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File: 211 KB, 1720x981, kindledesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17381946 No.17381946 [Reply] [Original]

why do we still use paper again?

>> No.17381959

How else would I show off my collection to people who don’t come over desu

>> No.17381961

I like both feel free to AMA

>> No.17381965

do you like the peepee?

>> No.17381976

Tangiblity and durability maybe? I like my Kindle but I'm not sure it's going to last 50 years compared to cellulose.

>> No.17381986

I have over a 1000 books on my Kindle. Its lightweight and with the leather case it has a timeless look to it.

idk but I like carrying around a library in my hand, you do you anon

>> No.17381995

I use a kindle for books I know I won’t read more than once (nonfiction books usually). Other than that, I like to keep physical books in my library; going over there and looking at the books I own helps me remember the time I read them and more-or-less what they’re about.

>> No.17382002
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i dont

>> No.17382004

no, love diaper porn though

>> No.17382045

I literally download pirated version and if i like them i'll buy em

>> No.17382077

Some of us live simpler lives not arranged around power outlets.

>> No.17382084
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I download my books on pdf for free and then print them out.

>> No.17382197

I read on my kindle but still keep a physical collection

>> No.17382378

This but on my work printer

>> No.17382631

i don't but fuck kindle lmao

>> No.17382885


>> No.17382896

WHy brand delievers the crinkliest crinckle?

>> No.17382904

I only ever use librivox and listen to thickly accented india, hungarian, and Korean Women read the bible.

>> No.17383010

I got the Kindle Paperwhite but the lowest brightness without going off is a fucking spotlight it's fucking garbage for reading in the dark before bed. Fuck this shit man how could they fuck something up so important.

>> No.17383108

This. Paper doesn't need to be charged. Smh honestly.

>> No.17383211

kindle oasis is better for reading in the dark

>> No.17383293

>power goes out

>> No.17383308

KEK this is unironically underrated.

>> No.17383314

Well thats good to know

>> No.17383328

Does it hurt your eyes?

>> No.17383393

use a lamp like you would with a normal book if it bothers you faggot
I have a paperwhite 3 and I have to put it up to 4 or 5 to be able to read comfortably in the dark, idk what youre on about (idk how it is with the newer paperwhite tho)

>> No.17383440

the battery lasts for at least a week so this is not even a concern

>> No.17384943

>my book ran out of battery

>> No.17385175

it's not always going to be fully charged and it's more than that, a book is a real thing that you can easily lend someone with no thought required, it's harder to lend someone your kindle, what if you want to take it somewhere there is no electricity?

A book also has the more correct formatting as you can see it on the page and the size of the font etc isn't edited by the application

>> No.17385196

I use my kindle more during power outages because it's much better in poor/no light than a real book

>> No.17385243

do you read 24 hours a day? an ebook will last at least a week and you should be able to just charge it while you sleep

>> No.17385265

lmao you lend a book to others? have fun getting dog ears and all sorts of damage to your book

>> No.17385269

>the size of the font etc isn't edited by the application
That's a disadvantage.

>> No.17385319

>he doesn't read by candlelight

>> No.17385320

So the FBI doesn't know your book reading habits

>> No.17385648
File: 964 KB, 905x730, tumblr_44c4aa4aab70bd22b818d034510f78aa_b2a41373_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What' the best cost-efficient e-reader to get right now?

>> No.17385662

A computer and a pdf

>> No.17385674

I only ever think to buy candles after the power has gone out at night

>> No.17385682
File: 77 KB, 900x675, tumblr_psi0ssuEfb1tzofdno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, I'm just looking for a replacement to my 6 year old basic Kindle that has a weird screen error now. I want to read my out-of-print pulp fantasy again!

>> No.17385684

Are you switching it to dark mode? Black background, screen coloured letters?

>> No.17385683

>he doesn't do routine backups of his books

>> No.17385690

Unironically ease of referencing. It's easier to just open a book in the specific spot I know my info will be.

>> No.17385692

Not even remotely. And I'm a contacts fag, my eyes are always watering and shit

>> No.17385699

>Powercuts being this common that it even crosses your mind
I can't begin to imagine how shit it must be to be American

>> No.17385700

>not having the exact same font and spacing for every book you read

>> No.17385709

It happens a few times a year during the busier periods for the electrical grid, not exactly a huge issue.

>> No.17385732

>begging for people to google search for him like a lazy fuck
Go watch movies or something, just gtfo this site

>> No.17385740
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Say that to my face, you gatekeeping fuck.

>> No.17385746
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Amazon is destined to go the way of Yahoo or Myspace. Your Kindles will become increasingly inconvenient and inaccessible, and eventually they will be bricked.

>muh PDF backups
The PDF standard already includes DRM. Both the EU and Adobe are salivating at the thought of turning it on. Only plain text is safe, but you can't typeset a book properly in plain text.

>> No.17386464

how tall are you?

>> No.17386707

how many files do you have on your computer from 10 years ago? 20?

I have books that are 100 years old

>> No.17386856


>> No.17386977
File: 226 KB, 758x758, neverfeltlike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't read 24 hours a day
Sub-40IQ get out ``please''!

>> No.17386989

>remember kids, when painting, you can combine red, yellow, and blue paint to make black! and if you want a color to be lighter, you can use the screen-colored paint!
screen color kek.

>> No.17387407

I looked I don't think there's an option for that on the kindle itself.
I use that option on the Kindle app for sure, but I don't think the Paperwhite has a dark mode.

>> No.17387479

If you have space to waste and are not bothered by having more surfaces and objects to move while cleaning; go for physical. We all have our trophy object that serve no purpose but to makes us feel good.

>> No.17387525
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Personally, I've got files from my computer of over 30 years ago... But in addition to being an old fart, who loves to laugh at his younger self's writing, I'm the sorta retro-tech tard that has a 5.25" USB floppy.

But as storage mediums improve, no doubt shit that lasts thousands of years will be the standard, and books will likely be pretty vulnerable compared to any such.

For instance:
Though, admittedly, good way to lose a Bible in your seat cushions, and there's something to be said about the musky sent of a library.

>> No.17388196

because e-readers are still held back by the hardware, they are a good alternative to physical books, though
but you still have time to post on 4chan, curious...
you mean temporary? an e-reader can last for about a week even with hours of daily usage
if the power is gone for good, the average person will have bigger problems than to read books, at that point you can just go and pillage a lot of books

my conclusion is: if you can't embrace both physical books and e-readers, you are a pseud
I am smart

>> No.17388410

That shit is not waterproof. splash proof at best

>> No.17388445
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>> No.17388487

bros i love paper but reading from my phone sucks and fucks up my sleep schedule. Im a poor student so i spent 35 bucks on the Tolino shine (first gen). Is it any good? it'll get here in a few days im nervous it sucks ass

>> No.17388489

Physical books are more enjoyable to read and stack.

>> No.17388555

sage in all the fields

>> No.17388615

>Im a poor student so i spent 35 bucks on the Tolino shine (first gen). Is it any good?
Why not buy a basic kindle?


>> No.17388664

full of garbage ads and useless shit

>> No.17388841

Dogma: Hardcover (especially the olden ones pre 1991) > Ereader> *Power gap*> Paperback.

I hate paperbacks.

>> No.17388926
File: 194 KB, 1000x983, 72511359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i genuinely cannot understand why people will give their fucking souls for hardcover. They are big, cumbersome, heavy, yeah i get the durability and novelty aspect but paperback is so comfy bros