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17408773 No.17408773 [Reply] [Original]

What I am for bros

>> No.17408780


Some "48 Laws of Power" tier cringe

>> No.17408784

t. Omega cuck

>> No.17408787

Women want to be told what they want simple as. Just be assertive. I know plumbers that pull puss way above their looks and class because they just tell a bitch how the pipe laying is gonna be.

>> No.17408791

what letter am I?

>> No.17408796

>women really want a dude wearing a suit with a red tie and wielding a fuckin sword
What's a good sword to pick up so I can start pulling poon

>> No.17408913

Look at how this is framed too.
>What women REALLY want

It always so pathetic how guys only try to improve themselves to get girls, not for the sake of their own personal enlightenment. Beta male mentality

>> No.17408937

>this kid thinks he's on the path to enlightenment

>> No.17408940

Dumbo's magic feather.

The notion that the elephant can fly without the crow's feather, but the sweet innocent little Dumbo believes. He really and truly BELIEVES!
And thus, he gains confidence to fly.

It is only with the belief that what you will read is worth reading that you can walk away with a feather in your cap.

It's all lies and bullshit...unless you believe.

>> No.17408946

Define enlightenment

>> No.17408959

Teddy Spaghetti’s version of astrology

>> No.17408965
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tell me why men worry so much about women to the point that men want to fulfill the vaginal wishes free of charge?

>> No.17408966

You first buddy, I'm not the one who believes I'm headed there

>> No.17408968


> I'm not a 135+ IQ INTJ so I'll keep searching for new personality tests until I find one that puts me on top.


>> No.17408974

Nobody knows what they want.

>> No.17408982

Obviously a katana folded one thousand times.

>> No.17408988

Ignoring the question of the validity with regards to sigma, alpha, etc, how do you explain the rise of this term in recent years. Is it a gap that was always waiting to be filled in pop theory, or is it the reaction to some shift in society that weakened previous models?

>> No.17409012
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>> No.17409013

Identity politics makes all the white guys be like, "I'm plain old white boring," so they invent all these sub-class "identities." That's what it looks like to me.

>> No.17409019

The Sugma Male is a much better work.

>> No.17409020

Smegma male?

>> No.17409023

I spent too much reading about these made up categories one day, so let me spare anyone actually interested the content of the book:

Sigma males play by their own rules but can get shit done. They integrate with society when they need to and go lone wolf when it benefits them. They are a lot like alphas but lack the charisma/desire to be large group leaders, the bonus to this is that they are not beholden to the groups they lead and thus "freer".

It's complete romanticism of course if the tongue and cheek book cover didn't give it away. It's literally romanticising the hit man, the secret agent, the fixer, the freelancer. Sure, it is an archetype that is portrayed and desirable and attractive, but it's also one of the least true to life archetypes you can imagine.

>> No.17409025

haha yeah those white guys, right?
give it a rest., mate. your uni chummies find being brown an interesting party trick, nobody else does.

>> No.17409026
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>> No.17409029

>women want someone who looks good, is fun to be around and pulls their hair during sex

>> No.17409036

Okay, explain why white guys are desperate to invent and use these labels. We're waiting.

>> No.17409042


>> No.17409059

explain why niggers are so desperate to larp as egyptians
explain why poos are so desperate to larp as whites
explain why men are so desperate to larp as women
explain why women are so desperate to larp as witches and magik occult crystal astrology bullshit
it's just a cope for faggots who are insecure

>> No.17409096

Everything must have a label. Young Western males grew up on video games, very often MMORPGs where everything is strictly categorized, especially the classes of the character. The Paladin, the Ranger, the Elementalist Sorcerer etc. So the consumers of the product become conditioned to think about people in these terms. It is such a bad frame of interpretation really. At some point I also wanted to be more attractive, get tips to attain "glory", and so I did begin to work out to become more attractive, started to read to become more intelligent and hence attractive, started to work on my charisma, but along the way I realized, especially when I was continuously amazed and horrified by the sheer stupidity of the female, that all these things I was doing had a more self-serving purpose. I became stronger and learnt how to fight, which meant I could express my opinions feeling more secure, I could be more honest and not cower under the pressure of possible violence. Reading more helped me not to be fooled not by the merchants and advertisers, but by the lies that are so foundational to the modern Western world. The charisma, I couldn't cultivate real charisma, only immitate it, but when I dropped my effeminate attempts at becoming more high value to women was when I noticed a quick boost in confidence and charisma, I was finally serving my own interests and I was not bound to any other creature anymore. The feeling of being alone is either the most terrifying or the most liberating and cathartic thing in the world. You will never be happy if you seek validation of any kind, you must consider yourself valid as a default, you are not a woman. Otherwise you might as well castrate yourself.

>> No.17409117

That's what I said >>17409013

>> No.17409119
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>> No.17409142

>white guys
there you go again. how do you know they're white? i see plenty of nonwhites in every other expression of desperation, the incel thing, /pol/, the rest.
it just seems like you stick 'white' on there to create some distance between yourself, a sad, desperate and unlikable guy, and all the other sad, desperate and unlikable guys.

>> No.17409143


>> No.17409149

astrology for men

>> No.17409158

>pua book
nothing women actually want

>> No.17409233
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I'm definitely a sigma male my bros. AMA

>> No.17409253

Its a result of rising sexual equality. It became necessary to identify what kind of man is successful with women and what kind of man isn't. Same reason for the Chad/Virgin duality. Decades ago they had a concept of which kind of man was *more* successful with women, but they didn't have the same concept of completely unsuccessful men.

>> No.17409275

am i a monkey or a monke

>> No.17409297
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>> No.17409305

yeah prolly

>> No.17409328

Sigma balls

>> No.17409354

Albion makes excellent swords.

>> No.17409373

Are there any of these "get a gf guides" written by actual women? A woman's advice would be useful in this part of life.

>> No.17409376

Most hermeneutics agree on a circular model for gnosis/enlightenment. To expand/contract throughout time and actualize individual potential as a non-individual soul conglomerate(self).

>> No.17409404 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17409437

I think you take offense to me pointing out the guys writing and subscribing to this shit are white. My deepest apologies for pointing it out. Most guys with culture and traditions don't engage in this shit. It's true there are some POCs who do, but those are ones who have rejected their own cultures and adapted the American amalgamation of identity politics.

No one mentioned incels, by the way, except you. We're talking about this alpha/sigma/omega nonsense. People with healthy support groups and a sense of culture and identity don't bother with this shit.

>> No.17409459

pick one

>> No.17409469

the kind of guys who buy pua shit (redpillers, dudes looking to rack up body count, etc) would typically disregard womens advice by saying they dont know what they actually want because they think they can manipulate women.

>> No.17409484

Dudes who can rack up high body counts don't need to be autistic manuals on how to get women. It just comes naturally, because they just know how to interact with people instead of trying to study it like a fucking homework assignment.

>> No.17409500

I don't want advice on getting loads of women; I want a woman's advice on how to cultivate a healthy romantic relationship.

>> No.17409526

Give her a strong handshake and look her in the eyes

>> No.17409541

>Smegma male here.
>I'm crusted 24/7 with old cum.
>I'm large and in charge.
>People flock to my crusty sword as I hold it aloft
>Get so much money from waving my crusty sword
>I smell like a mushroom cellar
>Climbing the professional ladder effortlessly
>People get out my way because I smell like the cream under the folds of a fat woman
>When I piss, chunks of the smegma flick off and spatter the face of the recipient like flecks of painted flicked from a brush
>Ywn be this powerful
>Omega male, alpha male, it doesn't matter
>You will never live in smegma
>No girls allowed

>> No.17409553


>> No.17409566


>> No.17409569

Smegma male

>> No.17409606

Women want someone who can die and come back from the dead?

>> No.17409683

Fuck Aplha males, I'm a sin90 male!

>> No.17409695

you had no reason to mention race, but you did because you were pushing that angle. now you are getting all nippy because i took the piss out of you. you don't have to, just fucking think before you post.
>No one mentioned incels, by the way, except you. We're talking about this alpha/sigma/omega nonsense.
that is talking about incels. the whole alpha beta pile both preceded and helped form the idea of an incel.
if you want a constructive attempt at an opinion, i wouldn't be too harsh on people trying to find a 'third option' when presented with the alpha-beta dichotomy. sure they choose the most self-aggrandising option but it does signify some unwillingness to internalise it.

>> No.17409785


>> No.17409938
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Just when all this attraction psychology bullshit has disappeared from our sphere of the Internet it shows up in the real world. The 2020s are just going to be an irl rehash of what made the 2010s web suck, aren’t they?

>> No.17410008

Any book that tells you anything other than these is snake oil.
>be comfortable with yourself
>be aware of your flaws
>know not everyone is perfect, so accept their flaws
>find someone who accepts you with your flaws

>> No.17410050


>> No.17410493

sigma balls

>> No.17410497

I did some research on this cause it sounds exactly like me
Piss off with your modern "put everything in a little box" bullshit,can't even imagine the nonsense he had to type to fill a book

>> No.17410503

looks like somebody better sigma balls

>> No.17410992
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And that can change bodies every week. That’s also very important.

>> No.17411005
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>> No.17411422

>caring what women want
>caring how people see you
>living a life someone else wants from you

what a fucking joke

>> No.17411471

>48 Laws of Power
Is that actually a good book?

>> No.17411602
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>guys who fix clogged toilets really pull on a lot of people’s asses hee hee
God. I have hear about sex so much I just get sick of it after a while. It’s all just child minded apes running around talking about the organs they piss and shit out of obsessively. At some point it just gets nauseating.

>> No.17412006

>What women REALLY want

What do YOU want anon? Time to focus on what makes you happy :)

>> No.17412063

because pussy gud

>> No.17412163

This is not a bad answer

>> No.17412602

omega betas ngmi, alphas are dumb jocks are sigmas rule the world deal with it fagget

>> No.17412616

>Robert Allen
"Why do you have pages of 'The Sigma Male' all over your floor, do you have a dog or something?"

>> No.17412633

Everyone these days seems to be worried about classifying themselves in all areas of their lives. These types of things historically came from other people and still tend to mean more that way. (If you tell me you're a Sigma male, I'm going to laugh at your faggot ass and tell you to prove it.)

>> No.17412705

only true sigma males itt

>> No.17412734

Bro if you need to read a book about how to become a "sigma male" or whatever the fuck, it's already over for you. These guys don't become sigma males, they are sigma males. You either have it or you don't. Spare yourself the embarrassment and just BE YOURSELF

>> No.17412748


>> No.17412759

lol I bet you define your self worth in some way other than how women view you
what a faggot

>> No.17412786

bet you pee and poo your pants like a big baby. big doodoo pee pants full diaper. gonna cry?

>> No.17412796

the sigma male category has existed for a while on this virginal side of the internet, but why does come up now? who the hell wants a retread of 2015?

>> No.17412799

sigma balls

>> No.17412802

These charts are weird because basedjacks are supposed to be democrats but appearing masculine is the last thing a democrat would want, since democrat men are effete and scared of judgement usually

>> No.17412815

are you a woman or a beaner? can’t tell

>> No.17413063

Women typically don’t give good dating advice because they don’t actually know what they want in a man though. Men who are good with women didn’t become attractive by asking women how they should act, they’re attractive because they have “it”. Women can try to describe “it”, but they can’t capture it. They just know it when they see it and they get swept off their feet. You make it about manipulation but somebody who is attractive to a woman doesn’t have to convince her to like him. She will decide if she likes him or not.

And a secure woman who is in love will commonly tell you she has never met a man like this before. You say women already know what they want but they can’t “know” beforehand. They just know that this man makes them feel special, and you can say it’s the same for the man too. All they can say about their partner is that they are different. So no, a man isn’t manipulative for not trying to act how women say he should act. In fact it makes him attractive. Women get bored of men who they control unless they themselves are manipulative.

>> No.17413071

>Give her a strong
>and look her in the eyes

>> No.17413130
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some women made a tweet about it and got a bunch of likes

>> No.17413163

Stop reading books about women you're placing them on a pedestal. They're just holes to fuck.

>> No.17413167

imagine all the braps in that room

>> No.17413187

I think the internet/social media leads to more people who view themselves as incels. There have always been incels, but the constant exposure to the other life has left a group of people feeling like they're left out. Just a guess. It's probably multiple factors, but it does seem to coincide with the growth of social media.

>> No.17413371

>t.projecting faggot

>> No.17413486

this can't be a real image

>> No.17413592

Who the fuck has an M.D. AND a J.D.?

>> No.17413658

yeah but for real those enby chicks are freaky

>> No.17413662

yeah but even tho a women would say its sexist, in my experience women never know what they want. Your job as a man is to convince them it's you.

>> No.17413698

ITT; ngmi

>> No.17413869
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the earth belongs to those who will surivive the upcoming bubonic plague and his excellent book about how it was surivived males in russia is MY bedside guide to obtaining wealth and women msotly from deceased plague victims

>> No.17413966

Gender is not real. Alpha/beta/etc are real. I don't understand this post.

>> No.17413992
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>> No.17414027

>What women REALLY want
Implying i give a fuck about they want.

>> No.17414098

Why does the anglo have such a hard on for these cheesy ways of categorizing everything, it's just distasteful. It's the same thing they did with gender identity and race, it's like identity politics are written into their DNA.