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17376355 No.17376355 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do I escape from my nihilism bros?

>> No.17376370

Nihilism is a human construct. Therefore, it is just a map, it is incomplete. Seek a bigger panorama.

>> No.17376386

I think you should seek a tard wrangler. Your line of thinking is beyond juvenile

>> No.17376398

i didn't read all of it but the answer to the questions raised in the pic just have to do with acquiring experience and making people want to be around you. the post ends with saying that material goods help (and maybe they'll get you superficial acquaintances, what do i know) but really it has to start with you being willing to take risks (bravery) and taking an interest in and caring for other people. hating other people, blaming them, and so on, only causes animosity in return. if you feel they are really to blame for your problems then begin by forgiving them. dropping the label "normal people" might also do you good, which is what goes with above advice of taking an interest in them.

>> No.17376417

Perhaps. Thank you. But nihilism is only a mask. It is not you. Be nihilistic to your nihilism, venom cures venom.

>> No.17376466

Nihilism is the absence of a human construct. It is preferable if you remain a nihilist, then you are atleast maintain some semblance of autonomy.

>> No.17376485


>> No.17376493

>Nihilism is not a human construct

>> No.17376496

Escape from it? Why the hell would you want to do that? Not only would un-swallowing Moral Nihilism make you wrong, it would bring you out of the ultimate liberation: that you can act in domain where none of it fucking matters.

You can muck around like a toddler in a sand box, either building the most impressive, Babylonian skyscraper of a sandcastle or kick gristle into some kids eyes. And either way your mum will still pick you up, plop you in a papoose and take you home to tuck you into bed.

You could be a King. You could be a God. You do a summersault in your room then eat a tub of hummus watching The Ballad of Buster Scruggs with Polish subtitles on. You’ve been imbued with the banned truth: that you can do whatever. You. Want.

And you’re not making the most of it?

>> No.17376503

>Nihilism is the absence of a human construct
Nihilism is a collection of certain ideas, one could also say: a human construct. Nihilism is the answer to a question. What comes closest to the absence of a human construct would probably be something like zen buddhism, because the meditative state of a zen buddhists is not so much the answer to a question as skipping the question entirely.

>> No.17376538
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nihilism doesn't mean anything

>> No.17376550

If you are a nihilist you haven't suffered enough. When you have suffered enough you will realize how pointless nihilism is.

>> No.17376551

>You could be a King. You could be a God. You do a summersault in your room then eat a tub of hummus watching The Ballad of Buster Scruggs with Polish subtitles on. You’ve been imbued with the banned truth: that you can do whatever. You. Want.
>And you’re not making the most of it?

Cringe. Grow out of college.

>> No.17376553

Sounds like an oxymoron

>> No.17376555

Nihilism in itself is inheritly juvenile.

>> No.17376560

Huh. Man really is a lilting deity on incandescent suns...

>> No.17376564

>What comes closest to the absence of a human construct

How about not thinking about things that are unchangeable and thus uniportant?

Make money and have sex is the solution.

>> No.17376571

Well to answer more constructively (and referring to literature) Hegel argues that cynicism ("the way of the world" in his terminology) is what ultimately must lead to real morals. He contrasts it with subjective morality, appealing to one's conscience ("the law of the heart" in his terms) in which the subject judges the world according to his or her heart. The problem is that it comes to nothing as no conscience agrees fully with another which makes creating anything which can subsist impossible. The way of the world, in contrast, seeks only to get what in can for it self, but in so doing has to eventually contend with other wills, which means it has to work out a consistent way of dealing with them which is mutually beneficial (as otherwise the other will would not agree to the terms). This leads finally to "real" morals, i.e. to ethics, to conscience gaining an external existence as a practice which regulates individuals actions. So there's that to think about.

>> No.17376574

And you're making the best out of it by posting on bait threads on /lit/? Face it. Nihilism doesn't lead to some euphoric state of liberation. It leads to apathy and powerlessness. And no matter how hard someone hides from it with delusions of grander and shitty Coen Brother's, the horror will eventually consume you

>> No.17376577

>lilting deity on incandescent
Yeah right. Keep using those big words.
They dont make you seem pretentious at all.
Irony off.

>> No.17376579

I'd rather ignore the things I can change and think about the things unchangeable.

>> No.17376588

>Nihilism doesn't lead to some euphoric state of liberation. It leads to apathy and powerlessness.

Both is not true. Nihilism leads to catholicism.
I am entirely convinced that every true catholic has been a nihilist at one point.

You grow out off it, its just metaphysics. And a stupid one at the same time.

>> No.17376596

I can understand that.

But there is your solution: work on your own weakness and face the metaphysics when you are 90 years old.

Now you are basically a reddit fedora.

>> No.17376599

Embrace high culture. Confront life’s enigmas, mysteries, pain and suffering through introspection and contemplation.

>> No.17376687

Unironically watch Evangelion with no movies. It follows a depressed kid (that's you) that learns to affirm life after being a slave to society.
It is useful to surround yourself with life-affirming material culture and entertainment; the reason why shall be explained later. This extends to the cleanliness of your living space and public appearance. You might think yourself ugly, but you have to start somewhere.
Now you must study how to be alive. Think back to your years as an infant and the enthusiasm you felt for the world. The colors and noise, geometrical shapes seperating themselves from the background to differentiate the solids of your toys from the distant walls and tbe sky. When you were alone you cried for your mother for comfort, and she would come to the crib and hold you tight. You feared, instinctually, death even if you did not know what it was. But even so you braved unfamiliarity to sense new objects. As a baby you wanted to live.
17+ years since then you devalued life. You posted on 4chan about escaping nihilism, because you realize somewhere you have made a mistake. You have taken the first step to make a correction. But a hunch that you have made a mistake is not true knowledge. You don't have true knowledge that life has meaning, and as a baby it was merely an assertion by your animalistic brain. What even is true knowledge?
True knowledge is a statement that is objectively correct. No matter the opinion of any person, be it yourself or others, can change the truthvalue of it. Thus this knowledge is the principle that you can trust, and so you can live accordingly to it. True knowledge is affirmed empirically, but if the statement that your life is meaningful is true, then you have to live meaningfully to affirm it. You wouldn't know the life was truly meaningful until you consult an objective viewer. To get around this problem, one may find that instead of attempting to finding life's inherent meaningfulness, it is better to give the life meaning from oneself. This raises a problematic implication.
You hate yourself, as you think you are worth nothing, and therefore are in no position to give yourself meaning. This is a fatal flaw, because the one in the best position to give your life meaning is yourself. Despite being a tough critic of the world including yourself, you have the most knowledge of yourself. From your depth of knowledge give yourself meaning. People of religion say that serving God gives them meaning, and by saying this they give themselves meaning.
What do you live for? To browse 4chan? Then 4chan becomes your meaning of life, and you shall create shitposts and meme images to the greatest extent of your ability. Meaning can be "petty" or "deep" although these distinctions are not demonstrable and are more like cultural terms.
Once you give your life meaning, it is time to affirm that meaning. How else could you empirically know? to be cont.

>> No.17376694

>Unironically watch Evangelion with no movies.
Why do these weeabootards think that it is ok to post their filth in other board?

>> No.17376732

lol no
just like atheism is a religion and not the absence of religion, so nihilism is a map and not the absence of maps.
You can't live without a metaphorical or litteral god, you can't live without a metaforical or litteral paradigm; just like you can't run Microsoft office without an OS. To beliebe that the act of discarding maps actually makes you free of maps is laughable.

>> No.17376741

That is true.

Based and Kantpilled.

>> No.17376859

The sun created most of the matter that we see in our solar system. It could be likened to a creative spirit.

So no, nihilism isn't absence of a human construct. It is a belief that the void exists when it doesn't.

>> No.17376885

The hardest part about this process, of finding meaning and living to the meaning, is that it is difficult to pick a meaning, because the lifestyle afforded by the meaning can become objectionable. A nihilist doesn't believe in morality. However, your life having meaning has become true knowledge and so you have created (or adopted in the case of a religion or other such ideology) a set of ideals for the fulfillment of the meaning. This is morality. In your morality it can be taxing to live ideally to it. You may begin to see it as a pointless rat race in this actually very short manifold of changing ideals.
But be discouraged not, because your morality shall bear fruit. Firstly, your morality, which affirms life as a consequence of being derived from the meaning of your life, shall give you empirical appearances of progress. A farmer born to farm wakes early plants his seed and reaps the fruit in the harvest. His sin is to wake late, plant no seed correctly, and to neglect the harvest season. In upholding his morality he farms correctly and yields fruit, whereas if he sinned against himself he makes none. The morality can extend beyond the details of the life-meaning, such as the importance of working out for carrying heavy loads, or marriage for creating children who can work and keep the farmer healthy in advanced age. When the farmer ceases to be one, he may by his advanced age or disability die with satisfaction at excellent farming, or the goal can extend to raising great grandchildren to their excellence with the principles underlying farming. The farmer did nothing easy as he destroyed his back and hands on the field, but he certainly did not run away from his meaning.
The senses are our main mode of gaining knowledge of the world, since they affirm our reasoning. (Life being meaningless is a senseless position for the record. ) However the senses can be tricked, and consequently the intuition from the senses can be tricked. Your founding knowledge of the meaning of your life is you first principle and nothing can contradict it by law of contradiction. That is truth. Creative knowledge induced after the first principle of the meaningful life cannot contradict the life-meaning. However, people weak of mind can be susceptible to accepting sayings as truth that contradict their first principle. Therefore a nihilist in the testing of his meaningful life should refrain from hearing, seeing, or listening to life denying substances. Quite often this is modern and postmodern-styled music and philosophy. I recommend not listening to Death Metal, hip hop, or radio pop (unless the lyrics are about empowerment) and instead listen to folk and classical. Dress in a business casual matter so you can be easily approachable, as other humans are almost always involved in living as a human. Be outside when you read books and breathe in that park or backyard air.
This is my method for getting out of nihilism.

>> No.17377045

>just work out and get a better diet
>Normals can do this stuff almost on autopilot
>foreveralones are on their own in this as in all other aspects of life, which outright kills all motivation
95% of people go alone to the gym. Going with others doesn't motivate. I've tried dragging friends along but it never sticks even if I pracitcally harass them to do sports with me. Most normies fail to make it a habit, it's not only robots.

>just get a job and stop being lazy
>few people get jobs from applying online or in person
what a crock of shit. even if you know people in the company you still have to go through the normal procedure of applying online and sitting through a job interview.

I get this text, some people have been defeated too many times and are lost in their bubble of lonelyness and inertia. Some have basically been set up from childhood to never fit in. But it's clear that the post has been written from this small bubble, where everything seems impossible.

>> No.17377175

There is only cope. 1) Go back to ignorance 2) Become hedonistic 3) KYS

>> No.17377269

Learn the word 'nothing' or 'nihlism' or 'meaningless' in other languages, and all their etymologies and see how it sounds to your ears and your head and eyes.

>> No.17377670

Here's a really silly question: is God a nihilist? After all, he lives, by necessity, without a metaphorical or literal god, nor would it be appropriate to say that he is bounded by any particular map.

>> No.17379120

Nihilism is ubiquitous

>> No.17379132

unironically just quit being a faggot

>> No.17380424

Take TLP pill

>> No.17380559
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>is God a nihilist
yes, and this is what BTFO'd me

>> No.17380576

Look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.17380596

God told you in Job what to do of your ideas about what He thinks.

>> No.17380731

God is an objective viewer and so can give His own life objective meaning. God doesn't need another God to give himself meaning. God hasn't comitted suicide, since people evidently feel His providence. So it does not seem He behaves like a godless nihilist.

>> No.17380808

Lots of dumb shit in that pic, but two things stand out.

First, the diet and exercise part is not even remotely true. The vast majority of normies fail repeatedly at this, and very often they're too lazy or unmotivated to even try.

Second, the average normie's life is not even remotely as fulfilling as that guy seems to think. Most people start to burn out very quickly after reaching their thirties, and by middle age the mundanity of their lives starts to catch up to them. Family ties are increasingly fragile (60% divorce rate where I live) and friendships are increasingly transactional and fleeting in nature. Hatred of modern urban life is socially acceptable now, and for a good reason.

This is not to diminish the plight of "abnormals" or whatever he calls them, but I feel like these people's lack of perspective ends up making them even more miserable. Their goals, whether material (a nice house, a nice car, a nice job or whatever) or otherwise (friends, a relationship, even a family), only bring most people slight contentment, at best.

>It is preferable if you remain a nihilist, then you are atleast maintain some semblance of autonomy
Why would a nihilist value autonomy, or anything else for that matter? Seems inherently contradictory.

This is literally meaningless. And if anything, the reverse process is far more common.

>> No.17380839

Mere Christianity (CS Lewis)

>> No.17381040

The only way I see out of this is killing myself at this point, at least when I was younger I could think that maybe there was a chance and it was just growing pains and i had a lot of time ahead of me to figure stuff out. But all I do is go nowhere and accomplish nothing.

>> No.17381139

be a fucking man? lmao.

>> No.17381178


>> No.17381268

Damn, that's good enough I thought it was a quote

>> No.17381284
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24 yo American woman here. After I graduated from Wellesley I needed to find myself, and decided to forgo yoga training and travel the world and write about my experiences and the impact they have on my life. (I haven't been outside the country since I volunteered in Costa Rica for a week in during the summer in High School, where I learned how hard some people have it).

I've been all over Europe (s/o to Truow!) and I'm currently in Barcelona, where I love the incredible architecture, the breathtaking art history, the luscious music, the exquisite tapas, the vibrant nightlife and the chance to explore my sexuality with the interesting people I meet. The freedom is like nothing I've experienced before. Everybody should experience this, and I think there's no doubt that travel makes you a richer person.

I recently got this tattoo in cool parlor after clubbing in Kreuzberg (in Berlin) (this is me on a beach in Morocco), which I think defines the kind of character I want to be. It reminds me never to take things for granted because we all face challenges, and no matter how hard life can seem, you need to stay grounded.

>> No.17381434


you really want to give up your nihilism? Then watch the video, think about what you want to do about it afterwards and don't make yourself dependent on other comments. Rather, rely on yourself. (Maybe you read a book one day and if the book doesn't help you, then you read the next book that you think would help you. This is how my book collection came about. Well, it's kind of logical, you do a lot of research.)
I would advise you to leave 4chan for 1 year and then you can see what you've achieved by then.

I'm also sorry that the voice sounds like a teenager and just someone who scrolls around on 4chan. But focus on the content rather than on his voice. Because what he says is exactly what you have to realize.

A lot is exchanged on / lit / and a lot of texts are written. But none of that does anything. That brings you zero. You have to approach it differently.

I'm only on 4chan at the moment, because I'm a little off track and want to hang around a bit but to be honest, most of what I see here puts me in a rather bad mood (especially all this triggering and the nonstop childish disarming attempts) because I'm actually already over it.

>> No.17381612
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Read Stirner and build a new morality with you at the centre.

>> No.17381630
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>> No.17381650

this normie shit made me puke.

>> No.17381757

Stop doing it

>> No.17381978

>Give himself
retroactively refuted by The Republic. In order for that to occur, God's better half would have to give to the worse half. Of course, who is going to say that God is, first of all, divisible and, secondly, that he is imperfect.

>> No.17382026

Excellent post, I threw up into my mouth a little bit.

>> No.17382031

How about a pet or a plant? If you can care for it.

>> No.17382035


>> No.17382043

have sex

>> No.17382054

There is nothing wrong with this

>> No.17382106

Not with that attitude

>> No.17382237

Have sex unironically.