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17379922 No.17379922 [Reply] [Original]

Books by terrorists or about terrorism or terrorists. Post 'em or excerpts

From The Al Qaeda Reader

>Do you have a message for the American people?

Osama bin Laden
>I say to them that they have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is most evident in Clinton's administration. We believe that this administration represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Ministry of Exterior and the Ministry of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world, especially the Islamic world. American presence in the Gulf provides support to the Jews and protects their rear. And while millions of Americans are homeless and destitute and live in abject poverty, their government is busy occupying our land and building new settlements and helping Israel build new settlements in the point of departure for our Prophet's midnight journey to the seven heavens. America throws her own sons in the land of the two Holy Mosques for the sake of protecting Jewish interests.

>The American government is leading the country towards hell. We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests not the interests of the Jews. If the present injustice continues with the wave of national consciousness, it will inevitably move the battle to American soil, just as Ramzi Yousef and others have done. This is my message to the American people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth.

>> No.17379936
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Letter to America from the book "Messages to the World"

>The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

>We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest.

>You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense

>You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom.

>You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich.

>You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.

>You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.

>> No.17379968
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>Brothers and sisters, there is a global culture that is being forced down the throats of everyone on the face of the earth. This global culture is protected and promoted. Thomas Friedman--he is a famous writer in the U.S., he writes for the New York Times--he says, "The hidden hand of the market cannot survive without a hidden fist. McDonald's will never flourish without McDonnell Douglas." The designer of the F-15's. In other words, we're not really dealing with a global culture that is benign or compassionate. This is a culture that gives you no choice. You either accept McDonald's, otherwise McDonnell Douglas will send the F-15's above your head. It's a very intolerant culture that cannot coexist with anything else, it uproots every other culture on the face of the earth, it just cuts the roots of it. And you have here a quote by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he's a famous Russian historian-writer, he says, "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots." So it's really a destruction of the people of the earth, because every other culture is being demolished. So this is not a global culture that will coexist with others, it will replace others. And the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam.

The above quote is from an English sermon), from the first episode of the life of series here


>> No.17379988
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>"It is considered legitimate for a girl to be married at the age of nine," the manifesto says. "Most pure girls will be married by sixteen or seventeen, while they are still young and active."

>The translated version of the document—which including the analysis is 41 pages long—extols the virtues of motherhood and promulgates the idea that the best place for a woman is in the house, living a life of "sedentariness" and fulfilling her "divine duty of motherhood." It portrays Western civilization as a godless, materialistic society that has caused women to depart from their God-given roles as wives and mothers.

>It doesn’t put women on "equal" footing with men because the two sexes have distinctly different roles under Islam: "Women gain nothing from the idea of their equality with men apart from thorns," the manifesto states. "Under 'equality' they have to work and rest on the same days as men even though they have ‘monthly complications’ and pregnancies and so on, in spite of the nature of her life and responsibilities to their husband, sons and religion."

>It also envisions an education system in which girls complete their formal schooling by age 15.

>"Because of this, a woman studies these worthless worldly sciences in the farthest mountains and the deepest valleys," the manifesto continues. "She travels, intent upon learning Western lifestyle and sitting in the midst of another culture, to study the brain cells of crows, grains of sand and the arteries of fish!" It would be more appropriate, the document says, for Muslim women to study fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence and understanding of the Shariah. "Hence, there is with no need for her to flit here and there to get degrees and so on, just so she can try to prove that her intelligence is greater than a man’s."

>Ultimately, "It is always preferable for a woman to remain hidden and veiled, to maintain society from behind this veil," the document states. "This, which is always the most difficult role, is akin to that of a director, the most important person in a media production, who is behind the scenes organising."

>> No.17380012
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Published by Oxford University Press. It collects numerous statements ranging from a couple of pages to about thirty (the Manifesto on Women is one of the longest) and includes juicy academic commentary

Some short snippets

>Clearly you are calling for democracy--a heretic modern religion. You kill people, permit alcohol, adultery, and corruption, all in the name of democracy. Your media works hard to polish the image of this modern religion, which it describes as just, balanced, and predicated on the freedom of the individual and the dignity of the citizen.

>The dawa we have broken down for you and explained, that your laws call 'offensive speech', is our moral law and our duty.

From the introduction: "The movement's extreme violence may look like fanatical brutality, but it is typically deployed with the intent of achieving specific operational, strategic, and propagandistic aims."

More excerpts from its speeches, statements and manifestos

It sometimes waxes into heroic eulogies which the analysis compares the the Iliad:
>They died and their bodies were buried in earth. Bones decay, but victory is sweet smelling. By Allah, he was a lion, a worshiper, and someone committed to the religion. You could see on his face that he was among the righteous ones. He could handle war unaffected by adversity. He was relentless against the enemies of Allah and merciful with his brothers. May Allah gift you with mercy. By Allah, you were a true brother and a dear friend. You listened and advised me well.

More excerpts

>Fighting is our ethos; we are honest, and the cowards know it. None of our leaders has died in his bed--nor hiding in the bushes in the battlefield.

>Thanks to Allah, we are a people of dawa, one sounded by prophets who came before us. Those that carry on this call have dignity and honour. I promise you we would rather die than watch our honour be violated.

>The model of the disbelievers in the west failed the moment woman was supposedly 'liberated' from the prison of the home

>But the problem today is women are not fulfilling their true roles, those that are in line with their character and nature. There is one main reason for this--they are confronted with the image of a man that is not true. There is a proliferation of quasi-men

>This is a time in which most--if not all--of the mainstream media is driven by daily lies and professional falsification.

>Were you lying, O America, or are you simply unable to fulfill your promises? Have you made the world safer by waging war against us, America, or has fear and ruin become the norm? Let Canada, France, Tunisia, Turkey, and Belgium bear witness. Have you eradicated terrorism and extinguished the fire of jihad, or has it spread and risen, reaching every land?

>> No.17380026
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A collection of war songs by ISIS in various languages including German, English, French and Uyghur


>> No.17380063
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An English documentary released by ISIS explaining banking, the Fed and the Petrodollar. Has some graphic content (no beheadings or anything, just war footage) so you need to have or create an archive account to see it


>> No.17380131

On the Iraq War

>America insisted on attacking entire peoples, including their children, their women, and their elderly. It is now clear that it is Israel that is behind all the attacks on states in the Islamic world. However, for fear that great popular movements will rise up and topple them, these collaborator regimes have conspired to save their own skin, regardless of their duties to Islam and Muslims. The feelings of these people were desensitized as much as America wanted, so the Jews were able to employ American and British Christians to do the job of attacking Iraq. America claims that it is bringing Iraq to account and to justice, but the fact is that the Israeli authority and the Jewish authority, which has become powerful inside the White House, as everyone can see—the Defence Minister is Jewish, the Secretary of State is Jewish, the CIA and National Security officials are Jewish, all the biggest officials are Jews—led the Christians to clip the wings of the Islamic world. Their real target is not Saddam Hussein but the growing power of the Arab and Islamic world, even if they struck the Iraqi people or—as they previously alleged in the sanctions against Libya—because they had a chemical weapons factory, or when they bombed the al-Shifa factory in Sudan, which was a pharmaceutical factory.

>> No.17380207
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>> No.17380471
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>Books by terrorists

>> No.17380876

Bin Laden was based,
ISIS is a Jewish backed group tho like Hamas

>> No.17380884

Was Osama the good guy bros

>> No.17380904

>ISIS is a Jewish backed group
Bin Laden praised ISIS which reported to him

>> No.17380909

Honestly, Osama seemed like he'd be a pretty cool guy to hang out with. Were most of Al-Queda this erudite? ISIS just seems volatile.

>> No.17380911

After condemning the House of Saud and leaving Arabia
>PA: Your family is a rich powerful family in Saudi Arabia. Have they, or the Saudi Arabian government, asked you to stop your activities?

>OBL: They have done that a lot. They have pressured us greatly, especially since a lot of our money is still in the hands of the Saudi ruling family due to the activities of our family and company. They sent my mother, my uncle, and my brothers on almost nine visits to me in Khartoum, asking me to stop and return to Arabia to apologize to King Fahd. I apologized to my family kindly because I know that they were driven by force to come to talk to me. This regime wants to create a problem between me and my family in order to take some measures against them. But, with God's grace, this regime did not get its wish fulfilled. I refused to go back. They [my family] conveyed the Saudi government's message that if I did not go back, they'll freeze all my assets, deprive me of my citizenship, my passport, and my Saudi ID, and distort my picture in the Saudi and foreign media. They think that a Muslim may bargain on his religion. I said to them: do whatever you may wish. It is with God's bounty that we refused to go back. We are living in dignity and honor for which we thank God. It is much better for us to live under a tree here on these mountains than to live in palaces in the land most sacred to God, subjected to the disgrace of not worshipping God even in the most sacred land on earth, where injustice is so widespread. There is no strength except with God.

>> No.17380949

See this article from an ISIS publication, "Technology as a Mode of Secular Liberal Theology". You don't have to accept their worldview but it's not half-cocked


>> No.17380960

No, but he was the best guy. It's relative rather than objective.

>> No.17380964

Also see Awlaki, an al-Qaeda commander who supported ISIS


>> No.17380968


>> No.17380974

>The late historian Alfred Crosby (1931 – 2018), who finds the genesis of the quantitative mind in the West around the 13th century, says even more so than technology, the quantitative mind affected the arts. He gives examples from leading Christian theologians of medieval Europe: The leading of these speculative minds, Italy’s Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274), while talking about God, stipulates “his reasoning and language are almost mathematical.” Aquinas was unsurprisingly a favorite of René Descartes, “a crown prince of rationalist philosophy and virtual inventor of coordinate or analytic geometry” [5]. The French polymath Nicole Oresme (1225 – 1274) “anticipated the great sixteenth and seventeenth century astronomers” [6], in the sense that like the English physicist Isaac Newton (1642 – 1726) way later, he considered the universe to be a clockwork, and thus God as some sort of cosmic mechanic.

>We can easily understand what such conception of the Godhead entails: it reduces Him to an external, and not even necessarily active, force, which can be impersonal. A neo-jahmiyyah [7] apperception of divine names and attributes which are so non-existent and essentially meager that it leaves almost no notion of God at all. It’s thus no wonder, in “Enlightenment” Europe, the deist philosophers privileged this idea of God being a clockmaker, as it fitted well with their contempt and even hate of normative expression of traditional religiosity.

>> No.17380975

How the fuck is it relative then

>> No.17381148

He means relative not subjective

>> No.17381403

Where is the best place to start learning about the beliefs of these guys? Should I read the Qur'an?

>> No.17381429

Have anything else? I wish there was a place that compiled ISIS propaganda videos

>> No.17381481

Tony Schwartz is a terrorist?

>> No.17381525

I just linked something, start with his The Life of lecture series

You should read the Qur'an, I suggest Arberry's English rendering

Archive.org has plenty. ISIS has a video site on elokab but it's frequently taken down,like every two weeks, and you have to get the new link through the grapevine. Archive.org is safe to access but the ISIS site itself tells users not to access it except through Tor

>> No.17381561

I tried to read the Qur'an but couldn't get through the first chapter. It seems incomprehensible if you dont read the Bible first

>> No.17381566

where is the grapevine?

>> No.17381579

He had a good taste in video games if you can trust SEAL team 6 reports

>> No.17381603

Listen to Awlaki's lectures on Muhammad ﷺ, then on the other prophets, it will make much more sense then

I'm part of an encrypted chat and that's where I get it

>> No.17381744

Also check out this podcast, very informative.

>> No.17381771

blah blah blah who is dead now?

>> No.17381805

>encrypted chat
any hint?

>> No.17381827

If you want to join see "resources" in here and give me a buzz


Once you join all messages prior to you joining will stay encrypted and you won't be able to read them, however future messages will be readable to you

>> No.17381954

Just found their current site from the chat

>> No.17382064

Would be nice if they'd explain their NATO, Saudi, Turk, and Israeli ties and their captagon production and trafficking of contraband oil and archaeological artifacts to fund their initiatives.

>> No.17382115

Stop using totalitarian buzzwords for the sheeple also and refer to them appropriately as Islamist militants or something.

>> No.17382156

>Would be nice if they'd explain their NATO, Saudi, Turk, and Israeli ties

>> No.17382209

That has been all been well known since before Trump was even elected.

>> No.17382225

I don't take basless claims seriously. I have heard so many about Bin Laden that turned out to be completely fabricated

>> No.17382260

Why would they have Bin Laden dropping redpills like this then?

>> No.17382286

absolutely based. honestly anyone that doesn't suck US dick gets a nod of respect from me.

>> No.17382333

Those were of ISIS though Al-Qaeda with certainty does engage in similar endeavors but all this has been documented and claimed significantly. Artifacts smuggling from Afghanistan to Belgium is quite known about and in Syria most of the major belligerents are said to be partaking in the same activity. Lots of trucks have been bombed trying to traffic oil to Turkey. Turkic militants in turn have been seen in operating in Syria, Iraq and probably elsewhere as well as militants of various other nationalities. It's not surprising that Syria became the main hub for the production of captagon and synthetic narcotics after the breakdown of civil order. Vice does fuel societies. Don't think they commit gruesome carnage purely on zeal.

>> No.17382338

>Lol your government is shit
Such a revolutionary statement

>> No.17382359

*main hub in the region

>> No.17382405
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The proverbial respectful nod

ISIS actually opposes drugs which is one reason they got into conflict with the Taliban, who started tolerating the heroin trade whereas they didn't before


The drugs coming out of Syria, originally presumed ISIS, was later linked to Assadists in that they are the only ones in Syria with large and sophisticated enough facilities equipped to produce that quantity and quality

Artifacts and oil I think ISIS does sell

>> No.17382567


>Don't think they commit gruesome carnage purely on zeal.

You're wrong there.

>> No.17382573



>> No.17382633

Pretty difficult to take their public claims at face value considering there is no real means of authenticating them but footage of killed and captured combatants suggests different.

No u.

>> No.17383133

t. cuckservative

>> No.17383176

Based but clearly a recruitment thread kek

>> No.17383235


>> No.17383327

i figure i remember when you could read ISIS shitposts on twitter and see the weekly execution webms so i dont need to read a book about it. Exclusively for normies

>> No.17383329

Only the captured who say what they're told are actually presented. They also show far more footage than just killing. Anyway that article isn't theirs

>> No.17383780

Good thread

>> No.17384616

Ernst von Salomon is vastly superior to those sandniggers.

>> No.17384668

How so?

>> No.17384740

by virtue of being just as reactionary but also white.

>> No.17384791

But when you're dead your pigment is irrelevant, you will be judged by whether or not you submitted to Allah

>> No.17384813

Why would Isisrael expose itself like that?

>> No.17384838

Israel's puppet is Trump

>> No.17384844

>unironic ISIS recruitment threads

What the fuck is happening

>> No.17384965
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>he hasn't taken the patrician pill

>> No.17385826

we've had recruitment threads for ages on 4chan
the neo-Nazi ones are obvious enough (although indirect), but you also had O9A recruitment here around a year and a half ago in blink-and-you'll-miss-them threads which dropped emails and chats for whatever nexions they were
speaking of which, David Myatt is unironically very interesting, just to contribute to this obvious glownigger thread

>> No.17385866
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>they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests not the interests of the Jews
>Bin Laden niece supports Trump
Pick one.

>> No.17386145

He is right about everything except the intent to find the organizing Jewish (or whichever else) hand. It's the Invisible Hand of the Market, after all. Now go read, say, French critique of capitalism.

>> No.17386156

you mean the official isis website doesn't only have a romanian top level domain but is also running on the fucking cloudflare cdn

>> No.17386173

They call themselves Anonymous. Try finding a secret website linked to Anonymous.

>> No.17386174

I don't care about whatever argument is going on in this thread but you didn't even do t. owelhead? No fucking creativity ffs.

>> No.17386258

O9A is absolutely US government so I think its safe to say the others, including this one, are US government as well

>> No.17386267
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No, but he just kept moving forward.

>> No.17386285

Don't play dumb. You have already been on every secret list except the involuntary STD testing list.

>> No.17386286

>O9A is absolutely US government
it's from Britain, and while Myatt is a dream profile for MI5 or MI6, O9A is totally decentralized making it impossible for them all to be honeypots

>> No.17386289
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>> No.17386294

also, a lot of the guys recruiting on 4chan were Italian for whatever reason

>> No.17386343

Where is the exact place where I can find this complete anon?

>> No.17386999


>> No.17387167

I'm going to take Arabic classes. Do I take Levantine or Egyptian?

>> No.17387169

The domain will only last a couple of weeks, it's always different.

>> No.17387188

If your interest is Islamic I suggest modern standard Arabic, both Levantine and Egyptian differ significantly from it

>> No.17387219

>you are a nation...blah blah blah
>kills civilians
sorry mate, dropped
still just a schizoid weirdo from a cave

>> No.17387257

Names one country, one army that doesn't target strategic assets that have civilians in war

>> No.17387353

My school only offers those two sadly

>> No.17387362 [DELETED] 

actually the classes are
>Modern Standard Arabic / Egyptian 1: Arabic 0101
>Modern Standard Arabic / Levantine 1: Arabic 0121

>> No.17387384

> people demand democracy… blah blah blah
> kills those people

>> No.17387420

actually it's like egyptian/MSA or levantine/MSA

>> No.17387484

He didn’t actually do 9/11 though

>> No.17387510
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The man who did is a writer himself though

>> No.17387581

Bin Laden wanted America to crumble so of course his kin would support a destroyer

>> No.17387673

>except the intent to find the organizing Jewish (or whichever else) hand
read Culture of Critique

>> No.17387692


>> No.17387713

Can you ELI5 Myatt?He seems very interesting.What do you mean by "dream profile"?That he has a handler?

>> No.17388417

Levantine then probably, more actual use. Egyptian is better for cinema.

>> No.17388485

Woah dude you are so right! This totally just blew my mind, bro, thanks so much for sharing! It all makes sense now!

>> No.17388498

I haven't read the book in question but I've heard of it. Wouldn't it be in the category of something like anthropology? Not exactly a field I think of fitting in the dichotomy of science vs pseudo

>> No.17388661


>> No.17388729

If you would consider Uncle Ted to be a terrorist, I'd give his manifesto a read

>> No.17389292

I read this a while ago. The leftism section is better than the technology parts

>> No.17389337

the only way to publish a book like this is to make it full of quotations and bulletproof evidence.

>> No.17389363

im wondering too. Is there video?

>> No.17389505

It's linked right below it, guys. It's from the first episode of the series, The Life of Muhammad ﷺ

>> No.17390316
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Pointing out the flaws inherent in the structures & institutions of the modern west is hardly a stand unique to Islam. What exactly has the impotent violent struggle of Islamic extremists actually achieved towards the end of tearing these structures down? Power is a subtle thing, and to dismantle it we need subtle solutions. Flying planes into major landmarks or blowing up powerless civilians does nothing but give our overlords the excuses they need to deepen their iron grasp on our world. What the world needs isn't Jihadis. What it needs is, yes, men of great faith, but men who together with their faith hold virtue, intelligence, and sophistication. To the Jihadis trolling this thread: what exactly is it that you have accomplished, what have you gained other than your own egoist satisfaction?

>> No.17390635

I agree, but it’s interesting and respectable that these men are willing to die for what they believe. It’s very refreshing with the pussies of the west

>> No.17390646

I also think that they could’ve accomplished something by targeting other locations, of which I will not mention.

>> No.17390914

>Can you ELI5 Myatt?
I don't know what this is asking for.
>What do you mean by "dream profile"?
He was born in Tanzania towards the end (or maybe just after the end) of British administration. He speaks a large number of foreign languages, including Arabic and Persian, has travelled quite extensively in the Middle East, is very proficient in martial arts and very fit. He has a long history of being involved in extremist movements, and was influential in both British Neo-Nazi terrorism and al-Qaeda.
Overall, he is almost spot on what you'd want in a British intelligence agent.

>> No.17391098

>Flying planes into major landmarks or blowing up powerless civilians
It was a strategic asset, why is it okay for you to bomb factories but your banks are sacred?

>> No.17391245

>To the Jihadis trolling this thread: what exactly is it that you have accomplished, what have you gained other than your own egoist satisfaction?
Preventing liberalism from being installed. If you go to the border of Afghanistan and Tajikistan, one side is secularist and the women wear jeans, the other they wear burkas. The same ethnicity and language. The difference is two million lives given against Soviet dominion

>> No.17391360

The Qur'an

>> No.17391960

>The Qur'an

>> No.17392018
