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File: 129 KB, 344x464, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17408280 No.17408280 [Reply] [Original]

Does any thinker come closer to proving God?

>> No.17408287
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you may not like it but its true

>> No.17408305
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>> No.17408317

Luther (pbuh) and Spinoza (pbuh)

>> No.17408337

>atheistic system
>proving god

>> No.17408340

Pascal (pbuh) proved how dumb trying to prove god is

>> No.17408343

Spinoza was a crypto atheist and Luther didn't bother trying to prove God's existence since he thought reason was the "Devil's whore"

>> No.17408352

>he thought reason was the "Devil's whore"
holy fucking based

>> No.17408357

>and Luther didn't bother trying to prove God's existence since he thought reason was the "Devil's whore"

>> No.17408372

Me. I dont think...I know.

>> No.17408374

How and why did Schelling fall of from writing the most succinct german Idealist work in "System des transzendentalen Idealismus", and then completely christcuck himself with the most retarded dichotomies incongruous to the german spirit with retarded works like "Untersuchungen über das Wesen der menschliche Freiheit"?

>> No.17408437

Read about the Fruhromantik and you'll know how Christianity has always been part of their weltanschauung. Christianity is part of the german spirit, even though most of them did it in their own german way, the greatest germans who ever lived were christians.

>> No.17408445

In which European population has Christianity not always been part of their weltanschauung then?

>> No.17408449
File: 30 KB, 284x320, christopher-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 midwits sneeding

>> No.17408472

>t. ignorant (anglo) christcuck
being a protestant german "christian" =/= basing your moral system on the old testament stories

>> No.17408511
File: 158 KB, 690x900, Richard Wagner painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Christian religion belongs to no specific national stock: the Christian dogma addresses purely - human nature. Only in so far as it has seized in all its purity this content common to all men, can a people call itself Christian in truth. However, a people can make nothing fully its own but what becomes possible for it to grasp with its inborn feeling, and to grasp in such a fashion that in the New it finds its own familiar self again. Upon the realm of aesthetics and philosophic Criticism it may be demonstrated, almost palpably, that it was predestined for the German spirit to seize and assimilate the Foreign, the primarily remote from it, in utmost purity and objectivity of intuition (in höchster objektiver Reinheit der Anschauung). One may aver, without exaggeration, that the Antique would have stayed unknown, in its now universal world-significance, had the German spirit not recognised and expounded it. The Italian made as much of the Antique his own, as he could copy and remodel; the Frenchman borrowed from this remodelling, in his turn, whatever caressed his national sense for elegance of Form: the German was the first to apprehend its purely-human originality, to seize therein a meaning quite aloof from usefulness, but therefore of the only use for rendering the Purely-human. Through its inmost understanding of the Antique, the German spirit arrived at the capability of restoring the Purely-human itself to its pristine freedom; not employing [156] the antique form to display a certain given 'stuff,' but moulding the necessary new form itself through an employment of the antique conception of the world. (02) To recognise this plainly, let anyone compare Goethe's Iphigenia with that of Euripides. One may say that the true idea of the Antique has existed only since the middle of the eighteenth century, since Winckelmann and Lessing.
- Wagner, What is German?

>> No.17408533

Didnt he say that God's existence cannot be proven? I thought late Schelling regarded it as a contingent fact exactly because it could not be grounded. Was I bamboozled by those summaries I read?

>> No.17408534

Even great men sometimes have trouble letting go

>> No.17408573

He was of a nominalist sympathy

>> No.17408607

Luther was right. As Spengler said "Who defines God is already an atheist."

>> No.17408612

I don't think Wagner would write Parsifal just because he "had trouble letting go."

>> No.17409298

Based Luther

>> No.17409395

>Goat Farmer Kant

>> No.17409766

Where the fuck did Spengler say this? In the Aphorisms? source!?

>> No.17409774

handsome Spinoza

>> No.17409786

>John the Apostle is an atheist

>> No.17409829

Holy based, where do I start with Luther (pbuh)?