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File: 130 KB, 600x576, Confucius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17394073 No.17394073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that dust has settled.

His ideas were complete garbage and are only fitting for controlling vast insect populations, right?

>> No.17394092

Learn chinese, you will need to speak it very soon

>> No.17394096 [DELETED] 

This is a non insect thread.
Please leave.

>> No.17394101

Post skin

>> No.17394108 [DELETED] 

An insect has no Imperium over me.

>> No.17394109
File: 41 KB, 435x500, Zhu_xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only spergs and bugmen think China isn't the country of SOUL. Your conceptions regarding Confucianism are pop-philosophy tier. Read Confucius, Mencius, and Zhu Xi.

>> No.17394113

East Asian and therefore countries in the shpere of confucianism are the definition of soulless societes.

>> No.17394128

>Only spergs and bugmen think China isn't the country of SOUL.
t. 中国人

>> No.17394135

You unironically don't know shit, there is no such thing as a souless society (traditionally speaking, symptoms of modernity are irrelevant regarding this as modernity isn't the result of a certain culture) but China is one of the least souless countries out there.
Meme tier understanding of Chinese history.

>> No.17394143

t. has not read anything on the subject

>> No.17394156

>muh INDVIDUALITY muh freedom to CONSOOM
Confucianism was set up to keep vermin like you where you belong: at the bottom with a boot on your neck.

>> No.17394168

This insect meme is so vile only the most desperate and coping idiots use it.
No person with any dignity or self respect would step so low.

>> No.17394178

>confucianism was made to keep consoomers and (((merchants))) from ruining society
sounds pretty fucking based to me

>> No.17394179

Nice spastic quote.

Its a peak soulless shithole where children would sell their own mothers for money and recognition from their peers.

Life is not valued in these countries, they live to create value for their slaveholders.
Lying and cheating is so deeply ingrained into society that it is actively encouraged as long as you arent caught.

No take your little slants you call eyes from the screen and dont even dare to answer me.

>> No.17394182

No he wasn't. Confucius criticised the princes of his day extensively. He advocated harmony not total power like the legalists. Mencius then even concludes evil rulers can be disposed.

>> No.17394188

>rejected liberal democracy
I'm sorry anon, but China is too Chinese. Now Taiwan, THAT'S soul! Liberal democracy, LGBTPP+-==/P acceptance, and only a light sprinkling of orientalism to give it some flavoring.

>> No.17394189 [DELETED] 

t. Triggered bugs

>> No.17394198

>No take your little slants you call eyes from the screen and dont even dare to answer me.
Holy shit imagine being this much of a chud

>> No.17394207

It’s been around forever. Jack London based an entire short story around it.

>> No.17394235

>Jack London
You mean the gay anarchist who didn't like that the Chinese didn't like consumerism and international finance?

>> No.17394253

>An insect has no Imperium over me.
get laid

>> No.17394256

>China didnt like consumerism
>Literally had the highest rate of drug addicts in all human history

>> No.17394262

Yeah, that tends to happen when a foreign empire makes it a point of state policy to get your entire country hooked on drugs.

>> No.17394268

>hurr learning things make you bad

>> No.17394290

>Le China Empire based :)))
>Le Bong Empire unbased :((((

>> No.17394295
File: 143 KB, 400x400, Tao'ed.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing personal

>> No.17394314

this but unironically

>> No.17394315

Confucianism is the closest to individuality and freedom in China, which indeed makes them only semi soulless. You have no idea what you are talking about.

At least get the meme views right. China has always been the coonsoon country. At least that's how it was seen from the outside. Read Gobineau's essay on human races.
Of course they had a true communist phase where there was nothing to consume, but no one that has gone to China in the last 20 years will deny it is consumerist to the last degree.

>> No.17394328

Lol modern China is one of the most vapid and consumerist countries.
These people LOVE useless status Symbols.

>> No.17394332
File: 187 KB, 440x431, 1597720041302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17394355


>I have not read any books on this topic, please provide recommendations
Start with the Analects. Party: Secret World is also pretty fun.