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17401736 No.17401736 [Reply] [Original]

African literature recommendations?

>> No.17401778

That's literally the only book. Also his essay on Heart of Darkness is overrated by virtue signaling pseuds

>> No.17401898

retarded cracker stop posting pls

>> No.17402716


>> No.17402806

Wole Basedinka is great. The Epic of Sundiata is kino. Herbert Isaac Ernest Dhlomo is good but it's hard-ish to find his works. Léopold Sédar Senghor is alright but his style isn't the kind I like in poetry. Ali Mazrui is an interesting scholar, I reccomend The Power of Babel.

>> No.17402869

>Wole Basedinka
Kek. But yeah he's probably the best living playwright (at least in English).

>> No.17403180

Nervous Condition
Season of Migration to the North
The Green Book
A Man of the People
Children of Gebelawi

>> No.17403191


>> No.17403201

The Palm-Wine Drinkard.

>> No.17403203

Niggers can't write.

>> No.17403208

Wole Söyinka is a literary genius. Achebe's other novels are also really good. Try Ayi Kwei Armah, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Christopher Okigbo, Amos Tutuola, Nadine Gordimer, J.M. Coetzee.

>> No.17403528

Any one you'd recommend in particular? I've read Season of Migration to the North, and while I didn't personally like it that much, I did find it to be well constructed. Or are Salih's or Achebe's other books worth reading?

>> No.17404012

Achebe is definitely much better than Salih in my opinion. A Man of the People is particularly good.

Matigari and Blackass are excellent.

>> No.17404060

Fanon probably

>> No.17404327

He was from Martinique.

>> No.17404439

"The Gods Are Not to Blame" by Ola Rotimi. It's a Nigerian adaption and interpretation of Oedipus Rex

>> No.17404482

why did I have to read this dumb shit in high school and another book about a 2nd generation chinese girl in Los Angeles but I never once read any Roman, Greek, Old English, Italian, or Eastern literature in my 12 fucking years of schooling
I guess I read two shakespeare books but who cares
How the fuck did reading a book about an ex-Juvie black kid taking care of a girl with cerebral palsy enrich my life or help me understand the world in anyway
How did reading a book about some insufferable rich ivy league kid go through some retarded edgy phase help me?

>> No.17404514
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Kintu- Jennifer Makumbi
A Man of the People/Things Fall Apart- Chinua Achebe
Burning Grass- Cyprian Ekwensi
Nervous Conditions- Tsitsi Dangarembga
The African- William Conton
The Black Hermit- James Ngugi
The Identity Card- Jean-Marie Adiaffi
Two Thousand Seasons- Ayi kewi Armah
The Seven Solitudes of Lorsa Lopez- Sony Labou Tansi
The Concubine- Elechi Amadi