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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 406 KB, 803x599, hanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17402402 No.17402402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There must be a way, I just want someone as shy as me to read together.

>> No.17402411

look at all these slide threads. what are you trying to hide, vipers?

>> No.17402435

Shy bookworms are shy bookworms because they're duffs.

>> No.17402485
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>> No.17402739

How far gone are you if you think OPs image is supposed to be lewd

>> No.17402746
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>Why, yes- I haven't seen a woman in 15 years. How could you tell?

>> No.17402755

No you sperg you want someone to complement you. Who's going to complain loudly when they mess up your order? Not you that's for sure. You just sit there and eat the wrong sandwich.

>> No.17402757

>posting anime
You deserve this.

>> No.17402759


>> No.17402762

if you get too close you will scare her away

>> No.17402763
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>> No.17402945

>not knowing Katawa Shoujo
Get off 4Chan.

>> No.17402956
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>Get off 4Chan
I've been trying.

>> No.17402969

I actually ended up going on a couple of dates with one. I do not recommend, it is like talking to yourself because they are too shy to say anything.

>> No.17402978

i used to be friends with one but messed up with her. i liked her a lot and think about her often. i hope she is doing good.

>> No.17402987

Commit suicide.

>> No.17403058

Same. The longest I could stay off 4Chan was two months then relapsed and now addicted again. This website is hell.

>> No.17403066

Why? It is mostly about finding something else t do, anon. Not that complicated.

>> No.17403067
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This is a blogpost, but it's added for discussion's sake.
I think some guys sweat shy chicks because there's this belief that they've sheltered themselves from the influences of other dudes, "modern degeneracy," haven't engaged in party scenes and shit. So the relationship you have with them would be unmolested by the world and you can have a little romantic world of your own. I get it.
Counterpoint: the way I see shit right now, you've gotta engage with social scenes to be successful. I came up nerdy, seeing chicks go for douchebag guys, feeling overlooked, much like many people who found and enjoyed this godforsaken website in middle school in the mid-aughts. College though, I realized through some painful alienation followed by conversations with my dad and introspection that my view of myself as alienated from the masses was secondary to a sort of overriding insecurity, itself secondary to a perception of myself as better than the main group of kids because my parents told me I was smart, I was in gifted and talented programs, in many ways I was objectively better than the other kids (standardized tests, for example). But to succeed in almost any field you've gotta be able to work with people, you need a common touch, and the way to do it is to engage with the normies, and by doing this you realize that you in fact are a normie. Holding back from that for most dudes I think leaves you in a state of arrested development.
So a shy chick probably also displays this deeper insecurity, lives in this state of arrested development. Insecurity actually makes people more degenerate, because of how desire and sexuality interact with your perception of yourself and lead insecure people to have more grotesque and fucked up fantasies. So she's probably more likely to cheat with some guy who walks her around on a leash or something, not that you wouldn't be willing to walk her around on a leash but the stranger-ness of the guy she's cheating with sort of validates her desirability to the other.
You want a normie chick. Normie chicks are not as degenerate as this godforsaken website and years of porn use would have you believe.
Obviously the opposite would also be bad. But shy is worse I think for reasons I've outlined.

>> No.17403109

No weeb nigger, kys.

>> No.17403110

Normie chicks are that degenerate though. I've interacted with them a lot, because I'm not a dysgenic freak or autist. I just can't stand them, they're annoying sacks of shit with no depth whose only goal is to follow hedonistic pleasures until the end of time.

>> No.17403128

Straight up not true in my experience. I think most normal people are pretty boring and chill, work on their school or jobs or whatever.
You're either living in Tampa or you've got some confirmation bias or selection bias going on.

>> No.17403143

So much women hating even on /lit/, I am disappointed.

>> No.17403153
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Different anon here. I've been intermittently addicted to 4chan for at least 5 years. The longest I've managed to stay away was a year, but when I relapsed, I relapsed hard. I'm currently in a bad spell, where I spent 5-10 hours per day on here.

The instant feedback, the anonymous ability to say whatever you want, the occasionally hilarious meme or post are what keep me coming back. If there was a 12 step program from 4chan addicts – "Anonymous Anonymous" – I would join in a minute. I need to take my life back from this madness.

>> No.17403158

>perception of myself as better than the main group of kids because my parents told me I was smart, I was in gifted and talented programs, in many ways I was objectively better than the other kids (standardized tests, for example)
That does make you better than them though.

>> No.17403179
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Even if you are objectively better than people in many ways- believing that is still an issue, and neglects the forest for the trees. You're zeroing in on a few metrics you've decided t focus on, maybe with the help of institutional incentives or your parents, but you're missing the whole range of human aptitude and value, not the least of which is the inherent worth and end-in-themselves-ness of most people. Which is debatable, but definitely not easy to completely rule out from the start. That overconfident ruleout is what I was basing my fragile inflated self worth on, which was leading me to anxiety- so it was also causing me issues.

>> No.17403198

Just get busy bro. Life priorities override the chan. Get a gf and a job and some friends you prefer to hang out with in your free time and you'll forget all about this place.
The only time I come back is the 2-3 weeks per year that I have nothing else going on like work is slow for me, busy for girlfriend, friends are otherwise occupied on trips or with their own jobs. I read and shitpost.

>> No.17403210

>inherent worth and end-in-themselves-ness of most people
Yeah, I suppose they make good...ummmm...wageslave labour?

>> No.17403214

responding to >>17403179

>> No.17403222

Impossible, the only way to get her to be loyal and pursue intellectual shit is to be Chad

>> No.17403226

What's your height?

>> No.17403237

Any man can make himself a Chad (or mini-Chad if manlet) through grooming, exercise, diet, self-cultivation etc.

>> No.17403243

In the sexual marketplace, someone is forced to sell themself. The process of selling the self is innate to capital: one must project an image, a brand, new type of person tailored to the whims of the demographic they seek to attract.

>> No.17403249

They're just not anything special. I don't HATE women, I just think they're annoying. One will come to me, ask me out, for example. I'll be apathetic, and agree carelessly. However, after any proper interaction with her I become disgusted and ignore her. They don't do much interesting, and if I ever talk about a more intelligent topic, like psychology or philosophy they just remark something along the lines of,
>anon, you're just to smart for this world! hahahaha
it's repetitive, it's all the same shit over and over.

>> No.17403255

At that point you wouldn't want an autistic gf any more.

>> No.17403278

Anyone else unironically read the Sisterhood Hanako fan fiction that’s as long as LOTR in high school

>> No.17403300

>Any man can make himself a Chad (or mini-Chad if manlet) through grooming, exercise, diet, self-cultivation etc.
Complete cope, Chadness is primarily determined by attractiveness, which is primarily determined by genetic bone growth (height included).

>> No.17403302

You are the one coping.
Improve thyself, Anon.

>> No.17403307

>There must be a way, I just want someone as shy as me to read together.

Watch the movie Marty (1955). That will at least give you a broad template.

>> No.17403317
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> any man can become Chad
Not me but pic related

>> No.17403335

But Hanako is very cute all the same

>> No.17403343

>inb4 you will never get a cute shy bookworm gf with that height
I know. Sucks being short.

>> No.17403364

>I know. Sucks being short.
You're not short, it's just that average looks is not enough to expect any loyalty from females

>> No.17403377

average female height in usa is 5'4".
i know a ripped 5'4" dude that has a hot 5'0" gf.
stop making excuses for yourself and get to work, anon.

>> No.17403378

>shy bookworm gf
All women are whores, but this one are the biggest whores of them all

>> No.17403393

>tfw 6'3" and I will never have to care about this stupid shit

>> No.17403407

>>tfw 6'3" and I will never have to care about this stupid shit
You will still be framemogged and heightmogged often and that will severely hamper you if you're not wide framed and/or great face
Think about it, the average height across the world for white men is about 6'2, the averages are skewed by shorter races in the US and such

>> No.17403423
File: 64 KB, 500x617, gooondnndv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be willing to do so if she were an overweight, ugly girl? That is the real question. Do you actually want an actual, shy, bookworm girl, or do you want a fantasy of a supermodel wearing glasses and pouting in a library?

>> No.17403431

holy shit. never crossed my mind. thanks for snapping me out of it, anon. bye

>> No.17403432

>the average height across the world for white men is about 6'2
I'm don't believe this, produce a source. And anyway, worrying about getting "mogged" is the most childish, pathetic approach to dating. Just go out and have fun, man. It's not that hard.

>> No.17403454

>Would you be willing to do so if she were an ugly

>> No.17403457

These threads are what happens to boards when normalfag-rot sets in, retards from Reddit who think they should come here because they’re loser virgins, first they come to /pol/ /v/ and /tv/, they fester there thinking that the entire site is shitposting and no discussion on actual topics, they never read the sticky. I would say that the number of people on /lit/ who don’t read anything has more than doubled since wuflu started

>> No.17403496

/lit/ has literally always been trash.

>> No.17403501

this woman would reject me

>> No.17403553

I don't even read books.

>> No.17403557

>he would go for an ugly girl but not a fat one with a cute face and good curves
Cucked by society

>> No.17403563

Damn nigga you must be next level ugly

>> No.17404057
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go back

>> No.17405068

>Good curves
Mutually exclusive

>> No.17405092
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>There must be a way, I just want someone as shy as me to read together.

This movie is basically a how-to course for shy guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsB1VGu5Lls

>> No.17405096
File: 114 KB, 720x1058, 6A7D0280-0A89-4098-B1E8-50A30CA7934C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manlet tears
Reminder that Dinklage is 4’4” and has women throwing themselves at him. He refused to cope and now he’s a chad multimillionaire and father. Hbu anon?

>> No.17405108
File: 190 KB, 1183x887, unnamed6~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Jaime cut his balls off so now he will be your trans gf.

>> No.17405154

Lift and try to socialize with women 5'4 and under but don't limit yourself to any race, ethnicity, or hobby. All women are the same and if you mean their looks stat check you can get laid and get a relationship out of it but if not you should return to your books.

>> No.17405163

I would fuck any warm blooded female presenting creature but being seen in public together is a different story but it's been a 2 year dry spell and I quite literally don't care who it is anyone is enough.

>> No.17405266

It wasn’t this bad until less than a year ago, “it’s always been like this” really is the tactic of the immigrant to a space who refuses to acknowledge his presence causing change, as true here as it is in the real world.
I know you don’t. But why did you, and why do you continue to, come to the literature board if you aren’t actually interested in literature?

>> No.17405324

Shyness is not an intrinsic condition, it's an illness for those lacking self confidence.

>> No.17405335

Nah it was pretty fun circa 2012/2013. Less /pol/ faggotry. It was still cancer but in different ways.

>> No.17405375

Girls cannot be shy, if they are it just means they lack self esteem and think they are not attractive enough.
The moment they discover how to present herself well and do makeup and everything, she will just go around and sleep with Chad.
It's not their fault, it's woman behaviour, encoded in her genes. The woman will always go to the highest value man when they can.

TLDR bros before hoes

>> No.17405377

>the average height across the world for white men is about 6'2,
6’2” is the average male height in the Netherlands, which is the tallest country in the world. Approximately 80% of the population is ethnically native Dutch, another 6% is otherwise European (white), are you claiming that the remaining 14% of non-whites are skewing the data so greatly that the famously tall Dutch appear average at 6’2”? The average height for white men varies with age (generally increasing with successive generations) so that in some countries the true average is around 5’11” to 6’0” in young men in most white nations, smaller in middle age men.
Claiming that 6’2” is average everywhere seems to me as the cope of insecure manlets who want to believe that 6’ guys totally aren’t that tall really in comparison with the general population, or just being a doomer who gets off on high standards he cannot meet.

>> No.17405415
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> shy
Why? I want a tsundere magician gf

>> No.17405423

Did you know that most anime is ultimately based on novels?

>> No.17405427

imagine her

>> No.17405463

I would prefer a bookworm GF who is privately slutty and not that shy. Actually they don't even have to be a bookworm as long as they are intelligent and not too ignorant about most things. Ideally they don't contest the things I know better than them however, which irritates me

>> No.17405543

Yeah, you're going to need to be slightly social with this. As someone who has a hard time interacting with folks, I can tell you it's hard-ish. However the only ways you're going to meet people you like is to introduce yourself, have someone introduce you, or have someone ontroduce themselves to you. Maybe ask someone you know to help or use a dating app or something. Good luck.

>> No.17405711

Based Harold Lloyd.

>> No.17407131

4 sure, i feel this

also, some people still read and socialize. go to school and deflower yourself a tall, hot gyal, ditzy, extroverted, book worm, serial journaler who loves to go out dancing, and doesn't have the addict gene, and thinks you're everything she ever wanted.
I'm just here to brag.
life is sweet

>> No.17407143

we all do

>> No.17407177

I hope you and your girlfriend get hit by a bus. Fuck you for being happy. Kill yourself

>> No.17407316

stop smoking weed and drinking, go on antidepressants and therapy until you can taper off to a baseline with the help of meditation and exercise, and then get back to me. Or keep on the antidepressants idk, I'm only halfway there!
luv u all uwu

>> No.17407329

Warick Davis seething when he sees this.

>> No.17408049

hehe te nandayo

>> No.17408347

>this shit thread is still up
>the gay thread with the same subject and description was pruned
Clearly a free speech platform with no moderation bias

>> No.17408369

ligma balls.

>> No.17408382

jannies are homophobes