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17404662 No.17404662 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how much I read and write, whenever I come across a piece of writing by a native, it always feels like he's a stick above me

>> No.17404781

Just write on your own language, anon. I write things in English mainly when I feel like it.

>> No.17404788

Because he probably is. It’s his native language. But who cares?

>> No.17404799

Get a life

>> No.17404877
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>tfw you moved from country to country during your formative years and as a result don't have a native language

>> No.17404915
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>Tfw my linguistic prowess puts Angl*s to shame and moistens their women

>> No.17404952

Well, that is weird. Pick one then (as in use both and just use whatever you feel like it). Which one do you use at home? That is kinda what I do, I feel more comfortable writing about computer related things in English. But I would rather write in Portuguese if I'm going to write something about my dog or my family. Why don't you pick things like I do? Using your own fragments of life, then summing them up in the languages that they happened.

>> No.17405046

This happened to me too, I just replaced thinking in my first language with English.

>> No.17405060

>tfw can only speak *nglish and some español
feels bad man. burger education

>> No.17405264

What's your story anon what countries did you move through?

>> No.17405414

Have you considered killing yourself?

>> No.17405419

what's the * mean?

I think most kids in the USA are getting screwed out of knowing a second language.
I think most people learn some A1 spanish or french in high school and then promptly forget it all.

>> No.17405641

>a stick above me

that isn't an idiom

>> No.17405663

He probably meant a step ahead.

>> No.17405670
File: 143 KB, 613x530, langspeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be EFL, ngl.

>> No.17406069

He meant a cut above

>> No.17406082

Why if he can study and end up learning it anyway?

>> No.17406096

That doesn't matter, anon. It is not like I vocalize words anyway. I would probably count information density per line or something.

>> No.17406106

And even that isn't that important, you have to get that shit anyway. The language is unironically the easiest part of everything. I bought a French calculus book to my Calculus 3 classes (I was studying French for around 6 months) and being honest the easiest part of the book was the French.

>> No.17406131

If you want to feel less impressed by the proficiency of native English speaker just spend a few weeks in the Appalachians.

>> No.17406134

Do not feel bad, anon. No native has written a book with better English than Joseph Conrad in the last 2 centuries.

>> No.17406139

On the contrary, this makes you a native polyglot. Be proud.

>> No.17406206

It's a matter of fluency and being able to come upwith a complex sentence without second guessing it's grammar all the time. He probably can get well enough to write well I guess, though the rigidity won't go unless he has talent.

>> No.17406233

There is no such thing as talent when it comes to fluency, more like deliberate practice. Talent helps out but it is more about continuously practicing it. You can't be a slacker and expect that things will come out naturally.

>> No.17406274

>he's a stick above me
FYI this idiom does not exist in English.

>> No.17406303

Anon is such a great writer he's just coining new idioms left and right. Madlad has no brakes.

>> No.17406384

I meant talent as in writing talent.

>> No.17406392

Truly the new McCarthy

>> No.17406755

OP you should become the modern Conrad.

>> No.17406792

it's okay, I can lip around such offenses.

>> No.17407727

dont worry. some native speakers probably sound less literate than you. take a baby for example. the baby may be native, but does he know more than you? no :)

>> No.17407754

i am an esl and as i can read books in english it requires much more focus during the reading and from time to time i have to check the dictionary which makes the whole process of reading less enjoyable

when i am reading books in my native language (translations) its much more

does anybody here have the same thoughts?

>> No.17407821

for me it's the other way around, i know way more archaic english words than in my native tounge

>> No.17408109


>> No.17408129

Go back

>> No.17408137

>Joseph Conrad
You don't need to be a native speaker to write beautiful prose. Keep trying anon.

>> No.17409077

Just write shorter sentences.

>> No.17409084

Nabokov was basically a native speaker, he started learning English in his early childhood.

>> No.17409155

Just read and write in your own language then, you nerd

>> No.17409232

Oh man, my face has paled before the masses yet again.