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17378618 No.17378618 [Reply] [Original]

What are some.books about veganism?

>> No.17378654

Pigs wouldn't hesitate to consume your dead body so why should I feel guilty for enjoying bacon?

>> No.17378666


>> No.17378896
File: 74 KB, 1080x825, 894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bronze age mindset

>> No.17378932

what about gorillas though

>> No.17378961

Their diet depends on the habitat, but they eat insects, mostly termites and ants.

>> No.17379063

Though his picture isn't wrong, the reason primates have front eyes despite mostly being mostly frugivores is that its natural predator was snakes and its habitats jungles and trees, so the attack isn't coming from the side but from the ground or that branch that happens to be a snake.
This is also the reason we and other primates have good color vision, to distinguish snakes from fruit and plants.

>> No.17379139

Just like humans will be soon

>> No.17379162

They already do, when you're poor you can't afford to be picky, and so for example ants are a delicacy in some places.

>> No.17379299

no the picture is a brain dead meme

>> No.17379338

yeah really sticking it to those pigs faggot lol

noooo not the heckin peoplerinos

>> No.17379901


>> No.17379910

Had an insect burger once

Was pretty delicious. I'm an omnivore, i'll try almost everything.

>> No.17379952
File: 406 KB, 1225x1225, smol pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know why people whine like children when they are told to stop eating animals

>> No.17379959

years of archonic programming

>> No.17379982

Because animals are delicious and it makes life more exciting to eat delicious things

You can't expect people not to react

>> No.17380009

People eat animals because of npc programing. That is it. There are plenty of delicious non-animal stuff to eat. Why don't westerners eat their dogs/cats? Why don't people eat humans too? I am sure they are delicious.

>> No.17380033

>There are plenty of delicious non-animal stuff to eat

Yes. One doesn't exclude the other. You should eat what you think is delicious.

>Why don't westerners eat their dogs/cats?
I'm not against that at all

>Why don't people eat humans too?
Because it's illegal to kill other people. If you refer to people already dead, personally i wouldn't think it wrong to eat the deceased if the deceased had given permission to do so. I wouldn't personally like to try human meat though.

>> No.17380044

>delicious non animal stuff
Hardy anyone eats only meat anon.
>dogs and cats
Dogs and cats are carnivores. The complaint you probably make about the inefficiency of herbivore farm animals is exponentially worst for carnivores.
Same as above. Also prions. Also some people do eat people. Cannibal tribes still exist afaik.

>> No.17380076

>I'm not against that at all
Doesn't matter what you think. Most westerners are disgusted by that idea even though they might be as "delicious" as any other meat. So it goes to show that people don't merely eat meat because it is "delicious." It is more so npc programming/habit.
>Because it's illegal to kill other people
Legality is irrelevant. The fact is the majority of people are disgusted by the idea of eating another person and would find it "morally wrong." There have been cultures around the world that have eaten dead bodies before as a form of mourning (or something). It just goes to show it is more ideological and cultural/habitual if anything.
There is no reason that is not ideological to value human life over animal life.

>> No.17380106

>Legality is irrelevant
It most certainly is not.

Alright i'm off to bed, i don't really want to spend my night discussing something so trivial with someone so frustrated and confused. I'm currently reading Thucydides, and I want to finish book one before bed time. See ya.

>> No.17380115

“Triviality is evil - triviality, that is, in the form of consciousness and mind that adapts itself to the world as it is, that obeys the principle of inertia. And this principle of inertia truly is what is radically evil.”

“Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”

>> No.17380121

Nice cope. "Something so trivial." Billions of animals being slaughtered is trivial huh. Npc programming at its finest.

>> No.17380122

>because it feels good when my ass gets fucked and it makes life more exciting to get fucked in the ass
>you can't expect me to not call you homophobic

lmao. you were born this way huh?

>> No.17380128

God Adorno was so based in so many ways. Where's this from again?

>> No.17380132

based schizo

>> No.17380135

his lectures on metaphysics

>> No.17380144

Goodnight, and stay sunny friendo.

>> No.17380146

which lecture exactly? already got a copy.

>> No.17380170

lecture 15

>> No.17380179

Thank you.

>> No.17380202

If we weren't supposed to eat meat, it wouldn't be so easily digestible and so beneficial to the body. And it also wouldn't taste so good.

This is irrefutable.

>> No.17380220

No point in being Vegan since you still kill animals
What do you think happens to all the animals that get pushed from their habitats so that we can make farms? What happens to animals that wander into farmland? Not to mention all the pesticides that kill even more animals just so that you can eat some onions beans

If you want to go further, living in a man made building is stealing animal habitats, everything that you consume is made by factories that kill animals and pollute the planet

Veganism is a cope to feel better about yourself while being ignorant of the actual cause. Its a spook, self contradictory lifestyle

>> No.17380234

>if we weren't supposed to get fucked in the ass, it wouldn't feel so good

lmao every time

>> No.17380239

>Why don't people eat humans too? I am sure they are delicious.

That's cannibalism. We have biological reactions which prevent us from committing cannibalism. When you smell burning human flesh, it has a very distinct smell and it is awful. That is your body telling you something is wrong.

>> No.17380243

wonder if starving pigs would actually kill a human for food

>> No.17380248
File: 28 KB, 328x499, Why We Should Go Vegan - Magnus Vinding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17380254

Except there's a benefit to eating

>> No.17380257
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Not a book, but Brian Tomasik's Essays on Reducing Suffering are worth reading.


>> No.17380260

Veganism is not a sustainable or natural way of life. If it weren't for modern conveniences such as large-scale plantations, exploited and cheap labor, and massive shipping companies, the majority of the world population would not be able to sustain itself on a purely plant based diet, and certainly wouldn't be able to avoid the many other uses that animals provide.

>> No.17380261
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>The author

Kekkity koo

>> No.17380272

letting your bf fuck you in the ass is beneficial to your relationship.

>> No.17380278

I don't think I've ever seen something so pseudoscientific in my life.

>> No.17380286

high meat intake is bad for your body. meat is the number one type of food that makes you unhealthy and kills. we don't need to eat meat and this is objectively true. disputing this is just npc programming and ideology. millions of people live fine by not eating meat.
ah yes by not slaughtering billions of animals every year we are somehow killing more animals. peak npc cope. we have selectively bred these animals to be in a population of the billions only to slaughter them every year. obviously there population will shrink but their cycle of slaughter will end.
the entire point of veganism is being pragmatic. ending animal consumption would be a huge step forward. you are just giving strawman arguments to justify your own laziness and npc programming.
And yet cannibalism has existed through history and cultures

>> No.17380297

>ah yes by not slaughtering billions of animals every year we are somehow killing more animals. peak npc cope.

nice, glad when cunts get called out on this point

>> No.17380302

Every vegan I have met looked pale, sickly and weak

>> No.17380304

You don't make any sense at all. All those modern conveniences are what allow you your meat intake as well. Most people in the past ate more plants and meat was for the privledged. Veganism is perfectly sustainable and technology is the way forward.

>> No.17380313


>> No.17380317


>> No.17380324

>technology is the way forward.


>> No.17380352

>you can't eat beef because people don't eat cat

The logic is impenetrable

>> No.17380363

not what i said. he said people eat meat because it is delicious. i said that is not merely the reason. the reason is more so habit and ideology.

>> No.17380368

>the reason is more so habit and ideology

Maybe the habit comes because they taste good

>> No.17380377

and yet people distinguish between what animals to eat and not eat even though the ones they don't eat might be also delicious.

>> No.17380379

yo ask me how i know you've never eaten goat off the spit in a village somewhere. tastes nothing like a big mac you fat fuck. rope yourself urboid

>> No.17380388

So what? How is that an argument for not eating beef?

>> No.17380399

>ah yes by not slaughtering billions of animals every year we are somehow killing more animals. peak npc cope
Didn't claim that we weren't killing more, just that its impossible to avoid killing them. Also if i were you i wouldn't call others "Npc", since calling for "pragmatism" in not Killing animals but ignoring habitat destruction, the ever growing need for food production expansion and not to mention the horrible ways vegetables are harvested and how crop growth impacts the planet
"Hurr less animals murdered" but increasment in slave labour, more expensive food products and more pollution is somehow "the pragmatic" thing to do.

Fuck that, its a marvel what humans did with animal husbandry, and its another great marvel that meat isn't just the rich person's food and that everyone can buy it. There is inherently nothing wrong with killing the animals and use them for food, regardless of your idiot copes like "bbbut they are suffering, eating plants is less cruel", "we are rational beings and we can choose today what we eat". Eat shit that is, since humanity wouldn't improve by completely switching towards veganism, that cow that would end up as a burger wouldn't know the difference, only your poor underfed labrador would notice

>> No.17380413

Alright then fella. Let's have two people go up to the North Country and attempt to start a homestead. Neither are allowed to use electricity.

Mr Vegan can only eat plants, so he must start farming. And he can only farm plants, no eggs, no milk. He must figure out how to clothe himself without using animal pelts or wool. He must figure out how to tend to his fields without manure or plow-animals.

Mr Meat is allowed to hunt and farm. Mr Meat doesn't just have to farm plants. Mr Meat can have a couple hens to provide him with eggs and a cock to provide more hens. Mr Meat can have a goat or cow to provide milk, and subsequently other dairy products. Mr Meat can use a horse to plow his fields and manure from his cow for fertilizer. Mr Meat can have a couple sheep which he can shear wool from for clothing. Mr Meat can go hunting for white-tails which not only provide food, but also hides which clothing and boots can be made from.

Now tell me. Which man is going to be better off?

>> No.17380421

The reason is food production, and how much you place into that production. You need less work and less hours to tend towards animals than to grow crops, not to mention that crops don't give as much calories that we can use and that crops go stale/don't grow through the whole year. There is also a reason why the pastoral indoaryans expanded that rapidly, better calorie intake and the constant struggle between pastoral lands caused by transhumance pastoralism

>> No.17380425

We've distinguished what animals to eat and not eat over time by eating them in the past and deciding which animals:
A) Taste better
B) Yield more and higher quality meat

This shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

>> No.17380442

One of the reasons why selective breeding is a thing for sure isn't "this cow tasted delicious" but "this cow has more muscles and fat"
If "deliciousness" was a thing, nobody in the middle ages would eat what they ate, disgusting and tasteless mashed shit
You eat what is cheaper and easier to produce, whst gives you more food and what can be used as food through the whole year, and guess what? Farming isn't as efficient, gives less calories and is costly

>> No.17380454

>growing need for food production expansion and not to mention the horrible ways vegetables are harvested and how crop growth impacts the planet

you realize that animals eat many more crops to get the body mass to feed humans the same amount of a plant requiring far less, right?
we could live in a forest gardeny utopia right now, if we started focusing on a vegan environmental diet 100 years ago, instead of going industrialist-capitalist-carnivorist consumer hellhole.

>> No.17380462

Impeachment of Man
yeah, veganism triggers the filthy hedonistic masses

>> No.17380472

Why do you think it's pseudoscientific?

>> No.17380522

>you realize that animals eat many more crops to get the body mass to feed humans the same amount of a plant requiring far less, right?

A cow has like 3 stomaches designed to get as much nutrients from plants that our body can take and would just shit out. That's the prime reason animal husbandry and pastoralism is a thing.

>we could live in a forest gardeny utopia right now, if we started focusing on a vegan environmental diet 100 years ago, instead of going industrialist-capitalist-carnivorist consumer hellhole.
You can't have a garden in a forest, the first farmers in europe used to burn down forests to make fertile land for crops. Not to mention that "100 years" ago is still over 6000 years of animal husbandry. And i wouldn't call that an utopia, farming takes much more time than having an animals eat grass around, imagine spending all day toiling on some soil breaking the ground with a hoe an utopia but sitting under a tree reading a book while your animals fuck around a dystopia

>> No.17380540

I have never met a vegan that is a farmer, almost all vegans are leeches that buy products someone else produced for them yet claim that their way is superior

>> No.17380555

Read literally any Eastern religious text. Buddhist Daoist, Jainist, Yogic traditions, etc. all universally espouse these type of dietary restrictions.

>> No.17380578

I am vegan and grow my own vegetables but I hear you. I am not a fan of all the fake shit in stores, that's just pseudo weekend vegetarian bait anyways and your statement goes for all humans in general - meat fast food is still a big industry

>> No.17380591

Because you are asking them to malnourish and kill themselves and their children. Veganism is a Satanic anti-life diet

>> No.17380603

>God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food". And it was so.
God's initial creation was a vegan creation, God permitted humans to eat non-human animals as a concession to the Fallen state of humanity.

>> No.17380607

>the diet that doesn't feed on corpses is satanic

you are a diaper shitting NPC

>> No.17380618
File: 154 KB, 1046x882, Skærmbillede 2021-01-25 kl. 22.37.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A cow has like 3 stomaches designed
cow industry 164 m2 pr year vs tofu 2.2, the argument just isn't there anon. and then we have the coming water crisis. whereas cows require 17000 m3 of water pr ton, basedbeans require 1300 and potatoes 130.
there are no arguments anon. other than the ones you keep pulling out your ass.

Robert Hart for more on forest gardens, the alternative way to plant agriculture and a positive argument for vegan diets.

>> No.17380732

Everyday is a new holocaust perpetrated on innocent chickens, pigs and cows. These animals are slaughtered in the billions because of you species supremacist nazis.
Entire families are wipe off the face of the earth and whole species are genocided cause "lol, wtf I'm not gonna eat fucking veggies bro." I hope you all die gruesome deaths.

>> No.17380795

Perfect mindset for the government, which is now promoting veganism AKA an unnatural starvation diet in the name of a false, unhealthy compassion. The real truth is that humans should be eating raw animal products from healthy animals, but almost no one in society has actually done this - most are completely ignorant of how eating raw animal fat can make you feel naturally satiated, good, and joyful.

Any vegan I've ever met has been obviously miserable, but I can tell they would be hard pressed to admit that about themselves because of how hard they hold onto their diet trying to be "good". They want to prove something to themselves because of their deep self-hatred. I don't feel I need to prove anything because I love myself and accept myself. I wish you could feel this same way.

>> No.17380922

they are probably miserable because they have to be around you lol

>> No.17381610

Fat of the Land

>> No.17381626

I don't feel guilty for enjoying bacon but I still love piglets

>> No.17381773
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>> No.17381999
File: 99 KB, 800x765, TiredPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never cease to be annoyed at the simultaneous stupidity and self-righteousness of vegans and antinatalists, negative utilitarianism with disregard for complexity and meaning (So all of it) is such a fucking retarded ideology, holy fucking shit.
I just killed an infestation of maggots in my house a couple days back, and bugs can feel pain, just as much as humans, likely even
Boo fucking hoo, a bunch of primitive, retarded and abysmally simple beings have ceased their borderline mindless existences, but i should feel bad because they felt pain, and pain and pleasure, but ESPECIALLY pain, is all that matters, boo fucking hoo.

Unironically you are too retarded for philosophy if you can't see the inherent problems in treating all beings which feel pain as existing in the same plane of moral value based on their ability to feel pain alone, by that metric do you know how much negative utility you've accumulated just from accidentally stepping on ants but not hard enough for them to die alone, you grandstanding bitch? (Source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/insects-can-experience-chronic-pain-study-finds-180972656/#:~:text=Over%2015%20years%20ago%2C%20researchers,way%20humans%20react%20to%20pain.)

How about you never walk again, or just flatout kill yourself, to not hurt those poor things capable of suffering, oh high and mighty knight of justice? It's not like your utility balance will ever be positive, if you even think positive utility exists. Oh yeah, what about the plausible possibility that plants feel pain too? (Source:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7773333/Plants-emit-ultrasonic-scream-stems-cut-water-short-supply.html#:~:text=Plants%20feel%20pain%20too!,species%20are%20not%20watered%20enough&text=A%20team%20of%20scientists%20at,when%20they%20undergo%20environmental%20stress.)

They certainly display mechanisms eerily similar to pain, and it's not like we can analyze consciousness from the outside to disprove these EERILY similar mechanisms don't induce pain! Oh no, eating plants has a realistic chance of being evil! That would mean even veganism is evil! Suffering, noooo! I'm so SAD and EMPATHETIC!

You're all so retarded and virtue signalling cringelords it gives me a headache. Fuck negative utilitarianism and subsequently antinatalism, fuck. I also hate how you think everyone who isn't a pessimistic bitch is mentally ill/delusional, like you're not the ones following the edgy nihilist BS that a fly has the same value as a person.

And if you reply to only part of this post to try to cherrypick and strawman, fuck you, i'm just going to completely ignore your bait/strawmanning.

>> No.17382008

le tired frog man. cringe

>> No.17382037

"OMG so what if I am a pedophile? Stop trying to be morally superior to me!"
"OMG so what if I gassed those people?.Stop trying to be morally superior to me!"
"OMG so what if I am a rapist? Stop trying to be morally superior to me!"
This is what you sound like. Anti-vegans are literal children.

>> No.17382042

you just don't have the balls to accept the world is evil. people who habitually shrink away from consciousness of this fact betray a weak feminine soul.

>> No.17382075

> no refutation to the fact all the pain you cause by existing, if your view is correct, makes it your obligation to kill yourself

>you just don't have the balls to accept the world is evil. people who habitually shrink away from consciousness of this fact betray a weak feminine soul.
That's ironic considering you don't have the balls or "masculine soul" to fulfill your ideology's moral imperative and kill yourself

>> No.17382107

actually my ideology's moral imperative is to curbstomp bootlicking little faggots like you

>> No.17382110

>Doing this is wrong, believe me
>I dont think doing this is wrong
>Why are you a literal child

>> No.17382117

>actually my ideology's moral imperative is to curbstomp bootlicking little faggots like you

> tries to retort arguments with insults inbetween with flatout ad hominem
You're either baiting or not worth discussing with, discarded

>> No.17382120

collaborating with radical evil for tendies is wrong

>> No.17382141

well, that all depends on what your moral system is. Without firm agreement on precedence its always going to be talking in one ear and out the other for both sides.

But I think their is a core teleological disconnect in values that just makes people see what they want to see. And I think a lot of it is implicit, so that one side just assumes that the other is coping while visa versa is also the case.

>> No.17382143

you don't know what ad hominem is. american, 21 - 25.

>> No.17382160

nah one side has no illusions about the evil they participate in, and the other does. i've never read a carni argument that didn't sound like an addict's rationalizations.

>> No.17382182

You don't realize you're engaging in the exact self-centered teleological disconnect i outlined

>> No.17382192

And I have never heard a vegan who didnt sound like a myopic ideologue with a mind parasite.

See what I mean? complete implicit disconnect.

>> No.17382206

no, you don't realize i just said there is no teleological disconnect. one side is ignorant, the other isn't. one side represses, the other acknowledges. not all ideologies occupy the same plane of contention. accept it

>> No.17382214

what do I care? there are articulate pedophiles. bataille is articulate, so was panzram. they're still scum sucking trash. philosophy is still just a language game to you.

>> No.17382220

Summarizing the world as evil is the most fucking ballsless thing a man could do.
It tells me you're a lazy fucking piece of shit who has likely never done a good thing for anyone ever in your life and that you're an extremely weak-minded person who's likely weak physically too.
The most exercise you get is the six or seven times you yank your horn on any given day.
Fuck your so soft, a stiff breeze could knock you down.
You claim the world's evil but you're too soft to do a goddamn thing about it.
I'd offer you some cheese to go with your whine, but you're to self-righteous to eat it and to selfish to share it with those who are hungry.

>> No.17382239

more effete psychoanalyzing. bro are we on the set of sex and the city? kek. nice one boomer joe. 7/10

>> No.17382261

>but you're too soft to do a goddamn thing about it.
What do you think you can do about it lmao? You can make your little section of the world a bit less evil, that's it, and you are yourself flawed, you have evil in you too, so you can't even do that all the time.

>> No.17382262

>philosophy is still just a language game to you.
Yah, and so is veganism and non-veganism to most people. Just like people spew pictures of cute animals to get peoples dopine flowing.
Im sorry, but I have a hard time accepting that the consumption of meat, a very much physical process, Is teleologically and absolutely evil.
Maybe if you have some arbitrary idea of lessening universal bodily suffering, but then that is a stance of purpose (a rather vague on at that) rather than it translating directly to veganism. Even if I had that stance (Which i personally find very myopic) I wouldnt call myself a vegan, since the act of eating meat would not be evil, but the process in which the suffering itself occurs would be.

>> No.17382279

>Im sorry, but I have a hard time accepting that the consumption of meat, a very much physical process, Is teleologically and absolutely evil.

well there it is. so why can't something trivial be evil? this is the movement you won't dare make.

>> No.17382282

>you have evil in you too

At least I don't laze about whining about it all fucking day like a loser.

>> No.17382292

It's coming out of you right now

>> No.17382302

>no, you don't realize i just said there is no teleological disconnect. one side is ignorant, the other isn't. one side represses, the other acknowledges. not all ideologies occupy the same plane of contention. accept it
We aren't ignorant about shit, if anything you're the one who seems more ignorant since you didn't know bugs, and quite likely PLANTS too, feel pain
We simply do not follow the absurdity that the capacity to feel pain alone is what determines the moral value of a being, learn the difference, and stop being a twat who needs to feel morally and/or intelectually superior

>> No.17382309

Well there's you problem right there.
I was right when I said you were soft, you think a few flung insults is 'evil.'

>> No.17382322

lol moral value. i don't care what airy fairy faggot shit you call it. you're a demon in this hell with me. get some balls and say it

>> No.17382325

huh? what is evil about it though? i guess trivial things can be evil but they can be anything from different perspectives.

>> No.17382335
File: 329 KB, 2550x3301, Impeachment of Man - Savitri Devi _0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17382353

So you're not even attempting to claim the moral superiority anymore? Just trying to drag everyone else down to the level you view yourself in? Like philosophical crabs in a bucket?
You're not even "evil" to begin with, but that's just pathetic, get some self-esteem and try to find something good you can do, goddamn.

>> No.17382360

killing something else to extend your own life is evil. the soul is a vampire. "oh but life just is brooo" drop the equivocation. it's a negative phenomenon

>> No.17382374

wasn't your entire line of argument based on you trying to do the same?

>> No.17382404

I never said that. That implies you are a pacifist and I think that is a much more logical philosophy in general. Though I would still find it wanting in the value of life and different kind of life and different quantities of life which bog down that route. of course the reasoning why one is a pacifist can be different based on different worldviews.
It seems you are arguing for a result in reverse rather than building up to one.

>> No.17382409

What about all the bugs you kill or leave injured in massive pain, what about plants having mechanisms that highly resemble our pain receptors?

Why do you not stop walking, ever, or kill yourself? Do you just stop bothering whenever avoiding killing any other species takes too much effort? Spouting these values but not truly caring?

> wasn't your entire line of argument based on you trying to do the same?
No, i was simply pointing out that our teleological and normative views and paradigms are highly incompatible.
Most of these discussions end with total disagreement because what we use to measure negative and positive (if you think that exists) value of an action is far too different. And so no answer can appease all or even most worldviews.

>> No.17382423

>Most of these discussions end with total disagreement because what we use to measure negative and positive (if you think that exists) value of an action is far too different. And so no answer can appease all or even most worldviews.
that's why this is one of those questions only a war can answer. but yeah okay dude yeah thanks we got it. you can go now

>> No.17382429

are you saying life is a negative phenomenom?.

>> No.17382430

you did say it, "life can be anything broo" is the same as saying its value-neutral to accommodate all these perspectives. it isn't.

>> No.17382444

if you need to constantly consume other living things to delay the inevitable death of your body, yeah bro you're in the red

>> No.17382455

>Bunch of nu-male vegan commies on one side
>bunch of retarded but authentic hicks on the other
would watch.
>but yeah okay dude yeah thanks we got it. you can go now
He acurately states the problem of this course of conversation while others holier than thou or "u dont know nuttin", and you just say you can go know so we can continue this fart sniffing fest.

>> No.17382474

... you know the particular can exist in the absolute right? I can appreciate the totality of a claim within that frames setting and than do the same for another while not trying to equalize them artificially.

>> No.17382484

every time i read the phrase "holier than thou" someone's reddit card gets stamped.

>> No.17382494

Pigs have higher levels of cognition than dogs yet cucks like you will cry over the hecking pupperinos but not based pigbros

>> No.17382498

so the other guy was giving eulogies for ants and now you're about to school me on parmenides 101. i am waiting with bated breath

>> No.17382508

this is basically life. how you are so out of touch of natural life to say this.

>> No.17382510

would you prefer another phrase? I said fart sniffing already, how about retardedly self assured? How about blinded by the magnificent of my immutably perfect autism?

>> No.17382539

christ you're fucking dense

hey man you can consume the body of god just dont be so retardedly self assured about it jeez lol

>> No.17382564

>christ you're fucking dense
you just cant deny it.

>> No.17382596

Same reason Christian's get annoyed when you tell them to give up app their possessions and wander the earth. Because it's a cunty thing to say to someone

>> No.17382611

or maybe it's just that cunts don't like hearing the truth.

>would watch.
No, i meant a war in heaven. just lol if you think the roots of these ideologies bottom out in some faggy american political caricature.

>> No.17382652

>No, i meant a war in heaven
Understandable, Though you cannot deny the general demography of the two opinions in the west at least.

>> No.17382664

>What about all the bugs you kill or leave injured in massive pain, what about plants having mechanisms that highly resemble our pain receptors?
what a dumb argument. Should we just revert back to cannibalism then because you're fine with eating meat?

>> No.17382673

that demography is just the extreme dysgenic ass end of a war that was and is being fought by far more powerful forces here and everywhere. it doesn't concern me.

>> No.17382695

My doggie would never eat me unlike swine.

>> No.17382768

and you think we're deluded. my cat would eat my body but i still love her because i don't hold her animality against her, anymore than i hold immaturity against a child.

>> No.17382808

I wonder if Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhists adhere to such restrictions. Hint: They certainly won't adopt veganism.

>> No.17382826

tibetans are basically patient zero for oriental demonism, and the fuckin' mongolians lmao.

>> No.17382833


>> No.17382849

Pretty sure in the millions of years that hominins were hunting that they tended to avoid carnivorous beasts or at least not prefer them as much as herbivores and rodents going by cave paintings and archaeology.

>> No.17382895
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Because blood thirsty meateaters = evil amirite?

>> No.17382912


>> No.17382921

Vegaytarianism is Chinese Mahayanist deviance.

>> No.17382939

>My doggie would never eat me
Dogs eat corpses and yours would likely eat yours

>> No.17382942

and there are chinese manichaeans who abstain from all animal products. what's your point?

>> No.17382946

They wouldn't need to be starving they'd just need to have power over. Of course, the hungrier they were the less of an advantage they'd need before they seized the opportunity.

A baby in a pig pen would be torn to pieces.

>> No.17383002
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That claim is not substantiable but said vegetarianists also rather than eat a little butter and dairy will proceed to partake in various types of bizarre rituals involving menstrual and seminal discharge and the brain matter of their deceased gurus and the consumption thereof.

>> No.17383031

kek aren't the agoris a tantric sect? if you're gonna hate, hate honestly. put that big tendie brain of yours to work.

>> No.17383035

One cow can live off 3 acres of green pasture, without dedicated cropland for fodder; you can feed it our chaff.

There's going to be 10 mice per average acre of cropland, set to be turned into ground by the combine harvesters.

Life per life, pure pastoralists have smaller kill scores because they handle biomass concentrated in larger units, so they terminate fewer sentient brains per unit of dedicated living space.

>> No.17383076

wait a minute, why is the crop farmer using industrial combine harvesters but the cow is being raised on some pristine summer meadow? lmao. disingenuous faggot fuck

>> No.17383127
File: 172 KB, 860x571, vacas açorianas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without mechanization, harvesting crops is very labor intensive relative to managing cows.

A single acre takes over an hour for a champion scythe operator to harvest: https://scytheconnected.blogspot.com/2014/09/1-scythe-5-acres-8-hours.html

The cow walks itself.

Plus, like I said, you can feed them chaff, which is a byproduct of the wheat, maize, barley, etc, you were going to throw out otherwise; full grassfeeding is possible, but not required.

>> No.17383128

cats will literally eat their owner's dead body to survive. This happened in numerous instances after an owner an heroed

>> No.17383164
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>> No.17383183
File: 1.48 MB, 328x328, chigurh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you all die gruesome deaths.

>> No.17383210
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>Everyday is a new holocaust perpetrated on innocent chickens, pigs and cows
>I hope you all die gruesome deaths.

>> No.17383253

noooo don't you know an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?

>> No.17383749
File: 614 KB, 1651x2200, 1b4c7887790f565a92287901a34cb77e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a vegan because I feel like if Jesus was around today and saw our agricultural and scientific potential he would realize that eating meat is immoral given our modern luxuries.

>> No.17383914

Jesus was/is god though, pretty sure he knows, a reasonable amount of meat is good for you as well, gotta get that protein

>> No.17383942

Hamburgers are more tasty than any vegetable.

>> No.17383958

The thing with veganism is that you can't hold vegans' standards to non-human animals, and if you hold their standards to only humans you're kind of underhandedly subduing their point itself.
>Other animals need to eat animals to not die, so why is meat immoral
>Only humans shouldn't eat meat because they can choose to not
>If you're admitting humans are above other animals, then why is them eating meat bad in the first place?

>> No.17384048

>Why don't people eat humans too?
They did in some cultures. Prion disease kuru showed this was a bad practice.

>> No.17384150

Clearly, this discussion has devolved into name calling and ad hominem, serving only to further entrench anons to their own opinions. This is, of course, no way to conduct an inquiry and arrive at the truth of the matter, so let us approach the topic from a new angle. After all, why do people eat food in the first place? An anon said that people eat food because it is delicious, but that is a completely puerile take, for it places in higher regard the wellbeing of a part of the body (the tongue) over the wellbeing of the whole. It may be said that people eat because they are hungry, yet that is still insufficient, for then that person is merely staving off pain. The best reason why people eat, and one which no one has brought up at all, is so that they may replenish themselves with the nutritional content from the food. Since that is the role of food, it is not a huge leap to suggest that the better sorts of food require less of itself to satisfy the needs of the consumer (quality > quantity). Now we may approach the question of veganism with this frame: is meat required for an optimal diet?

>> No.17384189

People generally mention the nutritional content of food when arguing if something is better, but what one actually has to look at is how much of it can the body take in. As such, plants are very useful for fibers, but they are harder to digest than meat cause of the structure and may not give us all they could from nutritional standpoint.
So meat is not absolutely required, but it is easier to get proteins and minerals from it. Red meat and liver are recommended by doctors to people suffering from anemia and in need of quick and plentiful iron intake.

>> No.17384230

Just avoid the brain the my dood

>> No.17384239

So you consider yourself on the same moral and philosophical level as a pig?

>> No.17384263

But he looks good?

>> No.17384289


>> No.17384309

Strong chin, well-groomed

>> No.17384995


There is not one meaningful subject and predicate in this whole shitty reply.

>> No.17385009

>if you can't see the inherent problems in treating all beings which feel pain as existing in the same plane of moral value based on their ability to feel pain alone

Who makes this argument?

>> No.17385073

>Why don't westerners eat their dogs/cats?
We are civilized
>Why don't people eat humans too?
It is still wide spread in Africa, but having a 20% admixture of proto-human DNA sort of lets them off the hook.

>> No.17385200

Most vegans are as immature and childish and will act like that towards normal people.
Also, we evolved to omnivores that eat all sorts of food but also need to eat all sorts of food to be healthy, including meat because there are some nutrients that we can't obtain from fruit or vegetables.
Also meat was very important to our intelligence because it droves into a cycle where we needed to be smarter to catch our prey and needed their meat to have proteins to develop the brain and become more intelligent.