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File: 53 KB, 344x350, nick land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17375636 No.17375636 [Reply] [Original]

So it's safe to say he was wrong about everything right? 2021 and there's no cool Lovecraftian technological horror, no post-human cyberpunk dystopia, no mind-viruses or AI takeover... All we got was trannies.

>> No.17375642

he's a grifter. Only trannies ever took him seriously.

>> No.17375646

The AI takeover is coming, though that's hardly a Land idea

>> No.17375706

Trannies was all he wanted.
So he was right.

>> No.17375709

Did he ever say this would happen by 2021?

>> No.17375714

>there's no cool Lovecraftian technological horror, no post-human cyberpunk dystopia, no mind-viruses or AI takeover
Having any of that would be horrifying

>> No.17375726

>2021 and there's no cool Lovecraftian technological horror, no post-human cyberpunk dystopia, no mind-viruses or AI takeover.
no kali yuga means that the apocalypse has to happen right now!
I am alive for the end times. It is all coming togetehr right now because it is I, ME, who is here! REEEEEEEE

>> No.17375732
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AI is a joke. There will never be a singularity or AI that is even remotely intelligent. AI at best works like a complicated tractor. Good at very simple tasks.

But the idea it ever becomes something more is a joke and fails to understand intelligence as a concept.

In saying that we do live in a cyberpunk dystopia just without the neon lights.

>> No.17375741

More likely than AI becoming self-aware or intelligent and taking control is it becoming the most powerful tool of oppression we've ever seen.

>> No.17375743

define intelligence and why you think a brain can do it but not a computer

>> No.17375749

Land believes intelligence exists within the market itself. The research of E.O.Wilson and others proves that distributed "intelligent" behavior exists across things like ant colonies, mold, forests, etc.
Land was never predicting some kind of sci-fi movie artificial intelligence escaping from le computer or whatever gayness you are imagining

>> No.17375755

The dystopia is already here and it's the worst case scenario: it's utterly boring. When the thing that makes people claim civilization is collapsing is mixed couples, trannies, and a joke of a president losing to another puppet that will do absolutely nothing different, you know we're in the most boring timeline possible. There is simply just nothing going on.

>> No.17375762

>All we got was trannies.

>> No.17375763

>he market itself. The research of E.O.Wilson and others proves that distributed "intelligent" behavior exists across things like ant colonies, mold, forests, etc.
ant colonies, molds, and forests are designed by evolution, just like our brains, so seeing intelligence in them isn't that surprising. Markets emerge out of technology and civilization, which is a different process than biological evolution. Not saying there couldn't be emergent intelligence in markets but you can't use the biological examples as evidence for that sort of thing.

>> No.17375780

My point is "self-awareness" isn't really defined. The inner workings of the human brain aren't understood. there is evidence that we aren't really self-aware.

>> No.17375785

the only thing he correctly predicted - though unconsciously and through example - is that we would all be living in fantasies of reality built from our own preferences.

>> No.17375787

Self-awareness isn't necessarily required for intelligence. You can't tell anyway, an alien wouldn't know if we were self-aware or just automatons

>> No.17375800

I think self-awareness is required otherwise it is just an automation. We dont think tractors are intelligent, even self driven tractors are intelligent (seemingly), even though they drive better than humans.

>> No.17375854

>Markets emerge out of technology and civilization, which is a different process than biological evolution.
It's one layer above the biological participants, same as with an ant colony.

> Not saying there couldn't be emergent intelligence in markets
Markets can be quickly defined as price-discovery machines. They behave intelligently already.

>but you can't use the biological examples as evidence for that sort of thing.
Already did and you've already tacitly accepted it. Owned

>> No.17375859

>neochina hypermegacapital
>two more weeks

>> No.17375864

>Land believes
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17375865

>It's one layer above the biological participants, same as with an ant colony.
Ant colonies are not one layer above biology, the behavior of ant colonies evolved. You could even view an ant colony as one organism due to the reproductive bottleneck but it's not necessary, something like herding behavior or how migratory birds flock is another example of biologically evolved behavior with multiple individuals.

Markets are not biologically evolved human behavior in the same way. Human language and basic toolmaking are, but beyond that it is a different process.

>> No.17375877

>but beyond that it is a different process.
all technology needs is the adequate escape velocitiy. thats the whole point;
your only argument should be that such can never occur. to which then one should ask: "Why not?"

>> No.17375879

I think stuff like the newer chess engines are a better example of automatons doing stuff that looks 'smart'. Some of the better robots can do some basic manual tasks now too

>> No.17375886

my argument is simply that it is a different process. Biological evolution works mainly by natural selection, the replication of genes. That's obviously not how technology and markets are created.

>> No.17375935

>Markets are not biologically evolved human behavior in the same way. Human language and basic toolmaking are, but beyond that it is a different process.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics that could only belong to a Marxist.

>> No.17375939


>> No.17375950

I don't even need an understanding of markets to point out that markets had to emerge, and then the nature of markets has evolved over time, and this has not been due to changes in the human genome, but to cultural and technological evolution.

>> No.17375968

>markets had to emerge, and then the nature of markets has evolved over time
That's your fundamental misunderstanding. Read a book.

>> No.17375993

SInce you haven't actually said anything, I'll assume you have no point. Humans in hunter-gatherer times did not have complex markets, stratified societies, complex technology and associated goods, etc.

>> No.17376003

Land was actually a poet in many ways. If you think his Lovecraftian bend was some sort of literal prediction for the future, then you just missed the whole point. It’s about worldview. Nick Land sought to infect people and that’s exactly what he did.

>> No.17376022

there will be mind viruses soon..

brain computer interface, google it

>> No.17376037
File: 696 KB, 632x388, 1610082569113.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Land was actually a poet in many ways.

>> No.17376038
File: 49 KB, 739x415, gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gabe Newell says brain-computer interface tech will allow video games far beyond what human 'meat peripherals' can comprehend
>"The real world will seem flat, colourless, blurry compared to the experiences you'll be able to create in people's brains.
>"Where it gets weird is when who you are becomes editable through a BCI," Newell said.
>At the moment, people accept their feelings are just how they feel — but Newell says BCIs will soon allow the editing of these feelings digitally, which could be as easy as using an app.
>"As soon as you do that, they say, 'Oh, well can we give people a tentacle?' Our brains were never designed to have tentacles, but it turns out brains are really flexible."
>"You could make people think they [are] hurt by injuring their tool, which is a complicated topic in and of itself," he said.
>Game developers might harness that function to make a player feel the pain of the character they are playing as when they are injured — perhaps to a lesser degree.


>> No.17376045

There are mind viruses now and that’s part of Land’s whole thing.

>> No.17376056

I won’t play Half Life period. Forget the brain interface.

>> No.17376065
File: 126 KB, 1200x900, cyberpunk apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how about piloting a drone then


Three drones lift off, filling the air with their telltale buzz. They slowly sail upward as a fleet—evenly spaced and level—and then hover aloft.

On the ground, the pilot isn't holding a remote control. In fact, he isn't holding anything. He's just sitting there calmly, controlling the drones with his mind.

This isn't science fiction. This is a YouTube video from 2016.

In the clip, a mechanical engineering Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University (ASU) sports an odd piece of headwear. It looks a bit like a swim cap, but with nearly 130 colorful sensors that detect the student's brain waves. These devices let him move the drones simply by thinking directional commands: up, down, left, right.

>BCI technology allows a human brain and an external device to talk to one another—to exchange signals. It gives humans the ability to directly control machines, without the physical constraints of the body.

>> No.17376255
File: 17 KB, 171x266, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people always photoshop his head? Use the unedited one.

>> No.17376265
File: 110 KB, 807x719, 1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17376295
File: 40 KB, 589x377, pig-head-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no post-human cyberpunk dystopia
I don't know in what country live, but it's normal in mine, when in the conversation with friends or relatives, you mention some items, and then suddenly you receive online advertising with the goods you mentioned, simply because your phone happened in the same room. Or you can buy on the black market the entire history of your movements in your city last year from a leaked government database, just because each of the hundreds of thousands CCTV cameras is equipped with facial recognition and every apartment building entrance is monitored online.
I literally live in the cyberpunk reality, kek.

>> No.17376304

*in what country you live

>> No.17376309

>you can buy on the black market the entire history of your movements in your city last year from a leaked government database
what. never heard of this.
cant even tell if are talking about england or china kek

>> No.17376760

computers cannot get horny

>> No.17376766


>> No.17376889

How conclusive is cypernetics beyond being an interesting feedback loop theory?

>> No.17376892

Yes, America and Europe hasnt been experiencing mass riots alongside the rise of a police state. Coocoocoocok

>> No.17377043

If all we got was trannies then Land was definitely right.

>> No.17377329

put on socks you fat slob

>> No.17377340
File: 5 KB, 220x220, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, the bullying against accelerationist members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since accels are some of the biggest contributors, have the highest social intelligence, and are the most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking, and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only accelerationist who finds it hard to take pride in his own Sinoism after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my speed from insecure losers here. Why not bully Christians or Marxists? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our superior philosophy? Guenonfags and schizoposters get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest philosophy in the world.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!

Would you call an accelerationist a "tranny"(not true at all) to her face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and scientific salt of the earth Chinese woman that they are "slower" than Western men? Would you say those words to your fellow futurist brethren? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking decelerationists?

Your destroying philosophy, your dividing capital against itself, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behaviour. So I encourage you to stop now.

>> No.17377346

>no mind-viruses
>we got trannies
Pick ONE (1)

>> No.17377577

>cyberpunk isnt real
all the while anything that happens at all is constituted by winner winner chicken dinner slot machine mechanics. yes you found this post doing so

>> No.17377627

It's normal to think of the market in its vast complexity and unpredictability as something cognating, especially since it holds such sway over so many people's lives. I'll buy that insofar as it reacts to simuli but thinking of it as an intelligence removes any sort of human accountability. The stimuli the market responds to is still often a mirror of human activity an decisions, usually the decisions of powerful people. The market is another aspect of capital that the western world has grafted their ingrained concept of divine providence onto so that whichever way the market heads is just and impartial and 100% not because it benefits powerful people who stand to gain from its shifts

>> No.17377636
File: 160 KB, 686x526, 1580489601183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only conceivable end of Kantianism is the end of modernity, and to reach this we must foster new Amazons in our midst.

>> No.17377710

>"The real world will seem flat, colourless, blurry compared to the experiences you'll be able to create in people's brains.
Somebody needs to give Gaben a shamanic quantity of acid. He's just a few activated neurons away from the realisation that he could start a neo-hippie technoacid cyber cult in New Zealand. Videogames are for brainlets and trannies. What we really need from Gabaru is that Charlie Manson 2.0 type shit.

>> No.17377718

for you

>> No.17377719

>All we got was trannies.
Horror enough for me.

>> No.17377754

dude is a billionaire he can dress however he wants