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File: 343 KB, 943x1279, 943px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17406467 No.17406467 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he hate Socrates so much?

>> No.17406477

Socrates was based
He was cringe
Simple as

>> No.17406485

Nietzschie is a pseud

>> No.17406493


Socrates was a great man who was heroic, famous, respected, intelligent, pious, loved and honest. He was everything that piece of shit Nietzsche wasnt.

Socrates pretty much demolishes the proto-nietzsche Callicles in the Gorgias.

>> No.17406560

Don't you guys think that socrates is just, like, so extra, annoying and kinda shit at positing new things to value?
and annoying?

>> No.17406582

Socrates created the tyranny of logic that plagued the West for 2000 years

>> No.17406587


I unironically have this opinion of Nietzsche. He posited nothing new, the will to power, eternal recurrance, ressentiment and apollonian/dionysian are derivative or contrary concepts.

Hes also annoying, contradictory, bitchy, grandiose, supercilious and superficial.

Gadamer claims he didnt even read Kant or Hegel but read secondary literature on them.

>> No.17406609

Hegel is garbage though.
>>"If I were to say that the so-called philosophy of this fellow Hegel is a colossal piece of mystification which will yet provide posterity with an inexhaustible theme for laughter at our times, that it is a pseudo-philosophy paralyzing all mental powers, stifling all real thinking, and, by the most outrageous misuse of language, putting in its place the hollowest, most senseless, thoughtless, and, as is confirmed by its success, most stupefying verbiage, I should be quite right.
Hegel's "philosophy" has only produced more repugnant people ever. There is not a single person influenced by Hegel that did anything that ever contributed to the world in a positive light.

>> No.17406612

Nietzsche is the Frankenstein's monster of German philosophy. Not an original bone in his body, hideous and all mixed up, but he's immensely powerful and can't be stopped. The rest of the German philosophers are ultimately to blame.

>> No.17406613


>> No.17406614

we know that nietzsche definitely read the ancient greeks, schopenhauer, f.a. lange's 'history of materialism', and kuno fischer's book on the history of philosophy. we don't know if he actually read kant or hegel directly. i'm pretty sure that nietzsche didn't even directly read spinoza until 1886 and that he only knew about him from fischer's history book.

>> No.17406680


socrates is the last man: roaming the citing doing nothing while bugging people off and asking stupid questions about ''definition'' (peak atheist rationalism) and building a narrative where he is the most wise and righteous guy around lol

>> No.17407634


He knew Socrates implicitly sodomizes him Philosophically AND literally.

>> No.17407636


>> No.17407639

he got filtered so hard he got the exact opposite of what Socrates was saying

>> No.17407641

Wasn't Wagner heavily influenced by Hegel before Schopenhauer?

>> No.17407642

given that he was from 500 BC and was the first one to say these things, fucking no.

>> No.17407644

This is why
>Perhaps—thus he [Socrates] should have asked himself—what is not intelligible to me is not necessarily unintelligent? Perhaps there is a realm of wisdom from which the logician is exiled?

>> No.17407647

How fuck up mentioning that bad lmao. Also:
>reddit spacing

>> No.17407651


>> No.17407658


Did he proceed to explain said realm?

>> No.17407661

Yes. Read The Birth of Tragedy.

>> No.17407671
File: 78 KB, 800x814, bust of Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war hero, the philosophical genius, the charismatic social leader Socrates. Nietzsche was disingenuous to Socrates, and only shows his own insignificant characteristics when contrasted with those of Socrates in which he willingly ignores.

I cannot imagine the sublime beauty of his face, his features, as in all geniuses the "great men"; and furthermore as derivative of the face of modest wisdom, the stayed conduct of his form.

I love him so much, I have tears in my eyes.

>Heidegger identifies Socrates as the “purest thinker of the West”, and it is this classification as a “pure thinker” that we are committed to unpacking as it relates to Socrates’ understanding and practice of his dialectic method, his view of “truth,” and his understanding of philosophy (or thinking) as a process of original learning (paideia). Socrates, in his ever-renewed quest for truth, observes Heidegger, is courageously “drawn to what withdraws,” and when this happens to a thinker in the process of authentically thinking, he is drawn into “the enigmatic and herefore mutable nearness of its appeal”, despite being “far away from what withdraws” and even though “the withdrawal may remain as veiled as ever.” This, as we explain constitutes or instantiates for Heidegger the “living context” of thinking, a context facilitating the “draft” of the dynamic counter-striving of lighting and concealing, and Socrates, according to Heidegger, did “nothing else than place himself into this draft, this current, and maintain himself in it,” and this is why, according to Heidegger he was the purest thinker of the West.

>Kiekegaard said ”The knowledge that he knew nothing is not at all the pure, empty nothing one usually takes it to be, but the nothingness of the determinate content of the world as it is. The knowledge of the negativity of all finite content is his wisdom, through which he is drawn into himself, and he expresses this exploration of his own inwardness as his absolute goal, as the beginning of infinite knowledge, yet merely the beginning since this consciousness has nowise been consummated but IS only the negation of everything established in a finite sense”. Also Kierkegaard wrote, “He admittedly freed the single individual from every presupposition, freed him as he himself was free”.
>“Instead of speculatively setting his negativity to rest, he set it far more to rest in the eternal unrest in which he repeated the same process with each single individual. In all this, however, that which makes him into a personality is precisely irony… Naturally this [Socrates’ claim of knowing nothing] conceals a polemic and dismays anyone who has found his repose in one or another finite relation to the divine”.


>> No.17407695

Lot of text to defend a tactless old fart.

>> No.17407698


>By 1886, Nietzsche himself had reservations about the work, and he published a preface in the 1886 edition where he re-evaluated some of his main concerns and ideas in the text. In this post-script, Nietzsche referred to The Birth of Tragedy as "an impossible book... badly written, ponderous, embarrassing, image-mad and image-confused, sentimental, saccharine to the point of effeminacy, uneven in tempo, [and] without the will to logical cleanliness."[8] Still, he defended the "arrogant and rhapsodic book" for inspiring "fellow-rhapsodizers" and for luring them on to "new secret paths and dancing places."

I see...

>> No.17407706

You would get publicly humiliated by Socrates.

>> No.17407729

Congrats on proving my point. To have tact is to take into consideration nuance and the position of everyone involved in the conversation. Socrates didn't do that. He just wanted to dissect things and then throw his hands in the air and say "you lack knowledge! admit it!" when confronted. That is the definition of tactless.

>> No.17407748

Nevertheless contained many gems like the one above. Nietzsche correctly understood the problem of legibility. The problem of making a theory to predict something's behavior - when that thing exhibits behavior outside your theory - calling that thing "irrational" and dismissing further inquiry.

>> No.17407859

Just read The Problem of Socrates in Twilight of The Idols. Its like six pages long:

Its worth noting that Nietzsche sees Socrates more as a symptom of Greek decline, and not a cause. The Greeks had become decadent, and Socrates' asceticism was a cure for their disorderd instincts:

If one needs to make a tyrant of reason, as Socrates did, then there must exist no little danger of something else playing the tyrant. Rationality was at that time divined as a saviour; neither Socrates nor his ‘invalids’ were free to be rational or not, as they wished – it was de rigueur, it was their last expedient. The fanaticism with which the whole of Greek thought throws itself at rationality betrays a state of emergency: one was in peril, one had only one choice: either to perish or – be absurdly rational.… The moralism of the Greek philosophers from Plato downwards is pathologically conditioned: likewise their estimation of dialectics. Reason = virtue = happiness means merely: one must imitate Socrates and counter the dark desires by producing a permanent daylight – the daylight of reason. One must be prudent, clear, bright at any cost: every yielding to the instincts, to the unconscious, leads downwards…

>> No.17407894

>reddit spacing
>hates/doesnt understand nietzsche
adds up

>> No.17407926

>Reason = virtue = happiness means merely: one must imitate Socrates and counter the dark desires by producing a permanent daylight – the daylight of reason. One must be prudent, clear, bright at any cost: every yielding to the instincts, to the unconscious, leads downwards…

>> No.17407963
File: 114 KB, 800x559, sexy socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche hated Socrates because Socrates bummed Plato. Socrates was a paederast, so he would regularly bugger Plato, since plato was his apprentice.

>> No.17407986

>and was the first one to say these things
The first documented person to say those things.

>> No.17407996

Reddit spacing is not a thing. Ironically the only people who complain about it are newfriends such as yourself trying to fit in.

>> No.17408006

>He just wanted to dissect things and then throw his hands in the air and say "you lack knowledge! admit it!" when confronted
And he was right.

>> No.17408094

>Socrates pretty much demolishes the proto-nietzsche Callicles in the Gorgias
Callicles: lol justice is for weak faggots, just follow your desires
Socrates: ummmmm dont! its just bad okay? its just is bad, punishment is better than doing bad deeds! its because I said so! dont believe me? let me invent a story about how you will be punished for bad actions in the afterlife so I can scare you like a good moralfag that I am!

>> No.17408103

keep telling yourself that

>> No.17408111

>t. unironic newfag
kys giganigger.

>> No.17408113


Do... does that mean that Plato buggered Aristotle?

>> No.17408133

More proof of his tactlessness. "I am right though!".

>> No.17408140

Haven't you read The Birth of Tragedy?