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File: 40 KB, 590x350, Revelations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17387663 No.17387663 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading The Book of Revelations and...wow.
It's really relevant to all the stuff going on in the world right now.

>> No.17387669

>wow this vaguely written text is 100% correct

You're like horoscope readers.

>> No.17387676

It's not. It's explicitely presuming the end times will happen within a few years. It describes the fate of the seven churches. The imminent apocalypse is a major theme in the bible.

>> No.17387679

Yes, sir. Any day now...

>> No.17387698

It still boggles my mind that revelations was declared canon.

>> No.17387747

Why? A couple of books of the Old Testament follow the same apocalyptic literary tradition.

>> No.17387751

They say this as if 666 isn’t everywhere and on everything. They rub it in your faces

It’s “Revelation”

>> No.17387765

It's everywhere because it's in the bible. The only place where it popped up naturally is the thing the bible refers to: Roman currency.

>> No.17387769

Okay Reddit

>> No.17387771

Give 7 examples

>> No.17387782

It’s everywhere because people who are morally evil are prideful and take it as a mark of pride. There’s nothing unnatural about it.

>> No.17387793

Not him, but Revelation completely rejects the possibility of a gentile ever being a Christian. It's not bizarre in that it takes part in a tradition of apocalypticism and radical Jewish supremacy, but that it was included as canon by a group of gentiles. If John of Patmos had his way, Christianity would be radically different as to be unrecognizable to us today. His vision of Christianity is far closer to Sabbatean-Frankism than it is to Aquinas, as for John of Patmos and the people with whom he associated Christianity was essentially just a form of messianic antinomianism in the face of Rabbinical and priestly collaboration with a gentile polity.

It also opens up the persistent thorn in Christianity's side and that is the constant apocalypticism and splintering into bizarre end-times cults (Q being the latest).

>> No.17387795
File: 130 KB, 540x407, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pills o'clock my dear schizo

>> No.17387809

>Not him, but Revelation completely rejects the possibility of a gentile ever being a Christian. It's not bizarre in that it takes part in a tradition of apocalypticism and radical Jewish supremacy, but that it was included as canon by a group of gentiles. If John of Patmos had his way, Christianity would be radically different as to be unrecognizable to us today. His vision of Christianity is far closer to Sabbatean-Frankism than it is to Aquinas, as for John of Patmos and the people with whom he associated Christianity was essentially just a form of messianic antinomianism in the face of Rabbinical and priestly collaboration with a gentile polity.
You need quotes for all of these claims, especially the first one.

>> No.17387887

All books of prophecy are divinely inspired, the gift of prophecy is granted to all those old and wise enough to see the repeating patterns of society and history. (Which, these days, isn’t hard to achieve.)

Even if you're not there yet, try writing the story of your life, using the vague symbolism of gods, monsters, and dragons - you'll find anyone can read their own lives into it, as if they'd lived it themselves.

Thus the youth of every generation points to these works, and thinks the world is going to end. This has been the case for every generation, since well before Constantine surrounded his city at the apocalyptic sign of Haley's Comet.

It's exactly why they say, "Never trust anyone over 30". They already know how this shit is going to go down, and that it'll do so, in similar fashion, over and over again (even if sometimes the lesson is so traumatic, everyone under 30 loses a decade, as we saw in the 60’s).

Revelations has come to pass thousands of times, both before and since it was written. It’ll pass for you too.

>> No.17387910

Revelation was about specific 1st century events but like any visionary prophecy you can make it fit the crap the took this morning. Nostradamus

>> No.17388048

>The state of affairs is quite different in cases where there is a confusion of the psychic with the spiritual. This confusion moreover appears in two contrary forms: in the first, the spiritual is brought down to the level of the psychic, and this is what happens more particularly in the kind of psychological explanations already referred to; in the second, the psychic is on the other hand mistaken for the spiritual; of this is the most popular example is spiritualism, though the other more complex forms of ‘neo-spiritualism’ all proceed from the very same error. In either case it is clearly the spiritual that is misconceived; but the first case concerns those who simply deny it, at least in practice if not always explicitly, whereas the second concerns those who are subject to the delusion of a false spirituality; and it is this second case that is now more particularly in view. The reason why so many people allow themselves to be led astray by this delusion is fundamentally quite simple: some of them seek above all for imagined ‘powers’, or broadly speaking and in one form or another, for the production of more or less extraordinary ‘phenomena’; others constrain themselves to ‘centralize’ their consciousness on inferior ‘prolongations’ of the human individuality, mistaking them for superior states simply because they are outside the limits within which the activities of the ‘average’ man are generally enclosed, the limits in question being, in the state corresponding to the profane point of view of the present period, those of what is commonly called ‘ordinary life’, into which no possibility of an extra-corporeal order can enter.

>> No.17388203

Said you and everyone else that's read it in the history of its publication