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17404805 No.17404805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This kills the commie

>> No.17405292
File: 529 KB, 600x915, grover furr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts throwing Grover Furr books at you

>> No.17405392

commie here. still alive desu.

>> No.17405399

You didn't read the book

>> No.17405403

>uses them as toilet paper

>> No.17405413

double nine, kek

>> No.17405429
File: 295 KB, 643x1050, E070DABA-F652-4103-9E11-1FFB495F6DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism crumbling apart
>”Deh Soviet Union faaaaiiiiiled!!!!”

>> No.17405433

People also still claim to be Christians despite the ontological death of their God just as yours

>> No.17405453

Just start slamming your pussy into an 8" dildo, as hard as you can screaming my name (Tyler)


>> No.17405461

I am while I'm posting.

Now shoo

>> No.17405504
File: 109 KB, 750x521, CEB022C3-EB0A-410B-883C-6FDEEEB47F57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism is going to fail, any day now, it’s going to happen
>t. Karl Marx over a century ago
Capitalism is a deeply terrible system, but the solution isn’t a system that keeps on fucking up when in competition with capitalism. Or a country that was too poor to build safe reactors, so they nearly irradiated the planet by accident and the reveal of this fuck up killed belief of the people in the powers that be. You have the same brain parasites that affect the fascists who believe that their system method which recursively collapsed over the last century will totally work this time. Capitalism isn’t even close to its worst yet, it will progressively worsen until a truly paradigm changing philosophy that extends beyond the political and economic arises, importantly it needs to leave behind Christian slave morals, which liberalism/modern conservatism, and socialism wallow in.
>inb4 real not tried
Then why are you implying that the USSR A) didn’t fail (which by its regression to a quasi-dictatorship over a country run by mobsters, it definitely did) and B) is relevant and therefore socialist/communist?
There maybe something to be said for China’s approach though.

>> No.17405520

recent happening only demonstrate further that Mises was right and Marx was profoundly inescapably wrong.

>> No.17405534

why should we just stick with capitalism when it clearly isnt working? just because the nazis and ussr happened? why not try with new tech?

>> No.17405567

>but the solution isn’t a system that keeps on fucking up when in competition with capitalism.
The USSR was doing state centralized capitalism. I don’t advocate it, even while China is doing it and prospering.

I am not a Marxist, I am a Bakuninist, and I want a free and marketless economy

>> No.17405573

>Because China is following Mises to the letter


>> No.17405580
File: 705 KB, 640x359, shakeshake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this subdues the capitalist

>> No.17405624
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>> No.17405717

If America has an appetite for communism, why aren't you shooting? Where is your reevolution? That's right, you pinko pussies don't have the stomach for war. You'd get your shit pushed in about three weeks.

I'm a woman give me free stuff isn't communism.

>> No.17405718

You're also masturbating to me :3

>> No.17405719

>I'm a woman give me free stuff isn't communism.
Actually, I think it is.

>> No.17405798

there is no left in america

>> No.17405927
File: 227 KB, 1215x628, 0DA180F3-501C-40C0-A8C1-D94DE8E586A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left is divided and confused, but the coming inflation is going to mobilize people. This last summer and 6th was just the beginning.

Though I stress organizing, I don’t know who to stress it to. (You guys are shut ins)

>> No.17406421

When women aren't a net loss to the economy, then you can pretend you are equal. People with conviction join the war. People who jerk off to Marx talk about organizing people. You are a fake. A talker. You have no sincere belief and no power to do anything about it.

>> No.17406567

Why aren't you on a commie website being their janitor? Because you don't have the courage of your convictions. If the current order collapses you'll go with it.

>> No.17406600

You can’t make men without women, so shut up about your anti-American ideal
>the war

I’m just one person. I’m looking into what part I can play. You should too.

>> No.17406697

You can't even face the reality of war. Back to the kitchen, bitch. You said the same shit months ago. B-But I'm looking into it desu. I know what part I need to play." Yet, here you are. Someone is paying your bills, I can detect that much.

America was founded on war and is maintained by war. That's life. A lesbian calling me a degenerate. Honk-honk, clowngirl calling.

I already did my part. Unlike you, I'm not a worthless piece of shit talker.

>> No.17406705

a lesbian telling me we can't make men without women. That makes you useless then, right? They grow lambs in artificial wombs. Prepare yourself to become even more irrelevant.

>> No.17406717

I'm so enjoying watching Black Lives Matter fail for a second time.

>> No.17406722

Read The Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders. All 6 of those writers were CIA operators or in some way linked to the project.

>> No.17406815

B-but Rosa Parks was just one person, desu. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You are a hypocrite and understand less than half of the books you recommend. You are worthless and weak. Do something with your life besides mopping up the puke on this board.

>> No.17406824

Just admit you are a mentally ill shut in who dreams of relevance. Nothing in your behavior indicates otherwise.

>> No.17406852

No one wants to hear some grey haired lesbian talk about action. That's why they all dye their hair some Kool-Aid color. That's what you fear. That you will meet the people you claim to want to assist and they will reject you outright. They won't care about your supposed knowledge or how well read you are. They'll care that you don't have the courage to take action. You will have the evidence you so richly deserve that the people you want to assist are in fact, a bunch of evil shit lords. No one's ideals survive contact with genuine reds. Stay pink, loser.

>> No.17406865
File: 189 KB, 1200x1200, gettyimages-2637237 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this kills the commie

>> No.17406879

Has anyone effectively organized through the plans and ideas in those books?

>> No.17406960

A writing prompt for bitter Butters:
Why don't you submit a five page essay on those three books to &amp in 12 pt font? I'll even accept five pages of what commie action you think would enrich America. Until I see this, you are a lessor author than all the anons that have already submitted. I bet you don't even have that level of courage and competence. You're not as good as F. Gardner. We know that much.

>> No.17406970

I doubt Butters can walk five miles in the sun at a protest without passing out. She's a shut in.

>> No.17406980

right, her only selfies are indoors lit by the glow of a screen

>> No.17407004

>I am not a Marxist, I am a Bakuninist
Democracy is nothing more than the tyranny of the many against the few.
>I want a free
Freedom is nothing more than a phantasm unless it is rationalized through the possession of property. To be free, I must own property without relying the dependency of others. Democracy, communism are a like because they only stifle my freedom since they demand I sacrifice my power, my possessions for the needs of the selfish mob against my own will. I'm not free when the collectivity decides uniformly or democratically what I must do with my possessions; I'm just another slave to a sea of regulations.
>Without markets
And this is where the utopianism of communists displays itself... how do you expect to eliminate markets without eliminating the ability to market
goods? What freedom is there when you constrict the behavior I wish to do? How are you not authoritarian when you want to restrict the choices I can partake in to decide how I earn my keep?

>> No.17407086

Direct Action is all about how they organize, yes. Getting Free is a new direction to organize, too few are doing it. The Kurds are absolutely doing their program.

Aww. I hurt your feelings. Yes, I am somewhat shut in. Not fully because I hold down a job, but I spend all my free time reading and fooling around on the internet.

All the comments are just laughably bad though.

>> No.17407212

Pussied out again. Not up to the challenge. No surprise. Your ideals don't survive contact with reality. Aren't you a college educated woman who don't need no man? Five pages too much for you, baby? You are less than the scum on Gardner's shoes.

>> No.17407223

All of your comments are like a loud fart, signifying nothing but more gas to come. I doubt you believe half the shit you type. Lit LARPer.

>> No.17407247

Never jam today, always jam tomorrow. All shit talk, no action. Can't even address my points. Too busy flicking your bean to that Stalin pic? You know who kills the most commies? Commies. Go meet them you do nothing. I hope you get the gulag. You've earned it.

>> No.17407259
File: 36 KB, 474x512, Mises 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy... based