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17385796 No.17385796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you as well-read as Richard Spencer?

>> No.17385799

Does everybody understand that this guy was deliberately used as a media punching bag?

>> No.17385800

>Does everybody understand that this guy was deliberately used as a media punching bag?
What does that mean?

>> No.17385807

I like him even though I don't agree with everything. He is a valuable voice.

>> No.17385813

His podcast is kino.

>> No.17385828

For a former PhD candidate, he’s embarrassingly poorly read.

>> No.17385829

White nationalism is used as this SPOOKY thing of unspeakable hatred for leftoid softbrains and the normie uninitiateds. It's to take away your rights and provide pretext
When the elites put something in front of you to scare you or make you love something it's never for your best interests.

>> No.17385855

Likeable guy don't get why poltards hate him

>> No.17385889

>don't get why poltards hate him
he is a CIA asset

>> No.17385923

>does everybody understand that this guy, who receives regular payment from the federal government by his own admission in return for providing information to them, works for the federal government?
Duh. He's David Duke for Millennials.

>> No.17385939

He is too high IQ for /pol/.

>> No.17385944

The Dukester is fed??? Proof?

>> No.17385955

>I will call spencer a fed without proof
>Nooo!!! My dukerino isn't a fed! Post proofs nauw!
Typical /pol/tard.

>> No.17385963


>> No.17385965

I didn't call Spencer a fed, I think he's just an useful idiot

>> No.17385973

He’s an idiot, clearly. The claims of being a controlled asset are also not that absurd.

>> No.17386007

cope with no arguments
seething mutts who will never be white

>> No.17386015

>Clinton plant who went from being in with the Ron Paul campaign to shilling pro-China stances to the "alt-right"

>> No.17386019

go home Richard, you're drunk

>> No.17386031

David Duke is a "Fed" in the sense of "He received regular monetary payments in return for services rendered to the federal government". Whether that's because he's an actual literal FBI/CIA/DEA/JIDF/whatever agent, or just an idiot that an alphabet agency wants to keep around as he is a Useful Idiot is irrelevant. He was put where he was/is by an Alphabet Agency in order to cause trouble and hurt innocent people.

Spencer is similar. His father is a literal actual Alphabet Agency Fed. Even a brief survey of his actions demonstrates that he, like Duke, exists solely to hurt innocent people. Whether he, like Duke, is actually legally employed by the CIA or the IDF or whatever is irrelevant.

>> No.17386035

>people's position changed overtime
>this is bad
Low IQ /pol/.
You will never have founder ancestry, mutt.

>> No.17386042

Shut up fed

>> No.17386064

>Likeable guy don't get why poltards hate him
Spencer is
1) Too white
2) Too high IQ
3) Too nuanced
for /pol/. Most of them aren't white and like everything simple, in neat and tidy black and white terms.

>> No.17386077

big mismatch between well-dressed, well-read, well-spoken spencer and the typical fat schizo mutt from /pol/ spamming SHILL SHILL SHILL from his basement.

>> No.17386088

comes off as a pseud desu, his writing is especially bad (just the technique, can't judge the content because nazi larps are lmao)

>> No.17386100

LMFAO. Are you fucking shitting me? Spencer is the opposite of nuanced, it's just that he flip-flops constantly to whatever position he can grift most easily with. This must be a glowie thread.

>> No.17386110

>White nationalism
Stopping using (((their))) coded language will be your first step to freedom.

>> No.17386118

Harrold Covington who wrote the Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement is the biggest fed out there and famous for defaming everyone even the great Dr William L . Pierce. His leader in the 1970s was a litteral homo jew.
Thankfully I'm a full blooded European and not an amerimutt. Also, WASPs are the biggest cucks in the US

>> No.17386150

Which one did you read, incel?
>Spencer is the opposite of nuanced, it's just that he flip-flops constantly to whatever position he can grift most easily with. This must be a glowie thread.
This is negated by objective reality.
1) The easiest grift is being a regular conservative like ben shapiro
2) Being an amnat trumpist was also a much easier grift
You're a dishonest little faggit. Fag.

>> No.17386155

>His father is a literal actual Alphabet Agency Fed
post proof

>> No.17386326

he is quite litteraly a fucking glownigger

>> No.17386352

The idea that he's a glownigger is fake news pushed by people like Nick Feuntes and other Amnats who ran out of arguments and blamed Spencer for everything that happened at Charlottesville.
Provide some evidence, low IQ monkey.

>> No.17386375

>too high IQ
He let the liberal media use him like a damp rag and turn him into a symbol of evil, then he 180'd his politics on the basis of petty resentment of the other right-wing fringe figures who eclipsed him after his many disasters and embarrassments. The biggest joke of it is that after all these years of posturing as an intellectual he doesn't even have a 150 page e-book for people to read, not so much as a pamphlet, he's just another jagoff podcaster. Mods should delete because Sp*ncer hasn't even written a fucking book so this is a /pol/ thread by definition

>> No.17386377


>> No.17386423

You made all of that up while sounding really upset.

>> No.17386439

/pol/tards get filtered by him

>> No.17386468

prior relations with the elite, sudden and astroturfed rise to prominence, easy target and lightning rod for media


>> No.17386497

t. low IQ baboon from /pol/

>> No.17386510


also this isn't /lit/


>> No.17386511

not an argument, not a refutation.

>> No.17386512

>You made all of that up
you're probably really dumb because you're a spencer fan but you might notice that this thread consists entirely of right wingers arguing with each other. You know why? Leftists don't give a shit about Spencer, he's harmless to them, useful if anything. They'll raid Bronze Age Mindset threads every time because they resent his influence, but Spencer is just a joke, the only man of his generation to be caught on-mic screaming OCTOROON in rage. he's a cartoon character, a crappy netflix-show villain

>> No.17386531

t. Chimps from /pol/

>> No.17386540

still not an argument.

>> No.17386565
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Wasn't he supposed to be the beacon of White Identitarianism and non-wignat White Nationalism in America? What ever happened to this guy? All I hear about him now is that he makes weird tweets.

>> No.17386570

Come on retard
They ban people like Stefan Molyneux for discussing scientific studies but Richard Spencer who has said he wants to remove all non-whites from America to create an ethnostate (To his credit he makes it very clear that he doesn’t want to physically harm anyone) gets interviews and puff pieces?
He’s the embodiment of the “white supreeeeeeeemacist” boogeyman that they project onto all sorts of other people who are far less controversial than he is when you actually listen to what they say.

>> No.17386622

Elegantly simple glow detection.

He did a bunch of weird shit and was involved in all sorts of drama, then he was "caught" on tape screaming about how he owns black people and everyone will worship him one day or some shit. Nobody liked him already so he fell from grace quickly and became some kind of twitter contrarian. At least that's the story I've gleaned. I don't follow reddit nationalism.

>> No.17386663

Hm, damn shame. That "movement" could really use a competent leader.

>> No.17386670

>He did a bunch of weird shit and was involved in all sorts of drama, then he was "caught" on tape screaming about how he owns black people and everyone will worship him one day or some shit.
Yeah and he was right. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.17386678

You didn't offer an argument so don't expect one in return. Conspiracy theories and slurs are not arguments.
What's weird about his tweets? He's more spot on now about politics than even before.

>> No.17386696

Dude has a bluecheck, obvious CI.

>> No.17386706

I'd rather the right get a charismatic conservative with the ability to bridge between its different disconnected elements, like a smart version of Trump, and with a little bit of appeal to elements of the aggrieved left who hate the elites. The demographic change that white nationalists want is going to happen anyway, as white flight occurs and blacks are left in dying cities, dependent on a government they despise and that secretly despises them. Having a prominent visible Head White Guy in Charge would just make him an easy target for race war escalations and provocations by the deep state looking to scapegoat white mom and pop store owners for all the problems of their intentional anarcho-tyranny.

Jared Taylor is the kind of "leader" white nationalists need, just a guy who believes what he believes and is willing to put the hard work in for decades. If enough people want what he's selling, when the time comes a relatively moderate conservative leader will just grant it to them. You don't need Hitler in the White House for that.

>> No.17386721

>prior relations with the elite, sudden and astroturfed rise to prominence, easy target and lightning rod for media
these are all empirical facts about him, none of which you have attempted to refute. I guess you're as much of a monkey as Spencer himself so you'll just say "le conspiracy" and walk away like a bitch.

>> No.17386723
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>theories aren't arguments
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17386725

From what I gather he's on the meme accelerationist train. Encouraging people to vote for Biden and so on. I don't really know though- I don't have a twitter and I don't keep track of what he does.

>> No.17386741

I’ve read some good books in my time.

>> No.17386765

Same with the chick that took over AWD and started fedposting about supporting isis.

>> No.17386771
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>The demographic change that white nationalists want is going to happen anyway
Anon this is defeatism. If we look around in 30 years and see that France is majority non-French and the UK has fully become an Indian/Pakistani/Chinese colony then the purpose of White Identitarianism will be null and void. Would you really be satisfied if one or two countries or minor regions (think New England, Cascadia) realized what was happening before it was too late for them and capped immigration, leaving the area ~80%+ White? Do you want to be a rump state and a rump people (not an ass man)? I certainly don't. It is a tragedy that people sit at home and care more about fucking sports or vidya while there is almost irreversible damage being down to the character of our homelands and the fabric of our societies. Shame indeed.

>> No.17386773

You can get them at a number of different places.

>> No.17386783

>Self proclaimed white nationalist
>Appears on fucking CNN all the time
Come the fuck on

>> No.17386899

thanks anon.

>> No.17386925

>It is a tragedy that people sit at home and care more about fucking sports or vidya while there is almost irreversible damage being down to the character of our homelands and the fabric of our societies. Shame indeed.
What are you proposing we do? Sit in the basement sweating profusely while worrying about black people?

>> No.17386945

he suggests glowing

>> No.17386953

Fuentes and Spencer are in the same sphere in the sense that they're grifters. They were both big into Q-adjacency, Stop The Steal, etc. If anything, shitting on Spencer is a TRS thing, and TRS also hates Faggy Fuentes.

You're mistaking the marketing gimmick for actual belief.

>> No.17386965

Tell me about spencers brilliant podcast dummy