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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 581x388, 126-sabato_mercedes_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1738202 No.1738202 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys

Help me with this, cause i'm really mad: A site that sells books is giving money to spend it in their site. You only have to answer: What book would you give to your mother?

I answered the obvious: The Tunnel, of Ernesto Sabato (btw, he died today). And another girl answered: En nombre del amor (in the name of love) A book based in a telenovela, that's worse than a book based in a movie or twilight. And she's winning, just because a lot of girls like her post, stupid bitches and their horrible taste.

So please, help me with this, vote for me (I'm Andres Valdes Faure) Or anyone else except Raquel, just click "like", i'm really mad.


Pic related, is Ernesto Sabato with Mercedes Sosa, both dead now :(

>> No.1738205

Oh, and feel free to add me if you want, just help me with this.

>> No.1738209

feels unseemly to help a misogynist win a mother's day contest

>> No.1738214

Is not that, some girls that posted there are my friends and i like their taste...i'm just mad that TV fans are getting way more votes than a Sabato book.

And i'll gift The Tunnel to my mother, she loves Sabato in a sad way.

>> No.1738221

And evolved version of wishlists? Ok

>> No.1738222

Te ayudaria pero no me dejar poner like por alguna razon.

Argentino aca, buena eleccion con El Tunel, pero como bien sabemos Facbook es dominado por mujeres porque no tienen nada que hacer. Los hombres a los que les interesaria esto estan ocupados leyendo como para importarle.

Igual te agregue.

>> No.1738223
File: 23 KB, 523x432, 1291601862342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh! gracias, tienes que unirte al grupo amigo trasandino, luego pon me gusta.

Guys: you have to join the group first, then you can like my post, thanks

>> No.1738224

>tienes que unirte al grupo amigo trasandino, luego pon me gusta.
Hm, eso fue estupido de mi parte. Listo, +1.

>> No.1738225

Sou brasileiro e nunca havia ouvido falar desse Sabato...

>> No.1738227

Tambien conozco pocos escritores que escriban en portugues, Paulo Coelho? Soy ignorante.

Read The Tunnel, it's a thraumatic love book.

>> No.1738228


>> No.1738232

what do i win?

>> No.1738234

Pero que chingaderas son estas?

Mercedes. Te Extraño. :(

>> No.1738235

Hahaha, por favor, tudo menos Paulo Coelho. Aliás, não falei aquilo com intenção de menosprezo.

>> No.1738243


Paulo Coelho es mierda, muy aburrido y tedioso. Una vez lei a Jorge Amado, para un trabajo en mi universidad. Tenia estilo el tipo.

>> No.1738252
File: 188 KB, 423x309, Gandhi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayudame! quiero darle ese libro a mi madre, y de paso comprarme un libro de Immanuel Wallerstein

>> No.1738262

ALELUIA achei outra pessoa que nunca tinha ouvido falar desse cara! Foi só ele morrer que do nada todo mundo conhecia!

>> No.1738264

>another girl answered En nombre del amor

jajajaja epic troll

Ahorita lo intento. No te preocupes.

>> No.1738270


>> No.1738277

>6 girls voted for "in the name of love"
>3 guys voted for "sabato"
lol'd so hard.

>> No.1738289
File: 411 KB, 640x480, 1264823837684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

es casi imposible, que triste esto :(

I hate this, teen girls win again, in latin america, in the USA, and in Europe.

>> No.1738295
File: 76 KB, 540x350, girls generation gee members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget South Korea and Japan.

>> No.1738302

deal with it

>> No.1738323

The answer to the site's question:

"I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell"

Many lolz were had.

>> No.1738326

You're stupid, denounce the whore for explicit sexual harassment and you'll win.


>> No.1738339

well, that's a better idea, she obviously asked for help somewhere, also a lot of koreans are voting for her.

>> No.1738348

OP, I better get at least a $500 cut.

Just kidding. Enjoy the money. What I would do with 20,000 to spend on books. I'm jelly.

Also, some dude said "The Kamasutra" That's fucking weird.

>> No.1738351

É nóis, véi.

>> No.1738361

Why not? Obviously you'll lose, but who cares.

>> No.1738372


>> No.1738377

You need 45 votes

You're not going to find them here.

>> No.1738390

OP, you should probably ask a more active board/forum. I don't know when the voting ends, but it's obvious you aren't going to get enough votes on /lit/.

>> No.1738395

Try /b/. But only do so with great caution. They can be erratic. Also, I can request that my friends do it in a status update or something, if you'd like.

I believe in your cause, OP. Plus $20,000 for books is pretty cool even if it's for a fellow /lit/erate

>> No.1738398

yeah, but where?

>> No.1738401

There you go, OP. Plus one like. I just might have some friends vote you up too.

>> No.1738402

Thanks! I'll do that, hope it works

>> No.1738407


>> No.1738420

I've like 6 friendship requests, but a few guys liked my post.


>> No.1738430

Make sure to explain to people how to join the group from that link you provided.

>Click where it says the number of people that Liked your suggestion
>Then click "Like BuscaLibros"
>Then like that post.

I'd explain to the people that requested you. Can always copy-paste from one message to another.

>> No.1738468

Para ser honesto, leí el tunel hace algunos años y no me pareció lo suficientemente memorable como para acordarme siquiera de la trama en éste momento. Sin embargo, votaré por vos solo porque entiendo perfectamente y comparto la ira que te produce que una "novela" basada en telenovela siquiera sea considerada como un libro.

>> No.1738469


Paulo coehlo (o como putas sea que se escribe) es la mierda más sobrevalorada sobre la faz de la tierra.