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17388329 No.17388329 [Reply] [Original]

is antinatalism just an argument for eugenics? i dont understand why ugly retards like this guy think that what applies to them personally should apply universally. like of course YOU shouldn't breed but you're a garbage human lol.


>> No.17388342

is this guy still alive?

>> No.17388380

unfortunately yes

>> No.17388436

this guy looks fucking deranged, whats this all about?

>> No.17388566

he wants to rationally argue for killing pregnant women

>> No.17388722

i haven't seen his face since "new atheism" was still new

>> No.17388822

Basically new atheism just morphed into antinatalism now. Just a new way to get back at ur parents

>> No.17389421
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>is antinatalism just an argument for eugenics?
No I don't think pure antinatalism has anything to do with genetics. It's a simple philosophical position that ascribes a negative moral value to birth
>then just kys faggot

>> No.17389434

kys faggot

>> No.17389436
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>> No.17389441

Cope lol
>life is miserable we shouldn’t subjugate anyone to it
Kill yourself
>uh uh I uh.....not me I don’t want to die beucase uhh I uhhh...

>> No.17389442


>> No.17389465
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>> No.17389474

Chico is so cute. <3

>> No.17389478

I cannot understand the antinatalist position. You have the ability to leave this life if you don't like it.
>yeah but what about the others who won't be red-pilled on the suffering of the world if I don't importunate them with my death cult philosophy
then you're placing other people's suffering over your own suffering since you will be facing suffering when you try to red pill those people. it's an irrational position.

>> No.17389492

>Creating life without consent is okay because they can just kill themselves lol

>> No.17389495

the neanderthal genetics are strong with this one

>> No.17389500

>It's a simple philosophical position that ascribes a negative moral value to birth
and an ethical obligation to non-existent persons

>> No.17389514

>Creating life without consent
yes. They can kill themselves, who is stopping them. You don't know if they may enjoy life.

>> No.17389515

>forcing non-existent persons into existence without their consent because I to selfishly fulfill my biological desire to reproduce
>why yes, I do think it is acceptable to force another person into a position where suicide is the only escape

>> No.17389519

This argument would be less retarded (but still retarded) if physician-assisted suicide was widely available

>> No.17389530

>forcing something that doesn't exist
>consenting when you don't exist

>> No.17389532

>forcing non-existent persons into existence without their consent

>> No.17389539

>damn well knowing that a non-existent person will be forced into existence because of your choice to cum inside, you slippery faggots

>> No.17389547

>physician-assisted suicide
WHy do you need that lol, go to a roof and take a jump.
>uhh my dignity
once again, antinatalists placing some abstract thoughts over their own perception of suffering.

>> No.17389551

>lol hope it works faggot

>> No.17389555

it's a matter of height, weight, and acceleration, learn basic physics dude.

>> No.17389566

We can agree there bro. No homo.

>> No.17389569

i hope my highly rational thoughts don't encourage people to kill themselves, please don't do it and seek psychological assistance

>> No.17389579

He's been consumed by evil as a consequence of rejecting God.

>> No.17389580

>hope you don't survive with snapped femurs and brain damage

>> No.17389585

like all antinatalist arguments
Enough. You cannot "force" that which doesn't exist. This is sophistry, like all antinatalist "thinking". You play with words, nothing more.

>> No.17389601

>act is well-known to create life
>creating life could (and often does) lead to immense suffering
>creating life feels good though
>create life
>force a person into having to kill themselves to escape life
>most are inhibited from killing themselves for reasons listed here: >>17389421
>yea it's fine to do this because I wanted to for my own pleasure
>not selfish at all :^)

>> No.17389620

Humans don't create life. They beget life. Begetting means you're continuing life after your own manner, not ushering it forth out of nothing. Having a child is no more immoral than continuing to breathe yourself, since bother are merely continuations of life that already exists, not the creation of life from nothing.

>> No.17389762

ok slime brain, let me break it down for you
>act is well-known to create life
I'm guessing the act you're referring to is sex? (You should try it.) Sex doesn't create life, only consequentially is life conceived.
>creating life feels good though
Humans don't "create" life, especially not by any will of their own.
>force a person into having to kill themselves to escape life
You aren't forced to do anything. As a matter of fact, if you live you also tend to die without having to make an active choice.
>most are inhibited from killing themselves for reasons listed here: >>17389421
irrelevant, but yes, i don't advocate for suicide
>yea it's fine to do this because I wanted to for my own pleasure
Short answer: yes. Long answer: most people aren't anglo-hedonists who evaluate everything in terms of "pleasure". People having sex solely for pleasure is a modern phenomenon.
>not selfish at all :^)
Again, irrelevant and not an argument for anything. Antinatalism is nothing more than a brainvirus and autistic angloids lack a functioning immune system.

>> No.17389778

Coombrains are servants of the demiurge, they keep replicating bodies that he can lord over, trapping the immortal spark in flesh prisons that he can lord over in this realm. They should really transcend but they desire only to Coom, enchanted as they are by maya.

>> No.17389795

>(You should try it.)
stopped reading here, go back

>> No.17389900

this isn't /r9k/

>> No.17390083
File: 334 KB, 848x714, Forced+Castration[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's not dysgenic people creating dysgenic people. it's normal fags like you who create dysgenic people

james watson was a eugenics retard like you and he had a schizophrenic son

>> No.17390087

inmendham is based

>> No.17390114

all these pronatalist faggots who think they have good genes end up having dysfunctional children

>> No.17390125

Literally this, whenever someone on 4chan thinks having children is a sign of success/happiness just remind them to ask their parents if they share the sentiment.

>> No.17390127

every single person thinks he or she has good genes.

if you asked some dysgenic person like mike enoch if he has good genes he would say yes. he obviously doesn't because he looks like quasimodo

>> No.17390176 [DELETED] 


gary is a principled person who has held the same views for decades. i think he's admirable than a /pol/ cunt who changes his beliefs when a poltiical fad or meme comes

>> No.17390183 [DELETED] 


he's more admirable*

>> No.17390221


>new atheism morphed into antinatalism

that's not even remotely true. most new atheists switched to being anti-sjws talking about that in every video(because it got views and was profitable)

most new atheists hate anti-natalism


>> No.17390629

Yes exactly. What we should change is the social view on suicide so those who want to opt out can do so without stigma

>> No.17390652

/r9k/ is no longer the place you think it is...

>> No.17390656

I’m talking about the impulse tho. Like the anti Natalist subreddit is filled with whiny teenagers bitching about their parents

>> No.17390672

What do I care for your suffering? All pain, even agony, is information for the senses, data for the computer of the mind.

>> No.17390678

>every single person

What about incels who constantly whine about their shitty genes?

>> No.17390694

Those kids can kill themselves. I think we should just remove the stigma from suicide. We think suicide is bad but that’s a social construct. If someone’s in pain and the only solution is nonexistence we should be morally obligated to accept that position.

>> No.17390702

You forgot to post your usual photo

>> No.17390771

Jump off a tall bridge and you won't have to risk that

>> No.17391507

I fucking hate antinatalists when they are liars. Life = suffering, reason people have children is coom etc. Literally presumptions and no rational thought.

>> No.17391840

wow is that aragon king of gondor?

>> No.17392008

antinatalists just want an excuse to hate their parents. its what it all boils down to.

>> No.17393067


Because they against birth, not against life.

>> No.17393092

you got it, they just got filtered hard by the based Thulean Deep State.

>> No.17393095


Can you refute either of those arguments?

>> No.17393099

>most new atheists switched to being anti-sjw
demonstrably wrong

>> No.17393109

let us assume that antinatalism is right.
If the ideators of antinatalism were never born they wouldn't have popularized the concept and we would know less about the world and the nature of correct reproductive ethics (no reproduction is ethical) therefore causing suffering by antinatalism's own definition.
Therefore Antinatalism is wrong.

>> No.17393124


Hence their universalist position, i.e. that no one should have been born.

>> No.17393153


>> No.17393164

if you are poor and stupid or even ugly don't have kids. also, live in the first world or immigrate or kys.