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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 184x274, Dante alighieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17380057 No.17380057 [Reply] [Original]

why is a cheesy self inserted bible fanfic so popular with pseudointellectual collage professors?

>> No.17380072

It's a great work anon. You're better than this

>> No.17380118

better question: why would you post portrait of Dante when trying to talk about the Paradise Lost?

>> No.17380152

Here's your (You). Next time you want attention from your peers, I recommend cutting yourself instead of lowering the quality of the board by shitting on the works of those immeasurably better than yourself and those who, unlike you, are intelligent enough to appreciate those works.

>> No.17380200

Seething Fanfiction can NEVER be considered a great work only good and the fact he self inserts has his hero Virgil guide him through it and has people he didn't like suffering in hell and the fact he has his fantasy woman guide him though heaven just shows how much of a delusional autist he is who would probably browse /r9k/ and write furry/mlp fanfics if he were alive today

>> No.17380212


> the fact he self inserts has his hero Virgil guide him through it and has people he didn't like suffering in hell and the fact he has his fantasy woman guide him though heaven just shows how much of a delusional autist he is who would probably browse /r9k/ and write furry/mlp fanfics if he were alive today

Exactly. And it's a great work

>> No.17380217

>it's fanfiction if it has anything in it that isn't original
This is excellent bait, I'm really hooked. Please, kill yourself.

>> No.17380219

its mathematically interesting even

>> No.17380237

>The paradise lost

>> No.17380241

It’s an absolute masterpiece in verse and probably the finest thing written in the Italian language. Also it’s really autistic fanfiction. That’s a combination of two extremely based things, which makes it super based.

>> No.17380244

im getting to that retard next

>> No.17380285

Neck yourself.

>> No.17380563


>> No.17381170


>> No.17381189

here's a redpill for you: the new testament is fan fiction

>> No.17381308

If I smoked peyote after convinced myself I met Captain America the resulting entry in my journal would not be considered fanfic. If I knew some dude who claimed that he met Vishnu, and I wrote a book about that guy, it isn’t fanfiction.

I’m sure there’s a specific word for it, but it’s not fanfic.

>> No.17381320

not a good post

>> No.17381337

This is going to become one of the most despicable memes on this website. SHAME!

>> No.17382293

If that happens, would it be above or below Cervantesposting in your estimation?

>> No.17382296

>College professors
If you're not aware, dead white men (especially Christian ones) are not exactly in vogue right now.

>> No.17382320

Now this is weak bait anon, all you deserve is a sage and a contemptuous answer.
Dante was among other things a soldier that his comrades commended for his bravery in several battles. He was also married with children and a fine poet even before writing the Comedy. There are limits even to willful ignorance anon.

>> No.17382321
File: 473 KB, 500x361, retard alert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italians are White
>Italians are Christian
>Dante is dead

>> No.17382506

>>Italians are White
They are white, yet not part of the nordish, flämisch or fälish race.
>>Italians are Christian
They are per definiton
>>Dante is dead
He is per logic

>> No.17382513

Logic states his soul is alive in Heaven.

>> No.17382527

Not him, but Cervantesposting is just cringe in its obsession, it's entirely legitimate to admire Cervantes as a writer. But this lazy way of shitting on Dante without having even read the abstract of his wikipedia page? It's pure cancer. I would never have suspected I'd miss the times when the most aggravating /lit/ meme was "don't read translations".

>> No.17382536

>tips phrygian cap

>> No.17382587

There is no metaphysics in logic. Back to your collegium logicum.

>> No.17384053

>Dante's Divine Comedy
>it's not even funny
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17384609


>> No.17384681

I wouldn't mention marriage as a commendable feat, it was arranged while he and his bride were still kids. Gemma didn't follow him into exile, and they never saw each other again.

>> No.17385644


>> No.17387029

Still better than an /r9k/ guy

>> No.17387118

Because it’s a book you can discuss with a good amount of literary themes and amusing anecdotes to keep your brain dead students engaged.

>> No.17387128

Maybe try going to a real school instead of Mod-Podge academy?

>> No.17387141

>seething fanfiction
Objectively wrong. Why do you think slandering the Divine Comedy will change minds on this board? You just come off as an assclown who probably hasn't even read the books.