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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17390008 No.17390008 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf! I thought identity politics started in 2014 with gamergate, turns out this madness goes back a long way! So what's the solution /lit/?

>> No.17390057

>solution to identity politics
lol gl

>> No.17390079

I think violence, frightening violence, and then a strong charismatic leader who will establish peace and prosperity once more

>> No.17390122

Yeah the critique of he left reads like it was written today. Apparently this "cultural left" style ideology existed long before in the universities, but it managed to break into mainstream around 2014 or so. I bet woke twitter would call him a chud if they read his shit.

>> No.17390219

The solution is ethnostates, the obstacle to that solution is the jews.

>> No.17390250

They made a Netflix series about the Unabomber where they basically do call him a chud, I think because he uses the word negro. This was before chud was a widespread term though I think.

>> No.17391508


>> No.17391534

The Netflix series made him look like a psycho. Also, is it true that the mkultra program he was in was just some guy calling him a retard?

>> No.17391723

>So what's the solution /lit/?
fractal localism

>> No.17392024

>[He] would be asked about his childhood, studies, aspirations, and beliefs. The interviewer would leave briefly and return with two others, a man and a woman. The three would read aloud his answers and ridicule him. A strobe light would flash from behind his head. The three would ask why he was crying, even if he wasn't crying, until he began to sob. This would happen for over an hour. [Ted] was put through these tests at least fifteen times.

>> No.17392220

Wow they really downplayed it kn the documentary

>> No.17392230

Let it keep going. Identity politics keeps the leftists occupied and prevents them from damaging anything important.

>> No.17392242

Kill the priests and burn the books

>> No.17393346

What is this?

>> No.17393368
File: 448 KB, 1051x1597, Stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and it's not even a meme, anything else is naive. They can throw all the insults they want and this will not change.

>> No.17393398

The leftist solution is to ignore identity politics altogether and just focus on the economy.
You see these feminist think they can change society peacefully via means of changing the social relations.
Socioeconomics they call it.
Change one and you change the other.
But its foolish and a waste of time.
The only means of change of changing things is via violence.
Ofcourse women feel insulted when you suggest that because its out of their element.

>> No.17393403

Implying CHUD is widespread. Wow. muh echo box. All 3 months of spread on that word bagle. Lox anyone?

>> No.17393411

>damaging anything important
Such as the corrupt neoliberal system that is making everybody except the 1% miserable?

>> No.17393449


Ted's work was heavily inspired by Ellul's The Technological Society and this fact is not stressed nearly enough by people treating identity politics as the main issue. Ted himself knew the actual problem was the development of technology and the 'technization' of society in general. The fact that left leaning people are also more leaning towards the progression of technology towards automated slavery is not to say said people are even aware of the tragedy they are inflicting upon everyone else. Ted's own preferred solution was primitivism but this was actually not advocated by Ellul, who actually claims that, even though this was avoidable, it is no longer stoppable once you are deep enough into the process (which we are).

>> No.17393501

imagine thinking that robots doing all the work is a tragedy.

>> No.17393536

Imagine all the humans with no connection to their natural birthright and slaves to the machines. It's a pity people can't see whats in front of them.

>> No.17393537

an algorithm wrote this post

>> No.17393557

what really happens in our world

>> No.17393567

you will litteraly be rendered into grease to make the robots work smoothly as soon as you're not useful anymore

>> No.17393572

I personally think Ted would all in $GME and $AMC stocks to accelerate.

>> No.17393576

imagine thinking we don't need grease

>> No.17393588

ive never been useful...
Also ill live in the pod and eat the bugs, dont kill me bros.

>> No.17393595

pods and insects are for the middle class of moderately useful people like doctors and lawyers, parasites like you get the cleaver.
first in line, go go go!

>> No.17393654

Look at him. Does he look like a killer and a bomber? He looks like a sweet middle aged man who hasn't taken a shower or shaved in some time.

>> No.17393701


ha yes the atheist dream of more state and public servants guiding the people

>> No.17393710
File: 1.28 MB, 1354x1462, 1592008403534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ted has always been a sex tranny

>> No.17393741

>gay camp experience
i feel like summer camps are just hotbeds of pedo and gay sex.

>> No.17393949

yeah fitsthe mkultra pattern to a T, they got him when he was a kid and never let him go.
They must be torturing him even now in prison.

>> No.17393981

Um. Why?

>> No.17394005

To see what works

>> No.17394006

>I thought identity politics started in 2014 with gamergate
terminally online

>> No.17394095


>> No.17394181

The mkultra angle is a whole bunch of nothing. An interesting experiment if anything. Ted himself said it had nothing to do with how he turned out.

>> No.17394190

>Wtf! I thought identity politics started in 2014 with gamergate

>> No.17394476


You fail to see the problem here. The ultimate consequences of mass automation is not freedom to be organic but rather automation *away* from freedom as well.

This shouldn't be so hard to see in anecdotes, as anyone here probably knows (or even is) at least a couple of people who are more than a bit obsessed with timekeeping and have a very tight routine where even their "leisure" is accounted for in such a way as to optimize it. This is not a problem in itself - but technology and most importantly, the development of techniques to automate your own leisure, removes any organic component insofar as it is no longer required for you to do anything with spontaneity anymore. Robots will be doing so much more than all the work, as they will also be ruling over your enjoyment, social interactions, etc etc. Again, this is already undergoing, we're already too deep to even realize it in any meaningful manner, so it's not surprising that people are taken back at the possibility of this "progress" even being a bad thing to begin with. Anyone who sees other than bliss in automation is just a 'schizo'.

>> No.17394487

What animals are to us is what we are becoming to technology.

>> No.17394504

because they are possessed and make other people possessed, because there is no bottom.
there. is. no. bottom.
he would think that.
they already know what works
pain works.

>> No.17394543

The idea that he's crazy because of some cia experiment is pushed to discredit his writings. It's so obvious yet so shilled, sad

>> No.17394923
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>> No.17394937
File: 88 KB, 1214x403, 1572187398370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan was better when /b/ was the main entry board

>> No.17394964

The experiments he took part in college, as far as we know, and what has been declassified, is essentially proto-interrogation techniques. It's elucidated more in The Unabomber in His Own Words with actual audio.

Beyond what little has been declassified, we'll likely never know what else was done and it's pure speculation.

>> No.17394978

>place all work into the hands of AI/robots
>mass malfunction occurs in some sector
>mass havoc results

Never mind that you're, also, implicitly putting other powers into the hands of the govt. to make up for this lack of human work. Begging for tech-totalitarianism.

>> No.17394983

I'm not saying anything about his writings shill, it is not possible to put whole booksinside people's head only to influence their behaviour. Whatever the truth might be his ideas are to be explored obviously but I doubt he would have been so autistic as to kill people without the cia's help. In any case civilization has failed him.

>> No.17395057

I agree that he had to have had a screw loose to do what he did, but that's fucking obvious so what else do you achieve by sperging over the same narrative rather than talk about the genuine issue at hand

>> No.17395269

>I doubt he would have been so autistic as to kill people without the cia's help
Why would you doubt that, it happens all the time

>> No.17395309

I guess you've never seen Terminator?

>> No.17395336
File: 115 KB, 720x479, 43753754757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what's the solution /lit/?
Cut it from your life as much as possible. No social media, no leftoid friends, don't watch TV. Go forestanon if you can (or at least live somewhere rural and isolated).

>> No.17395833

single worst post on this board

>> No.17395938

not like this

>> No.17396146

There is no solution. Industrial society is going to make people even more weak, dependent and degenerate until we get to Brave New World or destroy the planet.

>> No.17396153
File: 78 KB, 850x400, susan_sontag_leftist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no it managed to break into the mainstream in the 60s due to the work of marxists such as herbert marcuse.

>> No.17396248

Marcuse is an older style of leftist, talking about how capitalism leads to the commercialization and vulgurization of culture and stuff like that. This modern wave seems to have its origin mainly in cosmopolitan liberalism rather than marxism (although most modern marxists seem to have embraced it). Although it is connected with Marcuze since they use Critical Theory a lot.

>> No.17396274

>According to journalist Mark M. Goldblatt, Sontag later "recanted" the statement, saying that "it slandered cancer patients", but according to Eliot Weinberger, "She came to regret that last phrase, and wrote a whole book against the use of illness as metaphor".

>lmao calling an entire race cancer but sorry cancer patients I didn't mean to be cancerphobic

>> No.17396276

>go hide the woods
retard take, but none of you Tedfags will ever do it anyway

>> No.17396914

>it happens all the time
it happens extremely infrequently that people get so mad they become terrorists