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17386918 No.17386918 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read the introduction of a book or skip it?

I skip it because it usually comes with spoilers and I don't like it.

>> No.17386935
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>reading Our Lady of the Flowers
>Intro by Sartre is fucking 110 pages

>> No.17386942

if it's more than 5 pages im skipping

>> No.17386958

if it's fiction, skip it and return later (or not at all)
if it's non-fiction, skim it and return periodically to sections that are relevant to your current reading

>> No.17386960

I only read forewords by the authors themselves

>> No.17386969 [DELETED] 

I usually read it, but I tend to skip it when it's been written by a woman because in those cases it's just a collection of personal opinions and experiences and doesn't really introduce you to the text

>> No.17386991

don't even look at that shit.

>> No.17386993

If it's a translation, I always look at the translator's preface to see if there's anything tricky to look out for. Other than that, not usually.

>> No.17386994
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>introduction is written by a woman
>she makes everything about herself and her personal opinion

>> No.17387863

>reading translator's not to Grimmelhausen's Simplicius Simplicissimus
>"I cut out large swathes of passages because Grimmelhausen was obsessed with showing off his erudition. Many of these passages were simply tools for Grimmelhausen to show off his vast knowledge and served no other narrative purpose. I felt this laborious passages would detract from the story and torment the modern reader."

>> No.17388008

Often the introduction is only there so the book has some semblance of copyright protection. So I skip.

>> No.17388019

Yeah fuck intros unless it's a nonfiction book. They ruin the story every time.

>> No.17388023

9/10 the introduction is more interesting than the book for me. having all the themes and ideas laid out and the problems. when i actually go ahead and read it, it feels mundane and boring. think i should read more literary criticism tbqh

>> No.17388051

Margaret Atwood's introduction to Brave New World is exactly like this. There was also an introduction before that in the same edition written by a male Oxford professor that was actually insightful.

>> No.17388086

This, basically. It obviously depends on what I'm reading and why I'm reading it.

>> No.17388537

Same here OP. Sometimes I tell myself I'll read it after I finish the book but I usually don't

>> No.17389867
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I MIGHT if it's a dense historical or philosophical text. Never for fiction.

>> No.17390337

You fucked up

>> No.17390351
