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/lit/ - Literature

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17394142 No.17394142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are art-hoe literature/sociology majors marriage material?

>> No.17394148

No, they are absolutely not actually quite the opposite but I want to fuck the shit out of them

>> No.17394150


>> No.17394152

no but where do I find them apart from dating apps now that they are all at home?

>> No.17394153

Not really.

>> No.17394161 [SPOILER] 
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>Are art-hoe literature/sociology majors marriage material?
This must be bait. They are absoloutley not.

>> No.17394166

Sauce immediately.

>> No.17394194

they are for an occasional fuck

>> No.17394200

If you dont want any children and want to be emasculated by 25.
Sure go for it

>> No.17394228

God I want to lick her face and neck

>> No.17394243

>Are art-hoe literature/sociology majors marriage material?

Why would you want to entrap yourself willingly?
T. Lawyer.

>> No.17394249

holy fuck is this real

>> No.17394261
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No. Society is no longer conducive to marriage. Ignore this warning at your own peril. If you're not already monk or living in a poor country and fucking local brown women like mad then you're simply ngmi.

>> No.17394263

yea i need the sauce someone posted it here b4

>> No.17394264

it's fake and it's posted in every single pbd bread

>> No.17394272

I'm basically a monk on my poor third world country.

>> No.17394273

ah I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.17394275

I'll gladly take the fake sauce

>> No.17394280

it's not lmao, in a thread about paperbackdreams like a year ago someone mentioned a lookalike who made amateur stuff so i looked it up and that screenshot i took is the only point where it really looks like her. no idea who it was but its funny still seeing the image posted here in every thread of her

>> No.17394282

Scourge of society.

>> No.17394288

He said lawyer, not politician.

>> No.17394291

yes, yes, the name please

>> No.17394307
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It's kind of sad to see how many /lit/bros still think marriage is a good idea. You literally gain NOTHING from it
>she can leave anytime she wants
>statistically she will
>it's fucking hard for you if you want to leave
>she'll take a strap out of your ass and financially cripple you for life no matter who leaves
>have fun with alimony AND child support payments
>good luck seeing your kids
It's a fucking scam across the board. Marriage is a dangerous relic for modern men.
>I-I-I'll just live with her and not marry!

>> No.17394318


Nah, we're honestly a fucked up bunch. I'm a crook and yet I'm the most ethically responsible person I know in the profession.
And as such I cannot stay silent while /lit/ anons plan on doing such a ridiculous thing as marrying in 2021.

>> No.17394324

I was thinking about going to lawschool after undergrad but I realized how fucking saturated the law business was. Became an esl teacher faggot instead :)

>> No.17394330

>b-b-but where not married
>sorry bucko you admitted you where cohabitating for over 1 year pay up
its already happening

>> No.17394331

Look at who you’re asking

>> No.17394335

It's a racket. Stay away, bros.
Nobody wants to marry you either you old dusty-pussied spinster. How does it feel to have a barren womb?

>> No.17394341


>> No.17394357

I dated one for 5 years. They age (both personally and look-wise) like shit. Its like a nice onion and you peel it layer by layer while it turns darker and more rotten. They are vapid, empty, slutty and she made my heart break so I cant judge them objectively I should stop it.

>> No.17394373


I'll never know, as I tried for the majority of my teenage years and adulthood with no results other than the friendzone. Instead of marrying an art-hoe I just met a regular woman who surprisingly wanted to date me (or not so surprisingly - at that point, I already had a PhD and a reasonably good job) and currently quite satisfied. But I do remain curious about what it would have been like to live with an actual maniac.

>> No.17394375

>I realized how fucking saturated the law business was.

It is, I decided to push through because it is literally the only thing I'm good at and have an easy time with (I've always had rather poor school results until I started doing case study exams). I might not have made it if I was in a bigger market like Burgerland too.
Still, Law school was pretty much the only time during my entire education I wasn't somewhat suicidal because everyone around me didn't understand why I didn't live up to their expectations.

>> No.17394388

Literally every job is over saturated

>> No.17394394

At least it worked out in the end. Lawyers tend to make good $$$.
Which is why I found something that's easy, pays well, low hours, and allows me to live cheaply. Just gotta limp through life and die.

>> No.17394400


>> No.17394420

*heavy breathing*

>> No.17394427
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>> No.17394441

I would marry you butterfly <3

>> No.17394445
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Yes she's hot and yes the sex would be incredibly but she WOULD eventually disappoint you and shatter your heart. Buy the love you need, brehs.

>> No.17394446

>At least it worked out in the end. Lawyers tend to make good $$$.

It is barely alright, but I went my own way, I have a few long-term projects, and half of my clientele are strippers.
And I was basically a hobo from 20 to 25, I can't complain, everyone around me had a 10 years headstart on me.

>> No.17394450

Better than nothing, at least you have a future. There are many full-NEET anons on here who would literally starve to death if mummy died or the neetbux dried up.

>> No.17394483
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so everyone on /lit/ is either alone or just fucking periodic Randoms?

>> No.17394515
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There are a few different archetypes present on /lit/ and most of them aren't having sex. Almost the only anons getting laid regularly are the ones in moribund relationships with arthoes (that they deny are moribund), western expats who're stacking up Asian pussy, RichFrogs who buy prostitutes, and the metrosexuals who are good at hiding their autism and juuust attractive enough to pull 6/10s every few weeks/months.

>> No.17394525

> literate women
> marriage material

>> No.17394533

>There are many full-NEET anons on here who would literally starve to death if mummy died or the neetbux dried up.

Fuck me I would have killed myself 12 times over if I had had access to /lit/ between 2005-2010. Being jobless is one thing, and it is so fucking hard on the psyche, but being jobless and partaking in the cesspool of mental disorganization that is this board would have sent me over the edge for sure.
Anyways, glad it's behind me now, remember anons, don't do it, it'll get better if you put time, hope and effort into it.