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File: 44 KB, 449x599, Kapitolinischer_Pythagoras_adjusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17384707 No.17384707 [Reply] [Original]

How did he invent western buddhism and Platonism and science from scrap?
Where did he get his ideas?

>> No.17384723


>> No.17384725

nowhere because he didn't invent anything least of all science
platonic mystical bullshit was the greatest obstacle against science in the west.

>> No.17384727

I'm so glad an alexandrine mob tortured Hypatia to death, theslut deserved it like all neoplatonics

>> No.17384750

>t. christcuck

>> No.17384756

How did reincarnation enter Egypt's thought?

>> No.17384760

Everything is numbers. You'll see. You'll all see.

>> No.17384770

So he left the matrix?

>> No.17384812

>Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy Tetractys, thou that containest the root and source of the eternally flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound, pure unity until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of all, the all-comprising, all-bounding, the first-born, the never-swerving, the never-tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all.
Was it autism?

>> No.17384857

this, he was initiated into the egyptian, chaldean and babylonian mysteries (a lot of his stuff is from egypt though)

>> No.17384868

>babylonian mysteries
Any source on these? I only know about egyptian/pseudo egyptian greek ones

>> No.17384898

Reincarnation was actually from Persia, and was based on the immortality of the soul. From there on, you get the soul transmigrating from one body to another, which Plato took over.

Pythagorianism is fascinating by the way. Imagine where civilization could have been if it had been the dominant religion of the west. Instead we got Christianity, or ancient Qanon. Jesus predicted this and trust the plan. How fucking depressing

>> No.17384919

After the invasion of Samos by the Persians, he was driven into exile in Babylon, where he apparently became interested in the magi, the Zoroastrian astronomers. Zoroastrianism believes that Ahura Mazda created the universe as an orderly place, ad we can study this order, or asha, hence their interest in math.

By the way, this is from Kevin Rushby’s Paradise

>> No.17384920

Your view of history is flawed if you believe being an obstacle to something is a bad thing. Obstacles provoke thought and action, they are what make change possible, you should affirm all tragedies and weird things of both past and present, so you can struggle for a vision of the future with the passion of an artist.

>> No.17384932

Leave him alone, christcucks have it hard enough

>> No.17384936

>Pythagoras taught that the First Principle of Being was neither perceptible nor sensible, that it was invisible and uncreated and could be apprehended only by the mind.

>In the centre [of the structure of the universe] the Pythagoreans place fire and call it Hestia or Monad. [...] As for the earth, the Pythagoreans do not believe that it sits motionless, nor that it exists int he centre of the revolution of the rest of the world. Instead, they maintain that the earth revolves around this central fire and is not included among the most impressive or important parts of the cosmos.

Bros... Imagine what wisdom could've come down to us if Pythagoras didn't forbid his teachings from being written down

>> No.17384938

Holy based

>> No.17384947

yeah that's why India and China developed the scientific method and colonized Europe and America exactly because they didn't purge their fucking sorcerer's like Europe did therefore leaving no space and Hegelian thesis for science to develop as synthesis.
We are having an amazing time knowing that the day this ridiculous parody of all we ever built (because it was us, not you, never you) finally goes down like a load of bricks, you will all turn into salt statues as we laugh and masturbate to your desperate screams.

>> No.17384954

Oh definitely. Jesus predicted it, trust the plan, right christcuck?

>> No.17384964

>Kevin Rushby
>writes for the Guardian

>> No.17384970

>because they didn't purge their fucking sorcerer's like Europe did
Otherway round you inbred. China regularly purged all non confucians to maintain order. European esotericists started the scientific revolution.

>> No.17384992

European esotericists retarded the scientific Revolution by centuries, nobody ever purged Taoist witches
you have an inbred vision of history

>> No.17385004

Jesus didn't predict it it just turns out his Revelation caused us to purge superstition and mysticism in a way that nobody else did directly causing science and allowing us to Preach him all over the world.
Muslim could have done the same but got full autistic on secondary causes so after centuries of copying rome's homework they got left behind

>> No.17385012
File: 647 KB, 2000x982, HYMN_OF_THE_PYTHAGOREANS_TO_THE_RISING_SUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoroaster? So basically it comes from the source, i.e. the Eternal God, may They be magnified!

Please everyone here 1. Read the golden verses if you haven't yet and 2. Stop wasting seed, for the sake of your eternal soul.
Its okay brah. Its basically just monotheism with an emphasis on numbers and sound (harmony). The greatest pythagorian practice is to try to hear the harmony of the spheres.

>> No.17385038


>> No.17385051

>believing ancient idolatrous lies by the flavians to keep their empire running smooth and their power intact- thats still deceiving people into idolatry and ruining the world to this day

>> No.17385053

>Imagine where civilization could have been if it had been the dominant religion of the west.
Islam would've wiped it out.

>> No.17385055

Why did Heracletus hate him so much?

>> No.17385057

>his Revelation caused us to purge superstition and mysticism in a way that nobody else did directly causing science and allowing us to Preach him all over the world.
He attacked the ancient deep state? I bet Hilaria Clintonius was shaking in her boots! Mulier quae obseres!

>> No.17385065

Yes. Deny it all you like its functionally either the same or not as good as pure monotheism as evidenced chiefly by the fact that it couldnt survive where pure monotheisms did.

>> No.17385070

you are projecting so hard I have no doubt that you are yourself a blackpilled ex Qtard

>> No.17385072

Islam wouldn’t have existed in the first place if Christianity had never taken off. It would’ve been the Pytagozine Empire against the Persian Empire, with Muhammed insisting that his followers should strive in the path of Harmony

>> No.17385081

Theres still time, may God bring it to pass swiftly. Idolatry will be destroyed eventually even if God has to bring the wrath to each of you idol worshippers individually.

>> No.17385084

No, I just have quite a bit of experience with how you people think. It’s all black and white thinking, good versus evil with an ultimate victory for good that never comes, that’s why no one takes Christianity serious anymore.

Anyway, keep on waiting for the apocalypse, I’m sure it will happen any moment now

>> No.17385087

funny you would say that, usually the line is that Jewish Tricks corrupted the based Roman empire.
And yet noth the Flavians and the Jews persecuted Christians, their own instruments.
It's almost as if you are being shown fallacious narratives to keep you away from Christ.

>> No.17385092

No. You can't just say something wrong and larp it true.
>Deny it all you like its functionally either the same or not as good as pure monotheism as evidenced chiefly by the fact that it couldnt survive where pure monotheisms did.
Monotheism is dead except among muzzie inbreds. Monism is still kicking it. Even christcuks try to appropriate it.

>> No.17385101

Haha, yeah, it’s all a sekrit plot by the Roman deep state to keep you away from a cult of self loathing. Because angrily flagellating yourself will totally free you from your inceldom

>> No.17385160

I notice you haven't answered to my accusation of projection.
oh you did except it's retarded because it's the one thing about Christianity everyone expecially you and yours take seriously

>> No.17385171

Why do you validate a christlarper with your replies?
Should have been obvious from the moment he called Pythagoras a monotheist.
Like he cares if he's wrong.

>> No.17385201

we are not the same people
sssssseeeeeethe more

>> No.17385205

>I notice you haven't answered to my accusation of projection.
I just did, right here >>17385084, literally in the post you respond to, are you slightly retarded or something?

Also, this kind of armchair pathologizing is very typical for cultish ways of thinking

>> No.17385217

I’m sure you’re not, you’re both still retarded though, falling for a very obvious millenia old con

>> No.17385228

aristotle already disproved that the soul is not a number get fucked pythagoreastards

>> No.17385230

>ex trumpist qanons blackpilled hard after being filtered by the deep state
your apparent selective inability to fucking read outs you as retards and subhumans, enjoy your little inconsequential lives lol

>> No.17385235

Reference? I want to read it

>> No.17385242

I already told you I’ve never been part of anything Qanon related whatsoever, which I explained right here >>17385084

Then again, if retards like you considered opposing points of view, you wouldn’t be a retard in the first place

>> No.17385280

fucking de anima doud its in the title

>> No.17385295

Its not so impossible to imagine the flavians both invented xtianity and persecuted it but let it live (or else why wasn't it utterly annihilated?-) as a way to transfer authority from the cult of ceaser to the christ cult. One idol to another. Read the texts for heaven's sake:

"You shall have no other gods before me".- Exodus 20:3; "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God. Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary." -Leviticus 26:1-2
And yet these idolatrous heractics have their cult leader saying:
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" - John 14:6; "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies.'" - John 11:25
Here is The Glorified Reckoner's warning about false prophets: "If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, 'Let us follow other gods' (gods you have not known) 'and let us worship them,' you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love Him with all your heart and with all your soul. It is the Lord your God you must follow, and Him you must revere. Keep His commands and obey Him; serve Him and hold fast to Him. That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he preached rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery; he has tried to turn you from the way the Lord your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you" - Deuteronomy 13:1-5.

What do you think orthodox jews, zoroastrians and the druze are?>>17385171
I'm the anon who compared it to monotheism. At least grant that its philosophically monist with theistic exotercisms.

The vitriol in this thread is so sad. Christcucks are truly the bane of the earth. They call actual monotheists hypocrites when they're the ones who are idolaters. This is the sort of lie that can keep people mentally enslaved for at least twenty generations until they're so brain dead you can just remote control them with tv and internet

>> No.17385298

What is soul?

>> No.17385322

Zoroastrians aren't monotheists. Ahura Mazda is just the greatest God afaiu

>> No.17385334

>reading John
There's your problem, that whole book was put there as a prank

>> No.17385353

And yet the Jews (or ‘ancient Israelites’ as the ‘Jesus was actually an Aryan racewarrior’-crowd puts it) had no problem with incorporating the Zoroastrian salvation history into their religion after being freed from Babylonian exile. Almost like Judaism and Zoroastrianism are highly compatible with one another

>> No.17385440

this is what happens when you reject meditation

>> No.17385743

Stop thinking everything has to enter from somewhere else. Philosophical theurgy is perfectly able to arrive at knowledge of reincarnation by itself.

>> No.17385759
File: 160 KB, 800x750, 1600196316347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they got that from those and those got that from them and they brought this from that and that was exported there and then here came that and then like it was like *hits joint* bruuuuh

>> No.17385789

>Western Buddhism
everyone who uses this term unironically is a pseud

>> No.17385834

Try to read it in context. I.e. pythagorean ideas strongly resemble buddhist ones without any cultural or informational ties. Not a subsect of buddhism.

>> No.17385929

Not really. At all, in fact. Pyrrho is far closer to Buddhism than Pythagoras, what with Pythagoras espousing the whole "indivisible eternal discrete soul" thing and all.

>> No.17385994

>a basedwojak meme
/pol/‘s not sending their best, folks

>> No.17386893

Reddit's not sending their best, folks