent element that is the border. It is therefore necessary to go through a conceptualization of the problem boundaries in order to understand their role in the construction of space in general and political space in particular. In this perspective, it is necessary to clarify the different categories of space that make up our immediate experience. We let us indeed start from the principle that it is not a homogeneous reality in itself; that the the feeling of unity associated with it is in fact the result of a synthesis on the heterogeneous data. There are several forms of space, each with their own own terms and conditions of limits. The first of these forms is a material space independent of the one humanly and politically inhabited and constituted. In this hyletic space there are successive layers each representing a variation of the hyletic space. scale in the matter itself. Each one represents indeed a step in the passage from a micro level of existence to a macro level of existence of matter. In this space, there is strictly speaking no limit. This is what we have been able to show Spinoza and Bergson. There are no real cuts in the material. However, there are a certain number of boundaries, i.e. areas of intensive switching, sliding between different modes. If this limitless space is not politically and humanly constituted and immediately significant, it is the necessary element on which will be based the successive strata that will be used to form our experience of space. Each stratum is organized in a way particular with a limit shape of its own.

>> No.17431075
File: 8 KB, 220x244, gilles-deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These strata; although they organize and absorb a certain materiality; have a tendency to run away to a ever-increasing degree of abstraction. However, they are still in the need to capture a certain amount of material. There is a synaptic surface between the hyletic space layers and the constituted strata. This surface is a technically produced pre-political space that we call soil. It is the condition of the seizure of the material by the stratified spaces. On this floor will construct the following strata: individual space of perception; the territory individual; a social field; an economic space; a discursive space and finally the political territory itself. The first step is to define the modalities of production and existence of each of these strata to understand their forms. limits. Each boundary form is both the closure of the stratum and an interstrate that allows communication with other strata. Any limits must also be the possibility of a synthesis. For the perceptive space exist the limit in the strict sense and the horizon as defined by Bergson. That is to say, on the one hand, the fixed separation between two objects and on the other hand the limit of my capacity of perception. The second stratum The individual is the territory in the sense that Deleuze and Guattari defined it. In this case, the boundary function is presented as a fence with a signature. In these two modalities of the individual space, there are already issues at stake. the question of the meaning of private property and the question of the meaning of private property. the appropriation of the land. The next stratum is the one in which the individual relationships; i.e. the social field. This exists first of all as a abstract hierarchical space of group arrangement. However, it cannot be dispense with material anchoring on the ground. The geographical arrangement of these groups social reflects in part their disposition on the abstract hierarchical field. It is related to the functions that a company grants to each group. The actual borderline forms which result from it are thus the functional axes which attribute their functions to each group within a certain period of time.

>> No.17431097

Looking at the catalog depresses me, this board is absolute shit right now. Well, it has always been shit but back then we had schizo rants, girardfag, conspiracy theories, space taoism, etc and all of that was interesting but now I see the same baits every day.

>> No.17431109

In "What is Philosophy?" The first question and first definition: Deleuze and Guattari extend a Braudel's question by asking how geography to determine the philosophy. Braudel indeed asked the question of how philosophy is determined. geography had determined history. Why does it appear in Athens, what is its genetic relationship with Greece. It is a question that already had a lot concerned Hegel and Heidegger. This still involves the question why philosophy is fading and tending to disappear in favor of theology in Medieval Europe and how it reappears with the development of capitalism in the same geographical area. There is here the assertion of an influence of the social and political organization on the possibility of the existence of philosophy, but the importance of purely geographical conditions to this process must also be stressed. possibility.

If Greece is an environment conducive to the birth of philosophy, it is that it is a fractal peninsula. The sea is accessible in a short time from any point of the territory of the city. This fractal coast allows a relative deterritorialization on the sea. The organization in democratic cities makes it also possible this deterritorialization and the reterritorialization that accompanies it. This double movement has the characteristic of being horizontal, unlike empires. Oriental that border it. These empires impose a vertical reterritorialization on the body of the emperor as socius as they had already demonstrated in The Antioedipus. If these geographical movements are not sufficient to constitute the philosophy, but they are a condition for its emergence. If philosophy can 61 to appear in Greece is that the absolute deterritorialization of thought can take the relay of the relative deterritorialization of geography. "There is always a how absolute deterritorialization on the plane of immanence takes over a relative deterritorialization of a given field.

>> No.17431123

This is because there is horizontality in the first one that it also exists in the second one and that the reterritorialization can be done on concepts. If the concepts cannot appearing in the great oriental empires, is that verticality imposes the form as a religious or mystical mode of thought; wisdom rather than wisdom is the philosophy. The social field no longer refers, as in empires, to a limit of "interiority. the top, but to immanent inner limits that do not limit it to the stop moving by enlarging the system, and reconstitute themselves by moving. The external obstacles are now only technical, and only the internal rivalries. A global market that extends to the ends of the earth, and then to pass through the galaxy: even the air becomes horizontal. It is the utopia that will make the extension of this deterritorialization on the plan of immanence of the thought. "Philosophy brings to the absolute the relative deterritorialization of capital, it makes it pass on the plane of immanence as a movement of the infinite and the removes as an inner limit, turns it against oneself, to call for a new land, to a new people. But it reaches the non-propositional form of concept where communication, exchange, consensus and opinion are annihilated. It is thus close to what Adorno called "negative dialectic", and to what the Frankfurt school called "utopia" as "utopia".

Indeed it is the utopia which makes the the junction of philosophy with its time, European capitalism, but already also the Greek city. Every time it is with utopia that philosophy becomes political, and leads the criticism of his time to the highest degree. In this ratio between geographical condition and philosophy raises the question of the role of boundaries and borders. The first role of geophilosophy is therefore to draw the junction line between a concrete geographical location and the very possibilities of thinking philosophical. And this position produces a break with the philosophies of history. This approach acknowledges the existence of history, but the difference between the two is that it is not the same. fundamental is in the elimination of historical necessity and in the affirmation of the that this story is contingent and understandable in this geographical framework.

It is a recurring antidialectic theme in Deleuze and Guattari. "Hegel and Heidegger remain historicists, insofar as they posit history as an form of interiority in which the concept necessarily develops or unveils its destiny. Necessity rests on the abstraction of the historical element rendered circular. The unpredictable creation of concepts is then difficult to understand. Philosophy is a geo-philosophy, just as history is a geo-history from the point of view of Braudel. This is therefore a first meaning of the term geophilosophy for Deleuze and Guattari. Leaving the historical model to bring out its conditions from a model space.

>> No.17431140

However, a second sense of geophilosophy must be found in the work of Deleuze and Guattari. They will develop a theory of becoming. Becomes are a concern of Deleuze's from the Logic of Meaning. But then, they are still treated under a time category. Deleuze distinguishes between two temporalities: the aîon as the pure present and time of the event in the continuity of the definition of eternity for Spinoza or eternal return for Nietzsche; and chronos as the temporality of the becoming which is traversed in its two senses that are the past and the future. The futures are also theorized as a logical category that intervenes in the processes of production of meaning.

Starting from the Anti-Œdipe, in its first works with Félix Guattari, the future takes on a strong dimension. space in interaction with the problems of territory. They replace history and become mainly geographical. This is also what will be discussed in the notion of geophilosophy as formulated in chapter four of What is Philosophy? The question of the future will be posed in terms of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization. This is, moreover, what will allow a geophilosophical analysis in the first sense of the term. They depend on the constitution of a territory, the means of leaving and returning to it or to the contrary to constituting a new one. It is in the question of the territories and the deterritorializations that the geographical form will be able to emerge from an analysis geopolitical conditions that allow the emergence of organized thinking following this or that type of plan as a response to historicist philosophies.

>> No.17431142

The constitution of what Deleuze and Guattari call a schizo-analysis is going to be made on the geographical modes of becoming, according to a "topology". It consists in to clear diagrams and to map desires and movements of intensities. The territory is not understood simply as a pure entity space, whether it is social, political or unconscious and pre-subjective, psychological or existential, the analysis of futures is a geographical analysis that exceeds the framework of the territory in its classical definition. All becoming is geographical, because all becoming is at the same time deterritorialization and reterritorialization. The two movements are never totally separable; the first implies always the second.

The existential and topological scope, or properly, the existential space are always inseparable. Displacement in space and displacement in the thought are inseparable. The desire that leads to the becoming is always in connection with the social. The future therefore always has a social and political dimension. The analysis of the future therefore always has something geopolitical. The analysis nomadic movements and the war machines likely to accompany them and the analysis of minority futures always has something to do with space. The schizoanalysis which is proposed in L'anti-Œdipe leads to a cartography of the become through which are formed the subjectivities that mix the analyses of the segments that run through the social space and those that run through the body and the body-organ. Deleuze and Guattari's second meaning of the term geophilosophy is also that of an approach which aims to try to understand the interactions between social, political, thought and organization of subjectivity.

>> No.17431147

deleuze makes my brain hurt

>> No.17431190

It's not that hard to understand

>> No.17431251

we have a deleuze scholar on /lit/

>> No.17431304

licking cock

>> No.17431321

Im fucking pissed, i can't post anything while im in school since some fuckers decided that breaking 4chans rules was a good idea...

>> No.17431329

existing makes my brain hurt

>> No.17431334

You sound like you are not old enough to post here. Unless you're one of the teachers.

>> No.17431348

It's a continued study in that i study until im 25

>> No.17431386

i like the deleuze guy im learning a lot

>> No.17431403

Humans should keep progressing to a point where body modifications and enhancements are made possible. This fleshy manifestation I have has failed me.

>> No.17431417

I just waking up around 5 am but theres no sound which could wake me up.

>> No.17431457
File: 179 KB, 620x855, 1547671062454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to write at all. I have horrible grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. I feel a sentence that sounds reasonable floating in my head, but when I try to actually put it down, I stumble constantly. Maybe I have some high expectations for myself even though I've never really sat down to write since HS and with an engineering degree, I didn't do much writing there either. I read a lot more now though, maybe that will help.

>> No.17431476

Oh now I remember why I downloaded that book! It's from Lecoq series, which I found out about last week. It's a good style so far.

>> No.17431504

back then? those were like a year ago dude

>> No.17431509

>le cock

>> No.17431511

Democracy is driven by the universal will of the people theoretically. But the universal is never concrete in practice. The universal will of democracy ignores certain individuals who disagree with it. Who determines the universal will?

>> No.17431557

the party and power holders

>> No.17431577

I feel

>> No.17431629

God yes

>> No.17431632

show me a democracy first

>> No.17431683

What motivates a man?
Altruism / Goodwill / Righteousness / Honor
Pride (achieving greatness or important qualities)
Wealth (material possessions)
Hatred / Anger

Sometimes motives are intricate, as they can be involved with one another, but that should about cover it.
There are also such a thing as whims, but those are generally stimulated by an urge for immediate gratification.

Humanity is so limited in its scope. There is only so much that can be done here. It is a cycle, a repetitive loop. Walking around in circles aimlessly.
The next existence, perhaps, will find grand meaning and purpose.

>> No.17431700

Low quality post I know but I have nowhere else to say it and I want to articulate it.
Thinking about suicide again. I've had suicidal moments before, much more serious, acute ones, but I've found it crossing my mind as of late, very casually. In some ways it feels even more dangerous like this, as if now it's a natural casual reaction that I have to my surroundings, rather than just moments of extreme internal despair. It feels as if I'm daring myself to leave this unchecked, subconsciously knowing my life holds no risk of ending any way other than how it does.

>> No.17431712

>Who determines the universal will?
The demon of the majority. It's a subrational power, prone to manipulation by opinion-producing powers (media). The "will of the people" doesn't exist, it's more like an impulse that is capable of redirection by the clever and influential.

>> No.17431761

Man has two legs and two convictions: one when he is doing well, the other when he is not. The latter is called religion. Man is a political creature who prefers to spend his life clumped together. Each clump hates the other clumps because they are the others, and hates its own because they are its own. The latter hatred is called patriotism. In addition to people, there are also Americans, but we haven't had them yet and we won't talk about them until the next lesson.

>> No.17431797

This paragraph says absolutely nothing

>> No.17431801

Refined taste, 100%.
Various changes in mentality, maybe on one side or both. Interpersonal things like the other anon said.
You don't know what being a man is like. Women are like food, or maybe good food specifically, and masturbation is a bland bowl of rice with no seasoning.
For me, the valve on dynamic thoughts is thoroughly screwed off. Nothing genuinely interesting or creative is coming out of my brain anytime soon that isn't dry analytical thought. I noticed recently that I entirely switched, over a period of about 6 months, from being primarily art-focused (music mainly, but also a small amount of writing) into analysis and non-fiction, where I've already written about 80,000 words of my historical and philosophical thesis. All of it is incredibly dry and filled to the brim with historical-academic referencing, despite just working from home, with only a few slightly creative bits that occasionally slipped in. I can totally feel, from other perspectives, how boring I am now but it doesn't phase me at all.

>> No.17431829
File: 131 KB, 507x338, dam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna know what beavers feel when they have the need to build a dam, how it feels to have constructed one

>> No.17431833

Have you ever played minecraft with friends? It's probably similar to that if you're working on a group construction

>> No.17431985

I feel this all the time. It’s probably my biggest problem. I integrate myself well in a certain topic but since I’m still young I always have the feeling that I won’t reach my potential to contribute to anything, these interests fade away with time and people move onto other things.

>> No.17432010

Does fascism even have to be monocultural?

>> No.17432017

Americans are neither taught how to think nor how to articulate their own views. We need a revolutionary overhaul of our social, political, economic, and spiritual spheres.

>> No.17432035 [DELETED] 

I spend most of your time in the basement of a cheap run down house I recently moved to. I spend most of your days reading, thinking, planning, and writing. My writings are predominantly political in nature or philosophical fiction. The basement is a sanctuary of sorts, a chance to escape the madness and embrace sanity in its purest form away from the hustle bustle. It is secure, comfortable, and safe.

After a long day of work, I turn on the heat in the basement and open a book for a while. The basement is a rather nice place to read. You usually don't partake in alcohol while studying, but occasionally I'll pour a glass of red wine to add some zest to the experience and broaden my perspectives.

>> No.17432044

im drunk im kill myself im a tranny so what and i read good literature fuck you

>> No.17432058

Coming out of my idpol phase is fucking weird. Instead of everything being bullshit, I'm expressing an interest in the world for what feels like the first time in years. Got back in school working towards my master's with an eye on an LIP. Now I feel like trying to protect some of this.
Also Gargoyles was a fun little show.

>> No.17432059

Why do you mix pronouns and perspectives? It's interesting but weird.

That doesn't matter anon. Try to get into Pound's translations of Confucius and read the Cantos after it. I'm sure it will help you find your place in this long road called culture.

>> No.17432086

It's been weeks since I last spoke to Lena. It must have been something I said. We got along well always and had little problems talking to each other for the time we've been talking. I met her in my college art class. I've wanted to make her my girlfriend and we have a lot of chemistry and tension, but ruining the friendship concerns me.

We kissed at a party pre covid whilst drunk, and the awkwardness from that experience has turned me off from making further moves. Now I worry I have alienated her, as I am quite in love with her. Is it a real crush that I worry I have ruined? Or is it a feeling I don't realise that's a crush on? It will certainly make things awkward if I confess this to her. It's not going to be an easy conversation. I have shown myself to be a friend and the closeness will cause her to reject my advances. It's good to talk to her. She is very pretty, and I hope to one day have a sexual relationship with her.

>> No.17432097

It’s the notion of the hero, the individual which has driven Western culture for so long and for so many different reasons. This explains, in part, the left’s (and particularly socialists) disdain for ‘traditional values’ in society and the current media vilification of the working class white man. The working western man is the driver of progress and bulwark of conservative Western values, which resist the revolutionary aspirations of communism.

>> No.17432106

Anon, you only mind that shit because you mind the person doing it. If they're an obnoxious twat, they're an obnoxious twat in a haori or kimono or whatever We Wuz cultural shit they're wearing for attention that day. If they're just minding their own business, they'll do that in sneakers same as they'd do it in dreads.

Just go enjoy things and don't associate with people you don't like, we've all lost the past, the internet revolution will eventualy make everything the samey shit no matter what we do, and attempting to make unhappy people happy is an exercise in fucking a red anthill.

>> No.17432107

beep beep keybord

>> No.17432111

God forbid we give them iodine and endocrine supportive foods/meds versus feeding a delusion.

>> No.17432114

She is the only girl I have ever loved. I wish it wasn't so. I have heard rumors of her being promiscuous and mentally unstable. I don't care. I would put up with it all. I would grovel at her feet like a starving dog. I'm not proud of it. I'm a strange man, obsessed with sex and depraved perversions. I am a porn addict and womanizer. But even that is tainted by feelings for the girl.

>> No.17432121

I love the pettiness of this post

>> No.17432126
File: 44 KB, 640x527, 48o0r5n1p7b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found the adage 'be yourself' troublesome. And I get the hatred that incels have towards that phrase. It never really made sense to me largely because I don't really know who I 'am'. I don't feel like I have any fixed sense of identity, at least not one I can clearly trace out the outline of. But as I grow older I start to get it a little more. 'Be yourself' doesn't apply to the big things, because the big things are things you should change. But in the small ways I am growing more comfortable with 'myself'. As in, my attitude to life and conversation, the way I see things and phrase things. If someone has an insurmountable problem with my approach, it's probably true that I shouldn't change myself to please them. I'm a big believer in self improvement and if there are things about yourself that you want to change, then you should. But those parts of you that feel 'right' should remain.

Anyway. The self is ephemeral. Trans people don't exist. We're all gay and language is a big puzzle that you fail to solve each and every day.

>> No.17432127


Dulse liquid or potassium iodide and stop whatever endocrine shit you're doing now. Give it three months. If you ain't feel better, you can do a flip after you do what you're told.

Thoughts on human biological need for aaaaaaaaaaaaa Satan / Other tulpa to resist in order to find meaning

>> No.17432147

I feel you my brother. We are all slaves to the senses, but if the senses are all we have then I am content to play the game. I would rather pursue romance and have my heart broken than sit alone, muscles deteriorating.

>> No.17432176

I'm having trouble getting it up, I think it's because of too much masturbation. It's not the first time this has happened, taking a day off always fixed it, so I'll try that.

>> No.17432180

great post anon

>> No.17432183

Thanks bro.

>> No.17432200

For me the problem is less masturbation and more pornography specifically. But still, masturbating less is always a good habit. Exercise too, makes me more Horny.

>> No.17432218

Damn losing weight has made me way more attractive. I was never even remotely fat, but I've fucked up my diet to the point where I barely eat and my facial features are so much sharper and I'm getting laid way more than I ever have in my entire life.

>> No.17432229

Will I have to pay some sort of tax due to ordering a book from bookdepository in UK to Eastern Europe? Or is it all as it was in 2020?

>> No.17432392

she's second generation progressive left-winger. I believe she thought she was equiped, on her own, to stand as moral guardian for her family, without the need of any God or really any cultural markers at all, just her, her imagination, her arrogance. All of human culture stopped before her, and she had to build anew from the ground up. It is satanism to believe that one is capable of such an enterprise. As I said, I can't think of anything she has taught me that I carry with me in my heart. I don't even really have concrete memories of her from my childhood to be honest, she was like a ghost that was just there, doing whatever adults do. If I ever get married I want a far more traditional arrangement, I do not believe that second generation progressivism produces healthy, well adjusted human beings. I can't even understand how she functions to be honest, what it is that she values that makes her tick. It might be sex. Sex and the fact that her children still talk to her.

>> No.17432428

same anon
>the fact that her children still talk to her
I think she might have wanted to imply that I needed to talk to her less about theology because she felt I was trying to influence her. I was not, I can sort of see how it could seem that way. The problem is that there is nothing good whatsoever in my life that does not have a theological root, so if I can't talk to her about that then she is asking me to close the door to my heart so she can be comfortable talking to- what? Some kind of paper cut-out that nods at her stories? If I can not talk to her about anything that is rooted in theology, then I can not talk to her about anything in my life. It is a duty to show her respect, but if she does not wish for me to mention anything about how I view life and what is worthwhile then she asks me to be a mirror for her until she dies, and nothing more. She would be asking me to give up all individuality, she would be asking to be spared from having a relationship with me.
>aren't you being dramatic?
do not overestimate how much there is that is going on in my life. it is not an exaggeration to say that Everything worthwhile has a theological root.

>> No.17432434

Hey anon. Just chiming in to say I sympathize and hope things improve for you.

>> No.17432488

I pity your mother. It is painful to lose a child like this.

>> No.17432497

It's a good path you've found. Good luck fren.

>> No.17432505

Don't do it.

>> No.17432527

Everything looks so flat and dead even if theres Sun shining in clear skies and sparrows chirping in the inpenetrable bushes under the snowy crust.

>> No.17432797

this thread is a diary that occasionally calls you a fag

>> No.17432937
File: 184 KB, 483x470, 1512486313035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that it's completely unjustified to accuse politicians for being a "hypocrite" because their lawmaking contradicts their own behaviour and that this is actually a sign of the best politician since he has the objective good in mind and doesn't measure everyone by his own moral shortcomings.

>> No.17433019


>> No.17433060

people get upset when politicians try to restrict alcohol or cannabis usage and attack them by saying they are a hypocrite if they drink or smoke themselves in their private lives as if that was an argument against the law itself. But this is the basic is-ought gap and someone can know if something should be a good law while not acting towards it themselves. That makes the politician a bad person but a good lawmaker.

>> No.17433559

I want and dont want to remain neet at the same moment.

>> No.17433889

seeing ideal girl materialized in pixel form
makes me sad

>> No.17433924

I'm reading about what seems to be the nicest man on planet that has the worst bitch for a wife and an even worse "friend", and because this is all in the flashback I feel all the more sorry for him because I know how he will end up. 180 more pages to go.

>> No.17433933
File: 45 KB, 422x422, e3b98ed7dce02c5fe4ed8adaa2fe0149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Niggers
And threads what's on your mind from /lit/

>> No.17434009

the smell and taste of a sweet coffee as i my press my cheek into the tight drill of a cold trench coat

>> No.17434122

What do you guys think about Emma Watson's feminism speech at the UN?

>> No.17434136

I live by philosophy that speeches at the UN and myself are not on the same plane of existence.

>> No.17434144

grandad has been taken to hospital and could end up staying. funny this is the place I came to put this. staying with the grandma tonight to keep her company. please prey for him he's a great man.

>> No.17434150

Alright but what do you think about the speech? Have you heard it?

>> No.17434175


>> No.17434199

>implying drug prohibitions are done for the common good and aren't just another instance of state control

>> No.17434235

>It is satanism to believe that one is capable of such an enterprise
It really isn't, and honestly you are a pseudointellectual and an awful son

>> No.17434245


>> No.17434293

I just needed to dump a bunch of words somewhere. I think the real tention is that she thinks religion is inherently problematic, I think she is against my being religious. I think neither of us is really showing the other proper respect. The only reason I talk to her about this stuff is because it is what is happening in my life and to let her know the good that I see in it. If she wants to be a part of my life then this is it. I think she hoped it was gonna go away with time, but it doesn't look like it. If that causes tention then that's gonna be a problem.

>> No.17434294

Imagine you are the mother that has to deal with her son slowly turning into a zealot. Tragic.

>> No.17434315

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Ashkenazi

>> No.17434354

A healthy embrace of religion is a good thing, but I urge you to seek a better relationship with your mother. Don't be too quick to condemn her for what you see as satanism.

>> No.17434372

I'm curious, what religion? What theology? What do you mean when you say it is "what is happening in your life?"

>> No.17434396

we are all harry potter

>> No.17434402

Having someone you love is a tricky business. For one, it's a feeling like no other. There are no substitutes. You can fill them with pets and drugs, but it will never beat true love. It always existed as a concept to me until I found it, and when I found it, it wasn't what I thought it would be. I can't say for sure if what I experience is what was being sold to me. We don't go out and do interesting things or have interesting lives. Dedication to love is purely dedication to someone else over yourself. She factors into every one of my decisions, and I forgive her for everything. You never truly know the other person loves you. You only hope that you've said it enough times before one of you eventually dies. Speaking of that, I often imagine her dying. A frequent meditation attempting to gain deeper appreciation. If I've learned one things, it's that you won't always love them every day and every minute. A good deal of moments arise where I never feel more alone and want her out ot my life. Yet, the thought of losing her would tear me to the bone. I wish the bitter anons could see what I see now. God know I acted exactly the same. Perhaps deal with life not being entirely in your hands and make a move before there are none left. That's all.

>> No.17434524

so do you all just write smut on google drive
or s there a more nuanced place
like i should be copying all my shit into github

>> No.17434552

>like i should be copying all my shit into github
Based, I do this. LibreOffice Writer and private Github repo backup

> write smut on google drive
In a dummy account, but yes I do this too

>> No.17434731

I realized that killing myself is not how I will escape my problems. /innawoods/ i go. Again, thanks for being my frens.

>> No.17434781

do it man, i believe in you.
worst case scenario you'll need a new barbershop

>> No.17435707
File: 778 KB, 629x673, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You typed a sentence.
Not even a bad sentence.
It could be the beginning of an interesting tale.

>> No.17435744

I wish i'd understand what you mean but the meaning escapes me.

>> No.17435859
File: 117 KB, 802x590, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give chase.

>> No.17435873

if the deleuze guy is still here pls explain rhizomes to me

>> No.17435971

>After the stage of heterosexual object choice has been reached, the homosexual tendencies are not, as might be supposed, done away with or brought to a stop; they are merely deflected from their sexual aims and applied to fresh uses. They now combine with portions of the ego instincts and, as "anaclitic" components, help to constitute the social instincts, thus contributing an erotic factor to friendship and comradeship, to espirit de corps and to the love of mankind in general.

>It is not irrelevant to note that it is precisely manifest homosexuals, and among them again precisely those that struggle against an indulgence in sensual acts, who distinguish themselves by taking a particularly active share in the general interests of humanity - interests which have themselves sprung from a sublimation of erotic instincts.

Freud said that repressed homosexuals have a greater love for their fellow man and this manifests in exaggerated concern for society and other man. This can extend to extreme collectivism/tribalism such as nationalism. This can also be taken to the extent that homosexuals will feel a more intense bond with other men and prone to passionate emotion, making them easily malleable to sacrifice their life for a cause in a war or for an ideologue's ends. The repression also leads to increased paranoia, which also attracts them to extremism.

Plato also said something similar about how an army of same sex lovers will share a sense of camraderie and love which will make them more effective fighters.

>> No.17436353

Is a problem still a problem after you've resigned yourself to it?

>> No.17436535
File: 31 KB, 128x126, dont worry we're fixing the issue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screw heads

you drunken ugly fuckers
screaming like you own us
and telling me you know me
when the difference is too clear
for i am not a swindler
just a vagrant with a pencil
drunk and stoned inside my home
lost and tired, all alone
waiting for your shining grin
like cunning knives your wisdoms bars
a silent hovered look of strength
so still you sleep the air can sigh
and God can know that in his time
he made some beauty in this world
before He dies and His life ends
He’ll see the way the world was then
and drink His sacred soul to death
while lovers sleep in Bethlehem

>> No.17436766 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 650x637, Janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking jannies banned me for making a literary reference thread which was only slightly shit-posty. I made the thread to encourage literary humor and also to discuss the metaphysical poets.
There were objectively worse threads on the board at the time compared to mine but these fucking retards banned me for being "off topic".
Thread in Question:
I will sodomize and face-fuck every single faggot jan-jan.

>> No.17436796
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>> No.17436846
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What? Where? How? Why?

>> No.17438006

Where have been for the last 2 decades?