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File: 101 KB, 960x960, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17400060 No.17400060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

marxism goes against everything we believe naturally as rational europeans about science, objectivity, logic, reality and truth.
it's a deeply confused, irrational system at its base built around the meaningless anti-scientific mysticism of hegel. to be a marxist you have to reject the european rational worldview, a cornerstone of that civilization since the 1700s and the basis for all the progress we've made.

>> No.17400069


>> No.17400080

>european rational worldview, a cornerstone of that civilization since the 1700s
So it took only a century for Hegel to start wrecking it? Gee, what a shitty cornerstone!

>> No.17400081

Yeah no shit, thats why Marxists are retards
Altough Marx is kinda based for making half the world seethe for more than 100 years

>> No.17400088

Marx was far from perfect, but his criticisms of capitalism were more or less accurate. I agree more with Bakunin, personally. Why have far-right assholes infested every single board on 4chan? Go to /pol/ you Nazi.

>> No.17400092

fortunately the actual cornerstone of the West is Christ Jesus

>> No.17400097

why do you speak of Marx & Hegel as if these two did not arise from the European philosophical tradition? they didn't just write in a vacuum anon

>> No.17400099

no, his criticism of capitalism is so inaccurate that his solutions looks tailor made to put an elite of """revolutionary""" ex capitalists into absolute power, just like we are experiencing now.

>> No.17400107

how is the project of historical materialism not directly connected to western notions of science objectivity, logic, reality, and truth?

>> No.17400110
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>marxism goes against everything we believe [spook] as [spook] europeans about [spook], [spook], [spook], [spook] and [spook]

>> No.17400113

Sure, the failures of capitalism are actually socialism's fault. Cope harder, jerk.

>> No.17400114

>the communists are the real capitalists!
this is your "brain" on being an amerishit, lmfao

>> No.17400129

Pathetic attempts at defending what was obviously a call to navel gaze and prevent true revolt.

>> No.17400140

Unless your idea of true revolt is fighting for libertarian socialism, go fuck yourself.

>> No.17400146

>>[spook] goes against everything we believe [spook] as [spook] [spooks] about [spook], [spook], [spook], [spook] and [spook]
You know, on this note I find it funny that Marx wrote a sperg'd out critique of Stirner. It means he didn't understand the guy one bit, Stirner and Marx likely would've been bros if they actually met each other

>> No.17400152

>libertarian socialism
More meaningless jargon from faggots who have lost their ability to think and see for themselves and need their thoughts mediated by obscure pieces of literature.
The saying usually goes: miss the forest for the trees. You faggots miss the trees for the forest.

>> No.17400171

The fact that you're so quick to throw around homophobic slurs on 4chan in an attempt to appear smart tells me everything I need to know.

>> No.17400182

How the hell did you get to this conclusion?

>> No.17400188

The only thing OP forgot to mention was that it blends certain scientific evidence with mysticism, while at the same time claiming to reject mysticism, which results in one of the most confusing and irrational philosophies of all time. Marxism is kind of like the Hegelian Geist-of-the-gaps

>> No.17400190

Imagine reporting a post calling someone a faggot on 4chan.

>> No.17400213

the following exposes karl marx for what he was

>In his poem, Human Pride, Marx, wrote:
>"With disdain I will throw my gauntlet full in the face of the world,
>and see the collapse of this pygmy giant whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
>Then will I wander god-like and victorious through the ruins of the world.
>and, giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to the Creator."

>"Thus Heaven I've forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell."

>Karl Marx's good friend, Frederick Engels wrote: "Karl Marx is a monster possessed by ten thousand devils."

maybe this explains why communism and socialism leads to so much evil and suffering

>> No.17400215

I get what you mean but mysticism is a strong word I think. He tried to be as scientific as possible while at the same time arriving at some utopian thought. But saying he rejects "rational European" science, logic whatever is just wrong.

>> No.17400220
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>> No.17400224

Marxism is a science

>> No.17400225

I'll bite. Your feelings about Bakunin?

>> No.17400228

>no source
based gullible retard bro

>> No.17400230

I admit, I don't get the anime thing. I like Cowboy Bebop. Is that enough?

>> No.17400233

>marxism goes against everything we believe naturally as rational europeans about science, objectivity, logic, reality and truth.
>0.0002 dollars has been donated to you by TPUSA inc.

Actually, muh human nature is arguably the worst argument against Marxism. What is more human than wanting to overthrow a system that causes you immense suffering?

If anything, the capitalist-Protestant work ethic is against human nature

>> No.17400237

>If anything, the capitalist-Protestant work ethic is against human nature
Only against the fallen nature

>> No.17400242

These lines are not in his poem.

>> No.17400251

>>marxism goes against everything we believe naturally as rational europeans about science, objectivity, logic, reality and truth.
>Christianity doesn’t
Why are neocons such dipshits?

>> No.17400278

mysticism is naturally foreign to the european mind. hegel and marx are every bit as foreign to the european mind as buddhism or hinduism. the matter is not materialism or not, the matter is, what is the valid ways of looking at the world?

marx says that even nature itself is an expression of history and of human society as nature is a result of mans labor against it. marx also sees it as impossible for the observer to stand outside of the phenomena since both the phenomena and himself are a creation of society, a result of the specific stage of history.

this is a complete rejection of the european way of thinking. and it's a matter of religion because you could not arrive at it through reason, because the end result is that you end up denying reason.

>> No.17400282

>irrational system at its base built around the meaningless anti-scientific mysticism of hegel
Wasn't Hegel a continuation of Heraclites and Parmenides on dialectics?

>> No.17400281
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>> No.17400288

Jesus Christ, try reading the author you’re criticizing, you fucking retard

>> No.17400290

>mysticism is naturally foreign to the european mind.
Literally every european culture had shamans in some form.

>> No.17400293

>no, his criticism of capitalism is so inaccurate that his solutions looks tailor made to put an elite of """revolutionary""" ex capitalists into absolute power, just like we are experiencing now.
Yes Klaus Schwab is a Marxist. See his publications. It's inspired by Marx.

>> No.17400297

I'm not talking about human nature. altough to be a marxist you have to reject "human nature". what man "is" is completely dependent on the current stage of history. you can't escape history in marxist and hegelian thinking because everything you might use to do that is itself an expression of history. this is why it's such an irrational, anti-european way of thinking.

>> No.17400305

There are no such things as "european mind" or "european way of thinking". To believe in this ideas would be misticism

>> No.17400317

Name a culture in the world without shamans in some forms

>> No.17400326
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>marxism goes against everything we believe naturally as rational europeans about science, objectivity, logic, reality and truth.
Lol no? Marxism is a great analytic, explains the long term and short term faults of capitalism. Marxism (or Engelsism rather) critiqued utopian socialism and introduced scientific socialism. Marx basically embodies the spirit of the enlightenment period better than liberals.
Can you be more specific on why you dislike 'marxism' what texts of Marx&Engels have you read?

>> No.17400329

I don't claim that exists you retard

>> No.17400345

Stirner and Marx knew eachother, they probably met multiple times.

>> No.17400348

Then we agree that having had shamans is not a meaningful way to establish if a continent has a mystical way of thinking

>> No.17400354

No we don't agree. That's the opposite of wjat follows from the fact that every european culture had shamans. Do you just pretend to be retarded?

>> No.17400357

should someone tell him?

>> No.17400376

Go check Herclites and Parmenides. Or maybe those Greeks weren't europeans?

>> No.17400378

marxists think they're being clever when they make memes like this. they're not being clever. initially you'd think they'd have a point though. marx was a very intelligent, very well read man. many very intelligent, well-read people have been attracted to marxism. how could they ignore such a fundamental thing as "human nature". the answer is that they're hegelians. marx was a hegelian through and through, that was the milieu he came from. and in that tradition there is no room for human nature as we think of it today. you have to be a hegelian, that is to stand on absolutely, fundamentally diffferent philosophical grounding than the mainstream western world does today to be a marxist.
just because you use the word scientific doesn't make you scientific. he was right to distinguish his system from the previous systems of utopian socialism, but that word doesn't make it scientific in any way we would understand as scientific today in the english speaking world. I wonder if he actually used the word wissenschaftlich or something like that. the german term wissenschaft can't be translated with the english term science. it's a much broader term.
I deeply reject the idea that you can't be objective. that you can't transcend history and your own society in your thinking and observing.

I'm reading kolakowskis main currents.
>inb4 not primary source marx is perfect you have to read his entire corpus in the original german before you have an opinion
okay faggot.

>> No.17400381

since the labor theory of value was codified we were going to get this kind of shit.
The rot begins a lot earlier

>> No.17400382
File: 95 KB, 1500x500, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.17400387

I did.

>> No.17400393

>Marxism is a great analytic, explains the long term and short term faults of capitalism
he got exactly everything wrong

>> No.17400399

??? If every culture has shamans then it's the natural state of the human mind, it's neutral. You're gonna have to bring up something more to make that point about Europe

>> No.17400408

If you consider this two mystical, then Plato is too. Pythagoras would be a better example

>> No.17400417

The only reason I don't like marxism is that it's a materialistic low budget rehash of christianity.

>> No.17400428
File: 374 KB, 597x767, c4033167a6440c152392087070519eccfb3054d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh human nature
Wait, that's what your problem with Marx boils down to... are you serious?
Wew, literally an anticommunist 101 argument.
Here is a quote that shows you that Marx didn't neglect human nature:
>Man is directly a natural being. As a natural being and as a living natural being he is on the one hand endowed with natural powers, vital powers — he is an active natural being. These forces exist in him as tendencies and abilities — as instincts. On the other hand, as a natural, corporeal, sensuous objective being he is a suffering, conditioned and limited creature, like animals and plants. ... A being which does not have its nature outside itself is not a natural being, and plays no part in the system of nature. A being which has no object outside itself is not an objective being.
-Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy in General (1844)

>> No.17400471

no that's not what it boils down to. you fucking retard. you're literally a completely dishonest religious moron.

what marx is talking about there is clearly something very different from the modern view of human nature as dependent on the evolutionary history of man and as unchanging in a certain sense.
it's also important to remember that marx view on nature, being hegelian was completely different from the western view of nature.
nature arose as a result of the human labor against it. and the human in term arose as a result of nature. none of this has any equivalent to the mainstream view of nature as unchanging and objective.
>inb4 hegel was an idealist, marx materialist therefore marx view of nature not hegelian
that's missing the point badly.

>> No.17400517

>utopian socialism and introduced scientific socialism
Oh, well that makes everything fine then. I can be scientifically starved of food.

>> No.17400520
File: 792 KB, 1565x726, bf04ca0aaf1dc3375a331d6872d9a667b9b85918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get what your criticism of Marx is. Can you be specific? What is wrong with Marx and how is he incompatible with 'human nature'

>> No.17400530

I have many, many criticisms of marx and marxism. that's not the point.
>incompatible with 'human nature'
I've already told you, because of the hegelian approach.

>> No.17400537

I wonder where does that meme about Marx ignoring human nature come from. Is it Jordan Peterson? Some Bitchute video with a high number of view? Is it paid shills?
Marx's theory of human nature (from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia):

>> No.17400546
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People still believe in Santa Claus?

>> No.17400554

Yeah, I was going to mention the same thing from an anti-Marx perspective. One of Marx's biggest faults, if anything, was his own theory of human nature. It's not that he ignored it.

>> No.17400555
File: 119 KB, 887x837, 7a0c837abf259439e738052acb69301b3705ba41(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because of the hegelian approach.

>> No.17400558

>However, in the sixth Theses on Feuerbach (1845), Marx criticizes the traditional conception of human nature as a species which incarnates itself in each individual, instead arguing that human nature is formed by the totality of social relations. Thus, the whole of human nature is not understood, as in classical idealist philosophy, as permanent and universal: the species-being is always determined in a specific social and historical formation, with some aspects being biological.
literally on the top of that page. the understanding these fucking 16 year olds from leftypol have of their own ideology is so incredibly shallow...
you really thought a long post of nothing else than "rightism bad, marxism good" was worth saving and re-posting?

>> No.17400586

So what's wrong with this? You don't think your 'human nature' would be the same if you grew up inside an empty room where you would get food by pressing a button do you?

>> No.17400600

Doesn't modern science confirm this though?

>> No.17400612

I don't agree that nature is a result of human labor against it, that nature is a result of the historical stage.
now you being a dumbass 16 year old with zero understanding of your own ideology, your probably going to bring up oil extraction as an example of nature being a result of human labour against it. that's not the meaning of that at all. it's not the meaning of that in the marxist hegelian tradition.

>> No.17400615

Human nature is overated. There is no common point between a spartan warrior and a current era hipster from Manhattan. It is, however, exactly the same species, the same DNA. But social relationships differ greatly in those examples.

>> No.17400631

>condemns right wing thought as "spooky"
>unironically uses the term "primitive" (implying they are themselves "civilized" to denigrate them
The irony is palpable

>> No.17400649

Okay take technological advances as a change of human nature as an example, the fact that we are having this conversation at all on an website created by an underage weeb should change your perspective of human nature. Technology changes us as we change technology this is the proper dialectical view. It's not hard to find examples for.

>> No.17400668

goddamnit. I'm not talking just about human nature, I'm talking about nature as a whole too. marx and hegel think of nature completely differently than you do if you're a scientifically inclined modern westerner.

look, you're a 16 year old, you're dumb, you have an extremely superficial understanding of your own ideology. I'm not gonna sit here and go through the very basics of marx and hegel with a dumbass 16 year old who isn't even interested in understanding it in the first place but simply perform whatever mental gymnastics to defend it as soon as he learns of it.

>> No.17400685

The amount of marxist seething in this thread lmfao

>> No.17400708

>scientifically inclined modern westerner.
Most scientifics are not objective, because they are paid by their employers, and have a reputation to keep. Scientifics are our era gatekeepers. They have strong dogmas.

>> No.17400714

I'm 24 and you just haven't made a good case for yourself. You say
>it's a deeply confused, irrational system at its base built around the meaningless anti-scientific mysticism of hegel.
Yet when being pressed on being more specific you vaguely allude to 'nature' as a criticism but even here you don't want to expand on. It's like you don't have a real criticism but only a vague feeling of it must be wrong since I hate Hegel.
Grow up.

>> No.17400717

cornerstone of civilization but cant even account for qualia! lmfaoo

>> No.17400727

If the theory, both empirical and speculative, can't be falsified in its entirety then there's no point treating it seriously. Same applies to Hegel

>> No.17400751

I've described it many times in this thread. but you're the dumbass who thought >>17400520
was profound and worth saving so clearly you're going to perform mental gymnastics no matter what. you have no understanding of your own ideology and as expected you've passed it over in silence everytime I have spoken about the marxist and hegelian view of nature.
you're worthless and a complete waste of time.

>> No.17400814

Are you posting here while sitting in an office of your small business? Shut the fuck up LMAO, 'nature' elitist.
Capitalism has flaws and socialists want to fix those flaws. Our political economy is like Windows Vista, it's dated and crashes every 8-12 years. It's time to update you boomer, I don't care that you like the nature wallpaper. Lets switch to Linux.

>> No.17400827

That's more social democracy than outright socialism. I think we all agree that capitalism has its flaws, we all just approach the problem from different angles.

>> No.17400843

Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie
Dictatorship of the proletariat

>> No.17400849

not the guy you're replying to, but you are only capable of projecting, throwing out memes and buzzwords, time to fall back

>> No.17400851

You forgot:
Dictatorship of God

>> No.17400852

while being a sperg, marx is actually based
nigger actually made some mathematical concept using hegelian dialectic

>> No.17400871

>I agree more with Bakunin, personally.
>Go to /pol/ you Nazi.
is this bait lmao?

>This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of blood sucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other... This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralisation of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found. - Bakunin

here is Proudhon too if you want:
>Stewart Edwards, the editor of the Selected Writings Of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, remarks: "Proudhon's diaries (Carnets, ed. P. Haubtmann, Marcel Rivière, Paris 1960 to date) reveal that he had almost paranoid feelings of hatred against the Jews, common in Europe at the time. In 1847 he considered publishing an article against the Jewish race, which he said he "hated". The proposed article would have "called for the expulsion of the Jews from France... The Jew is the enemy of the human race. This race must be sent back to Asia, or exterminated. H. Heine, A. Weil, and others are simply secret spies. Rothschild, Crémieux, Marx, Fould, evil choleric, envious, bitter men etc., etc., who hate us" (Carnets, vol. 2, p. 337: No VI, 178). [59]
His diary entry dated 26 December 1847 states: Jews. Write an article against this race that poisons everything by sticking its nose into everything without ever mixing with any other people. Demand its expulsion from France with the exception of those individuals married to French women. Abolish synagogues and not admit them to any employment. Finally, pursue the abolition of this religion. It's not without cause that the Christians called them deicide. The Jew is the enemy of humankind. They must be sent back to Asia or be exterminated. By steel or by fire or by expulsion the Jew must disappear.[59]

>> No.17400899

>they probably met multiple times.
Not sure about that, but I found this letter to Marx from Engels:
>But what is true in his principle, we, too, must accept. And what is true is that before we can be active in any cause we must make it our own, egoistic cause-and that in this sense, quite aside from any material expectations, we are communists in virtue of our egoism, that out of egoism we want to be human beings and not merely individuals.

>> No.17400954
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Reminder to every leftist that no matter how much you critique capitalism I'll never choose your gay retard fantasy over the third position.

>> No.17400960


it must make you so angry, that "race traitors" exists, like thomas sowell

>> No.17401298

>science, objectivity, logic, reality and truth.
There's nothing "Natural" about these things; even if they were - no one has to appeal to nature.
There are no laws one must follow that govern a priori principles.

>> No.17401323

The caesars became beasts, and God a jew

>> No.17401339

>from each according to their ability, to each according to their need
But people do this all the time with coworkers and family and friends in the little actions that constitute our entire day? I don’t get how people don’t understand or believe communism works when it’s the fundamental underlying mode of operation in daily life?

>> No.17401363

>Demand its expulsion from France with the exception of those individuals married to French women

I figured a man of his disposition would execute both for miscegenation, but I suppose he wasn't so cruel after all.

>> No.17401385

>the point
making a philosopical assumption trying to btfo philosophy at the same time. absolute pseud.
also, implying interpretation is not a change in the world too. absolute psued marx again. go to your economics and shut up fucking santis claus.

>> No.17401505

Utopian socialism predates Marx, and essentially were small scale experiments of people doing that. Marx's problem is that he thought it would be more successful if the state introduced it on a national scale

>> No.17401508

>If every culture has shamans then it's the natural state of the human mind, it's neutral
its not neutral, it means every culture have mystical thinking.

>> No.17401569

The cornerstone that the builders rejected, self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.17401685

>what man "is" is completely dependent on the current stage of history
Yeah, except for the whole survival part, and the part where capitalism can cause people to starve to death. That’s probably not dependent on the stage of history.

Once again, you prove my point that righttards have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about, and tend to accuse others of the very things they themselves are guilty of

>> No.17401693

>conservatards actually believe this

>> No.17401706

>the european rational worldview

> Trademarked by the City of London Corporation

>> No.17401723


But Baudrillard's System of Object *is* his best work...?

>> No.17401732

>Yeah, except for the whole survival part, and the part where capitalism can cause people to starve to death. That’s probably not dependent on the stage of history.

Human instinct to survival isn't dependent on history; however, the formation/rising of capitalism is -- along with whatever consequences it brings.

But, that being said, most people who even talk about Marx -- and this goes both ways: critique and appraisal -- have zero idea of what Marx actually said and think out-of-context quotes, which may or may not even have been said by Marx, encompass his thinking.

>> No.17401862

I would honestly be a bit embarrassed of my posts if I were you. If you aren’t baiting, please develop some self awareness and actually read Marx for once in your life. I would like to add that when I say “read Marx,” I explicitly am not talking about the fucking Communist Manifesto because the manifesto was intentionally designed to emotionally manipulate gullible proles into fighting for an insane cause without providing any logical arguments whatsoever.

>> No.17401874

>muh logical arguments
>when you starve to death and the army is shooting at your protests
Holy shit, conservatards are such retarded incels, it’s so funny, please have sex, for the sake of humanity

>> No.17401882

When was the last famine in a capitalist democracy? I can't seem to recall one, I'm sorry.

>> No.17401894

You’re not even trying to refute the fact that you’ve exclusively read the work which was created explicitly as propaganda. Neck yourself, you’ve been played.

>> No.17401895

>mysticism is naturally foreign to the european mind

he said, about a civilization that used to kill cats because it thought they were actual demons, until the Black Death killed half the population thanks to rats spreading so they decided to start killing people who didn't die because they bathed

>> No.17401896

Dust bowl

>> No.17401900

How many people starved to death in the dust bowl? I forgot.

>> No.17401916

Pretty sure that much of Africa is capitalist. Also lol at you sneaking democracy in there, when democracy is almost entirely based on giving a voice to the weak against the strong. What are you, some kind of pinko with your ‘democracy’? Do you want the FBI to come by and cointelpro you?

>> No.17401921

The last major famine in Africa, Ethiopia, was socialist and under Soviet influence.

>> No.17401927

>marxism goes against everything we believe naturally as rational europeans about science, objectivity, logic, reality and truth.
Filthy Angloid hands wrote this.

>> No.17401929

Holy shit, just imagine if you walked up to a peasant revolt, with an army of tractors and you going ‘Excuse me did you ackshually address my logical argument?’. They would literally run your fat NEET ass over.

But keep defending billionaires, I’m sure one day they’ll love you

>> No.17401938

if marx wrote propaganda it was his fault, not of readers.

>> No.17401940

And Africa has been peaceful and prosperous ever since, and never has any wars over resources, driven by tech products

>> No.17401942

>a capitalist democracy

I'll assume you'll dismiss the example because it *is* a shit capitalist democracy, but right the fuck now in Somalia.

>> No.17401943

>Marx's problem is that he thought it would be more successful if the state introduced it on a national scale
not quite. marx rejection of utopian socialism goes along with his rejection of science as we think of it in the west and is founded on explicitly hegelian thinking. according to marx the utopian socialists criticized reality and devised alternatives to it based on abstract reason away from material, historical reality. this is wrong and meaningless according to hegelian thinking. history determines everything, and you can't stand outside of it and apply reason, that's enlightenment thinking to marx which he rejects. his quote in OP isn't some arbitrary demand for philosophers to be on top or to be activists, it comes from the central part of marxist-hegelian thinking that rejects the dichotomy between thought and action.

thus marx and hegel reject the idea of pure, ahistorical reason and in doing so they reject utopian socialism AND traditional western ideas of science.

>> No.17401949

Just read his biography to see what kind of asshole he really was.

Reminder that it is fultile to debate with maxists since they are just a bunch of retarded militants that do it for free.

>> No.17401956

Once again, your ideology is not what you think it is. Read the works where Marx actually tries to defend his philosophy and describe his metaphysics. Read Engels. Read Bakunin. You are on a literature board, you pseudointellectual dolt.

>> No.17401967

>Reminder that it is fultile to debate with maxists since they are just a bunch of retarded militants
I would like to remind you that conservatives unironically believe that Marx was possessed by demons and that this is a brilliant argument against Marxism.

Then again, you’re a conservative so thinking isn’t your strong point to begin with

>> No.17401971

from oxfam regarding the famine:
>Response failure: Underlying it all has been the inability of Somalia’s government and donors to tackle the country’s chronic poverty, which has marginalized vulnerable people and fundamentally weakened their ability to cope. There’s been a lack of investment in social services and basic infrastructure and lack of good governance.

lack of investment in basic infrastructure? so it is literally a lack of capital, not too much capital that is causing the problem.

>> No.17401976

>implying I need to read all theory to understand how the concentration of wealth works and why this is bad
Holy fuck you’re an actual retard

>> No.17401983

>lack of investment in basic infrastructure? so it is literally a lack of capital, not too much capital that is causing the problem.

Fuck right off with that kind of argument. Any cunt that isn't drowned in ideology can realize this could as well be the result of cronie capitalism.

>> No.17401993


>> No.17401995

>poor rule of law
well that's what i mean by "democracy", not just having sham elections to elect some warlord every couple years, but actually functioning legal system

>> No.17401996

He did those rituals, doesn't mean it worked, doesn't mean there was demons. What it really means is that there was something wrong with him, retard, lmao.

>implying i'm a conservetard
LMAO brainlet.

>> No.17402004

>so it is literally a lack of capital, not too much capital that is causing the problem.
I wonder why this is the case. Could it have something to do with an impulse of profit that strips the country clean of its resources and doesn’t give a fuck beyond muh profits?

>> No.17402016


Rule of Law wasn't really an effective element of democratic rule until the second half of the 20th, though.
And just to warn you, I'm a lawyer, the very idea of "an actually functioning legal system" is a fucking joke to me.

>> No.17402017

>rituals means there’s something wrong with you
I’m going to ignore that this is a complete ad-hominem and just laugh at the fact that you pretend to be on the freedom side

>> No.17402029

no, it has to do with people don't want to invest in failed states with no rule of law aka anarchy

>> No.17402067

>i'm a lawyer
well u obviously aren't an economist

>> No.17402071

>no, it has to do with people don't want to invest in failed states with no rule of law aka anarchy

Mate countries with no rule of law are the best target for investment, because you can do whatever the fuck you want in them.

>> No.17402075

>thinks rule of law in the west is only 70 years old
>claims to be a lawyer

yeah im gonna have to call shenanigans on that

>> No.17402085

how many investments do you own in failed states compared to say united states or europe?

>> No.17402097

>imagine being this retarded
Marxist materialism cant be reconciliated with Stirner's individualist idealism.

>> No.17402113


Effectively, yes. You will even be thought in History of Law classes at which point it was enforced in some countries, stuff like, "we consider that this specific case, and it's resolution, mark the point where we say that the Rule of Law was installed here".
The concept might have originated in the 16th, but it wasn't implemented until much later. Same thing with the division of powers from Montesquieu.

>> No.17402115

>itt: anglos that can't differentiate marxianism from marxism
into the garbage this thread goes

>> No.17402151

It means you're normal. Don't try to fit in with losers. Anime is clearly garbage to anyone with common sense.
Cowboy Bebop is just the least worst one and that's because it rips off other genres like noirs and westerns.